Commercials we HATE!!!!

Jaxvid said:
The doofus husband wishes that he didn't have that "spare tire" so she makes the spare tire of the car disappear, haha, then the daughter wishes that animals could speak, so she changes some local squirrels into talking squirrels who promptly make fun of the husband, and then the son's wish is to be some kind of medieval knight who "vows to avenge the death of his father". Which prompts the father to exclaim: "I'm not dead". It's an odd out of place scene which I can only assume is some kind of Fruedian slip by the jew/fem/**** who are speaking through the son character expressing their wishes that the White father figure of Western society should be dead.

Really great stuff here, Jax. FYI, it was actually the daughter’s “wish” to be a medieval knight. Nevertheless, what species of psychopathic youngster fantasizes about “avenging” their own father’s death?

Also, the original (and much longer) version of that same “Toyota Rav 4” commercial aired during the 2013 Superbowl and was “reviewed” several months ago (Page 16, Post 310) in this thread…!!!!/page16

Of course, you did a better job than I did in your review and even added the new “high-class black family” (the summit of Mt. Oxymoronic) version for contrast.

Jaxvid said:
The rational, intelligent, black family with an actual father present in the household looks on approvingly, no insults to their intelligence, no mocking, no physical insults, just good solid amerikans interested in shipping a few tens of thousands of dollars over to Japan. Compare that to the clueless White family who enjoys mocking the bread winning dad that has made their suburban life so comfortable.

There it is in black and white. Side by side commercials made by the same ad agency, using the same theme. In one the White male is mocked, in the1 other blacks are shown to posses all of those important qualities that are in such short supply in the black community. But I guess we are just imaging that there is some sort of agenda.

I was driving through the disgusting city of Williamsport, PA (famous for being home to the Little League World Series) for work the other day and was reviewing plan drawings in my car, preparing for a meeting. Suddenly, two Negresses began screaming obscenities and fiercely pummeling each other outside of a hair/nail salon. As they rolled on the grubby concrete and tugged each other’s wooly hair, two buck-toothed Negroes (who obviously knew the two women), both dressed in traditional African Street Garb (flat-brimmed hat with bandana synched underneath, gargantuan jeans, neon-colored clothing with matching clown shoes) did nothing, looking on with an evil glimmer in their eyes. It’s odd…those fine citizens of humanity weren’t conducting themselves in a manner anything like the articulate, docile, good-natured blacks presented for Mass Consumption on the TelAvivsion.
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Great point, and this “push†could easily work both ways, but it never seems to.

I spend plenty of energy focusing upon the infinite Bolshevik-Bouquet that are modern TV commercials that I rarely stop to “review†the precious few positive advertisements that manage to escape the “cutting room floor†of the synagogue-scented advertising department. The commercial below for “Crest 3D White Toothpaste†began airing several weeks ago, but for whatever reason, I never paid attention to the narrator’s words until the other night…


This Marxist-tormenting traditionalism would be nauseating enough for Rabbi Chiam to regurgitate his Matzah Brei lunch…

“Soulmate?†What modern white female could possibly need genuine love, romance, lifelong companionship, or passion from a white man in this decadent, self-interested, morally-oxidized Western world?


“Husband?†What breed of ignorant, jingoistic, backward dunce would dare utilize such “archaic†terminology on TV in 2013? While this little white princess is “dreaming†of her fairytale wedding day and her handsome prince charming, homosexuals and the transgendered can only tie the knot and share their “love†in a handful of states! Crest, Inc. obviously cares nothing for sexual equality…


“Loving father to your children†Another Yarmulke-detonating statement uttered by a World Heavyweight Champion chauvinistic bigot. Why would a young white couple produce biological children of their own when they could adopt bug-eyed Asian waifs, feloniously-ugly Negroes from Africa, underbite-sporting trolls from India, or any of the deracinated mutts from the sprawling slums of South/Central America...


