"I think they should still be able to play football, regardless," he said. "Tennessee is my place. It's my football team."
"Even after they put a gun in your face, you say let them play football?" 6 News asked.
"Yeah, it's Tennessee. That's the way it is sometimes," Zickefoose said.
This absolute madness cannot possibly sustain itself forever. Whites like this imbecile, King-DWF are setting strange new standards for athlete / thug / african forgiveness. A white man is not even permitted to speak ill of scholarship blacks criminals days after being held at gunpoint? And for what, the sake of loser Tennessee football? I'm sure the victim's "father" is very proud of his little african waterboy "son." After all, he was only doing what's "best for OUR team."
I would have utilized that opportunity to give the totalitarian media a peice of my un-brainwashed mind.