(I just want to say we can celebrate white sprinters like Lemaitre without being disrespectful with black athlets, sorry for the digression.)
- Anyway before doing a great time we have to check the weather, and Christophe will run in a city closed to Paris : Franconville. As per meteoFrance, which is very reliable, sunday will be sunny about 24 Celsius degrés, and with a little wind between 10km/h and 20km/h so great conditions.
-It's a small meet so the track has an average quality, we always forget that, but he did 10'09 and 10'24 on average tracks, it's not like to run in big and fast stadium (we saw the difference at Novi Sad last year).
-The emulation : Nothing. He is alone in France, maybe Mbandjock could help him to run faster (he run 10'14 this season) but he trains in the Us and Pognon focus on the 200m. So as the 2 first races he will run against himself.
I expect a good time because he is in good shape, but not less than 10'05 regarding the direction of wind. I agree when people say he will be a regular sub10, but to be honest I'm afraid Ramil will go first
That guy is so mysterious, I heard he will run next week in Spain. I hope Pepe le Flew will be the 1st !!!!!!!!