What vile female-enslavement do you have in store for us next, Crest? A pregnant white woman portrayed washing dishes in farm-style porcelain sink as sunlight pierces through an open kitchen windowpane on some early summer morning. A strawberry blond baby in a highchair crashes a green rattle against the table while two older children eat breakfast. Her burly, athletic white husband, hair still damp from the shower, enters wearing work boots, tattered jeans, and a flannel shirt, grasps his hardhat and the lunch that she prepared for him before kissing them all goodbye. The woman flashes him a departing grin saturated with love, displaying her “3D White†teeth. The husband utters: “You know, dear, in five years of marriage, I never noticed how beautiful your smile is until this morning.†[End Scene, Display Product]

You should read the youtube comments on that video
You should read the youtube comments on that video

Not a surprise, is it? A rare commercial that doesn't degrade white people (males) and promotes traditional family values, and the vitriol in the comments section is a testament to the perverted society we live in.

There's another commercial I've seen, it's new (to me, at least). Jaxvid and Thrashen talking about dead white fathers in that Toyota commercial reminded me. It's for State Farm, and I only saw it twice, both times at the gym, so I did not hear voices, just what I could read from close-captioning, so I do not have the proper context. There's a white woman and her son talking to a black male who's the State Farm agent, and I'm pretty sure the father has passed away, and the mother is talking about the mounting bills, etc. The agent says something about a life insurance policy (presumably purchased by the father before his death), and then at the end, the kid and the agent do a fist-bump.

Again, not having heard it start to finish, I'm not sure if it's the usual garbage that's a particular staple of insurance commercials, but it didn't seem right to me. Is the black State Farm agent a sort symbolic father figure here? If anyone can dig up the Youtube video, that would be great.
I’ve seen the commercial you’re referring to, which is suggesting that the son had cancer and made a full recovery. The boy’s father is entirely absent from the scene and dialog. When the mother says: “the bills, they just keep coming,” it wouldn’t be too presumptuous to suggest that she is a single mother paying all the bills…


Aside from the always-annoying “fist bump,” this ad wasn’t in-your-face offensive in any way. But with the sound turned off, I can see how you’d get the impression that the white father is deceased and the boy now seeks a masculine role model in the form of the Negro State Farm agent.

TBProdigy said:
You should read the youtube comments on that video

Foobar75 said:
Not a surprise, is it? A rare commercial that doesn't degrade white people (males) and promotes traditional family values, and the vitriol in the comments section is a testament to the perverted society we live in.

I did read some of the Youtube comments, but like the comments below almost every Youtube video, they were so obtuse and riddled with misanthropic timbre (and foul language, atrocious grammar, spelling, sentence structure, etc) that I exited the screen in disgust. When I was originally searching for that Crest commerical, I stumbled across this repulsive blog…
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*Shameless self-quote…
Thrashen said:
1) The first commercial involves Geico’s criminally-annoying and permanently-unfunny “Maxwell the Talking Pig” character. The viewer joins this Geico advertisement whilst already in progress, as pig-boy and his white human female date are seated in his sky-blue convertible, which has conveniently “broken down” (the car seems to have overheated and is evaporating coolant) at some popular “makeout spot” overlooking a light-polluted metropolis seen festering in the distance. The oversexualized white prostitute finds this mechanical predicament as the perfect opportunity to “pass the time” with her handsome, rotund, pint-sized, pink-skinned quadruped “lover”

2) The next beastiality-laden “Geico Insurance” ad that aired recently involved one of those yawn-inducing “Gecko” commercials. In this installment, the Gecko is serving as the “best man” at wedding of a human friend. As white, human bridesmaids saunter down the isle, one white skank sees the Gecko and is instantly attracted to “him,” lustfully twirling her hair with a sex-crazed look painted upon her baboonish face. The Gecko, presumably daydreaming about slithering his reptilian body into her eagerly awaiting uterus shortly after the wedding reception, utters: “Oh dear!” and then smiles menacingly

