Cole Beasley

Good for Cole. We've reached the point where it's conform, or else. Time to speak up and declare enough is enough.
Yes, fully agree.

Does anyone question the absurdity of making athletes, who are supposed to be amongst the healthiest of our population, take an experimental “vaccine” for a virus with a 99.7% survival rate? Of course you are not supposed to question anything anymore. Rigid conformity to the dystopian world our “elites” are crafting for us is what’s trendy now. Land of the free, home of the brave has become land of the cowards, home of the slaves.
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Yes, fully agree.

Does anyone question the absurdity of making athletes, who are supposed to be amongst the healthiest of our population, take an experimental “vaccine” for a virus with a 99.7% survival rate? Of course you are not supposed to question anything anymore. Rigid conformity to the dystopian world our “elites” are crafting for us is what’s trendy now. Land of the free, home of the brave has become land of the cowards, home of the slaves.

I fully agree. What's left of this nation makes me sick to my stomach.
I love his courage but knowing and everything he said is true. That being said knowing what they do to players that don't go along with their agenda, he will probably barely play, be cut or black balled. Look what they did
to the starting center for the Miami Heat(Meyers Leonard. He is out of the league just for not kneeling for the national anthem. This country has turned into clown world.

We need many more players to join Beasley and fight back to this madness. With the money these guys make I doubt it will happen though.
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Outkick had an article the other day about Adam Thielen and Harrison Smith not yet being vaccinated, two pretty big names. I just looked but can't find it on the site now. They didn't say they wouldn't be vaccinated, saying they "wanted to know more," but it was obvious they don't want to be but as of now the NFL is going to essentially persecute those players who don't submit. Hopefully more will speak out soon.


Good for Cole Beasley and the rest for speaking out. Sick of the control freak virtue signaling marxist.


Good for Cole Beasley and the rest for speaking out. Sick of the control freak virtue signaling marxist.
Cole Beasley is now my favorite athlete overcoming Luka after that comment!!! What a stud! Granted he Now has f-u money but it still takes balls to make a stand like that. I live in a small town and have only wore a mask 3 times since the “pandemic” those three time were in doctors offices, which I think is reasonable. Since March of last year we have had a week long rodeo, week long county fair, farmers markets, demolition derby, 4th of July celebration and our kids weren’t required to wear a mask at school after the first week the only people wearing masks were California transplants(who were shunned) We had no mass death or mayhem just business as usual. It’s all because we have kept women and Californians out of local government and school board. Run for office locally, or it can all change in the blink of an eye.
Kudos to Beasley - "Eat Better, Drink Water, Exercise and do what is necessary to be a healthy individual" - do those things and the rest takes care of itself - no need for an experimental vaccine.

I did look at the comment section on PFT - some real blue check DWF cucks on there - their flock mindset is to get vaccinated for the sake of those who are at a higher risk for the virus - no questioning of the numbers being fudged and the fact we will never know the deaths that strictly were caused by covid with no underlying condition. Not to mention the fact the virus itself has a 99.7% survival rate. This is no plague or spanish flu that's for damned sure.
Cole Beasley is now my favorite athlete overcoming Luka after that comment!!! What a stud! Granted he Now has f-u money but it still takes balls to make a stand like that. I live in a small town and have only wore a mask 3 times since the “pandemic” those three time were in doctors offices, which I think is reasonable. Since March of last year we have had a week long rodeo, week long county fair, farmers markets, demolition derby, 4th of July celebration and our kids weren’t required to wear a mask at school after the first week the only people wearing masks were California transplants(who were shunned) We had no mass death or mayhem just business as usual. It’s all because we have kept women and Californians out of local government and school board. Run for office locally, or it can all change in the blink of an eye.

Don't forget Novak Djokovic. He was the first professional athlete anywhere in the world to my knowledge to take a stand against the vaccine. He said he would never get it or allow his family to get it. Now a little while after that the powers that be said
he had covid. I don't even believe any of that nonsense as I'm sure he doesn't either. He has not changed his stance and in my opinion he is the greatest male tennis player to ever live! :)
Good posts on the subject gentlemen and great job Cole Beasley! His comments on the matter are inspirational. He is showing courage to speak out, like he said, for the other guys who feel they can’t.

