Coronavirus thread

Will you take the Covid 19 Vaccine?

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Italy changes the definition of Covid deaths from those who died with Covid to those who died from Covid and just like that the death toll goes down by 97%:

Italy Drastically Slashes Covid Death Numbers by 97 Percent — Just 4,000 Died ‘from’ Covid
Incredible! If only others countries would join Italy in their honesty. The world would see that the “pandemic” is just a scam to control the populace, make billions for the drug pushers and implement “vaccine passports” to basically “brand the cattle”, or goyim if you prefer.
The issue is whether this will change the Covid policies of the Italian government as Italy ranks up there with Australia, New Zealand, Canada and Germany as the worst when it comes to lockdowns and now vax passports and vax mandates such as Comrade Biden is trying to force here.
My uncle's wife (I know, we're getting contrived here) lost her mom to "covid" when she graduated out of hospice care to whatever in her late 80s, I guess just getting blasted by a firehose thrice a week by men in space suits. But that's the only covid death I know (ok, you know ten!)

I tip my cap for proverbially losses. It'sa mee, coveeed-a-coooo!!
Sweden, Norway and Denmark all have got rid of all the Covid19 Related things. No masks, no more vaccinations, no social distancing, no covid passports, etc.

Wake Up world and follow these guys lead. It's not gonna happen as they love to push the lies. I can dream though.
Australia -

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Australia -

I am not against even Lefties getting the jab if they want to take a chance on ruining their own health. However, it's when they proudly and pompously do and snidely ridicule and deride anyone against the jab by such twitter posts, media blathering and so forth that actually makes me smile when I see this happen to them. The more vocal they are the better it is when this happens as far as I'm concerned. I wish I didn't feel this way but I do.
Here is the ultimate proof of this fake plandemic and everyones false hero knew everything like the rest of them pushing this crap. It's all about
getting their magic juice and full visibility tracking of all humans on earth.

Everyone needs to read this article with all of the proof and then spread this article and make it go viral.
Here is the ultimate proof of this fake plandemic and everyones false hero knew everything like the rest of them pushing this crap. It's all about
getting their magic juice and full visibility tracking of all humans on earth.

Everyone needs to read this article with all of the proof and then spread this article and make it go viral.

That's a good link for any of the stragglers to learn from. If anyone doesn't know by now that we are without any doubt whatsoever in a planned event read the article and others like it to learn the truth.

The good side of this war comes from the law of unintended consequences. There are so many I can't list, and so many I haven't observed, but here are a few:

We have learned that Trump is a trickster. We were mislead by him. He won't fool us again.

The serpent & dagger guild -medical mafia- what some politely call oncology, have exposed themselves to millions as not just fraudsters but evil wrongdoers.

Churches and religions that have aligned with state and federal medical recommendations have shown themselves to be unworthy to praise God while doing Satan's work.

The more lies are shouted by the broadcasters for the injection cult, the less people are persuaded to join the cult.

Millions of men and women here in America, and the same number multiplide a hundredfold worldwide, are learning about the Bankster's plans and are not simply obeying but are now directly opposing the plan in incalculable and ingenius ways.
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That's a good link for any of the stragglers to learn from. If anyone doesn't know by now that we are without any doubt whatsoever in a planned event read the article and others like it to learn the truth.

The good side of this war comes from the law of unintended consequences. There are so many I can't list, and so many I haven't observed, but here are a few:

We have learned that Trump is a trickster. We were mislead by him. He won't fool us again.

The serpent & dagger guild -medical mafia- what some politely call oncology, have exposed themselves to millions as not just fraudsters but evil wrongdoers.

Churches and religions that have aligned with state and federal medical recommendations have shown themselves to be unworthy to praise God while doing Satan's work.

The more lies are shouted by the broadcasters for the injection cult, the less people are persuaded to join the cult.

Millions of men and women here in America, and the same number multiplide a hundredfold worldwide, are learning about the Bankster's plans and are not simply obeying but are not directly opposing the plan in incalculable and ingenius ways.

