Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

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I'm of course ecstatic about Lemaitre's accomplishments and the fact that a sub-10 for him is just a matter of time, but I hope we haven't given up on The Pick yet. It's not like Craig's old; honestly I think he's running into Matt Shirvinton-like mental barriers, but I still see him running sun-10, too.
I agree. I still see big things coming from Craig. He is not a 200 meters runner but the fact that his coach is having him run a few will pay big dividends in the summer season. I guarantee he will break his p.b. in the 100 this summmer and a sub 10 for Craig is not that far out of reach. He needs to get his confidence and swagger back. I can't wait to see him race against Powell in another 3 days. I'm hoping he can open up his season in the low 10.20's range if the weather is good.

Lemaitre just is in a class by himself at the moment. He will inspire white kids from around the globe. I've never been more excited by any sprinter ever!
step by step he's edging up.

Now he's got to show he can hold it together in big meets. If he can manage that psychological barrier he'll start getting big appearance fees to front up around the athletics world, certainly all over Europe.

I'd really like to see him in a moderately good field, with the guys on the next level down from Bolt,Gay and Powell. If he could race people like Michael Rodgers ect who have managed 9.90s or just sub10 on the odd occasion I think we'd see a situation where Chris knows he has their capability and could just relax and let that great top end speed do its thing.
Pickering just needs to focus on his game, and not let the negativeness get to him (easier said than done though). He ain't that old, and still has lots of upside in his game.

Lemaitre is truly a phenom, just the kind of athlete needed to break barriers and stereotypes.
there is the situation too where if Christophe does it at the Diamond league meeting he'll have achieved it before turning 20 (which he does on June 10th).

That'd be nice, the fastest white man and not yet formally a man LOL!
Just think that if he would have had a wind of 1.5 - 2.0, he would have already went sub 10 a few times. It's kind of amazing that he can run these times with no wind at his age. The kid is a man child. Anyone that doesn't see him being a serious contender by 2012 is mistaken. As he gets stronger, he can only go faster. I just sit back in awe at his level of talent and athletecism. The sky is the limit as I've said many times before. I hope he does it as a teenager! It's so frustrating that these meets are not on tv. I guess in a way it's a blessing in disguise that he hasn't done it yet! To go sub 10 at the Diamond League will be special!
Thanks for posting that video. It may be very low quality, but it shows how fast he is sprinting. He is really moving and he destroys everyone by a huge margin. Hopefully a few more people will have a better quality video of the race.

I can't help but wonder what kind of times he would run in the 200 at the moment? I would have to guess he would probably run in the 20.20-20.40 range simply because his speed endurance wouldn't be up to par as he hasn't been training for the deuce. I'm glad they are focusing on the 100 meters! He will be the first to dip under 10!

June 5th cannot get here soon enough! The champagne is ready for the toast!

Edited by: white lightning
Another short article with Christophe commenting about his chances of going sub 10 in the near future. He is focused, primed and ready!

A performance that the junior world champion is expected to sign, if the conditions be as favorable as yesterday, at its next releases. Especially that real competition would drive him into a corner. "I am closer to more of that lap," says Christopher. Now I must continue my momentum. What I did not suffer any injuries that bothers me. What I do not put too much pressure in trying to any price break that barrier to faster time clock. I remain myself, focused on my subject. If I continue on this path, there will be no problem. Even if I failed TODAY "Today (yesterday), I make way less than 10" saw what I do now. "

Perhaps in Marseille on June 5, where two Americans and 10 "10 are announced." It is a possibility, Christopher concedes. Otherwise, Rome seems the most logical place for that. "On June 10 during a step from the Diamond League, particularly in the face Asafa Powell." Until then, it will work well, posting Carraz. For at the same time, this is not the moment for blast off, "said Lemaitre, whose major objective is the gain of the European title in July.

He's not letting simply breaking 10 an issue he pays any mind to.
He knows he can smash that time. Doesn't see it as a barrier (which it isn't, it's just an abitrary figure) and knows realistically 9.99 won't medal in anything major.
I love his attitude.

I noticed his black athlete friends and black onlookers also appear very supportive. And who wouldn't support a fellow countryman with this much talent? Viva La France!

As for me, I'll try to be cool and just wait. I waited so long in anticipation of Matt doing it and just got disappointed. It may not be next month, who knows? But all things point to it happening sooner or later. And I'm thinking he'll peak at more than a tenth under that 10.00 mark.Edited by: mastermulti
from 4th June 2009

if I may but in here...(my personal trainer advice coming out here)
50 lbs in 55 weeks is a snack if you get with the program. 1 kg (2.2 lbs)a week is about the healthy limit to losing weight in a way the body can cope with and keep off.

Don't put in calorie wise what you're not using... if you're not very active you may have to adjust your calorific intake.
Try and find a good walking course and do it 4 times a week, timing yourself to monitor improvement but don't knock yourself out! e.g. I walk a 5 km course through our local university, hospital and backstreets an time myself at kilometre points. I know if I walk it in 36 minutes or so my heart rate has been 130 and perfect for fat burning.
At 33 you'll have to raise your exercise heart rate to about 140-145 for ideal fat burn.
Keep a diary of your times.
Reduce your carb intake (bread, rice,pasta, snacks) and eat higher protein such as beans, lentils, fish, red meat... and add a salad.

Don't try to do too much at once 'coz that's the biggest way to loose interest in your goals.

Do a day's track work a week to get back into the feel of it.
I wanna see you give your mate a hiding this time next year LOL

I intend to stay 5'11" and 175 lbs for the rest of my life but I know it's a dream if I don't keep to a healthy food intake and do the muscle work I do as a builder and during training days!!!!

Good luck and all the best with your efforts!"