In the newest, state-of-the-art installment of Geico’s disgraceful “Beastiality Campaign,” the viewer is treated to a lecture concerning hail storms. You see, a white man named “Ted” (complete with omnipresent light hair, light eyes, effeminate build, metrosexual garb, and Anglo-Saxon facial features) is worriedly assessing the damage to his car and struggling to convince his insurance company to foot the bill for the damage. In the same moment, Amerika’s favorite perma-unfunny, exclusively-annoying “Maxwell the Pig” happily peruses the hail-inflicted injuries to his car whilst surfing Geico’s for-gays-only website, or “App,” or whatever…


CAPTION: Pig Versus White Man

Of course, the viewer’s eye in meant to observe the emaciated “hot” chick (complete with ultra-ubiquitous, chemically-induced blonde hair), who appears rightly incensed, rolling her eyes and making mean faces at Ted’s reluctance to purchase Geico Insurance…


CAPTION: Skeletal Slut With Waning Respect for “Ted”

“List of turn-ons” – tall, handsome, nice smile, athletic, romantic, mechanically-inclined, has good car insurance.

Sometime in the near future, in predictably-Marxist fashion, Ted “loses” this his breastless, assless, malnourished, pint-sized Harpy to the Maxwell the Pig, who is apparently so charming, witty, and sexually attractive that he can “steal” the girlfriend of white men with the greatest of ease. While the Pig and Maxwell (no, that’s not a typo) ride away together on a jet-ski in some unknown location, Ted’s now ex-girlfriend tauntingly shreiks out: “Woo! See-yah, Ted!” as her imitation-blonde hair flows wildly behind her and she contorts her body tightly against Maxwell’s portly, bacon-flavored frame...


CAPTION: Jet Ski Skank Covets Beastiality

Presumably, the newfangled human/beast couple is buzzing off to copulate while “Ted” sits alone, jaded and desolate, peering at the night stars through his hole-ridden windshield, a pistol pressed against his temple as the single tug of a trigger hemhorrages his Geico-less soul.


Hardy har har! That “white boy” lost his ugly girlfriend to a pig…isn’t it amusing to bare witness to his life converting to shambles on TV? If he's pathetic enough so as to be cuckholded by a rotund male farm animal, how could “Ted” possibly stand a chance competing against the likes of a black man!?

The back window of my car was once smashed during a hail storm when I was in college. Instead of calling my insurance company (which, thankfully, isn’t Geico, State Farm, Progressive, Nationwide, The General, Prudential, or any other annoying Marxy-Corp), I covered the area with plastic for a few days, bought a new one at a junk yard, bought a tube of black windshield urethane and replaced it myself for around $50. I encourage all others to never make an insurance claim unless absolutely necessary…lest you fund filth such as the commercial above.


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I noticed an annoying commercial for “Redd’s Apple Ale” the other week, but didn’t have a chance to take a closer look until today. Comparatively speaking, it’s far from the “worst,” but mildly infuriating nonetheless. The facile premise involves a slender, effete, metrosexual-looking white man (yes, I was surprised, too) predictably sporting the ever-so conventional Deoxyribonucleic Acid of Anglo-Saxon stock…


CAPTION: “Brent” - The Acme-O-Average

This happy-go-lucky white fellow is tasked with answering a simple inquiry from his Negro friend seated at the bar: “Yo, Brent, what beer you drinkin?” The bartender is a “hot” Asian female…


CAPTION: Brent’s Diverse Friends

But alas, poor Brent can’t make up his mind in the 2 seconds of allotted time, and suddenly, an apple, sailing rapidly across the bar, strikes him violently in the forehead, sending his body plummetting to the barroom floor…


CAPTION: Apple Assault Administers Alcoholic Answers

While Brent lays battered upon the floor, his calculatedly-diverse friends attempt to hold back laughter as they look upon his pitiful predicament…


CAPTION: Yo, Brent, Is You OK, Nigga?


