Crime Thread

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Mounting mountains (yes, you read that correctly) of evidence that MSM (Ministry of Smoke and Mirrors, aka Mostly Satanic Morons, et al) is complicit in the war against facts, truth, and Whites in general.

...I know, I'm preaching to the choir here.
Doesn't Missouri have the death penalty? Crap! So this POS will only get life for multiple murders of our fellow Whites and the tax payers feed him three square meals a day, b-ball, weight sets, and probably a great medical and dental plan...

To ******* hell with our (no) Justice System!
once he is in prison he will be dealt(shanked) with quickly by the White inmates unless he is segregated from the general populous by the chicken shyte warden....
once he is in prison he will be dealt(shanked) with quickly by the White inmates unless he is segregated from the general populous by the chicken shyte warden....

The AB &/or NLR will definitely "target" that wicked untermensch.
Blacks, what can you say. Such a burden to the country. Yes, they a few exceptions but on whole, they demonstrate day in and day out how feral and anti-social they truly are. If not here and left to their own devices, they would occupy a sh*thole like Haiti. So tired of their sh*t.
Dad Dies Trying to Protect His 2-Year-Old From Carjackers: 'We Blindly Lost a Beautiful Soul'

Brothers, 16 and 21, arrested in shooting death of Spring Garden activist

A 16-year-old boy accused of fatally shooting a popular neighborhood advocate during a botched carjacking Thursday in the Spring Garden section of the city was free on probation after being found guilty of robbery this year, according to Juvenile Court records and police.

His 21-year-old brother, allegedly with him when Gerard Grandzol was shot, had also been placed on probation, in May, after selling drugs in Center City, the records show.

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Dad Dies Trying to Protect His 2-Year-Old From Carjackers: 'We Blindly Lost a Beautiful Soul'

Brothers, 16 and 21, arrested in shooting death of Spring Garden activist

A 16-year-old boy accused of fatally shooting a popular neighborhood advocate during a botched carjacking Thursday in the Spring Garden section of the city was free on probation after being found guilty of robbery this year, according to Juvenile Court records and police.

His 21-year-old brother, allegedly with him when Gerard Grandzol was shot, had also been placed on probation, in May, after selling drugs in Center City, the records show.


This is why you live in the suburbs around civilized white people. You don't live in a city thereby exposing your family to feral subhumans like these. This guy should have known that but he was too brainwashed by the poisonous popular culture to be able to think intelligently to protect his family. He failed as a man. Harsh, but its the truth.
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