Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

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Very strong headwind -1.6, wet track. Cold. Given those conditions, Gemilli's and LeMaitre's times were impressive, but not up to old LeMaitre standards.

LeMaitre's comeback is not complete. He is back to being a good, respectable sprinter, but today in the championship he ran 20.15. Yes the conditions were dreadful, but he's still not the 19.80 runner he once was.

Meanwhile, Gemilli's 19.98 in these conditions may be better than a 19.80.

I would have liked to have seen a replay, but they had to cut away to the stupid high jump. In the one replay I saw they showed only the last 30 meters or so and LeMaitre was gaining.

I'd love to see him run some 400's, even if just in the early season, like Gay, Bolt, and Blake. Anyway, maybe next year for Christophe. He's not getting any younger. Hard to believe he'll be 25 next year. After that, the natural decline starts.

Gemilli should easily go under 10 if he runs more 100's this season. He's a 9.95 guy at worst.
Congrats to Gemeli. Sad for Lemaitre but two silvers in the 100 & 200 meters is still quite an accomplishment. This might be just what Christophe needs to further motivate him to make some more changes in his training. Even in the 200, his start hurts him even if it's not
as much as in the 100 meters. He has to improve his start and then he can run some eye popping times again. B

Back to Adam Gemeli. The kid has to be the happiest guy on the planet. I have never seen him not smile on or off the track. He is a very
likeable guy who carries himself with class & dignity. I'm very happy for him. Adam Gemeli is now a household name after the Commonwealth Games silver medal followed up by a gold medal at the Euro Champs. He is even with Christophe if not above him at the moment over both distances. He runs quicker times on average over both distances if you look at his times. I'm not bashing Lemaitre as he is still my favorite. I'm just giving credit where credit is due. Gemeli is every bit as talented as Lematire over both distances. Dasalou and Vicaut have competition.

This can only be a good thing for the future of euro sprinting. Even the germans have stepped up their level of sprinting with Lucas J. finishing 5th in the 100 final. I was happy to see Guliyev take 5th today. A step in the right direction to give him confidence going forward.

I will make a prediction. The last 3 years and the results will bring out the best in Lemaitre. We have not seen his best performances yet. I see him going above and beyond what he did four years ago. We need to be patient. He has been humbled and he will not take it lightly. The master Lemaitre will be back with a vengence. I cannot wait for next summer.

So happy we had a 1-2-3 sweep in the 200 meters. What a great day of competition despite the weather.
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Very good race for Christophe with rain, very cool temperature (13°c), headwind (-1.6)

20.15 = around 19.90-19.95 BASIC TIME with normal condition

AMAZING GEMILI !!! 19.98 = around 19.75-19.80 BASIC TIME with normal condition
Very good race for Christophe with rain, very cool temperature (13°c), headwind (-1.6)

20.15 = around 19.90-19.95 BASIC TIME with normal condition

AMAZING GEMILI !!! 19.98 = around 19.75-19.80 BASIC TIME with normal condition

LOL, Excuses...Fool
Very strong headwind -1.6, wet track. Cold. Given those conditions, Gemilli's and LeMaitre's times were impressive, but not up to old LeMaitre standards.

LeMaitre's comeback is not complete. He is back to being a good, respectable sprinter, but today in the championship he ran 20.15. Yes the conditions were dreadful, but he's still not the 19.80 runner he once was.

Meanwhile, Gemilli's 19.98 in these conditions may be better than a 19.80.

I would have liked to have seen a replay, but they had to cut away to the stupid high jump. In the one replay I saw they showed only the last 30 meters or so and LeMaitre was gaining.

I'd love to see him run some 400's, even if just in the early season, like Gay, Bolt, and Blake. Anyway, maybe next year for Christophe. He's not getting any younger. Hard to believe he'll be 25 next year. After that, the natural decline starts.

Gemilli should easily go under 10 if he runs more 100's this season. He's a 9.95 guy at worst.

