Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

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Jesus... I was going into YouTube when I saw Lemaitre's 9.96 video recommended to me. He's still just 20 (turning 21) and already gained his 4th sub 10 race.

He should reconsider his earlier statements and go for Olympic medals in BOTH 100 and 200 meters next year. As long as he does not over train, he'll remain a force in both 100 and 200 meter sprints for years to come.

Way to go, LE MAESTRO!!!!
The new French 100 Meters Record.

Edited by: white lightning
News about his differents reaction times (RT) :

-- 2008 --

- July 11 : CL become the world champion Junior in 200m with 20,83 and an horrible RT of 0,206

-- 2009 --

- July 24 : Christophe beat the Junion European Record (10,04") with an excellent RT of 0,120 !!!

-- 2010 --

- July 9 : CL break the French Record (9,98) with a bad RT of 0,180
- July 27 : CL run the first serie of Barcelona Championship. RT : 0,169
- July 29 : CL is European Champion (100m) with a RT of 0,240 (very baaaaaaad !)

-- 2011 --

- May 27 : race with Bolt. Time : 10,00. RT ? 0,129 !

If you have others statistics, don't be shy ;)
I watched the race, and if you look closely, Blake seems to be running with much better form, Christophe still rocks his shoulder side to side, his form is still a little off. Amazing what this guy can do when he perfects his form and achieves elitestrengthlevel. He will be a serious threat..and I am sure he will dip into the upper 19.8's in the 200 late this year and Menea's European record will fall to Christophe in the next 2-3 years.
I can see Lemaitre running a 9.80+ race sometime in the next 3-4 years. This guy is no fluke, not after going sub 10 FOUR TIMES now. I hope Ramil Guliyev can follow suit eventually, to make it 2 White sprinters going sub 10.

Anyway, great race from both Lemaitre, and Blake. Despite not Blake's best effort, his very presence more than motivated Lemaitre to push himself to greater heights.
I have information that Lemaitre in the race yesterday get 6.52 at 60m.
Really he did not run faster , is that he has very good reaction time.
When he makes 9.98(with 6.55 at 60m) last year he did 0.181 and now 9.96 with 0.143.
So he ran 0.03 faster at 60m but his reaction was 0.04 better yesterday...
The wind was 0.9 yesterday and 1.3 in valence with 9.98.
In my opinion if Lemaitre dont have injuries, can get perfectly this season 9.90

Very hard down 9.9, would have that get perfect race and if is possible 1.5-2 wind

July 8.

Save this day !

Bolt, Blake and of course Christophe Lemaitre will run the 200m in France, Paris, Stade de France.

I think Christophe can run an amazing 200m this day...

And we already have the time (for France) : 21h46.

And before Paris, Christophe will run at Stockholm with others frenchs runners (June 18-19) and at Lausanne (for 100m ? I don't know) the June, 30.
Edited by: Twinsen9

The rain stopped a few hours before the meeting, but the temperatures dipped to 14° C. by the time of the men's 100m. On the grass field, before the race, Lemaitre couldn't warm-up properly, complaining about the 10 minute delay. This was an irritating situation, given the fact that he was running against stiff competition from the Caribbean - Jamiaca's Blake and Daniel Bailey of Antigua.
The triple European champion last year (100m, 200m, 4x100m Relay) had a good reaction to the gun (0.143), faster than Blake, but that was not enough to overtake the Jamaican, who was in front with Briton Dwain Chambers at halfway. While Chambers faded, Blake resisted Lemaitre's comeback and managed to hold a scant 0.01 advantage at the finish line. The winning time of 9.95 was exceptional given the poor quality of the track, especially in the opening second of the straight. Bailey was timed in 10.00 and Chambers in 10.09. When 9.96 was announced for Lemaitre, the 20-year-old was surprised and jumped for joy.<div>
If that doesn't make that time more impressive then I don't know what does? Outstanding race by Christophe and Blake.
Based on this latest performance, 9.89 should be attainable this season.

