Crime Thread

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Not to mention how the quality of sports would improve!
Don Wassall said:
There was the "Zebra Killings" in San Francisco in 1973-'74 in which a small cult of black supremacists methodically shot and killed dozens of Whites in the city.  There was also a black supremacist cult in Louisiana I believe several years back that also targeted Whites as part of its philosophy. 

Don't forget one of the founding fathers of black on white violence Nat Turner! He is a great examples of the type of "heroes" blacks have. With heroes like Nat Turner, who needs villians???
Speaking of black serial killers, I just saw that John Allen Muhammad is going to get his on November 10. A bad combination of black on white and Muslim on white murder. He can go on down to hell and visit with Allah.
FootballDad said:
Speaking of black serial killers, I just saw that John Allen Muhammad is going to get his on November 10.  A bad combination of black on white and Muslim on white murder.  He can go on down to hell and visit with Allah.

Does he get his 40 virgins for that??
jaxvid said:
FootballDad said:
Speaking of black serial killers, I just saw that John Allen Muhammad is going to get his on November 10. A bad combination of black on white and Muslim on white murder. He can go on down to hell and visit with Allah.

Does he get his 40 virgins for that??

Not to mention the rivers of wine
The NBA's Cleveland Cavaliers' Delonte West packing a whole lot of concealed heat.

<div ="timestamp">Thursday, Nov. 5, 2009</div><h2>NBA player indicted for carrying three concealed weapons</h2> <h3>Brandywine resident could get up to 18 years in prison, $15,000 in fines</h3><div ="byline">by Daniel Valentine | Staff Writer</div>

NBA athlete and Eleanor Roosevelt High School graduate Delonte M. West
was indicted by a grand jury Tuesday on six counts of carrying three
concealed weapons as he rode a motorcycle Sept. 17 in Prince George's
County, prosecutors said.

West, 26, who lives in Brandywine, had been pulled over for speeding by
Prince George's County police on the Capital Beltway near Largo. He was
found with two handguns and an 8-inch-long knife tucked in his pants,
and a loaded shotgun strapped on his back, according to police.

If convicted, he could receive three years in prison and a $2,500 fine
on each of the six weapons charges. The gun charges include two counts
of carrying a dangerous weapon, two counts of carrying a handgun and
two counts of transporting a handgun on a roadway.

Maryland law prohibits people from carrying concealed weapons unless
they are a law enforcement officer, hold a permit or have "a reasonable
precaution against apprehended danger."

He was also indicted on charges of reckless and negligent driving in
his Can-Am Spyder, a three-wheeled motorcycle. He is expected to face a
court hearing in January or February.

West's home number is unlisted, and no attorney has been named as his representative in the case.

West was a star athlete at Eleanor Roosevelt High School in Greenbelt.
He graduated from Roosevelt in 2001 and played basketball for three
years for Saint Joseph's University in Philadelphia before he was
drafted by the Boston Celtics in 2004. He has played for the Cleveland
Cavaliers since 2007 and last year signed a three-year, $12.6 million

The indictments were issued the same day that West and the Cavaliers
were scheduled to play the Washington Wizards. West is not required to
turn himself in on the charges, prosecutors said.

The high number of weapons led to a quick indictment by the grand jury,
said county State's Attorney Glenn F. Ivey, who said that West also had
more than 112 shotgun shells on him in addition to the weapons.

"I think it made an impression on the grand jury," Ivey said.

Officials with the Cleveland Cavaliers could not be immediately reached for comment.

E-mail Daniel Valentine at
What a beautiful couple!

Are you all aware of this case? I saw it on TV at the time (and the pictures), but I think I missed the part that she's "Hispanic" at that time (because, from seeing her pic on TV for a short amount of time, she looked largely White - even though she's likely a bit mixed)!!