FYI – Before “Brent” came along, it was a gaunt, blond-haired (as always) white wimp named “Brian” who was plunked by the “Apple to the Forehead” bit whilst minorities and women looked on amusedly. The following ad aired during the last year’s Superbowl…


CAPTION: Brian Bullied by Bolsheviks

It’s perfectly acceptable to assault and humiliate “Brent” and “Brian” in a public place. After all, there’s nothing “exotic” or “exciting” about them. They’re just ordinary, colorless, flavorless white men, specifically engineered to be abused and mocked by Cultural Marxists, to be treated like a respiring-doormat by Female Supremacists, to be intimated and emasculated by Negroes, to be stolen from by a Zionist government, to have their heritage razed and his soul corrupted by the Hollywood Entertainment Complex, to have the women of their own race choose non-white breeding partners over them (and have it shoved in their faces on a daily basis), to be taught the vile principles of self-abhorration morning, noon, and night from all members of society. Yes, there won’t be a single molecule of sympathy for old “Brent” or “Brian,” for they are disposable men devoid of feeling, thought, or spirit.

I often ponder what all of these oppressive forces will do when “disposable white men” just like Brent and Brian realize how much power dwells inside of them?


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Speaking of physically assaulting a White man, the award for this genre probably should go to the Kia Forte ad from the Superbowl where a "fembot" advertising the car goes ape**** and practically demolishes a poor nerd. I guess it's supposed to be funny. Everyone watching the game where I was at loved it. I suggested changing the genders to make it even more funny. For some reason that was not as humorous to the DWF's.


I guess the response to seeing a White man beat up was so good that they made another. In the sequel some guy ends up taking the fembot home. She moves a street lamp out of the way so the car doesn't get shat upon by birds. I'm sure future versions will show her kicking the crap out of the guy again because there is nothing funnier then a White man receiving violent forms of aggression from a female.

After watching the two commercials I see that it was a guy from the first commercial who was in the background that got to take the fembot home. Interesting. Not sure why he was the one that gets lucky but I still think he's in for a beating somewhere along the line.

From the comments after the video it appears that some guys are turned on by the beating this fembot dishes out. Par for the course in obama's amerika I guess but still creepy. Note that the fembot is a former Miss USA, Alyssa Campanella.

Speaking of physically assaulting a White man, the award for this genre probably should go to the Kia Forte ad from the Superbowl where a "fembot" advertising the car goes ape**** and practically demolishes a poor nerd. I guess it's supposed to be funny. Everyone watching the game where I was at loved it. I suggested changing the genders to make it even more funny. For some reason that was not as humorous to the DWF's.

Haha, nice stuff, man.

I noticed a highly vexing commercial for “Visa Signature,” starring 49ers linebacker, Patrick Willis, along with a submissive, terrified, small, chubby, blonde-haired, blue-eyed descendant of the once-great Anglo-Saxon tribe…


CAPTION: Guy Q. Everymann


CAPTION: Tyrone Q. Supermann

Like the carefully-scripted “racial contrast” Subway ads starring Jared Fogle/Reggie Bush, or that ESPN ad in which Giants DE Justin Tuck is seen “intimidating” an DWF Aryan Enoch, the “human inverse” in this Visa ad couldn’t possibly feature another atom of white-abhorring transparency. Willis is an extra-dark, muscle-bulging, black professional athlete in his late 20’s, while “Todd,” the out-of-shape, 40-something white business man, plays his “For Blonde Men Only” role with Thespian proficiency. When Willis asks Todd why he didn’t desire a session of “strength training with Patrick Willis,” the lip-quivering white dork briefly fantasizes about Willis hurling medicine balls into his chest from 2 feet away and curling dumbbells whilst berating him by shouting: “Come on Todd, flap dem chicken wings!”


CAPTION: Workout With Willis & White Wussy

As an added bonus, Morgan Freeman (hallowed be thy name), the Godly, ubiquitous, freckle-ridden, softball-nostrilled international sex symbol (and accused rapist of an underage girl in his own family) provides the narration to this BlaXsploitation Marx-o-rama...


CAPTION: Das Alte Neger


Ironically, for an NFL player, Willis seems like a well-mannered black and really isn’t all that much larger than the average American white man. He’s around 6-1, 240 lbs. I’m 6-4, 240 lbs, for instance, although admittedly not as built.

