Coronavirus thread

Will you take the Covid 19 Vaccine?

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I appreciate a variety of opinions on this and dissent and diplomatic contrarian views that go either way. To each his own I also want to be respectful of all posters and especially you as a staff member of this invaluable site. However, the real danger and what is "so deadly" about this "vaccine" (as it is categorized by the ones behind the official narrative) is the complete power-grab totalitarian agenda and tactics that come with it. This is unlike any "response" in history and the overreach by the ones pulling the strings is off the charts. Surely you can see that the political elites response and its abusive, freedom-robbing, culture ruining, nation-wrecking, psychological warfare against the citizenry in any given nation is the biggest problem. Surely you see that.

“How Our Lives Could Soon Look”: The World Economic Forum Posts Yet Another Insane Dystopian Video
Anyone can see they want Worldwide Communism. Who started Communism? That would be the chosen ones. Yes it's so easy to research yet they change
the name to hide who invented this idealogy. The Elite also know that they want massive depopulation. They don't hide it. They have talked about it openly
for the last century. They have always done if through gmo foods, geo engineering(chemtrails), Big Pharma, etc. etc. They just have never done it on such a
grand scale. The book titled "The Great Reset Covid 19" is available on amazon. It openly states they want the population down to under 1 billion in the next
few decades. Go read the book before you say it's not it there. I can show you from the pages if you guys still doubt me. The Georgia Guidestones said openly
they want the world population at peace with nature at 500,000 people. That's it. They think they are God and they are not. All the money and power in the
world yet they have lost their souls. They are not human anymore.

They have never force vaccinated little kids and babies. It's happening now. We must all be chipped and poisoned according to them.

RESIST because our lives depend on it. If we lost and survive the world won't be worth living in. Worldwide slavery and no rights to any privacy
or ability to own a car, home, etc. This is the most important thing we fight. The ability to stay human. Why do you think I try so hard to warn people.
I love sports but this is way above that. They want to poison us, starve us and kill us. Wake up people!
The European Central Bank is broke. Rumors are the Fed Reserve and other World Banks have spent all our money. Well
print some more. They do it for themselves. Do if for the people that worked their whole lives for a pension. They want to
take away all income from pensions, soc. sec., welfare, food stamps, etc. This video talks about the pensions a little from a
lawyer in Europe who is involved in one of many class action lawsuits for this covid fraud.
That thing about people buying fake vaccination cards. That is not the right way to go. It should never get to where ANYONE needs one of those things. They will simply tighten the screws after a massive media blitz decrying these fake jab cards and "how it hurts people." Probably also legislate prison time. The stand to take is before it ever comes to a big fake vaxx card underground business.

I appreciate a variety of opinions on this and dissent and diplomatic contrarian views that go either way. To each his own I also want to be respectful of all posters and especially you as a staff member of this invaluable site. However, the real danger and what is "so deadly" about this "vaccine" (as it is categorized by the ones behind the official narrative) is the complete power-grab totalitarian agenda and tactics that come with it. This is unlike any "response" in history and the overreach by the ones pulling the strings is off the charts. Surely you can see that the political elites response and its abusive, freedom-robbing, culture ruining, nation-wrecking, psychological warfare against the citizenry in any given nation is the biggest problem. Surely you see that.

Of course I see that. I’ve said it all along. I agree with you completely on how this whole situation can be exploited. That does not however mean that the facts of the matter should be overlooked. Exploitation goes both ways. There seem to be some good people here that are very scared about a dystopian future that seems improbable. I think it’s fair to address that.
Of course I see that. I’ve said it all along. I agree with you completely on how this whole situation can be exploited. That does not however mean that the facts of the matter should be overlooked. Exploitation goes both ways. There seem to be some good people here that are very scared about a dystopian future that seems improbable. I think it’s fair to address that.

The U.N. and the World Economic Forum want the lifestyle of China for the world. You will have to scan a q.r. code for everything. It's insanity. Here
is an example but if people can't see the Communism Push Worldwide then they are blind. I say that with all respect to everyone here.
Interesting website that that link is from. I had to do a double and triple take for the name of it though!
I think the truth is somewhere in the middle.