Congrats to Adam Gemili...He deserved you know why? He is a Good person, but more importantly, Adam did exactly what should be done the last 2 years - He bettered himself!

1. He did a 2 Week internship in the US training with Tyson Gay
2. He left his old Amateur coach to train with Guess Who, James Daslou...they keep each other motivated and push themselves to run faster.

Gemili will break 19.72.... Lemaitre could of, should of, but wont.

Leamitre, same old tune....Amateur Coaches, Amateur partners. If the body does not get shocked once in a while from a different approach, it will stall. This is common knowledge in any sports development, especially that requires explosive power.,


PS: Daphne Schippers is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!
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""I will make a prediciton. The last 3 years and the results will bring out the best in Lemaitre. We have not seen his best perfomances yet. I see him going above and beyond what he did four years ago. We need to be patient. He has been humbled and he will not take it lightly. The master Lemaitre will be back with a vengence. I cannot wait for next summer."

No he wont, This is the same tune the last 3 years (ala RCSMAN) ....unless he does a 360 with his training approach and leaves Caraz and his Amateur methods and club, He will regress even further.
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Christophe appeared to be carrying a hamstring injury and looked in pain during the race in my opinion.
However that still doesn't explain his recent poor seasons.
A lot of chatter on the T&FN discussion boards about Lemaitre following the 200m. Most of it very similar to here - i.e., 'what's happened to CL?' 'why hasn't he improved?' and then basically everyone saying he needs to change coaches.
Nothing we haven't talked about here, but basically a new topic there.
I found this post to be most interesting:

"Sadly, he indeed seems to be someone who takes a long time to be comfortable in a new environment, which is one reason he may not have made a (coaching) change already.
However, it may be nothing, but it's the first time I've heard the french commentators (amongst whom several prominent ex-athletes who still are very close to the French team) clearly say "ok something needs to change" on record.
So I'd expect some serious behind the scene talks to start pretty soon."
A lot of chatter on the T&FN discussion boards about Lemaitre following the 200m. Most of it very similar to here - i.e., 'what's happened to CL?' 'why hasn't he improved?' and then basically everyone saying he needs to change coaches.
Nothing we haven't talked about here, but basically a new topic there.
I found this post to be most interesting:

"Sadly, he indeed seems to be someone who takes a long time to be comfortable in a new environment, which is one reason he may not have made a (coaching) change already.
However, it may be nothing, but it's the first time I've heard the french commentators (amongst whom several prominent ex-athletes who still are very close to the French team) clearly say "ok something needs to change" on record.
So I'd expect some serious behind the scene talks to start pretty soon."

I'm 100% convicted that the No1 cause for his present condition is that he haven't started riding the bicycle ;) All indications are there !!!!
If he was born in the UK ,US or even Paris things would be quite different.

It's a thing that some cannot comprehend !!! And it's not logic for someone competing as a PRO T&F athlete ... it's something unique ;)
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A lot of chatter on the T&FN discussion boards about Lemaitre following the 200m. Most of it very similar to here - i.e., 'what's happened to CL?' 'why hasn't he improved?' and then basically everyone saying he needs to change coaches.
Nothing we haven't talked about here, but basically a new topic there.
I found this post to be most interesting:

"Sadly, he indeed seems to be someone who takes a long time to be comfortable in a new environment, which is one reason he may not have made a (coaching) change already.
However, it may be nothing, but it's the first time I've heard the french commentators (amongst whom several prominent ex-athletes who still are very close to the French team) clearly say "ok something needs to change" on record.
So I'd expect some serious behind the scene talks to start pretty soon."

Change coaches? What? How dare you suggest a different approach! Ignorant! If the wind was -1.4 instead of -1.5 and the Barometric pressure was rising, he would of run 20.14! which is good! as he has knocked off .0001 off his cone runs in training! - RCSMAN
ultimately it doesnt matter who his coach is
as not the main problem.

