Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

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<DIV style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt">It's nice to see that they are more and more French posters here.

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Lisa D said:
Great post, like always, White Lightning.
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<DIV style="MARGIN: 0.75pt 1.5pt">We may see some really big things within a decade or two all as a result of kids growing up watching Christophe and finally believing that they too can be the fastest man in the world.
<DIV style="MARGIN: 0.75pt 1.5pt">
<DIV style="MARGIN: 0.75pt 1.5pt">It's true. I can see that in France. There is a "Lemaitre effect". People see a young boy who is just like them break records and it's very encouraging for them. They feel proud.
<DIV style="MARGIN: 0.75pt 1.5pt 0pt">(I can tell you a few personal anecdotes about it if you are interested.)
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Alpha Male said:
Please do so...
<DIV style="MARGIN: 0.75pt 1.5pt">
<DIV style="MARGIN: 0.75pt 1.5pt 0pt">Our athletes need all the inspiration they can get!
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<DIV style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt">Ok. I will talk about my personal experience. I'm eager to know at the same time what the other French posters hear about Lemaitre and if people speak about him in foreign countries.

<DIV style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt">
<DIV style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt">First of all, I was at the "meeting Areva"Â￾ in Paris last summer (principally to see Christophe Lemaitre, Bolt, Asafa and their race). This meeting took place on July 9, 2010, so one week after Christophe broke the 10-second barrier.
<DIV style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt">
<DIV style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt">At that time, he was not so famous.
<DIV style="LINE-HEIGHT: 12pt; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt">The organizers staked on Usain Bolt, of course (he became a huge fee). They gave us some accessories bearing the effigy of Bolt to support him.
<DIV style="LINE-HEIGHT: 12pt; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt">
<DIV style="LINE-HEIGHT: 12pt; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt">The meeting was very convivial, lively and animated. I was impressed by many athletes, for instance by Jeremy Wariner, his self-control and his ease to win.
<DIV style="LINE-HEIGHT: 12pt; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt">But during the whole meeting, I just heard one word repeated by the kids in the stadium: it was "Lemaitre"Â￾. It was the big attraction.

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<DIV style="LINE-HEIGHT: 12pt; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt">
<DIV style="LINE-HEIGHT: 12pt; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt">After the race, I was interviewed by TV journalists and they asked me (among other things) if I was here to see Bolt. I answered "Not only"Â￾ and I spoke about Lemaitre: "I was here to support the French athletes too, especially Christophe Lemaitre, the new hope of French sprint, who just broke the French record"¦"Â￾ and blablabla.
<DIV style="LINE-HEIGHT: 12pt; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt">
<DIV style="LINE-HEIGHT: 12pt; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt">The next day, I watched television and I heard "Every spectator only has eyes for Bolt"Â￾ and then I saw the part of the interview in which I spoke about the qualities of Bolt (cool, relaxed "¦) but no mentionof Lemaitre.
<DIV style="LINE-HEIGHT: 12pt; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt">

<DIV style="LINE-HEIGHT: 12pt; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt">
<DIV style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt">Furthermore, I know that persons are interested in athletics since Lemaitre's feats, because they guess this guy is like them.
<DIV style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt">
<DIV style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt">One of my friends told me that her little sister was very interested in athletics since Lemaitre became "the first white to break the 10 second barrier"Â￾. Not because he broke the 10-second barrier, but because he was white and he did that.

<DIV style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt">
<DIV style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt">I suppose that she was less interested in this sport when it was only naturalized or black people who broke the French records and that she had had enough to hear common comments like "Whites can't run"Â￾.

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Edited by: Lisa D
Lisa D - regarding Canadians' awareness of Christophe Lemaitre: I searched the sport web sitesofthe two largest newspapers and the national TV radio broadcaster, and other than a very few incidental comments about him (e.g.: Christophe Lemaitre won the 100m or Christophe Lemaitre did not run in the relay) there was not a single specific comment and no photo. Indeed as I have commented here before one TV broadcast edited out the 100m race that he won despite showingalmost all of the other events.
Thanks for this description of "Canadians' awareness of Christophe Lemaitre".
So the media never spoke about the fact that he is the first white man to run sub 10 seconds for 100m?