Ahh, but when “Todd” gulps in blood-curdling terror (6 seconds into the video) at the mere sight of Willis, or can’t lift the same amount of weight as Willis, or can’t run past Willis in the driveway, or winches in pain as Willis jokingly strikes him in the car at the end, that’s all that matters to the All-American Herd Animal. Here are some in their natural environment...



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Couldn't help but think of this thread when I ran across this:

Fatter, Wimpier, More Pathetic

Fatter, wimpier, more pathetic. Bequeathed a noble heritage that perhaps surpasses every other culture’s heritage come before or since, the modern Western White man disgraces his forebears in all manner, by every measure. His disgrace and capitulation to pampered weakness is so complete, the great men of his lineage would scarcely recognize him as human, let alone as a child of their righteous loins.

He submits to the raping of his countries’ largesse by invading foreigners and citizen subversives. He excuses the actions of those who would sooner wipe him from the face of the earth, and whips himself into a fervid masochistic spectacle for imagined sins purged on the altar of social standing. He spits on his brothers for a pittance and he salts the soil from which his dwindling posterity must grow. He amuses himself with parlor games and slick sophistry, while he hypocritically runs from the very heart of his words to outpost gardens that shelter his sermonizing from scrutiny. He has let his women run wild, appeasing their last whim, and in return has been rewarded with their total disrespect for his pleasure, for his dignity, for his presumption. He indulges in stupefying drugs of the belly and the mind, concentrated by his soft-pedal puppeteers for maximum potency, and loses himself in petty pop culture distractions so perfectly crafted to sedate any spark of fighting spirit or any glimmer of awareness at his decrepit prospects. He licks the boots of his self-assumed betters and endures their debt-propped credentialist servitude in hopes of a place at the shrinking table, or he denies betterment and retreats to a spiteful underculture of crass gluttony and exhilarating dysfunction. He dutifully mouths ruling class slogans as he bristles incoherently within a maze of diverse strangeness and under the gaze of cold surveillance. He wars with his masculine essence, surrendering to caricature or to simulated castration.

He farms gold, he uploads, he downloads, he pants loads, he MGTOWs, he cube codes, he Insta-chodes, he’s friendzoned, he faps alone, he dates low, he marries old, he’s sorta ‘mo (he’s proud to show), he cornholes, he corn sows, he’s a cuddle pro, he tucks a micro, he’s equality yo, he’s a harmless bro, he ****s slow (first licks her hole), no means no (as he well knows), he’s wow just wow (brash scares him so), he’s status quo, he’s a black quarterback goat, his girlfriend’s gross (he won’t tell her though), he nuzzles cows, he scrapes and bows, he’s a cog-to-go, he luvs a ho, his titties grow, he’s GIRL YOU GO!, his ex-wife’s boyfriend spends his dough, his girlfriend ****ed an *******…

…he knows no home to call his own.

The modern Western White man is one fat fold away from watching forlornly as his scepter and orbs of manly pride dip below a tragic horizon, forever out of sight.

But, hey, those smartphones are nifty, right? You can use them to call for help when another fat feminist or ingrate racial huckster ****s in your face for fun and profit.
Willis is an extra-dark, muscle-bulging, black professional athlete in his late 20’s, while “Todd,†the out-of-shape, 40-something white business man, plays his “For Blonde Men Only†role with Thespian proficiency. When Willis asks Todd why he didn’t desire a session of “strength training with Patrick Willis,†the lip-quivering white dork briefly fantasizes about Willis hurling medicine balls into his chest from 2 feet away and curling dumbbells whilst berating him by shouting: “Come on Todd, flap dem chicken wings!â€â€¦

Ironically, for an NFL player, Willis seems like a well-mannered black and really isn’t all that much larger than the average American white man. He’s around 6-1, 240 lbs. I’m 6-4, 240 lbs, for instance, although admittedly not as built.

Give "Todd" the same "supplements" that Willis takes, a good trainer, a good diet, a good work ethic, and about 30 months, and he could have a comparable physique. Those "supplements" really can do wonders. Meanwhile, how does Patrick Willis get a commercial? Even most DWFs don't know who he is.
Meanwhile, how does Patrick Willis get a commercial? Even most DWFs don't know who he is.

