JC Penny is dying. Like the country it grew up in it is near the end. The company is bleeding red ink and will soon be another Montgomery Ward or Pontiac. A distant memory of a time when US companies catered to their actual customers.
Full blown PC advertising is a last ditch effort to survive. No doubt the geniuses that advise marketing to US companies has told them that they have to get "younger" more "diverse". In reality the only merchants surviving in the US are the Walmarts that have as their clientele the billions of dollars transferred from the few working white people left to the people of color through EBT cards,
JC Penney was unfortunately the mid end supplier of stuff. Better then the Walmart/Kmart junk but below the Nordstroms and Saks. The rich can still afford to pay $50 for a shirt and the poor will only pay $5. So the suppliers to the white middle class like Penny's and Sears go bye-bye. Pennys best strategy would be to go full on white, but any hint of that is impossible so they try to appeal to the diminishing market of single women that think black boyfriends and being able to drive a motorcycle are cool.
It's all actually sadly pathetic.
Good post. I’m sure you’re right in your assertions concerning various department stores and their “last ditch efforts” to attract new customers. One point I would tend to disagree with is that
“poor people will only pay $5 for a shirt.” Usually, there’s a very clear reason that “poor” people have money problems…it’s usually because they either don’t have an income, are on government assistance (which covers food, rent, heat, phones, etc) allowing them to spend it all on personal luxury items (clothes being a fine example), or have an income but simply don’t manage money properly. It’s the same imbecilic phenomenon responsible for Negroes/Hispanics who spend loads of money on luxury cars, diamonds, jewelry, electronics, etc…yet rent for entire lives. My parents were very poor when first starting out 20+ years ago, which forced them to be the ultimate money-savers. I inherited that same trait and I have a particular abhorrence for the buffoons (of all races) I allude to above.
I recently noticed a disturbing new commercial for the cell phone company,
“Android.” Like most of the artless, carbon-copy ads of today, this Bolshevik-kindled drivel features a series of “quick shots” depicting dozens and dozens of different people from all over the globe enjoying their product. There is a Hispanic-looking kid, Arab women sporting burkas, an elderly Jewish couple, a black brain-child/inventor, wiggers dancing in a car, a homosexual marriage proposal, a sassy Negress, a baby, an Indian (dothead, not featherhead), a wildly-gyrating Negro male, kids in a catholic school, kids in a public school, an Asian boy on a Ferris wheel, an young white male with blonde hair/blue eyes (who is the only one who gets humiliated, naturally), assorted DWFs screaming like fan-girls at a sporting event, etc. Here are some of the tokenism-seasoned stills…
Non-whites, many cloaked in cultural garb, plastered everywhere…yeah, I know, we’ve seen that all before. Their real “message” came in the form of their Marxist “piece de resistance,” Sodomy…
CAPTION: **** Embrace Corporate Gay-sploitation
Notice how there are no heterosexual marriage proposals, hetrosexual weddings, or even a single image of any normal, heterosexual relationships. That’s probably because, you know, we’re all
“equal”...the most twisted, tainted, polluted, misused, most perverted term in American history. I expect this to become the norm in advertising in a few short years. It's not like anyone of importance would care. I always look at the YouTube comments below commercials that are offensive towards heterosexual white males...most just think it's “hilarious,” perhaps 1/1000 understand the agenda at work, and even fewer can properly articulate their feelings on the matter.
Here is the video. The Aryan-looking white guy gets embarressed at the 40-second mark...