I have read your posts about the fact Lemaitre was editied out of the program of the Continental Cup. Have you received any answer to your message to the CBC?
The Canadain news did not mention that CL was the first white man to run sub-10 because that is not of interest to them. It is of interestto the politically correct people only when whites are humiliated and blacks are glorified. The media would claim it is racist to even notice!It has been three weeks now and no response from the CBC about editing out CL's race. If I challenge them on theissue it is so simple for themto deny, that I think it would be a waste of time.We must be patient and tolerant of their ignorance - in the next year or two CL will be impossible to ignore.Edited by: freddie
freddie said:
The Canadain news did not mention that CL was the first white man to run sub-10 because that is not of interest to them. It is of interestto the politically correct people only when whites are humiliated and blacks are glorified. The media would claim it is racist to even notice!It has been three weeks now and no response from the CBC about editing out CL's race. If I challenge them on theissue it is so simple for themto deny, that I think it would be a waste of time.We must be patient and tolerant of their ignorance - in the next year or two CL will be impossible to ignore.

Hi Lisa nice to see you again around here! I didn't know that you were famous you were on national TV!!
as for canadian fellows, the situation may not be that bad for Lemaitre at some level (canadian treatment for him): first it means that he doesn't have that lot of pressure when he runs "outside"
and second, not speaking that much about him means that he's considered like any other athlete, regardless of his skin color! 9'97 is not that rare these days and focusing on the "white" thing means literally "bravo, not bad for a white person" which is a little demeaning.. the message of thoe who are snobbing him is: get inside the league of the sub 9'90 and we won't be able "not" talking about you. I don't think that being treated like any other athlete black or white isn't that bad
bk21 said:
not speaking that much about him means that he's considered like any other athlete, regardless of his skin color!

I do not agree with you. on OBAMA, all the TV worldwide were talking about his color, and as him being the first black president (wich is wrong as he is half white). And that was ok as it was "historical".

It should be the same with christophe lemaitre. It's "historical" that a white man run that fast. It's not racist to say so, but it is discrimition not talking of him like in Canada.

It's been always looking for "excuses" for not talking about the colour that it creates racism. I don't say that Lemaitre should be define "only" as "first white sprinter", as He achieved what no sprinter did before in Europe (3 gold in sprint), but it is part of history now.

No one has achieved what he did at the same age. so it's more than suspiscious when a media doesn't mention such an athlete. It would be also suspiscious for me if it was happening for a black or asian athlete.
LoLy said:
I do not agree with you. on OBAMA, all the TV worldwide were talking about his color, and as him being the first black president (wich is wrong as he is half white). And that was ok as it was "historical".

It should be the same with christophe lemaitre. It's "historical" that a white man run that fast. It's not racist to say so, but it is discrimition not talking of him like in Canada.
I fully understand your point and can't agree more, it is historical and even more at that age!
but you missed mine which is, instead of telling him "it's historical" - or- go and be the best sprinter ever (which is in his capacities), I prefer the second one, even if both are true..
LoLy said:
I do not agree with you. on OBAMA, all the TV worldwide were talking about his color, and as him being the first black president (wich is wrong as he is half white). And that was ok as it was "historical".

It should be the same with christophe lemaitre. It's "historical" that a white man run that fast. It's not racist to say so, but it is discrimition not talking of him like in Canada.
</div><div>Track is a fringe sport that barely registers a blip on the global conscience. Historically, there's rarely ever been room for, or desire to promote, more than one star. It's a lot like swimming. After Bolt and Phelps, no one cares about the #2.</div><div>
</div><div>I think equating the coverage of Lemaitre to the coverage of someone being elevated to the most powerful man on earth is a bit of a reach.</div>
Broncos: Of course, you are correct, there is no comparison between the most powerful person on earth and a sprinter; and you are also correct that in sport few careabout #2. But, as far as the principle is concerned, it is legitimate to make the observation that the cultural rules concerning the topic of race are one-sided (hence this web site). A whole book has been written on this (Negrophilia) pointing out that if one is not white then western society is heavily biased in your favor. I am not recommending the book here because it does not address sport, sprinting or Lemaitre. Edited by: freddie
Lemaitre's 3 golds (100, 200, and 4x100) is remarkable, the best I've ever seen in the European Championships. It really warrants European athlete of the year. May he add more medals (gold especially) in the future. The French Fury!
Congrats to Christophe on another well deserved award. He won the Rising Star of European Ahtletics Award last year. The kid has had a career that is the stuff of legends. I've said it many times before. They will make a movie about this kids life someday. Pepe is that good. A truely special athlete with a very rare talent. We haven't seen anything yet. He is just getting started. This is going to be so exiting leading up to the next couple of Olympics. I can't wait.
This is a guy I agree with you on wholeheartedly WL. I think "The Master" will run in the low 9.8s someday-possibly even sub 9.8- and be one of the fastest 5 clean sprinters of all time when he hangs up his spikes. He should find himself on the podium for 100 meters someday.