Agreed. I have no idea who he is. If I saw that commercial I would just think that he's some random black actor. But he's a big black affalete and that's enough for any DWF.
Interesting television watching experience. I was watching with a friend, a 33 year old woman; white, very intelligent, advanced education. A State Farm ad comes on: the one with the Asian insurance agent, and the black woman. The woman I'm watching with starts paying attention a few seconds in, and assumes that the ad is portraying an inter-racial couple. Her reaction is "Oh, good for them, you don't see that combination very often on television, good for them." When she realized her error, she paused, looked a little perplexed, then said "Oops, sorry". I just said "You really don't see that combination ever, not even in television ads."

That's what many years of media and other indoctrination will do to even people who inhabit the far-right reaches of the Bell Curve. There might not be a black person in this entire metro area (half million +, total) who has her I.Q. There's actually not many Asians or Jews or anyone else who would either. But the propaganda is that powerful. She got excited by the possible depiction of a mixed couple on a television ad.
Don Wassall said:
Fatter, wimpier, more pathetic. Bequeathed a noble heritage that perhaps surpasses every other culture’s heritage come before or since, the modern Western White man disgraces his forebears in all manner, by every measure. His disgrace and capitulation to pampered weakness is so complete, the great men of his lineage would scarcely recognize him as human, let alone as a child of their righteous loins.

He submits to the raping of his countries’ largesse by invading foreigners and citizen subversives. He excuses the actions of those who would sooner wipe him from the face of the earth, and whips himself into a fervid masochistic spectacle for imagined sins purged on the altar of social standing. He spits on his brothers for a pittance and he salts the soil from which his dwindling posterity must grow. He amuses himself with parlor games and slick sophistry, while he hypocritically runs from the very heart of his words to outpost gardens that shelter his sermonizing from scrutiny. He has let his women run wild, appeasing their last whim, and in return has been rewarded with their total disrespect for his pleasure, for his dignity, for his presumption. He indulges in stupefying drugs of the belly and the mind, concentrated by his soft-pedal puppeteers for maximum potency, and loses himself in petty pop culture distractions so perfectly crafted to sedate any spark of fighting spirit or any glimmer of awareness at his decrepit prospects. He licks the boots of his self-assumed betters and endures their debt-propped credentialist servitude in hopes of a place at the shrinking table, or he denies betterment and retreats to a spiteful underculture of crass gluttony and exhilarating dysfunction. He dutifully mouths ruling class slogans as he bristles incoherently within a maze of diverse strangeness and under the gaze of cold surveillance. He wars with his masculine essence, surrendering to caricature or to simulated castration.

Thanks for posting. That was a scintillating article until that weird “rhyming” portion at the end. In all forms of media, white men see in themselves that which they are intended to perceive (and hopefully impersonate), and seldom anything straying from “The Blueprint.” Personally, I know my fair share of “real” white men, and conversely, hundreds of TV-mimicking Lost Souls. Racists, racialists, white supremacists, white separatists, neo-Nazis, white nationalists, race realists…we are all lesser sons of grander men, but this is primarily due to the Marx-oppressive age in which we dwell. How much can one really hope to progress when they are born inside the dragon’s mouth? We all attempt to overcome this dark, intolerant malice in our own ways, but the Judeo-Marxist Tick has burrowed too deeply and many believe that only a “Great Western Reset” can save our ethnopolitical cause. I’ve seen changes for the better (particularly since the election of Barry/Barack Hussein Soetoro-Dunham-Bounel-Obama in 2008), but by all accounts, our numbers seem to be growing steadily.