@Leonardfan, to extrapolate on the “eat better & exercise” comment, it’s spot on but falls on deaf ears in modern society. Now a days, so many want the easy solution instead of hard work and willpower. They want the shot or pill that can “fix all of their problems”. That’s why there are so many fat slobs and weak-minded individuals running for the jab for salvation. They literally cannot conceive of a better way to protect against the virus.
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Ok guys. I'm going to say this and I hope everyone listens. There is no real virus. Doctors all around the world in labs have NEVER EVER been able to ISOLATE the COVID VIRUS which means by scientific fact for hundreds of
years of medicine that there is no virus. People get sick from the flu, mask wearing, bad eating, drinking, smoking, drugs, etc. but it is not from this non existant virus. This has been stated by over 100,000 Honest Doctors that study epidemiology
and know what they are talking about. This goes against the narrative so the Doctors and Nurses are ignorred along with all alternative media or people like us that try to say the same thing. There is no virus. None of this was ever
necessary. It's all about control of the world and depopulation. They are hiding the true numbers of side effects and deaths worldwide. It's so disgusting and disgraceful. WAKE UP GENTLEMEN & warn others.
Sure would be nice if more of the athletes, white and black too, would say a big F you to the msm and the league for essentially coercing players to take an experimental vaccine for a decidedly NOT deadly virus. Like everything made in China, the Wuhan Flu was not engineered very well and left far too many people alive - of course this didn’t stop the mass hysteria by the useful idiots to implement a power grab by the Left.

For what is is worth, I had to where a mask at one of my jobs and in the occasional store or doctor’s office. I put up with the stores for a couple weeks and then just stopped wearing it. No one tries to kick me out; no one freaked out. I’ll admit I am somewhat intimidating-looking but there were always others who wouldn’t lie down like lambs to the slaughter for the Left.

I am seeing a national populist uprising beginning to simmer; the next couple years will be a dandy.
Here's the article on Thielen and Smith not being vaccinated. The extreme measures being applied to non-vaccinated NFL players is lunatic stuff, purely punitive:

Thielen, Smith haven't been vaccinated; Zimmer says they'll have a 'harder time'

by Joe Nelson

Mike Zimmer said Wednesday that unvaccinated players are going to have a much "harder time" during the 2021 season, coming a day after Vikings stars Adam Thielen and Harrison Smith said they haven't yet had the COVID-19 vaccine. The Vikings met with Dr. Allen Sills, the chief medical officer for the NFL, this week. According to Zimmer, Sills informed the team about the value of getting vaccinated, providing background on how the vaccines were tested and approved – even noting that players how have had COVID-19 should still get vaccinated because they'll "be safer if it comes back again."

It's unclear if Thielen or Smith plan to get the vaccine, with Smith saying: "They’re just giving us information to make our own decision with."

NFL players who don't get vaccinated will face another irregular season as the league's protocols are expected to be similar to what they were in 2020, when meetings were conducted virtually, masks were mandated and players and coaches underwent daily testing for the virus.

"We're just trying to educate these guys. They have to make their own decisions. The unvaccinated players are going to have a harder time in the season," said Zimmer. "They're going to be wearing masks, they'll have to social distance, they'll have daily testing, they won't be able to go home for bye week, they'll have to come back here and test everyday, when we go on the road they won't be able to go out to dinner with anybody, they'll have to travel on buses differently, travel on planes differently, a lot of the meetings will be virtual ... not only the safety part of getting vaccinated, but as far as being part of a football team, it's just going to be so much easier."
Don't forget Novak Djokovic. He was the first professional athlete anywhere in the world to my knowledge to take a stand against the vaccine. He said he would never get it or allow his family to get it. Now a little while after that the powers that be said
he had covid. I don't even believe any of that nonsense as I'm sure he doesn't either. He has not changed his stance and in my opinion he is the greatest male tennis player to ever live! :)
God bless him!!!
Here's the article on Thielen and Smith not being vaccinated. The extreme measures being applied to non-vaccinated NFL players is lunatic stuff, purely punitive:

Thielen, Smith haven't been vaccinated; Zimmer says they'll have a 'harder time'

by Joe Nelson

Mike Zimmer said Wednesday that unvaccinated players are going to have a much "harder time" during the 2021 season, coming a day after Vikings stars Adam Thielen and Harrison Smith said they haven't yet had the COVID-19 vaccine. The Vikings met with Dr. Allen Sills, the chief medical officer for the NFL, this week. According to Zimmer, Sills informed the team about the value of getting vaccinated, providing background on how the vaccines were tested and approved – even noting that players how have had COVID-19 should still get vaccinated because they'll "be safer if it comes back again."

It's unclear if Thielen or Smith plan to get the vaccine, with Smith saying: "They’re just giving us information to make our own decision with."

NFL players who don't get vaccinated will face another irregular season as the league's protocols are expected to be similar to what they were in 2020, when meetings were conducted virtually, masks were mandated and players and coaches underwent daily testing for the virus.

"We're just trying to educate these guys. They have to make their own decisions. The unvaccinated players are going to have a harder time in the season," said Zimmer. "They're going to be wearing masks, they'll have to social distance, they'll have daily testing, they won't be able to go home for bye week, they'll have to come back here and test everyday, when we go on the road they won't be able to go out to dinner with anybody, they'll have to travel on buses differently, travel on planes differently, a lot of the meetings will be virtual ... not only the safety part of getting vaccinated, but as far as being part of a football team, it's just going to be so much easier."
“We’re just trying to educate these guys”, and then punish them if they make the “wrong decision”, is straight up commie talk. Educate should be read as indoctrinate. All of this covid stuff is separating the wheat from the chaff. It’s showing those in power who are loyal to this system and who aren’t.

While it’s a tool of evil and oppression for them, it can be used as a positive by people like us. It can help us identify the individuals with whom we are going to need to start forming a breakaway society with. Sadly, many people in my own personal life are happy being tools of this system, that hates them and intends to crush them…..
Hate to see this thread get too far away from talking about Beasley but how can the public not question this? So brainwashed by decades of propaganda. Wow other than the money I feel bad for the players. At least Beasley, Thielen and
others are older so they will probably retire soon and not be forced into this stupididy of forced vaccinations.

We must not give the state or fed. gov. the power over our human bodies. This is so insane yet most people just get in line like robots.
Good job, Cole Beasley. First of all, medical privacy laws should prevent anyone from inquiring whether a person has obtained a medical procedure such as a vaccination. Secondly, the idea that any person or organization could require an individual to receive an injection of any substance into their body is unconscionable. I don’t know if this vaccine is worth a damn, but I don’t need it or want it, period. It’s amazing how these “my body, my choice” lunatics let you kill an unborn baby, but try to force a vaccination on everybody.
Good job, Cole Beasley. First of all, medical privacy laws should prevent anyone from inquiring whether a person has obtained a medical procedure such as a vaccination. Secondly, the idea that any person or organization could require an individual to receive an injection of any substance into their body is unconscionable. I don’t know if this vaccine is worth a damn, but I don’t need it or want it, period. It’s amazing how these “my body, my choice” lunatics let you kill an unborn baby, but try to force a vaccination on everybody.
icsept, that was the best point you just made. I never thought of it in that way. Thank you, you just gave me a huge talking point with my lunatic friends who are demanding that I get the shot.
Here's the article on Thielen and Smith not being vaccinated. The extreme measures being applied to non-vaccinated

by Joe Nelson

Mike Zimmer said Wednesday that unvaccinated players are going to have a much "harder time" during the 2021 season, coming a day after Vikings stars Adam Thielen and Harrison Smith said they haven't yet had the COVID-19 vaccine. The Vikings met with Dr. Allen Sills, the chief medical officer for the NFL, this week. According to Zimmer, Sills informed the team about the value of getting vaccinated, providing background on how the vaccines were tested and approved – even noting that players how have had COVID-19 should still get vaccinated because they'll "be safer if it comes back again."

