Crime Thread

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Haven't heard this on any msm. I heard about it on the Michael Savage radio show today.

It doesn't fit the media narrative. it will probably go down the memory hole.
Had it been a white man shooting people at a black church, it would be all over the front pages of CNN and MSNBC and on every news telecast for a week.

The people he shot were all age 60 or older, except for the age 39 woman who he killed outside near the entrance.
Haven't heard this on any msm. I heard about it on the Michael Savage radio show today.

It doesn't fit the media narrative. it will probably go down the memory hole.
Heard a bit about it on Tammy Bruce, but you are correct, f*cking MSM buried it. F them.
Since so many Confederate monuments were taken down after Dylann Roof, does this mean that a black racist shooting White people at a church will lead to the Marxist Looter King memorial in Washington DC being knocked down? Also that stupid Joe Louis fist statue in Detriot. And all the Malcolm X monuments. It's 2017, long past time for all those divisive and hateful monuments to black nationalism to be taken down. They have no place in this post-racial society of ours, anyway. As a great American, Rodney King, said (before he ended up face down at the bottom of a swimming pool), "Can't we all just get along?"
Heard a bit about it on Tammy Bruce, but you are correct, f*cking MSM buried it. F them.
A reporter on Infowars had and entire 8-minute segment on it. His report showed him searching for the story in Google and no results were returned about it. The only major "news" media company that covered it was Fox News. It's part of the Orwellian "memory hole" now as it doesn't fit the narrative or the NWO agenda.
Three dindu thugs & 3 filthy mudshark wh0res "set up" & rob a drug dealer of his cocaine & cash. All seven should be swinging from a tall Georgia pine!

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Anyone catch the two negroes stabbed in NY? One KIA and the other will survive. It appears these two "angelic "negroes were bullying a gay Hispanic classmate. He had enough and took matters into his own hands. Scorecard: Hispanic: 1 Dead Negroe: 0 Live Negroe: better think next time. Talk about school yard justice! LOL
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Stormfront had an enormous crime thread like this with many thousands of incidents.
Stormfront had an enormous crime thread like this with many thousands of incidents.

Yes, Stormfront was an excellent site. The anti-White genocidists got it taken off the internet.

Any news on whether it might be coming back?
Some one on Youtube called it right. Anti-fa scum.

Thanks for the pics! If this report is accurate and the pics are genuine and identification is confirmed, it will show once again how violent the Antifa scum really are...
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