Crime Thread

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FB75, Thrashen & G301, thanks much gentlemen.

Thrashen, unlike your typical "keyboard kommandos", I can back it up!

Parody, I LOVE the graphic partner!

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
DWFan said:
Oh my god. Oh my god. Victim in TN robbery wants them to play in the game.

Whoever it was above that said these guys put these games above everything has been absolutely proven right in the most ghoulish way I can think of.

Hate to say so, but this is the typical gelded White man. More of em than we'd like to believe. Pathetic creature.
Bart said:
DWFan said:
Oh my god. Oh my god. Victim in TN robbery wants them to play in the game.

Whoever it was above that said these guys put these games above everything has been absolutely proven right in the most ghoulish way I can think of.

Hate to say so, but this is the typical gelded White man. More of em than we'd like to believe. Pathetic creature.

Complete castrated, DWF obliviot. If I was the victim, I couldn't fathom wanting anything less than the business end of Sam Colt for those vermin!

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
Black Woman Pimps Baby Daughter to Perv Killer

This is a HARD-HITTING post. Ever wonder why many blacks are pro-miscegenation? I think the answer is staring us in the face - right now.

A beastly crime, no doubt.

Another thing to carry away is the bald-faced lie that liberals tell you all the time. They say that Whites are the majority of sex criminals, perverts and serial murderers when the exact opposite is true. They feel free to lie because they desparately want to make White crime somehow "balance out"Â￾ when compared to the true street behavior of blacks. Just look at the rates of incarceration for blacks â€" one out of every three males will see the inside of a jail and the women are not far behind.

Very TRUE.
This child is case of miscegenation. Her father is a white man with blond hair. But even as black women go I have to say his tate in ladies scrao the extreme bottom of the barrel.
Tired old White said:
This child is case of miscegenation. Her father is a white man with blond hair. But even as black women go I have to say his tate in ladies scrao the extreme bottom of the barrel.

Yes, another example why miscegenation is a bad idea. This should be a warning to men that if you produce a child with a black woman, that even if you work 3 jobs to support that child and provide for it the best you can, you run the risk of the woman's family, friends, and other associates, or the woman herself bringing down everything you've worked for with one fell swoop.
"I think they should still be able to play football, regardless," he said. "Tennessee is my place. It's my football team."

"Even after they put a gun in your face, you say let them play football?" 6 News asked.

"Yeah, it's Tennessee. That's the way it is sometimes," Zickefoose said.

This absolute madness cannot possibly sustain itself forever. Whites like this imbecile, King-DWF are setting strange new standards for athlete / thug / african forgiveness. A white man is not even permitted to speak ill of scholarship blacks criminals days after being held at gunpoint? And for what, the sake of loser Tennessee football? I'm sure the victim's "father" is very proud of his little african waterboy "son." After all, he was only doing what's "best for OUR team."

I would have utilized that opportunity to give the totalitarian media a peice of my un-brainwashed mind.
A 15-year-old boy who was killed by his father in an execution style killing spent the last moments of his life pleading, "No, Daddy! No!"

negro kills teenaged son for molesting his 3 year old sister

Jamar Pinkney Jr. was shot in the head Monday by his 37-year-old father, Jamar Pinkney Sr., who allegedly made the teen strip his clothes off and kneel in a vacant lot before he was killed by a single bullet.

The boy's mother, Lazette Cherry, told the Detroit Free Press that Pinkney Sr., showed up at her Highland Park, Mich., home after she told him that their son had made a startling confession.

According to Cherry, the 15-year-old had admitted to having "inappropriate contact" with his 3-year-old half sister. "I called and told his father this isn't something you sweep under the rug," Cherry, who was unable to be reached by, told the paper.
Thrashen said:
"I think they should still be able to play football, regardless," he said. "Tennessee is my place. It's my football team."

"Even after they put a gun in your face, you say let them play football?" 6 News asked.

"Yeah, it's Tennessee. That's the way it is sometimes," Zickefoose said.

This absolute madness cannot possibly sustain itself forever. Whites like this imbecile, King-DWF are setting strange new standards for athlete / thug / african forgiveness. A white man is not even permitted to speak ill of scholarship blacks criminals days after being held at gunpoint? And for what, the sake of loser Tennessee football? I'm sure the victim's "father" is very proud of his little african waterboy "son." After all, he was only doing what's "best for OUR team."

I would have utilized that opportunity to give the totalitarian media a peice of my un-brainwashed mind.

Wow, King-DWF is about the best way to describe this particular brainwashed weasel. The sad thing is, there is a lot more of where that came from. There was a story sometime back of some "activist" woman, might have been a professor, who was in DC for a conference and was mugged and her head cracked open by a negro thug. Instead of blaming him, she blamed herself and the rest of society for his ill deeds. There are many, many examples of stupid white people who continue to be black apologists no matter what the case may be.

To me, these people are the biggest embarrassment to mankind.
The parents of Anne Pressly will be interviewed on FOX tonight, the Mike Huckabee show 8pm Eastern.
The comments after the video are really good, especially since it's on an establishment media site. I'm surprised Breitbart hasn't censored them.
Don Wassall said:
The comments after the video are really good, especially since it's on an establishment media site.  I'm surprised Breitbart hasn't censored them.

Yes indeed. I read comments like those and I know that white racial awareness is growing and the pot-bellied everyman DWF hordes are shrinking.

Every single comment after the video was anti-liberal, anti-minority, anti-Obongo, etc. Refreshing.
Atlanta Falcons DT "JonYOthan" Babineaux busted for dope possession. He'd been popped in 2007 for killing his girlfriend's dog (a pit-bull) mix.

Falcons DT Babineaux Busted With Drugs

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
Babineaux is another overgrown afflete that is VERY mentally slow. I wouldn't trust him babysitting a rock...
You cannot make this stuff up:

Thugs doing their thang


Witnesses said Smith was exercising on the elliptical machine when the duo ambushed him from behind, stabbing him three times in the back and walloping him in the head with a hammer.

Done in typical ******* style, whether it's a sucker punch, an ambush, or a stab in the back.

Another lesson learned: Never turn your back on a "brutha" in the gym while exercising, you never know what's coming.
The link from Foobar's story shows that all involved-from the deceased to the alleged killers-are/were real nice black guys so nobody should have to take any responsibility because it's unimaginable anyone did anything wrong.

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