I hope this post can end up saving a few White lives. WAKE UP White man!
Putting the two idiots together you might not have the IQ of a functioning adult. Maybe some gang members can demonstrate martial arts on the ******* MMA wanna be....
Here'sa heartwarming story about an arranged childhood marriage here in KC by black muslims. The "poor" fellow is being charged with statuatory rape. Why blacks frequently are Muslim is beyond me, since the Muslims are the ones that captured and sold the black into slavery in the first place! Now, about this story, he's just following his prophet's example, since Muhammad married Aisha when she was six and "consummated" the marriage when she was nine........
Any black man that rapes/murders a white woman or women deserves to be flayed! Fortunately many of the states where black on white crime is very prevalent do have the death penalty. This is no doubt a reason used by anti-death penalty advocates to get rid of it. For some reason it does seem that many of the black on white woman murders result in an arrest. I'm sure civil rights advocates don't like it, as I'm sure they think the high arrest rate comes from some racist ideology to quickly solve black on white murders while forgetting black on black ones. But I think it usually has to do with the brazenness of the attack. In their extra brutality in these crimes, they tend to leave a lot of evidence.

Unfortunately even in death penalty states, sometimes the prosecutor will choose to not seek the penalty. Also, for the unfortunate whites that live in majority black areas and get murdered, you can be sure that even if a black jury convicts the perp (which isn't always the case, ala OJ Simpson), they have a good chance of nullifying the death penalty.
Black "prominent" Columbia architecture professor punched a (White) female university employee in the face at a Harlem bar during a heated argument about race relations. Even their "intellectuals" resort to TNB...punching women (via the ol' "sucker punch")!

Black Professor Punches White Woman Over Argument on Race

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
Hah, the 'ol sucker punch. Why is the sucker punch such a prominent aspect of negro life? It seems they learn this stuff as kids, and it becomes part of who they are. What a bunch of cowards!Edited by: foobar75
But no movie, or even fictionalized novel, on the Zebra murders yet. Even with the non-PC elements it's hard to understand as the story is both horrific and compelling.

Zebra murder victims may exceed one thousand. All white. Most victims were 'invisible' as they were homeless, runaways, drug addicts, winos and the mentally ill. Often the victims were tortured before being murdered. The murderers had cunning and understood how murder investigations worked in terms of victim priority (not so much a matter of some victims being more valuable but more a matter of which cases had a good chance of being solved). They were the product of state institutions and the core members were former San Quentin convicts.

(Another example of serial murder committed by a large group, The Freight Train Riders of America murders, committed by a gang white train-hopping hoboes, also followed the pattern of selecting 'invisible' targets. The differences are fewer victims, a lack of overt racial animus and non-selection of women and children.)

Attempting to murder white inmates and guards proved difficult and dangerous so easier targets were considered. Each victim was assigned a numerical value with children being worth the most points followed by women and then men. This was explained as murdering women and children was emotionally taxing. Nothing to do with women and children being easier to kill. With enough points an acolyte earned 'wings' as a Death Angel.

On a single day, in daylight, four murders in different parts of SF occurred at the same moment. All of the victims were white.

The murderers were black Muslims, part of the Nation of Islam (which is just one, and not even the largest, of the five main black Muslim groups in the U.S.), Louis Farrakhan's group.

The downfall of the Zebra murderers began when they selected 'visible' targets. Several dozen middle-class job holders who would be missed within hours. Four Zebras were convicted. BUT, there were at least a score of Zebras who had earned Death Angel status. Where did the rest go? Did they lose their taste for torture and murder?

The murders may be continuing. The Yahweh Ben Yahweh cult murders in Florida were carried out by current and former members of the NOI who had ties to the West Coast. 'Invisible' victims continue to be found. Murders with Zebra characteristics have occurred in Texas, Georgia, New Jersey and elsewhere. Homeless whites quickly learn to avoid any shelters controlled by black staff or guests.

While the story is interesting it may be best if it is never made mainstream. That is was so easy to murder so many whites, without detection and without consequence, would only give blacks inspiration to repeat the crimes. If it does go mainstream I suspect the motivation would be to encourage blacks to murder whites on a large scale.

