Coming Financial Crisis Worse Than ’29?

You can’t predict what the psychopaths who run the world’s financial scheme will do next. More kicking the can down the road, austerity, bank holidays, seizing pension funds, or World War III – there’s no telling what’s up their sleeve.

‘Idiots' controlling the world's economies - gold in lockdown
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I'm not denying that there are serious economic problems but this thread was started 5 years ago with the same type of dire predictions. It's always been just a short matter of time until the whole house of cards of the financial system collapses.

Junk bonds, inflation, deflation, stagflation, debt, quantitative easing, blah, blah, blah, yet the system still percolates along. Sure more people are worse off but a lot of people are doing okay. I've got financial Armageddon fatigue. How many articles can one read where the system is going to collapse, next month, next quarter, next year? I feel like I'm getting jerked around by the doomsayers. "Buy my newsletter to prepare for the collapse!! Buy gold!!, cash in your 401k, stock up on dried food and ammo." Sh!t this has been going on for 20 years at least. I remember when the Soc Sec system was going to be broke, that was 20 years ago, then it was bumped by 15, now it's another 10.

There hasn't been a time in my life where it didn't seem like the whole world wasn't going to hell. And it has, and it will continue. But unfortunately I think it's going to be a long slow, stretched out, dragged out, never ending, gradual, slide into worse and worse over many many years. The system is too entrenched and too wired together to let one thing kick it over, it can finesse this, and finesse that, and bullsh*t here and lie there, and keep kicking that can down the road.

I would like nothing more then a full blown, four alarm, ass-busting societal explosion. I would give up everything I have to see all of those free loading poor, and rich, bastards get what they deserve and suffer under the weight of systematic collapse. But there is plenty more milk to get out of the middle class cows so I do not see anything much happening. Not for a few more decades until there really isn't enough white people to carry the burden. And then there will probably be enough chinese to hold it together for a while...
I'm not denying that there are serious economic problems but this thread was started 5 years ago with the same type of dire predictions. It's always been just a short matter of time until the whole house of cards of the financial system collapses.

Junk bonds, inflation, deflation, stagflation, debt, quantitative easing, blah, blah, blah, yet the system still percolates along. Sure more people are worse off but a lot of people are doing okay. I've got financial Armageddon fatigue. How many articles can one read where the system is going to collapse, next month, next quarter, next year? I feel like I'm getting jerked around by the doomsayers. "Buy my newsletter to prepare for the collapse!! Buy gold!!, cash in your 401k, stock up on dried food and ammo." Sh!t this has been going on for 20 years at least. I remember when the Soc Sec system was going to be broke, that was 20 years ago, then it was bumped by 15, now it's another 10.

There hasn't been a time in my life where it didn't seem like the whole world wasn't going to hell. And it has, and it will continue. But unfortunately I think it's going to be a long slow, stretched out, dragged out, never ending, gradual, slide into worse and worse over many many years. The system is too entrenched and too wired together to let one thing kick it over, it can finesse this, and finesse that, and bullsh*t here and lie there, and keep kicking that can down the road.

I would like nothing more then a full blown, four alarm, ass-busting societal explosion. I would give up everything I have to see all of those free loading poor, and rich, bastards get what they deserve and suffer under the weight of systematic collapse. But there is plenty more milk to get out of the middle class cows so I do not see anything much happening. Not for a few more decades until there really isn't enough white people to carry the burden. And then there will probably be enough chinese to hold it together for a while...
Best Caste Football quote of all time.

When I started this thread, I had the same mindset as I do now...the complete collapse of the U.S. economy (by design) is forthcoming...whether it be in 6 months or 6 years. IMHO, it's simply inevitable. :sad:
As much as I am against abortion for humanitarian reasons maybe the people ( of any race or ethnicity ) that collect some type of public assistance should only be allowed to have one child. Its quite obvious most welfare recipients have multiple children because they can collect more benefits. Aborting anymore children might just save this once great country down the road. Cruel and immoral, yes, but maybe to the benefit for the greater good.
the house of cards is crumbling around us ... how long will the empire endure under the power of its own momentum?

Open Your Eyes and Look: 65 Signs that the Economic Collapse is Already Happening.

the link has an abundance of additional, supporting links. and the news is getting worse by the day.

here are a few snippets:

1. Since Barack Obama entered the White House, the number of long-term unemployed Americans has doubled from 2.7 millionto 5.4 million.

4. Unemployment in the eurozone has hit another brand new record high. It is now sitting at 11.2 percent. It has risen for 14 months in a row.

19. All around us our cities are crumbling. According to the American Society of Civil Engineers, 2.2 trillion dollars is needed just to repair critical infrastructure in the United States.

25. The U.S. trade deficit with China during 2011 was 28 times larger than it was back in 1990.

27. During 2010 alone, an average of 23 manufacturing facilities permanently shut down in the United States every single day.

31. At this point, one out of every four American workers has a job that pays $10 an hour or less. If that sounds like a high figure, that is because it is. Today, the United States actually has a higher percentage of workers doing low wage work than any other major industrialized nation does.

57. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 49 percent of all Americans live in a home where at least one person receives benefits from the federal government. Back in 1983, that number was below 30 percent.

60. The U.S. dollar has lost more than 96 percent of its value since 1900. You can thank the Federal Reserve system for that.

62. Overall, the U.S. national debt has grown by nearly 10 trillion dollars over the past decade.

64. 40 years ago the total amount of debt in America (government, business and consumer) was less than 2 trillion dollars. Today it is nearly 55 trillion dollars.

