Craig Pickering

I know if you drink too much caffeine you will get popped for overloading. It's not the same penalty as getting caught for performanc enhancers though.
Season's Best from Pickering!, but still a bit of a disappointment with a 1.1 wind.
What I find most disturbing is that he had - by far - the slowest reaction time to the gun. He is always the slowest or 2nd slowest out of the blocks. This is old news, but how long is it going to go on? He really needs to get his start together!Edited by: jacknyc
Looks like he had a really bad start. with a good start he could have been down around 10.17-19. at least he beat the other British sprinters. PR in Berlin, mark my words!
white lighting,

do you have a list of CP races for this year? I'm looking to compare time/ place & wind speed for his season so far. the guy that beat him today (Buckland)is 32 years old and hasn't ran that fast in about 8 years. looks like he is using PEDS to extend his career. it a shame CP has got to go against drug cheats.
CARDIFF1ST10.24 -0.2
LILLE 2ND10.231.1

I'm I missing any races?
Edited by: albinosprint
That would be correct albinosprint. Thanks. I'm kind of down about the race. You guys are right about the starts. It's not the drive phase, it is being glued into the starting blocks that is killing the times and confidence. Like I said before, the top speed is there and the drive phase has been corrected. Now if only we can get the reaction time to the gun fixed. Maybe a hearing aid is needed.

I have no other words to describe the frustation felt at the moment. Again though I repeat how obvious it is that the other english sprinters are juicing. They will start a new cycle soon just in time for the UK Champs/World Trials. Watch how quickly the times will go magically back to sub 10.10 for most or all of them barring an injury like one teammate has already suffered.

Today was supposed to be a breakout race. It was going to be a statement. No excuses for being average. Have to perform better. Wish the next race was tommorow despite the lack of rest!
You guys thought I was kidding, but why not drink a pot of coffee before the race. It is a legal food afterall. If his reaction times are bad he may be shy from the false start disqualification recently.
you can't have too much caffeine in your system before a race or you get nailed with a doping violation.
albinosprint said:
you can't have too much caffeine in your system before a race or you get nailed with a doping violation.

From caffeine? Are you serious about that?
yes, caffeine is a stimulant.
albinosprint said:
you can't have too much caffeine in your system before a race or you get nailed with a doping violation.

But from a FOOD anyone and everyone can buy at a concession stand?
They can even nail you for allergy and cold medicine. It's pretty strict. Sprinters have to be very careful and they are. That is why when guys get caught, it is because they tried to cheat on purpose. There are so many undetectable steroids out there. There are always going to be people who try to do it the easy way. I personally look up to people who do it the right way. The road may be long and hard, but if you get to the top, it is so worth it.

9.98 by Berlin.

Rememeber one thing guys. The peak condition is not there yet. It is only around 90% at the moment. The final tweaking and conditioning hopefully will take off the other 2/10ths of a second. At present, 10.20 can be run all day long. It is getting the final gear along with the start and drive phase all going together smoothly. If you compare to last season, a little ahead of last summers pace so far. Not really fair though because of the multiple injuries last season.

It's kind of like the movie "Field of Dreams". If you build it, they will come.

If you build the foundation, the times will come!

You ain't seen but the tip of the iceburg yet. You guys just need to trust me on this as I have the inside scoop. 9.98 by Berlin!
Well, if he can't have the coffee perhaps he should see dietician. Someone like that may be able to find the right combination of foods for him.
2 Brits todayin Oslo, Norway:

10.10- Leevan Yearwood @ +3.0 wind. He just turned 21 a few months ago
10.13 -Simeon Williamson @ -0.3 wind.
Craig just needs to worry about beating them at the trials. Williamson and Chambers are allowed, and he just needs to beat Harry AA and Devonish now that Dasaolu is hurt. And Edgar is a given win.
You guys are funny! You cant get banned for Caffiene, its not on the WADA banned list. Craig is sponsored by Red Bull, so I imagine he knows all about caffeine and its effects, hes not an amateur! Its unrealistic to expect every race of his to be amazing, so calm down, Im sure he will get it right when it matters!
You need to have lot of caffeine for it to be illegal. I never knew he was sponsored by Red Bull, that explains a lot. Can't hurt his reaction time.

I have no doubt he will get that 3rd individual spot. Either that or he will beat the inconsistent Williamson for the 2nd one.
This is the big week with the UK National Champs. All I can say is I have a message for Simeon Williamson. There is a song by Ludacris that most of you probably don't know. It's from several years ago but it fit's perfect. The song fits my feelings perfectly.

Move bitch, get out of the way!

It is time that he gets the f*** out of the way. Cycle or not, Williamson is my number one target. I'm pissed off and coming after his ass. He will not win at the trials! F*** that! Time for that bitch to get beat. This rivalry is turning into a personal war. If you watched the race with the 10.14 p.b. where he ran a 10.10, and he goes whooo after the race, it will not happen this time.No flipping .101 reaction time either. He caught a flyer i.m.o. and got away with it. Not this time.

Williamsons Ass is mine. He is going to get beat down. Tired of this fool. It's on like Donkey Kong. I think that is how he says it. Well he better f***ing bring it next weekend. Even if he does, he is going to lose. This is personal now! Get the f*** out of the way Sim! Coming through on the way to Berlin!
I starting to think White lighting is Craig Pickering
Unless they changed the rules. You can get suspended. Boldon and Mickey Grimes served these suspensions. They were about 2 or 3 months.
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