Do I believe Covid is a real virus? Yes. Do I believe that the vaccines are effective at preventing it? Yes, until the delta variant started spreading, I'll wait and see whether the booster shots are effective before getting it.

Now, are there bad faith actors exploiting this crisis for personal political gain? Also yes. Could this be a test run for future implementation of authoritarian policies? Indeed.

I don't think our world leaders are evil aspiring dictators, but they're certainly not selfless, charitable guardians of our well-being either. They're just opportunists looking to make a quick buck. Never let a good tragedy go to waste, as they say.
lol at the homo @Leon Sandcastle yeesh don why to put up with these guys when you're monitoring so many?

oh yes let me respect your service sir, go ahead and bless us with lukewarm takes across the board. GTFO. i'll fight "leon sandcastle" if i meet him irl. maybe we can shoot the stars off our respective majors' hats, who knows! press S for your service
Pretty frightening, and it's not even about Cole Beasley, though one of Cole's tweets is found in the article:

Total Big Brother is right. What a revealing article.

I have no idea how people can NOT know by now what is going on and at accelerated and increasing increments. We here, mostly all, see the NFL as a microcosm of what they are doing throughout all areas of society. This is not just a part of "opportunism" by our world leaders or even corporate leaders (yes, there may be some very willing, money-grubbing "Yes-men") yet the idea that's all there is to it is naïve to the core. A big F Off to the League heads for what they are doing.
This young dude gets it!
VIDEO 1 Min 52 secs

British teen knows the real score.

“It’s straight out of 1984 book, the idea that we’re going to have to get out our phones, get out our passes, show our papers in the streets, or if we want to go in a pub, it’s funny, it’s honestly funny that people don’t see where this is going. It’s about control. If you allow the government to break the law and violate your rights for an emergency, what’s stopping them from creating an emergency to break the law.”
lol at the homo @Leon Sandcastle yeesh don why to put up with these guys when you're monitoring so many?

oh yes let me respect your service sir, go ahead and bless us with lukewarm takes across the board. GTFO. i'll fight "leon sandcastle" if i meet him irl. maybe we can shoot the stars off our respective majors' hats, who knows! press S for your service
We'll never get our movement off the ground and into the mainstream with this sort of infighting. The elites already do an excellent job of dividing and conquering us, there's no need to add to that. We need as many open-minded moderates as we can get our hands on (which is what I was before discovering this community). If my takes are too lukewarm for you, fine, enjoy your little 50-man revolution, at least you'll go out knowing that you were the only "true" pro-white advocates.
We'll never get our movement off the ground and into the mainstream with this sort of infighting. The elites already do an excellent job of dividing and conquering us, there's no need to add to that. We need as many open-minded moderates as we can get our hands on (which is what I was before discovering this community). If my takes are too lukewarm for you, fine, enjoy your little 50-man revolution, at least you'll go out knowing that you were the only "true" pro-white advocates.

Not so sorry to kick your sandcastle over, but in this country what you describe as "moderates" are the minority. We are not some "50-man revolution". The anti-injection people outnumber the zombies by 60%-40% if not 70%-30%. You wrote previously about your "beliefs". Beliefs are not science not facts and not evidence. We are very good at science and we know using the scientific method leads to truth and prosperity. What the drug companies are calling science is corruption and manipulation.

We know no virus called "Sars Cov-2" has ever been purified and proven to cause illness in healthy cells. These facts are now public record.

We know the patents for the alleged pathogen, and the chemicals the drug companies persuaded the regulating agencies to call "vaccines, were also patented before the plandemic began. These records are public information.

Using reason without facts is poor reasoning.
Hi WL. I agree that video is a good expose'. What is "the poss. A.C."? Sorry, I didn't catch that.
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Hi WL. I agree that video is a good expose'. What is "the poss. A.C."? Sorry, I didn't catch that.

The possible anti christ. Yes it sounds crazy but it will be a man with a cult following from around the world that will be like a wolf in sheeps clothing. I don't trust
any of our leaders. The former pres. continues to ignore his fan base and push the vac. while ignoring questions about freedom & vaccine passports. Even if he gets
back in we as a country are in deep trouble. We cannot agree to universal bio metric ids and vac. passports along with other comm. totalitarian control measures.
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