Cole Beasley

Wish more players were outspoken like he is. Honestly if the majority of players just said a big collective NO, I WILL NOT COMPLY this whole thing would be over. Same for the rest of us put in society. Unfortunately the majority of people will walk off a cliff if they were told to by “authority” figures.
I especially like this from the article: “Just to be clear COVID is not keeping me out of this game. The rules are,” he wrote. “Vaxxed players are playing with Covid every week now because they don’t test. One of my vaxxed teammates is in the hospital missing games. I’m sure he didn’t get this same energy. Thank you for those who support. Everyone else, if you don’t get what’s happening then there is nothing anybody can do for you.”

Buffalo Bills Wide Receiver Cole Beasley Accumulated $100,000 in Fines for Breaking Coronavirus Protocols
"Protocols". Hmmm. "Protocols". Hmmm. I'm trying to think of something...from somewhere...I can't quite recall. Its in a title of some document some time back... Oh well, I'm sure there's no connection even if I could remember it.
Damn didn't realize he was unhappy there! Green Bay needs a slot WR.
I really want Cole to stay with Josh there in Buffalo as they are right on the cusp of the AFC Title, but obviously he wants to test the market. I get that. GB would be good (not great) but ONLY if Rodgers stays there. Otherwise I hope he gets a satisfactory contract that will make him happy enough and stays put.
Cole sees the writing on the wall after being used less last season and reading about the Bills being interested in signing Gronk to team with Knox. Also, Gabriel Davis's 4 TDs in the playoff game against KC instantly turns him into a valuable commodity in the Caste NFL. (Reminds me of the time Don Beebe caught 4 TDs for the Bills in a game, against the Steelers no less, but he never did become a starter as he played during the Ricky Proehl Era when Ricky was the only White receiver allowed to start.) But Beasley may find a cold market, especially given his age.
Beasley may find a cold market because of his vaxx status (negative). Plenty of coaches and GMs overtly proclaimed that this would “play a factor” in their roster decisions last year, back when this sort of discrimination was particularly encouraged. It’s one thing for a veteran vaxx holdout to stick with his team, but it’s another thing for him to go out job-hunting. Can Newton folded fast (or at least bought a fake card) to re-sign in the league; Beasley has much less leverage than even a replacement starting quarterback.

It only takes one local hack journalist to make national headlines by writing some blather about how Cole is a danger to the public and a clubhouse distraction. No one remembers the name of the fat slob who declared he wouldn’t vote Aaron Rodgers for MVP, but his article became a multi-week story. Plenty of franchises would shy away from that attention, all the more so if one of their decision-makers is high on his morale horse over vaxx mandates.

Of course, age and “declining production” will be accepted as the rationale.
The NFL the other day became the first pro sports league to drop all of its Covid protocols. I was just watching Tucker Carlson's show (guest-hosted tonight by Will Cain who may be the best on-air talent on Fox after Tucker) and there was a segment about how Lord Fauci hasn't been on a network TV show since Feb. 17 after being ubiquitous for two endless years. Polling has finally convinced the Dems that Fauci's sell-by-date has arrived. Barring the eruption of some new "variant" Beasley's vax status is a non-issue at least for now.
I was extremely pessimistic in my prediction that Beasley would be blackballed from the league and left unsigned. I did a news search for him and was pleasantly surprised. Seems like there are many teams with interest in him. Hopefully he gets added to a team in need right now. My top 3 destinations for him to succeed would be Denver, GB and Houston. They all desperately need WR help and he could slot in as a starter on day 1.

Fingers crossed we get some positive news soon.
Cole retired today. The handwriting was on the wall after the Bills didn't want him any longer and no one else did despite how good he is. The last sentence in this Weenieworld blurb is garbage even for them, pure slander. As if he was an advocate of Covid spreading to as many people as possible.

Cole Beasley announced his retirement from the NFL after 11 seasons.​

Beasley's agent said the 33-year-old wideout "is ready to be with his family after playing in 11 seasons and it’s time to be a full time dad and husband.” He calls it quits after two games with the Bucs in which he caught four of five targets for 17 yards. Beasley played just four snaps in Week 4 against the Chiefs. He was something of an emergency roster addition after the Bucs suffered a rash of wideout injuries and absences. Beasley retires after 11 seasons, 554 catches, and 34 touchdowns. He played seven years in Dallas, three in Buffalo, and the two games this year in Tampa. He spent much of his final seasons with the Bills pushing back against the NFL's efforts to stop the spread of COVID-19.
He will be missed. His athletecism was off the charts. He did Michael Jordan dunks yet he was a half foot shorter. He could jump out
of the gym and run with almost anyone. Then he had leadership, toughness, great hands & coordination. Thanks for the memories Cole.
He spent much of his final seasons with the Bills pushing back against the NFL's efforts to stop the spread of COVID-19.
Wow. Correct take on that Don. That was crappy even by WeenieWorld normal trashing of Whites.

I am sad to hear he's done. I wanted to see more of him with Brady. There's gotta be more to this. Weird if you ask me.
Helluva career for Cole. If my memory serves correctly Jason Garrett kept Cole's career going. Cole walked away from Cowboys as a UDFA and I believe, what, a week later? Garrett convinced him to come back.
Cole Beasley has already been cancelled for being white and anti-vaxx. He is doubling-down here with implicit support for the villain du jour.

Cole Beasley has balls as big as a beach ball. Love his fearless attitude and how he won't back down. We need more athletes in all sports
to speak up. Not just in sports but in music and the movies. The sad things is too many people don't want to risk losing their millions of
dollars. The power they hold over everyone is just so large. Most fear losing everything to speak the truth.
Good for Cole! Glad he's standing against the tide and being his own person. God bless him!
If enough athletes stood up against the elites of the leagues (((they))) would have to back down at some point. After all people pay to see the game not to support the owners.

Beasley supporting Irving is interesting indeed. I hope this turns into a huge deal that engulfs the major sports leagues and forces people to realize who is in control.

Inevitably, like with covid there will be an emperor has no clothes moment.
Who do you think most blacks will side with?
Whoever butters their bread.

In general I don’t think the black community loves the small hats much, they just work for them because they run the media and the entertainment (including sports industries).

They support their own first and foremost and if Irving is canceled for speaking his mind in a reasonable fashion it might be the beginning of waking them up.

Dare to dream anyway
Amazing the Bills moved in from him and had no one to replace him. In my opinion, his prowess in the slot is a big chunk of what is missing in Buffalo’s offense.
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