Have you guys noticed there are less trolls lately? We have so many guys debunking stereotypes (mostly in the NFL as tailbacks, but Christophe too) that I think they are running off scared.
ToughJ.Riggins said:
This is a guy I agree with you on wholeheartedly WL. I think "The Master" will run in the low 9.8s someday-possibly even sub 9.8- and be one of the fastest 5 clean sprinters of all time when he hangs up his spikes. He should find himself on the podium for 100 meters someday.

Have you guys noticed there are less trolls lately? We have so many guys debunking stereotypes (mostly in the NFL as tailbacks, but Christophe too) that I think they are running off scared.

Yeah Tough J, sometimes we really have to look and see what's happened within the last year, from Toby Gerhart last year, Lemaitre's sub 10 and the tailbacks and WRs in the NFL. The "name one good white sprinter" or "name a single good white RB in the NFL LOL!" excuses are finally banished! People are now seeing that if these guys can do it, what is holding back other white athletes? These accomplishments combined with the ease of seeing white talent via "white guy dunks" videos and the like are shaking the foundations of false assumptions. The myth of white athletic inferiority crumbling right before our eyes!
Electric Slide said:
The myth of white athletic inferiority crumbling right before our eyes!
The time to put an end to all the lies is slowly, but surely coming.
Don't count on the lies, deception and bias against white athletes to go away soon. Today at the Commonwealth Games in Delhi, IndiaSally Pearson, a white Australian, after winning the Women's 100 metre final was simply stripped of her gold medal three hours after the event, just when she was about to go to the award ceremony.To my experience this is unprecedented.
The way I understand it she and another athlete clearly false started but the other, a Brit, was disqualified but allowed to run even though she was "disqualified". Person won the race by half a metre (with the Brit last) and the results were posted.Later the Brits protested that their athlete was unfairly disqualified sothe officials simply disqualified the Aussie. A Nigerian was promoted to the gold.

The Aussies have appealed, so lets hope justice prevails. If not, Christophe had better get ready.

EDIT: I want to make my comments clearer. Sally Pearson probably deserved to be disqualified before the second start. But once the officials made the call then the result should stand because she did not false start on the restart and won the race on merit. Imagine the result of the Superbowl being overturned three hours after the finish!

