Coming Financial Crisis Worse Than ’29?

It does seem like the financial system is severely stressed. Near collapse? How would you know? This thread goes back to 2007. The system has been on the verge of collapse for 15 years, reading some of the older posts. If you had pulled your money out of the system at that time you would have a mattress full of money and would have missed out on some pretty good bull markets.

People have been predicting collapse for all of my adult life. Social Security going to go bankrupt, US to default on debts. But a chart of the market shows a nice linear rise (minus a few bumps) for 80 years.

Best bet is to diversify but don't panic. You'll probably never predict it right either way.

This is true, diversify and prep, but dont withdraw all your Funds and stuff them in your mattress (generally speaking).

However, the current Situation seems like a larger recession is more possible than 5 years ago. Im going to prep a bit more than in previous years. Im keeping more Funds liquid than in previous years.
Business cycles have shortened quite a bit because of the extreme actions taken by central banks everywhere to try to prevent equity market meltdowns.

I think that because of the shortening of the cycles we are in crisis mode a bit more and thus more likely to feel like the ultimate end is near.

I agree that Diversifying and investing with a proper risk allocation for your time horizon is the key. My 20 year old recently wanted to pull all his money out of stocks and I asked him when he thought he would go back in?
He had no real answer so he conceded the best thing to do was to just wait and only buy more on dips.

it’s painful to be sure but selling and paying capital gains isn’t always the best strategy especially for young people who have huge time to give
Regarding the precious metals. Guys do not think about wealth as much as survival right now. If the powers that be succeed and they will 99 percent chance then they will have their cbdc's. That stands for central bank backed digital currencies. The
majority of the crypto currencies are for the A.I. and the Robots. Get in and get out before Fiats Worldwide crash and your fine but the hour is late. So back to gold and silver.

Gold and Silver are both decreasing in value but it doesn't matter. People like us who are independent mind sets and we think outside the box. Gold is like 1800 and Silver is about 19.00 for an ounce. Who cares? The digital money can be turned off by your
social credit score which they want for the whole world. The Globalists love China and want that system worldwide. It's most likely going to happen. If Gold went to 100 dollars and Silver went to 1.00 dollar who cares. I say this because other than barter we
will have no other way to survive in the BEAST SYSTEM. It's coming guys and I'm not gonna say we are not screwed. WE need to find ways to survive outside of their commie worldwide wet dream. People will starve.

So if anyone has any gold or silver do not sell it no matter how much it goes up or down and it will go up like a rocket ship eventually. Money will mean little in the near future. It will be about survival of the fittest! May God help us!
Regarding the precious metals. Guys do not think about wealth as much as survival right now. If the powers that be succeed and they will 99 percent chance then they will have their cbdc's. That stands for central bank backed digital currencies. The
majority of the crypto currencies are for the A.I. and the Robots. Get in and get out before Fiats Worldwide crash and your fine but the hour is late. So back to gold and silver.

Gold and Silver are both decreasing in value but it doesn't matter. People like us who are independent mind sets and we think outside the box. Gold is like 1800 and Silver is about 19.00 for an ounce. Who cares? The digital money can be turned off by your
social credit score which they want for the whole world. The Globalists love China and want that system worldwide. It's most likely going to happen. If Gold went to 100 dollars and Silver went to 1.00 dollar who cares. I say this because other than barter we
will have no other way to survive in the BEAST SYSTEM. It's coming guys and I'm not gonna say we are not screwed. WE need to find ways to survive outside of their commie worldwide wet dream. People will starve.

So if anyone has any gold or silver do not sell it no matter how much it goes up or down and it will go up like a rocket ship eventually. Money will mean little in the near future. It will be about survival of the fittest! May God help us!