It's unclear if Thielen or Smith plan to get the vaccine, with Smith saying: "They’re just giving us information to make our own decision with."

NFL players who don't get vaccinated will face another irregular season as the league's protocols are expected to be similar to what they were in 2020, when meetings were conducted virtually, masks were mandated and players and coaches underwent daily testing for the virus.

"We're just trying to educate these guys. They have to make their own decisions. The unvaccinated players are going to have a harder time in the season," said Zimmer. "They're going to be wearing masks, they'll have to social distance, they'll have daily testing, they won't be able to go home for bye week, they'll have to come back here and test everyday, when we go on the road they won't be able to go out to dinner with anybody, they'll have to travel on buses differently, travel on planes differently, a lot of the meetings will be virtual ... not only the safety part of getting vaccinated, but as far as being part of a football team, it's just going to be so much easier."
I can’t believe that the more high iq blacks on these teams are getting vaxxed given there mistrust for the white man.
Here's the article on Thielen and Smith not being vaccinated. The extreme measures being applied to non-vaccinated NFL players is lunatic stuff, purely punitive:

Thielen, Smith haven't been vaccinated; Zimmer says they'll have a 'harder time'

by Joe Nelson

Mike Zimmer said Wednesday that unvaccinated players are going to have a much "harder time" during the 2021 season, coming a day after Vikings stars Adam Thielen and Harrison Smith said they haven't yet had the COVID-19 vaccine. The Vikings met with Dr. Allen Sills, the chief medical officer for the NFL, this week. According to Zimmer, Sills informed the team about the value of getting vaccinated, providing background on how the vaccines were tested and approved – even noting that players how have had COVID-19 should still get vaccinated because they'll "be safer if it comes back again."

It's unclear if Thielen or Smith plan to get the vaccine, with Smith saying: "They’re just giving us information to make our own decision with."

NFL players who don't get vaccinated will face another irregular season as the league's protocols are expected to be similar to what they were in 2020, when meetings were conducted virtually, masks were mandated and players and coaches underwent daily testing for the virus.

"We're just trying to educate these guys. They have to make their own decisions. The unvaccinated players are going to have a harder time in the season," said Zimmer. "They're going to be wearing masks, they'll have to social distance, they'll have daily testing, they won't be able to go home for bye week, they'll have to come back here and test everyday, when we go on the road they won't be able to go out to dinner with anybody, they'll have to travel on buses differently, travel on planes differently, a lot of the meetings will be virtual ... not only the safety part of getting vaccinated, but as far as being part of a football team, it's just going to be so much easier."
I can’t believe
icsept, that was the best point you just made. I never thought of it in that way. Thank you, you just gave me a huge talking point with my lunatic friends who are demanding that I get the shot.
icsept, that was the best point you just made. I never thought of it in that way. Thank you, you just gave me a huge talking point with my lunatic friends who are demanding that I get the shot.
Don’t get the shot Booth! Find new friends or move. Hopefully Beasley, Theilen, Harrison, and some based blacks are setting up for a huge lawsuit against the nfl. Bankrupt them.
The NFL has gone full on creep to me. I suppose the PTB want to take advantage of its influence over the hive.

I only half followed it last season.

Maybe just a glance here and there next season the way things are going.

Forget a silly little game. Beasley vs The NFL is the real drama right now.

Of course a lot of the robotic "fans" out there don't even realize that.
Beasley needs to be very careful now. He's now noticed and you know what that can bring to people. Look what happened to Scott Ritter when he said there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. You can go on and on...Paul Wellstone, Kary Mullis, Vince Foster, etc, etc, and also etc.
Of course it's a way to get Cole either off the team, away from them, or like the problem child, being told to go stand in the corner.

From the article: "...since training camps began on July 25, 65 players and staff have tested positive, and 32 of them were vaccinated."

It's such a wonderful vaccine and so effective!!!

I'll tell you what's effective: The satanic, totalitarian agenda being perpetrated on everyone. At least currently.
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