Craig Pickering

I feel like I'm getting ready to run!
The very next race. Come on Craig. I'm pumped. I want to run too albinosprint. Let's do this!
whats with the f**king wind!
The wind sucks. It's going to kill all the times and any chance of a p.b. I fogot to mention that my girl Verena Sailer is running in the womens 100 along with Turner.
sailer is hot! her and Pick need to make ababy.
After 2 false starts, Craig finished in 4th. We will have to see if he makes the finals. He has a chance. The times don't really matter because they ran into a 2.9 hurricane wind. I just want him to make the finals and hope the wind turns around.
-2.9, lane 8 and no one next to him. f**king bullsh*t!
I watched it on the bbc english channel and they talked a lot about that 5 jamaicans are caught for juicing.1-2 of them is of the Usain Bolt trainings group they didn't mentioned names.they asked both Usain Bolt and Asafa Powell about it but they said they were not worried but I thought Usain Looked it a bit.I could not understand everything becuase they talked so fast and it is not my best language.
Well the good news is Pick qualified for the final and what makes me happiest is he beat out obvious roider and British rival Harry A-A. Hopefully he can place top 4 in the finals although I can't really expect much in the way of a good time unless the conditions change.
One note to pass on. After heat two of the 100 ended, all of the Brits congratulated each other except not one guy shook Craigs hand. It's a joke how his own teammates treat him. Simeon and Harry are all friendly and even Edgar. Anyone but Craig. They love Dwain as well and always shake his hand or hug him after races. Pickering gets completley ignored. What a damn shame. It has to effect him whether Craig admits it or not. It's not fun to have your teammates dislike you for no reason what so ever!

The final is around 20 minutes away. Still hoping for something special but with the weather(wind) and the hatred brewing, I don't expect too much. I hope he shocks some people. If it continues to get worse, Craig might have to ask himself if he wants to continue competing for Great Britain.

Good luck in the finals Craig. You are a classy guy and you are better than that. Don't let them get to you.
He finished in 7th place running a 10.46! We all know how he must be feeling. It is looking like his season is almost over. I feel bad for him. Not so much for the times and the losses, but for the way he is being treated. Absolutley disgusting. Glad to see Simeon Williamson only finish 5th! He is a real piece of work. The way he treats his only teammate to make the final. The Great Britain Team is in turmoil at the moment.

Keep your head up Craig. At the end of the day, your still only 22 and you have many more races left in your career. We will stand behind you through out your career.
Looks like he gave up in the last 40. His start looked fine, and he was with Asafa for awhile.Keep your head up Craig!
white lightning,

there is a reason they don't like him. its because he is white and fast and it threatens them. at the end of the day Craig can hold his head up high knowing that he is not a drug cheat. he might have been the fast guy not on PEDs today. there was at least 5 cheats in that race. you take drugs out of the question and you would see craig in the top 10. let's hope he get a chance at the open 100m in Berlin.
This is a quote from a guy that was at Crystal Palace and was around the sprinters after the meet Friday Night. It confirms what I've been telling you guys. It's a very sad situation. This really happened and this kind of stuff continues to escalate. It's getting worse by the week. Here is what the guy saw and heard.

Much much better event today than last night (should be one day though)- the non athletics folk in rows in front of me were saying as a sporting event it was poor and slightly boring though.

British relay team ran as expected-sh*te. !!
The sheer arrogance of some of the sprint boys and their coaches appalled me last night. Foul language,abusing security guys when asked to move,borderline racist remarks about White sprinters.... Disgusting people really!

It is a very bad environment for Craig and others right now in England. People have no idea what he is going through. Again, I repeat he might have to make a choice if the coaches don't give a talking to some of the sprinters over there who are out of control. No class. No respect. Not acting like a teammate or friend. It pisses me off. How the hell would they like it if they had to deal with what Craig does?

How do you leave your beloved country. Family, friends, and the Olympics coming in 2 1/2 years. I hope the situation can be improved. It is a ticking time bomb at the moment. Craig as I've said countless times is on an island by himself. They hate him.

Things have to change. They are ruining his confidence, his career and his life. That is all I have to say. I tried to be tactful but some of what's going on overthere is thug like behavior. Edited by: white lightning
white lightning,

i can only imagine how difficult it is for Craig. i'm sure he feels like he is all alone out there ... but he needs to know that he isn't! i am behind him 100%! what he's doing is incredible, and he needs to keep believing in himself.

to Craig, if he ever sees this: keep your head up, mate! never give up, mate. NEVER give up!

the only reason the negroes treat you likecrap is because of their fear. and they are right to be afraid! you have the ability to beat them at their game, and they know it. can you imagine how terrifying it must be for them to know that without their PEDs, they'd be getting their asses kicked by you? keep doing your thing, man.

remember what Borzov said ... your only competition is the clock.

those other guys don't matter. keep working hard and improving, and don't let them get in your head. before you know it all those haters will be left in your wake. bugger the non-believers, mate. you know you can do it.
Just watched the 4 x 100. Craig looked flat, was struggling as Yohan Blake pulled maybe 5 metres on him.
Craig had better forget '09 and re-focus, rethink his training for the C'wealths next year.

The Australian team ran like rubbish! What do they expect when the guys have run NO individual races on tour, just done training time. And see how we now have an imported African on first leg. And he's not that good either.

OK, the upside was that Jared Connaughton looked good to me. First time I've seen him run.
well said Jimmy!
Thank you Jimmy. I appreciate it and I'm sure Craig does too. It's times like this when you know who your friends are. Next year will be a different outcome whether in England or elsewhere. Never back down. Never give up. Jimmy Valvalno. The man right there.

To all the haters and envious jealous people out there, he will be back. You can only hold some one down for so long and Flinstones only go so far. Look at Dwain! LOL.Edited by: white lightning
so it looks like the Brit's are only sending the top 2 to compete in Berlin and Edgar is going for Chambers. and even though I'll admit Pick looked real flat in the 4x1, there is no reason he should be running on the B team! if they are getting ready for Berlin shouldn't he be running on the A team. Britain is just as f**ked up with the caste system as America. this kid just gets sh*t on, and I don't know how he deals with this kind of bull sh*t. it a f**king shame how they treat him. I need to give Pick and hug. if he doesn't go to Berlin, I'm going to have to write a nasty letter to the Great Britain Athletics Selection Committee.
I think alot of this young man,I just think he has alot of talent.He has had some awful luck I remember last year when he ran a 10.26(?) in a negative 3.6w(?).He's just had some awful breaks a lot of good races into the wind or no help at all.He's had alot of top finishes even if not great times. When he had that one-off with Bolt (I don't care if he was a distant 2nd) I thought this was going to be the year. That determination was honestly inspiring,there was a ferociousness to it. But he is racing a lot.He is in a catch-22 he has to compete this much to get the notice and respect even of his own national team and he does seem to tail-off at the end of the season instead of continuing to climb.The only way to stay consistent and even improve as the year wears on is to cheat and that's who is competing against.Cheats! This is what the straight athlete is up against.
the Brits roster for Berlin, only listed a few events.

100m: Dwain Chambers, Tyrone Edgar, Simeon Williamson

200m: Dwain Chambers, Marlon Devonish, Toby Sandeman,

400m: Michael Bingham, Martyn Rooney, Robert Tobin

110m hurdles: Gianni Frankis, Andy Turner

4x100m relay: Harry Akines-Aryeetey, Devonish, Edgar, Rikki Fifton, Craig Pickering, Williamson
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