Excellent post Ambrose. We need more of this. It's all about building an Alternate Society like Andrew Torba says. We have to exit the Satanic Matrix of Control and
find alternative ways above and around it. DO NOT COMPLY. RESIST as this is the HILL we stand firm on with God by our side!
Excellent post Ambrose. We need more of this. It's all about building an Alternate Society like Andrew Torba says. We have to exit the Satanic Matrix of Control and
find alternative ways above and around it. DO NOT COMPLY. RESIST as this is the HILL we stand firm on with God by our side!
Absolutely we need to live outside of their confines and their Matrix. We need to create our own societies and our own republics when it comes right down to it. It's almost like we should welcome the whole idea of being the leprous outcasts from their world. When it all comes crashing in we can sit on the the nearest hill looking down at their city and laugh. Think 70 AD.
Think LOCAL. Shop LOCAL. Find like minded friends & communities LOCAL.

Globalism is what got us into this mess. Now the Dems & 11 Rinos passed the Communist Takeover of America Bill today. WE are in big trouble.

We must get out of as many of their systems as possible. Create our own systems, health care, banking, etc. Even barter for exchange. It won't be easy
but we cannot be part of this transhuman anti God Society. NEVER EVER!
Think LOCAL. Shop LOCAL. Find like minded friends & communities LOCAL.

Globalism is what got us into this mess. Now the Dems & 11 Rinos passed the Communist Takeover of America Bill today. WE are in big trouble.

We must get out of as many of their systems as possible. Create our own systems, health care, banking, etc. Even barter for exchange. It won't be easy
but we cannot be part of this transhuman anti God Society.

Gentlemen, Lighting's prescription is acurate and true. Therein lies the solution: get out!
Some of us have already been building outside in the free society for years. We were blindsided by the execution of the plan just like everyone else, but we were prepared for it and carried on without it hindering our lives. You all can do it.
Excellent post Ambrose. We need more of this. It's all about building an Alternate Society like Andrew Torba says. We have to exit the Satanic Matrix of Control and
find alternative ways above and around it. DO NOT COMPLY. RESIST as this is the HILL we stand firm on with God by our side!

Thanks. A hundred million Americans not complying makes their system impotent. We are likely two hundred million who have not been injected by the mark.
Absolutely we need to live outside of their confines and their Matrix. We need to create our own societies and our own republics when it comes right down to it. It's almost like we should welcome the whole idea of being the leprous outcasts from their world. When it all comes crashing in we can sit on the the nearest hill looking down at their city and laugh. Think 70 AD.

I'm not of their sect, but people that snickered at the Hutterites, the Amish, the Menonites, and others therelike, will see the benefit of a private society and won't be snickering when they're in the prison matrix.
Here is a 40 year old movie from 1981 trying to warn the world of what we are now living in! Worth a Watch!

Ambrose - That's the whole movie where the excerpt you posted came from. I'll watch the rest of it later. Thanks, WL.

Beyond Fed Up:

"I am not against even Lefties getting the jab if they want to take a chance on ruining their own health... I wish I didn't feel this way but I do."

Me neither. They can take 2 or 3, or 10 or 20 if they want to be really safe + my dose too. I donate it to them. And why wish u didn't feel like that? It sounds like Doubleplus RightThought to me!
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Ambrose - That's the whole movie where the excerpt you posted came from. I'll watch the rest of it later. Thanks, WL.

Beyond Fed Up:

"I am not against even Lefties getting the jab if they want to take a chance on ruining their own health... I wish I didn't feel this way but I do."

Me neither. They can take 2 or 3, or 10 or 20 if they want to be really safe + my dose too. I donate it to them. And why wish u didn't feel like that? It sounds like Doubleplus RightThought to me!

I agree also BFU: I don't care what lefties do they despise us and side with evil anyway. Let them be taken prisoner or ruin themselves.
The strategy to punish dissenters was laid out at Event 201, a conference held in New York in October 2019, three months before anyone heard about Covid. That conference was co-sponsored by the Gates Foundation and World Economic Forum with attendees from NBC News, the CDC, WHO and the Chinese CDC. The CIA also had a representative at that meeting, Avril Haines, who has since become director of national intelligence in the Biden administration.

Listen, in the second video below, to what Haines said in 2019 about “misinformation” and how it must be put down:

From Don's link above further down in the article. This was all planned by the satanic ruling elites...

We are in a war folks! Wake up as many as you can!
Know a guy took the shot and got some ferocious diarrhea. When he went to report the side effect he had to jump through a bunch of hoops and damn near gave up. He says he knows some others that had problems but didn't report the side effects because the process was too much of a hassle.
What do you mean you can still get Covid after getting the jab?
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