Anyway, back to commercials. Recently, I’ve been seeing this senselessly-Marxist ad for “BigSpot.Com,” a scam website that allegedly pays people to take online surveys. In this banality-sodden filth, a white, blonde-haired mother is standing in the kitchen while a half-black girl and an Asian boy are seated at the table, eating breakfast…


CAPTION: Marxist Mommy Mudshark With Rainbow Rug Rats

Suddenly, like the “Kool Aide Man” from 1990’s advertising fame, a large, talking green ball smashes through the kitchen wall, instilling a sense of unadulterated rapture in mommy and her non-white progenies…


CAPTION: Tri-Racial “Family”


CAPTION: Satan Spawn Suckle Sproutz

Of course, in the end, this advertisement for “Sproutz” is revealed to be fake, and intended to mimic conventional cereal commercials. Nevertheless, these inexplicable casting choices are the macabre reflections shining back from Western Society’s grimy, full-figure mirror. A Nordic-looking white mother raising non-white children of TWO different races, an absentee father, and hive-like corporate consumerism. Surprisingly, in the some of the YouTube comments below the video, a few of the white, paramecium-level Lemmings O’ Marxism did actually notice the interracial “family” subterfuge. I suppose they aren’t all entirely stupid.



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White child paired with a child of another race and who's holding the assault rifle each and every time?

You know what they say:

Once is happenstance
Twice is a coincidence
Three times is a verifiable pattern.

It could not be more blatantly obvious. The first ad is bad enough, but when you scroll along and see the other two conforming to the exact same pattern, it is mindblowing.

Something like this with multiple examples is more effective than a single ad which can easily be brushed off by doubters. This is pretty much the gold standard in terms of anti-white advertising.




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I love how they disabled any comments, and disabled any RATINGS for the video. On the page the only option is to like it on facebook, nobody has clicked like yet.

You can't bring an AR-15 into a school, or any gun, which I am pretty sure the first two things are talking about since you can have that book at your house and play dodgeball at your house and pretty sure I saw kids playing it in the school gym earlier this year.

btw that looks like the bb gun version that a friend of mine has.
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This week, I began noticing this absurdly-Marxist commercial for “Verizon.” The ad features far too many non-whites to count (probably 60% of all cast members) and is rife all the mandatory, Hebrew-consecrated “White Female, Non-White Male” couplings that one could shake a proverbial stick at. The point of this inane commercial, I believe, is that the people who are hugging/shaking hands are intended to represent people contacting each other via Verizon phone service. You know, kind of like these two lovebirds…


CAPTION: White Female “Calls” Negro Boyfriend With Verizon

In this video still, a white woman “calls” a bug-eyed, Mestitzo-looking creature whilst a white man “calls” a non-threatening black chum…


CAPTION: Heretical Ho Hugs Hector Hernandez With Verizon

And, in a predictably-grotesque fashion, the “final curtain call” includes a fair-haired white prostitute dialing-up a particularly-hideous, spiked-headed ******* quadruped hailing from the Dark Continent…


CAPTION: Negro With “Snow Tire” Hairdo Courts White Woman With Verizon


Why would such a minority-laden ad filled with bile-ejecting interracial couples help to sell Verizon phone service, you ask? It wouldn’t, of course…but our ever-oppressive Ivory Tower-dwelling friends seem to enjoy producing their deviant, anti-white “entertainment” as much they do engineering endless sand wars in the Middle East, encouraging non-white immigration to all white nations, pillaging Western economies, manipulating the stock market, utilizing the ever-augmenting Federal Government to generate/enforce militant, totalitarian laws to ensure “American Freedom,” littering their corporate sports leagues with as many non-whites as possible, poisoning all educational institutions with their anti-Euro, pro-Amerikan revisionist history, polluting all religious institutions with their Zionist-Christian filth, prolonging their autocratic political system that pits Zio-Cons against Super-Libs, and stockpiling their corporate media with non-whites, female supremacists, Jews, gays, lesbians, transvestites (of both the pre-op and post-op variety), guerilla liberals, and other assorted white-abhorring vermin.


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White child paired with a child of another race and who's holding the assault rifle each and every time?

The child who is most likely to need the assault rifle to defend against a host of rampaging Hottentots or Zulus. I actually like the visuals in this advert, though the intent behind it is revolting.
I am convinced Dracula is Jewish.

The White guy says "I had Lebenese food." Dracula replies "I love the Lebense." Since Dracula doesn't eat food, it means he loves Lebense blood. Who loves to shed Lebenese blood? The Israelis.