65. As Financial Armageddon recently point out, so many homeless people are pooping on the escalators at San Francisco’s Civic Center Station at night that the escalators are breaking down and repair teams have been called in to clean up the mess. As the economy gets even worse, will scenes like this start playing out in all of our cities?
the house of cards is crumbling around us ... how long will the empire endure under the power of its own momentum?

Open Your Eyes and Look: 65 Signs that the Economic Collapse is Already Happening.

the link has an abundance of additional, supporting links. and the news is getting worse by the day.

here are a few snippets:

Reading that tends to get one a little angry. I don’t think it’s too strong to say that the country has been raped and pillaged. Here’s another one of the signs of collapse that is noteworthy:

[FONT=&amp]37. Over the next 75 years, Medicare is facing unfunded liabilities of more than 38 trillion dollars. That comes to $328,404 for each and every household in the United States[/FONT]
Financial analyst and former Wall St insiders, explains the Jewish influence and "social / ethnic networks" in the financial industry. I'm glad he was able to speak the truth on TV without "technical difficulty" and his feed cutting out.

Jeff Thomas over at International Man recently wrote a concise summary of the stages of the collapse and the historical 11-stage pattern that it inevitably follows.

After The Storm

according to Thomas, we've already seen stages 1,2, and 3.
An article entitled "How Goldman Sachs Has Bought Off the Obama Presidency"

Zionist predator bank Goldman Sachs has effectively bought off the Obama presidency through multi-million dollar donations and in this manner has avoided criminal prosecution for its financial crimes, a leading economics professor has said.
The Fed took the plunge with further QE today. It will purchase $40,000,000,000 of mortgage backed securities each month for however long they desire.

Fed Pulls Trigger, to Buy Mortgages in Effort to Lower Rates

Joke is supposed to be that this is Ben Bernanke as a child:

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Bank of America announced it's getting rid of 16,000 people by the end of the year.

Tom Iron...
There's a report Atwater, Cal. will file for backruptcy protection next week, making it the fourth Cal. city to so declare.

Tom Iron...
An article entitled "Toga! Toga! Toga!" Austerity for the common people, money for the rich! Public jobs were used to cover-up the fact that the economy was failing. Allowing the powers that be to go on spending. When they ran out of money and credit, they simply institute "austerity" rise taxes, fire common White people and run up more debt for the common White people to pay. One could bet the underclass, made up mostly of minority won't be cut until the "elite" have no choose but to cut them so the "elite" can continue living in the lifestyle that they are accustom too. In the USA, the party (a.k.a. the Republicrats) are funded indirectly by government. The government gives contracts to or bail's out big businesses and those businesses then give some of the money to the politicians and political parties who in turn give more money to the big businesses. The real rich "elite" want higher taxes since they get a lot of tax money and as has been said, "only little people pay taxes." The probability is that we are living in a economic bubble that would have burst in the mid-1800's with the big central banks going under except an increase in production, the industrial revolution, allow the bubble to expand and expand without busting but now the "elite" decide to reduce production, especially in the West, so they could get even more money not understanding that if production dropped that they couldn't keep printing money to keep themselves rich without creating hyperinflation and crashing the economy and bursting the bubble. "Austerity" is the last hurrah where the "elite" get to enlarge the debt on the public so they can get more interest and they get most of the money to spend while the common productive people (Whites) get more taxes and less money. The central banking system has been the perfect crime since it inception, but its' time is coming to an end. The way for the economy to recover is to jail the criminals not bail them out!
Cool, 80% of the people on food stamps might be the norm one day.

Double Trouble: Hike the Deficit or Hit Another Recession Says Wiedemer

Talk about two awful choices. It's like having to pick between being shot or stabbed. There just is no good decision or scenario that can come out of that.

And right now, America and its fragile economy, are facing two comparable bad paths, says Robert Wiedemer, managing director at Absolute Investment Management and the co-author of the book The Aftershock Investor. As he sees it we can either double up on our already horrendous deficit spending OR face our second recession in four years beginning as early as next summer.

"I think recession is (inevitable), but you can avoid it," Wiedemer says in the attached video. "The way to avoid a recession now is to increase that deficit, just like we did before. If we take that deficit from $1 trillion to $2 trillion you'd find we would be out of the recession" and everything would get turned around, including the housing and job markets.

To some, putting another trillion dollars on the credit card doesn't seem like such a big deal. Except of course to budget-panel guru Alan Simpson who shed light in an interview on CNBC about how big theses 13-digit expenditures that we flip around actually are. His assessment is highlighted below.
"It you spend a buck a second, you wouldn't hit a trillion for 32,500 years. And if you spend a million a day since the birth of Christ, you wouldn't be at a trillion. And the big bang theory of the universe happened 13 billion 600 million years ago, that ain't even close to a trillion. And we owe 16 of those babies."
Wiedemer's point is simple. "How did we get out of the last recession?" he asks. "We borrowed a lot of money, we printed a lot of money, and that boosted the economy."

As Wiedemer points out, there are already signs of QE3 fatigue, brought on in part by a "700% increase in government borrowing since 2007" in an economy that's already starting to slow down on its own. Add in headwinds from the global slowdown and he says it's clear, "we're facing a lot of problems down the road."
In fact, if there was one issue to highlight that he thought posed the greatest threat of all, Wiedemer says the slowdown in Europe and China could be the tipping point for the U.S.

To be fair, he does not see a washout type recession but rather a more mild one, helped (temporarily) by QE3, but that's not without concern. ''When you start telling everybody that you're going to print money forever, I think it gets people worried that we really will get inflation," he warns.

As for avoiding a dip into the fiscal red sea, that will take an act of Congress. And failing that, Wiedemer says, investors would be wise to reduce exposure to stocks and hang on to a little gold.

American Freedom News