This seems possible, I agree. I have enough faith in the individualist mindset in the USA to prevent this from happening. I dont have this faith in my european brethern.
This seems possible, I agree. I have enough faith in the individualist mindset in the USA to prevent this from happening. I dont have this faith in my european brethern.
Chris, can you provide us an update on how things are going in Germany? I heard it’s get really expensive and challenging for the average German.
Good Lord they're insidious. People are petrified to name them; they beat around the bush and say Zionists and Globalists. That nepotism of theirs drowns everyone else out. Anyone here read the website of Miles Mathis?

I've read articles from him off and on for years now. Strangely, in the early years he never named them at all. In recent years that's all he did name. They were responsible for everything. Very recently he's calling them Phoenicians. Caveat:
Some of his articles are very interesting reading. Many of them suck. He seems extremely paranoid and self centered. Self centered as in it's his movie and everyone else are bit players.
Chris, can you provide us an update on how things are going in Germany? I heard it’s get really expensive and challenging for the average German.

Hey, yes sir, everyday life is getting very expensive over here. Fuel and food prices are much higher... i actually wonder how my buddys that are less financially well off manage...on the other hand, people are too fat anyway. A recession will do them good.

We pay so much in taxes, i often wish i were living in Florida like my mother .

In my opinion: us germans are lucky that most americans are such rugged individualists. I think the best hope for freedom in the tech dictatorship future lies with you guys.
Hey, yes sir, everyday life is getting very expensive over here. Fuel and food prices are much higher... i actually wonder how my buddys that are less financially well off manage...on the other hand, people are too fat anyway. A recession will do them good.

We pay so much in taxes, i often wish i were living in Florida like my mother .

In my opinion: us germans are lucky that most americans are such rugged individualists. I think the best hope for freedom in the tech dictatorship future lies with you guys.
Thanks for the update.

Sounds like you’re doing ok despite the financial issues there. I always take interest in Germany since that’s what my dad’s side is. Seems like the people have been foolish enough to believe the “green agenda” and cripple themselves. As much as I hate to see it since I have family there, this is a tough lesson they needed to learn. Like you said, some hardship would do most of them well.
Unless this is stopped or humanity creates an alternative to this new quantum financial system the whole world will be enslaved. It starts
in November 2022 but will take a few years to fully implement. The cashelss society is total digital slavery on steroids forever!

If we as humanity don't build an alternative to their technocracy digital enslavement of the world, we will all own nothing but NOT BE HAPPY!

We need alternate monetary systems and alternate economies not under any type of central control. The world is being enslaved if they
win and we will see worldwide communism under their dream United Nations/World Econcomic Forum One World Government. We will
not even be allowed to own the clothes on our back or anything in our houses.

I'm concerned that a full-time, full-on enslavement may be the only thing to wake up some or most White people. They simply are not questioning the mainstream narrative on most every issue. They cannot believe that the small hat cabal could really have the plans we know they do. White people are waaaay too gullible, STILL! Even after the last 2 and a half years of total bullcrap.
Hence why I mentioned that nomad capitalist site. If you want to hedge your bets properly you need to have a plan for you and your family in another country.

While that sounds defeatist I just think of it as pragmatic. Personally I had never thought much of Georgia as a destination however if the woman in this video is representative of them in any way…. Well, Judge for yourself .

For those that don't understand how criminal the banks are. It will only take 1 minute of your time. This guys a legend!
You could tell they wanted him to shut up and be quiet as they don't want the world to wake up.

Consider doing research on the infinite banking concept if you want an alternative to storing significant money with the banks.

Yes the banks create money with every loan they make, and yes fractional reserve banking is a Ponzi scheme .

What can be done about it for the average Joe? Think you’re going to audit the federal reserve system?

Consider doing something for you and your family instead buy this guys book on the kindle for a buck and decide for yourself.

I used to promise people if they came over to my house and gave me 10 dollars and watch reruns of " Happy Days " with me I would give them 20 dollars back. I just wouldn't pay them . I called it my Fonzi scheme. Lol.
If you have usd in a bank I’m the United States it is no safer than the central backed crypto. Both usd and cbdc are created by central banks and if you think they cant seize your assets at will, just ask the Russians. We confiscated their assets with the snap of a finger
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