I am convinced Dracula is Jewish.

The White guy says "I had Lebenese food." Dracula replies "I love the Lebense." Since Dracula doesn't eat food, it means he loves Lebense blood. Who loves to shed Lebenese blood? The Israelis.


You might be on to something. I have never seen a Lebenese resteraunt or been at one to my knowledge, so it might be some kind of code. But I think it was picked so as to possibly offend the least amount of people possible. Not too many pro-Lebenese groups around to protest the "insinuation" that whitey wants to drink their blood.
I’ve only seen this appalling, extraordinarily-abominable commercial for “Cheerios†once, and even I (someone who psychoanalyzes Cultural Marxism in modern advertising more than most) couldn’t fathom the uninhibited, overt, explicit, in-your-face, “progressive,†Jewdificated filth that my eyes were conveying to my mind. The premise, which is centered around the “heart healthy†nature of Cheerios, or some boring, inconsequential corporate prattling to accompany the obscenely-Yiddish casting of a white mother and her pig-nosed mulatto daughter…


CAPTION: White Prostitute Bids “Cheerio†to her Genetic Heritage

But the little caramel-drizzled brat with knotted locks of black fuzz must be adopted, right? Nein, nimmer! For here in the “United States of Western Isreal,†the mixed-race spawn of the sewer-dwelling white whores is exclusively a reprehensible, racial amalgamation…


CAPTION: Portly Black Uncle Tom “Father†Slumbers

I contend that in producing this video-based “Syrup of Ipecac,†our prehistoric Hebrew friends intended for this ad to be a Marxist Cavalcade to celebrate their neoteric version of what an “All-American Family†should be comprised of…


CAPTION: Star-O-David Sponsored “Family Portraitâ€


A Jewish-American Man’s “To Do Listâ€:

1) Normalize filth in all Western nations.
2) Promote genetic self-destruction in whites (interbreeding or not bearing children at all).
3) Endorse sexual degeneracy of all forms (hetero, homo, bi, trans, beast, etc) in all ages of people.
4) Transform white prostitutes into global sex objects and porno queens.
5) Instill the ideals of Female Supremacy in white women.
6) Instill the ideals of Black Athletic/Sexual/Physical Supremacy in white men.
7) Become a corporate lawyer, stock broker, MSM tycoon, Hollywood screenwriter, porno producer, etc.
8) Make white men appear as weak, stupid, clumsy, fat, and ugly as possible in your media.
9) Instigate wars on behalf of Jewish causes, utilizing white soldiers.
10) Pillage the economies and federal reserves of white nations.
11) “Fix†stock market trading for your own benefit.
12) Force turd-world immigration into white nations.
13) Worm your way into every position of “behind the scenes†political power.
14) Promote socialism and communism in the white masses, despite being filth rich.
15) Poison every educational, religeous, corporate, and political institution with all of the above.

Many decades ago, some white cultures had the aptitude and clairvoyance to anticipate the brand of Marxist Mirth exhibited in this “Cheerios†commercial was forthcoming and attempted to resist the insufferable, hateful parasite who’s been ejaculating this white-razing obscenity onto white civilization for centuries with impunity…


CAPTION: "Germany Overcomes Judiasm / Jewry"


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Thrashen, that was a "hall of fame" post. They "Jew-do list" couldn't have been more accurate and that commercial couldn't have been more repulsive. I don't ever eat cereal anymore, as it's the least healthy way to start your day (nothing buy empty carbs), so boycotting Cheerios or any General Mills product will be an easy feat.

The one positive is the in-your-face propaganda commercials like this are better for waking the masses then the more subtle ones. White folks these days are denser than steel so they won't pickup on 90%+ of these filth laden ads.
There are plenty of repulsive, run of the (General) mills ads on television these days, but that one lies several standard deviations above the mean. The last time jews found such a perfect formula for poisonous anti-white canon, they made him president for eight years.

I took a few minutes to express my disgust in civil terms here:

Then, I employed a more fiery, "persuasive" tone here:
American Freedom News