He was first through 10.00, he'll easily be the first through 9.90.
The big Bolt talked today about Lemaitre.
He told that Lemaitre is getting confidence after race in rome and he think that Lemaitre will continue running fast this season
mastermulti said:
his top 10 100m average is now a tad over 10.01 and coming down.

I think we'll see a sub 10 average this season
Right !

Top 10 CL :

1. 9.96
2. 9.97
3 &amp; 4 : 9.98
5. 10.00
6. 10.02
7. 10.03
8. 10.04
9 &amp; 10. 10.06

Total : 100.1

Average : 10.01

Well, it's "easy" ! Juste one race of 9.95 (or less) and his average top 10 will be sub 10.00.
It's just amazing how one guy can change everything. White sprinters have been trying for decades to run that one elusive sub 10. Now a young blonde kid from France comes out of nowhere and can run that race on an average day. What is even more amazing about Christophe is the fact that he didn't start running until he was 15 years of age. Talk about a stud that was born to run. He found his sport and his true calling in life. He is a champion and we salute him.

The guy is just amazing to watch. It's kind of sad that most americans have probably never heard of him. Just like the Klitschkos. This has to change in the U.S. Whites need to have pride in their ancestry just like everyone else does. A big part of this involves having white sports heros to look up to. Christophe may not be from here, but I will root for him because he is just what the sport needs. More fans coming to the races will help the sport to grow. Hopefully down the road, the sprinters will get paid more and the stadiums will fill up once again. The German Championships in Berlin is trying to get 50,000 people to attend. I hope they succeed. Athletics is growing and I love it.
Don't worry WL !!<div>
</div><div>His race with Bolt at Rome was seen in US (a little bit...).

And of course, in Daegu, if CL run fast... his fame will be amazing in US (and if he run faster than Gay... OMG).</div>
Just now seeing this thread and hearing the great news about Christophe. Congrats to one of the fastest men on the planet! This kid is making great strides and I look forward to seeing what he does in the future. It looks like low 9.9s are possible (or even probable) before the end of the season.

here's the race

Lemaitre 9.96

I was pleasantly surprised by something else.
I have never had much time for Daniel Bailey since he snubbed Martin Keller's offer of a handshake in Berlin and for ignoring Christophe after the Intercontinetal Cup win. Scroll to 2min 20 in the video and you can see them give each other a touch of recognition after the race. This means Bailey now respects him as a legit 100m competitor.

OOPS! sorry guys, didn't mean to steal the video. I didn't see the previous page's post of it but I'll leave it on so any newbies or latecomers won't have to scroll backEdited by: mastermulti
trackster said:
I don't see how they can mention Yohan Blake as if he's an afterthought.  He's quite probably at the Bolt/Gay/Powell level now, and may already be better than Powell.   Look for him to drag Christophe to a great time.  

and that's exactly how it would have gone on a nice warm day Trackster. Not too shoddy as it is for 14C and rain a few hours earlier

Christophe touches Bailey (or Bailey touches Christophe) in the end of the race.

</div><div>It's just that ;)</div>
Edited by: Twinsen9
I dont mean any disrespect to Yohan Blake but to watch all of the attention Lemaitre received while Blake had to keep glancing over in disgust was priceless. Im glad a bunch of white reporters and fans cheered for their own.
Watch a boxing match between a black and white guy. All the blacks root for the black fighter and vice versa. Its perfectly natural.
So I think journalists first take photo of Blake, but Canal+, the french TV, don't show them. After, when the 9,96 was confirmed, they ran near Christophe.

But maybe I'm wrong.
Edited by: Twinsen9
mattharper said:
I dont mean any disrespect to Yohan Blake but to watch all of the attention Lemaitre received while Blake had to keep glancing over in disgust was priceless. Im glad a bunch of white reporters and fans cheered for their own.
Watch a boxing match between a black and white guy. All the blacks root for the black fighter and vice versa. Its perfectly natural.
<div>all the attention comes from the fact that it is in France and the french record was broken, it needed to be immortalized by a photo</div><div>"it's perfectly natural" well right now! but I'm still hoping for a day were there is a "cultural" belonging rather than any other (color or even nation!) as the major motive</div>
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