It is quite clear what he needs to do!!!!!
time to dope properly like the top boys ,

needs to jump on that bike fast before to late
nearly to late already ,needed to be done when 20.

if he had the oppertunity with his stride , to dope like
bolt and blake did in past ,he wouldnt be far off them
his weak start and strength and recovery after races be thing of past.
as is gemilli no saint ,nor is his coach or training group .

lemaitre is burning out , and maybe more than others
as maybe physiologically / hormone wise will never be there .
that strength needs to come from somewhere .

look at gatlin as an example of what can be done for strength
with recent doping . if only such peds would find there way into his hands
wouldnt matter who his coach is.
.time will tell .
ultimately it doesnt matter who his coach is
as not the main problem.

It is quite clear what he needs to do!!!!!
time to dope properly like the top boys ,

needs to jump on that bike fast before to late
nearly to late already ,needed to be done when 20.

if he had the oppertunity with his stride , to dope like
bolt and blake did in past ,he wouldnt be far off them
his weak start and strength and recovery after races be thing of past.
as is gemilli no saint ,nor is his coach or training group .

lemaitre is burning out , and maybe more than others
as maybe physiologically / hormone wise will never be there .
that strength needs to come from somewhere .

look at gatlin as an example of what can be done for strength
with recent doping . if only such peds would find there way into his hands
wouldnt matter who his coach is.
.time will tell .

Yes, everyone is on PED's expect for Lemaitre...even Gemili is on something....You are the polar opposite of RCSMAN, but like him, a Fool.
Battu par les Anglais Dasaolu et Gemili sur 100 et 200 mètres aux Championnats d’Europe de Zurich, Christophe Lemaitre ne veut pas rentrer dans les rangs. Pour retrouver les sommets, le sprinteur français engagé avec le relais 4x100 tricolore est "prêt à changer des choses".

"Le niveau est beaucoup plus relevé qu’il y a quatre ans. Et moi je n’ai pas été capable de l’atteindre". A la sortie de son 200 mètres argenté, Christophe Lemaitre est lucide. En 19’’99, le Britannique Adam Gemili l’a surclassé sur le demi-tour de piste. "Il y a une génération de sprinteurs de plus en plus forts qui ont envie de s’inviter, reprend le sprinteur français. Je dois faire attention et augmenter mon niveau". Depuis les Mondiaux de Daegu lors desquels il avait abaissé son record personnel à 19’’80sur 200 m et décroché le bronze de la discipline, le Tricolore plafonne. S’il continue de monter sur les podiums européens, l’or continental et les médailles mondiales se refusent désormais à lui. "Il faut que je voie pourquoi ça n’a pas marché à Zurich, que je le comprenne, pour voir ce que je peux modifier. Ensuite, je devrai prendre des décisions. (…) Si je juge qu’en changeant des choses je peux progresser, je le ferai. Le travail mené cet hiver a été très lourd et intense. Mais était-ce le bon ? Aurais-je dû faire d’autres choses ? Un autre type de travail ?" Christophe Lemaitre s’interroge.

Lemaitre: "Je n'ai pas d'excuse"

A 24 ans, le Français a encore du temps devant lui. Mais il ne doit pas trop attendre sous peine de voir le train partir sans lui. "En 2010, j’étais champion d’Europe en 10’’11 et 20’’38. Cette année il fallait 10’’06 et 19’’99 pour l’être, rappelle l’élève de Pierre Carraz. Je n’ai pas d’excuse, je suis meilleur athlète européen aux bilans du 200 mètres et je ne suis pas capable de courir à mon meilleur chrono de la saison". Un constat qui tranche avec son discours. Malgré ses difficultés, le sprinteur d’Aix les Bains reste un féroce compétiteur. "Il me tarde la finale demain parce qu’il faudra se battre pour faire quelque chose", déclarait-il avec gourmandise à la sortie de sa demi-finale du 100 mètres. Lemaitre se battait
mais le Britannique James Dasaolu le mettait KO. "Je me suis déjà fait battre par un Anglais sur le 100, hors de question que ça recommence sur le 200", disait-il encore après sa qualification pour la finale sur le demi-tour de piste.

He wants to change the way he is training....
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