Albinosprint, how are you going mate?
I agree with you mastermulti. The kid is so intelligent. He doesn't seem to let little things effect him. He has said on multiple occasions that even if he didn't go sub 10 this year, he wouldn't care as long as he medals at the Euro Champs. The kid is a breath of fresh air. He simply gets it. Christophe is never blown away by the magnitude of the situation. I can only imagine how proud his parents are of this true champion. What a role model! What a inspiration for white sprinters everywhere!

He is special. A rare breed that comes along every so often to show people what is really possible. If Borzov had the internet and mass media back then, who knows what could have happened. With millions of whites around the world watching this kid, he should make an impact and steer some kids into track! That would be the greatest gift that he could give us. We need numbers. Christophe is the Klitschko of sprinting! May God continue to keep him healthy and help to break down stereotypes!
Here is a list of a few of the world class sprinters/gold medal winners/worlds fastest men and their personal best times in the 100 at 19 years of age.

Asafa Powell: aged 19 ran a PB of 10.12 (1.3 m/s).
Tyson Gay: aged 19 ran a PB of 10.27 (0.7m/s).
Usain Bolt: aged 21 ran a PB of 10.03 (0.7m/s).
Maurice Greene: aged 19 ran a PB of 10.43
Bruny Surin aged: 19 ran a PB of 10.62
Christophe Lemaitre: aged 19 ran a PB of 10.04 (0.2m/s)
from the time i saw his pb wa 10.26 with a 6.7 60 meters so a good amount of improvement in the 60 possible(when you have 10.26 with a 6.5 60 meters less likely to improve much of course)i did know he was a golden boy.
Christophe seems to have been very dissapointed with 10.03 (he said so after the race). I agree with him that 10.03 is almost .2 slower than he is capable of at the moment. Honestly, by the end of the season he should be mid to low 9.8, especially with real competition forcing him to start better. I'm glad he is quite aware of how good he is.
mastermulti said:
from 4th June 2009

if I may but in here...(my personal trainer advice coming out here)
50 lbs in 55 weeks is a snack if you get with the program. 1 kg (2.2 lbs)a week is about the healthy limit to losing weight in a way the body can cope with and keep off.

Don't put in calorie wise what you're not using... if you're not very active you may have to adjust your calorific intake.
Try and find a good walking course and do it 4 times a week, timing yourself to monitor improvement but don't knock yourself out! e.g. I walk a 5 km course through our local university, hospital and backstreets an time myself at kilometre points. I know if I walk it in 36 minutes or so my heart rate has been 130 and perfect for fat burning.
At 33 you'll have to raise your exercise heart rate to about 140-145 for ideal fat burn.
Keep a diary of your times.
Reduce your carb intake (bread, rice,pasta, snacks) and eat higher protein such as beans, lentils, fish, red meat... and add a salad.

Don't try to do too much at once 'coz that's the biggest way to loose interest in your goals.

Do a day's track work a week to get back into the feel of it.
I wanna see you give your mate a hiding this time next year LOL

I intend to stay 5'11" and 175 lbs for the rest of my life but I know it's a dream if I don't keep to a healthy food intake and do the muscle work I do as a builder and during training days!!!!

Good luck and all the best with your efforts!"

Albinosprint, how are you going mate, 12 months down the track?
that video of Chris running 10.03....... that certainly is a large crowd for an interclub meet. What he's done for track already is fired up the public's imagination, black and white alike.

Put him 45cms ahead of where he was in the vid, that's a mere 18", and there's your still wind 9.99

It's a novelty seeing a tall white man running fluently and this fast. As W/L said, his stride is different to most white sprinters. He doesn't appear to be driving his legs along like many do, he just opens out that fluent stride. This to me shows he'll be able to run fast naturally for many years.

Most fast white guys I see these days rely on lots of gym work to get power (I'm thinking Daniel Batman, Adam Miller etc) but it cannot make up for a natural free flowing stride with long legsEdited by: mastermulti
Yes many look like they are trying out for tailback for a college team. I agree he has similar build to Armin Hary and a slight facial resemblance too. Just very natural looking almost coltish looking.
Lemaitre closing on 10-sec barrier

The other young French prodigy, Lemaitre, 19, ran the 100m in a personal best of 10.03 (wind +0.6), after an average start before injecting a powerful acceleration midway and leaving the opposition far behind (Yannick Lesourd was 2nd in 10.43).

His former best time was set last year when he won the European Junior Championships, breaking the European Junior record in the process (10.04).

"I'm a little bit disappointed because I wanted to run under 10sec (the National record is held by Ronald Pognon in 9.99 since 2005), admitted Lemaitre. "Anyhow, I will have other occasions to try it again."Â￾

Franconville was his third race outdoors, after Aix-les-Bains on 1 May (10.09, wind +1.0, winning from Pessonneaux 10.62) and Venissieux on 9 May (10.24, wind -2.2, way ahead of Jonathan Gelie 11.23).

This makes an enormous 0.64 winning margin so far this year at 100m, and since his disqualification for false start in the quarter-finals at the Berlin World Champs in August, Lemaitre has won 25 races ranging from 50m to 200m, all of them being run on French soil.

His first appearance abroad is therefore keenly anticipated and should take place in the Rome IAAF Diamond League meeting on 10 June against sprint stars such as Tyson Gay or Asafa Powell in order to judge the new sprint find into an international context.
white lightning, thanks for posting the video link. The kid has some kind of acceleration! Should be an interesting next few years!
Sorry guys. I was very tired when I posted it. I did see another video slightly different from that one but you couldn't see the last third of the race. The people blocked the camera. I must have got it confused with that one. My bad.

Regardless of the bad quality, I still love the way he separated from the pack in the last 30-40 meters. This guy is so fast. June 10th is going to be really exciting when he racing against two of the big three stars. Keep up the great sprinting Christophe!
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