Edited by: freddie
What a travesty. Sally Pearson deserves the gold medal. I hope she wins by appeal Freddie. I've been so busy working lately that I hadn't even checked the results of the commonwealth games.
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bk21 said:
<DIV style="LINE-HEIGHT: normal; MARGIN: 0.75pt 1.5pt">Hi Lisa nice to see you again around here! I didn't know that you were famous you were on national TV!!
<DIV style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 10pt">
<DIV style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 10pt">Hi bk21 !! It's a pleasure for me too!
<DIV style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 10pt">In fact, I'm not famous (for the moment
).Some journalistswere interviewing some spectators after the meeting and they selected me (it was nice ^^)
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white lightning said:
The kid is amazing. I just want to see some of our other sprinters both young and old start to rise up as well. Especially the young guys. We may see some really big things within a decade or two all as a result of kids growing up watching Christophe and finally believing that they too can be the fastest man in the world.
<DIV style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 10pt">Oh, I've just found a little article of a French local newspaper which can illustrate that "Lemaitre effect"Â￾ I have already spoken about.
<DIV style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 10pt">I've translated it (it's mytranslation: there might be a few grammatical mistakes because my english is not perfect, but I think it's better to understand than an automatic translation by Google).
<DIV style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 10pt">Link:
<DIV style="LINE-HEIGHT: normal; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 10pt; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto; mso-outline-level: 2">« Je veux courir comme Lemaître»
<DIV style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; LINE-HEIGHT: normal; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt" align=center>
<DIV style="LINE-HEIGHT: normal; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt">OAS_AD('Position1');
<DIV style="LINE-HEIGHT: normal; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt">Athlétisme, judo, natation: la razzia de médailles internationales a créé quelques vocations chez les sportifs sénonais mais sans vraiment boosté les adhésions.
<DIV style="LINE-HEIGHT: normal; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 10pt; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto">Ils ont crevé le petit écran ces derniers mois. Pas en jouant les mutins mais en raflant tout sur leur passage. Christophe Lemaître et ses 9'98'', Teddy Riner et son quadruplé ou encore Frédérick Bousquet et ses acolytes dans les eaux européennes. Les exploits de ces athlètes ont suscité quelques vocations chez les petits Sénonais.
<DIV style="LINE-HEIGHT: normal; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt">«À la télé,
il m'a fait rêver»
<DIV style="LINE-HEIGHT: normal; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 10pt; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto">Notamment à l'Union athlétique sénonaise. «Moi, je veux courir comme Christophe Lemaître, lance Arthur, 12ans. En le voyant à la télé, il m'a fait rêver, lors je me suis inscrit.» «Sa vitesse m'a impressionné, poursuit Valentin, 11ans. Je me suis dit pourquoi pas moi.» Arthur a abandonné les crampons et Valentin le vélo pour enfiler les pointes. «Avant, leur idole était Usain Bolt, aujourd'hui, il parle tous de Christophe Lemaître», sourit Kévin Christen, l'un des entraîneurs des poussins, benjamins, minimes. À cet âge-là, les enfants sont un peu volatiles. Ils testent et cherchent un sport qui leur correspond. Mais le choix vient aussi des parents. «Pas mal de parents confient aussi avoir regardé les championnats d'Europe et avoir été influencés», précise le technicien.
<DIV style="LINE-HEIGHT: normal; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 10pt; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto">
<DIV style="LINE-HEIGHT: normal; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 10pt; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto">Translation:
<DIV style="LINE-HEIGHT: normal; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 10pt; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto">
<DIV style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 10pt">"I want to run like Christophe Lemaitre"Â￾
<DIV style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 10pt">["¦]
<DIV style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 10pt">"On the TV, he makes me dream."Â￾
<DIV style="LINE-HEIGHT: 150%; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 10pt">The feats of the French athletes at the European Championships have created vocations, in particularin the "Union athlétique séonaise"Â￾ [a local athletics club in France]
<DIV style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 10pt">"I want to run like Christophe Lemaitre"Â￾, Arthur, 12 years old, says. "While I saw him on the TV, he made me dream, so I've joined the club"Â￾.
<DIV style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 10pt">"I was impressed by his speed"Â￾, Valentin, 11 years old, adds. "I thought why not me."Â￾
<DIV style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 10pt">Arthur stopped soccer and Valentin stopped cycling in order to begin athletics.
<DIV style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 10pt">One of the trainers of the Poussins, Benjamins and Minimes [French names of age groups of young sportsmen between 10 and 15 years old], Kévin Christen, smiles: "Before, their idol was Usain Bolt; but today, they all speak about Christophe Lemaitre"Â￾
<DIV style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 10pt">At this age, children are a little volatile. They are testing and looking for a sport which corresponds to them. But the choice comes from the parents too: "Quite a lot of parents confess to having seen the European Championships too and to having been influenced"Â￾, Kévin mentions.Edited by: Lisa D
If he ever decides to do like EVERY SINGLE black sprinter has done since the 60s, and take the PEDs he could be the fastest man ever. Not that Im in favor of that. Not at all. Its just obvious that hes not on anything, and these blacks are all beefy like football players, and body builders. They cant be on the up and up. Anyone who thinks they are is in a dream world of fantasy.
Wolfman82 said:
 If he ever decides to do like EVERY SINGLE black sprinter has done since the 60s, and take the PEDs he could be the fastest man ever. Not that Im in favor of that. Not at all. Its just obvious that hes not on anything, and these blacks are all beefy like football players, and body builders. They cant be on the up and up. Anyone who thinks they are is in a dream world of fantasy.

