Here is a great article just posted about Craig. He again states how angry he is and also how dissapointed he was with the decision. The best thing I like about this article is that part towards the end. It looks like he will work on his speed endurance for next season. He want's to run some longer races! Finally they have seen the light. Craig hasn't run a 200 in around 4 or 5 years! This is only part of the problem, but a big part. Most elite sprinters run 200's and even a 400 or two to build their speed endurance. Even Bolt and Gay do it. These races help you as you progress through the season. It helps you to finish out that 100 with explosiveness. The times don't matter. Craig could finish last in the deuce for all I care. He needs to get the work in to help his 100 times. Great news.
Now if they can just fix the other few things. The arm swing, improve the start and lengthen the stride. If all of these things are fixed, we are in for a special year.
Craig will be racing one last time this season in Rieti this weekend.If he can get great conditions and repeat his Gateshead performance, we might finally see a new p.b.
Good luck to Craig this weekend and in fixing the problems in the off season!