But still, it is a story that would be told otherwise. Incompetent police work. The 'anti-semitic' Louis Farrakhan cast as a villain. A semi-famous victim who survived, mildly libertarian yet strongly liberal former SF mayor Art Agnos (when he was running for mayor and described as a survivor of the Zebra murders the racial aspect was never mentioned or explained). The serial murder theme which has been the basis of many successful books, television shows and movies.

And, it is still happening.Edited by: Charlie
Now we all remember that situation a few months ago with the white kid on the bus being attacked by a negro schoolmate while a wigger watched and laughed in the background.  This article is from September but it states how some students said the fight wasn't because the kid was white but rather over a seat.

Considering how the whole bus was blacks except for that one race traiting white kid you can see how blacks stick together.  Of course it wasn't racial. It never is unless it's whitey who commits the crime.
DixieDestroyer said:
Black "prominent" Columbia architecture professor punched a (White) female university employee in the face at a Harlem bar during a heated argument about race relations. Even their "intellectuals" resort to TNB...punching women (via the ol' "sucker punch.

Commentary from the Political Cesspool.

They're always wondering why we can't have a "conversation about race"Â￾ in America. Well, here's one good reason. A black affirmative action "professor"Â￾ at the Ivy League's Columbia University sucker punched a white woman in the face because she disagreed with his rants about "white privilege"Â￾ and "racism."Â￾ Puts a whole new spin on that "nation of cowards"Â￾ crack by Eric Holder, huh?

A prominent Columbia architecture professor punched a female university employee in the face at a Harlem bar during a heated argument about race relations, cops said yesterday.

Police busted Lionel McIntyre, 59, for assault yesterday after his bruised victim, Camille Davis, filed charges.

McIntyre and Davis, who works as a production manager in the school's theater department, are both regulars at Toast, a popular university bar on Broadway and 125th Street, sources said.

The professor, who is black, had been engaged in a fiery discussion about "white privilege"Â￾ with Davis, who is white, and another male regular, who is also white, Friday night at 10:30 when fists started flying, patrons said.

McIntyre, who is known as "Mac"Â￾ at the bar, shoved Davis, and when the other patron and a bar employee tried to break it up, the prof slugged Davis in the face, witnesses said.

"The punch was so loud, the kitchen workers in the back heard it over all the noise,"Â￾ bar back Richie Velez, 28, told The Post. "I was on my way over when he punched Camille and she fell on top of me."Â￾

The other patron involved in the dispute said McIntyre then took a swing at him after he yelled, "You don't hit a woman!"Â￾

"He knocked the glasses right off my face,"Â￾ said the man, who would only give his first name as "Shannon."Â￾ "The punch came out of nowhere. Mac was talking to us about white privilege and what I was doing about it â€" apparently I wasn't doing enough."Â￾

McIntyre had squabbled with Davis several weeks earlier over issues involving race, witnesses said. As soon as the professor threw the punch Friday, server Rob Dalton and another employee tossed him out.

"It was a real sucker punch,"Â￾ Dalton said. "Camille's a great lady, always nice to everybody, and doesn't deserve anything like this."Â￾

Davis was spotted wearing sunglasses yesterday to conceal the black eye. Reached at her Columbia office, she declined to comment on the alleged attack.

McIntyre was released without bail at his arraignment last night.

"It was a very unfortunate event,"Â￾ he said afterwards. "I didn't mean for it to explode the way it did."Â￾

I'm sure Obama believes the racist white woman "acted stupidly"Â￾ by disagreeing with a "prominent"Â￾ black professor, because it's always racist for a white person to disagree with a black person, especially when they're ranting about racism. And as a member of the "privileged"Â￾ white class, she had a responsibility to duck the punch so the professor didn't get in trouble. But, being a racist, she didn't, and once again a poor, powerless black man is in the hands of the racist justice system thanks to Camille Davis's racism. Just like Henry Gates. But Obama can't say it. Not after the way the racist honkies reacted when he meddled in the Henry Gates arrest. Better just to bide his time.