A lot of this black sprinters are not even 180 lbs, black athletes are often a bit more lean and that makes them look big but most are not so big.

I think west african blacks have a bit advantage over 100 meter over whites and over east asians and others at least as much.according to a dutch professor the larger leg to height ratio give blacks 0.15 seconds advantage over white top 100 meter sprinters and 0.24 over east asians.I myself think that maybe small calves that are more often found in blacks is good for top speed in a straight line.I know sprinters are not average but perfect body's don't exist so at the end of the bell curve average differences play a part too, it makes it easier to find someone who have more tools for being fast.But the most important thing for being fast is inside the muscle which you can't see by looking at somebody on the outside but some other factore like leg ratio and myabe calves can help a bit for straight line speed.

I think whites are overall, allround top athletes.Whites are also very diverse and in the decathlon the best will always I think be whites and mixed race people.
and I think it is not fair to say that blacks are more diverse then whites ( like a stupid study did on white and black americans) because african americans are more diverse genetically then white americans when you are only considered white in society when you look totally white but you are considerd black and often do self identified as such when you look a little bid *******.Of course Serena willaims and the only like 30% being sub saharan african Jeremiah wright are diverse lol.
Even a typically mulatto huge afro hair is considered black when pure sub saharan african hair grows very little and slow
"All black sprinters since the 60s are on ....."
B/S Wolfman... get a grip and be credible. Some are,some aren't.

I reckon athletes like Tyson Gay, Wallace Spearman, Jason Gardiner etc are good sports and great sportsman. Why denigrate everyone and look like a twerp?

Lisa, I predicted most kids would adopt a homegrown hero when they get the opportunity. Sure, Usain is great but Christophe lives right there among them, is French & not some exotic foreigner ... he is very real for them and someone to emulate.
As an Aussie in a country that takes sporting champions very (perhaps "too") seriously I have seen this phenomenon for decades in our many sports.
Ok let's get back to the discussion of Christophe. I just gone done watching some of his races from this last season again. It's amazing that we have gone from never having seen a white sprinter dip under the 10 second barrier to Christophe doing it 3 times in one season. Then he wins 3 golds at the European Championships. This is just mind boggling. I knew he had a hell of alot of talent but he has acheived more early success than even I thought might be possible. This is fantastic! The kid does it with one of the worst starts in the business, little strength and sub par form. I've seen 10 year olds with better form in the 200 around the curve. That is what makes everything even more special.

The kid is a phenom. I've said it a million times. I've never seen any sprinter black or white with so many faults run that fast that early. He is faster than virtually every sprinter known to man at the age of 20. Can he catch Usain Bolt? He will need to go 4 tenths faster to break the world record. It may seem impossible but I will reserve my judgement for a while. I see him running in the 9.80'sat least once or twice next year. After that, only time will tell. This needs to be said however. No one will work as hard as Christophe does. He kills himself on and off the track. I do believe we are going to see him make the medal stand at the World Champs and the Olympics in the next 2 years. The only way I don't see that happening is a major injury or a false start. I'm hoping that he can continue to shock and amaze us.

Again I want to thank Christophe Lemaitre for showing the world what I've always known is possible. With Cultural Marxism, it's an uphill battle but one that we can win. It's just like the Caste System in sports. It needs to be broken down little by little. It may take years but I look forward to seeing more Lemaitre types in the future.

Congratulations to the man that they call "The Master".
waterbed said:
... because african americans are more diverse genetically then white americans when you are only considered white in society when you look totally white but you are considerd black and often do self identified as such when you look a little bid *******.Of course Serena willaims and the only like 30% being sub saharan african Jeremiah wright are diverse lol.
Even a typically mulatto huge afro hair is considered black when pure sub saharan african hair grows very little and slow

To illustrate what you're saying:


is this guy black or white??

ok maybe you don't know who he is, maybe you do, this is Joakim Noah, Chicago Bull's player,whose father isYannick Noah (who himself is son of a black camerounian father and a white french mother) and his mother is former 1976 miss Sweden..

if we do the math, he has 75% north European white genes and 25% black african genes.. he's probably more "white" than a lot of people mixed up with Asian or mediterranean (but can't be seen on the "outside")..

So yes waterbed I see your point, and the black/white thing is at some cases, more complex than the simple phenotype
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