Say, do you think a white professor who had punched a black woman after talking about out of control black crime would have gotten charged with a hate crime? Me too. But this guy doesn't have to worry about that. Hate crime charges are for white people.
I would have knocked him in the teeth, then taken him down and held him there for police to come. I would be sure to nearly dislocated his shoulder while he was down
I wonder what DixieDestroyer would have done!
Electric Slide said:
I would have knocked him in the teeth, then taken him down and held him there for police to come. I would be sure to nearly dislocated his shoulder while he was down
I wonder what DixieDestroyer would have done!

Well, I'd certainly never set foot in Harlem.
However...if such an incident happened in my (red)neck of the woods, you can bet the Professor would have feasted on a few quick elbows, thai clinch followed by nice some knees to his noggin!I'd try not to let my enjoyment show too much the bystanders would be horrified enough by the good professor's bloody "chiclets" on the floor!

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
DixieDestroyer said:
Well, I'd certainly never set foot in Harlem.
However...if such an incident happened in my (red)neck of the woods, you can bet the Professor would have feasted on a few quick elbows, thai clinch followed by nice some knees to his noggin!I'd try not to let my enjoyment show too much the bystanders would be horrified enough by the good professor's bloody "chiclets" on the floor!

And this is why you're one of my favorite CF members, DD!
DD, haha, you are the ultimate keyboard kommando! I would have done the same to this "educated brotha."

I'm quite shocked that the female professor actually stood up to him. Usually white females are even more eager to witness the total annihilation of our people.

In a sick way, I'm almost glad he sucker punched a woman. At least violence aginast women will actually make news headlines for the zombies to read. At least this fraud is now being exposed as the black supremecist that he is. It's a shame that a good woman like that had to get smashed in the face before any white "men" at the university would dare challenge this bigot turd and his "pity me" attitude.
foobar75 said:
DixieDestroyer said:
Well, I'd certainly never set foot in Harlem.
However...if such an incident happened in my (red)neck of the woods, you can bet the Professor would have feasted on a few quick elbows, thai clinch followed by nice some knees to his noggin!I'd try not to let my enjoyment show too much the bystanders would be horrified enough by the good professor's bloody "chiclets" on the floor!

And this is why you're one of my favorite CF members, DD!

Mine too!
negro sentenced for murder of female TV News Anchor

(CNN) -- A jury sentenced an Arkansas man to life in prison without parole for killing a television anchor, officials said Thursday.

The Pulaski County, Arkansas, jury on Wednesday convicted Curtis Lavelle Vance, 29, of capital murder, residential burglary, rape and theft of property in the October 2008 slaying of Anne Pressly, 26.

Pressly, the morning news anchor for CNN affiliate KATV, was found beaten and unconscious in her home. She died five days later.

Vance's sentencing phase began after he was convicted Wednesday of capital murder, rape and burglary.
Too bad Curtis Vance was not sentenced to death. Where the prosecutors in this case seeking such a punishment?

In other news, three freshman Tennessee Volunteer affletes accused of attempted armed robbery in Knoxville. These great minority athletes bring so much to the diverse university community, don't they? Here's an excerpt:

Safety Janzen Jackson and receiver Nu'Keese Richardson, two of coach Lane Kiffin's most prized signees from his first recruiting class, were among three Tennessee football players arrested early Thursday morning in Knoxville on charges of attempted armed robbery.

The third player arrested is also a freshman, defensive back Mike Edwards. It was not immediately clear if the players have attorneys.

In an another story of the character of prized affletes, former Nebraska RB Thunder Collins was convicted of first degree murder and sentenced to "life" in prison PLUS 110 years to be served consecutively.

A jury deliberated five hours before convicting him.

When the verdict came, Collins yelled out in court.

"I'm the victim. I'm the victim here. They know I didn't kill nobody. They know I didn't kill nobody!"

Anyone within earshot of the courtroom heard his protests for innocence.

Collins still considers that his status as a former Husker made it easier for the jury to convict him.
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