Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

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Like I told you guys, he is ready to smash through that magical 10 second barrier soon. It's only a matter of time. What an incredible start to the outdoor season. I can't wait to see a link to this race. Thanks to The Master for posting this.

PepeLeFlew is off to a flying start!
Wow what a season opener. Not even warm and he is doing July times. If he doesn't do sub 10 this year this will be an even bigger shocker.
Great news! Twill be interesting to see what happens with him this year.
10.09 with no one to push him is phenomenal for a first race of the season, and he is still only 19!
as long as this kid stays injury free, he is going to break 10 this year. mark my words!
He's already got a 10.09!?! And he's still 19 years old?

It's only the beginning of May. This kid can't miss. I'm sure he'll break 10.00 before this season is out.
He won the race by around half a second! Christophe had a wind at his back but it was legal at only 1 mph. The guy is incredible. The best white sprinter I have ever seen and he has only began to show what he is capable of! Viva Lemaitre!
With 10 "09 100 m for his return, the sprinter Aachen launched its season and sent a strong signal to the competition.

Fifteen hours yesterday. The few spectators in the stadium Jacques Forestier hold their breath. Lane 7, Christophe Lemaitre, the rising star of French sprint, rushed to his back on track. Check-gun, lightning acceleration and mastered technique to a limit in tune. Verdict chrono: 10 "09, with a favorable wind of 1 m / s. Its dolphin, Pierre-Alexis Pessonneaux is 53/100 ... European champion title in the junior 100m (10" 04 July 2009) just match the fifth-best French performance over the distance. "It's going," said he, in a disconcerting smile. "I wanted to do a good lap time at the outset to see if the preparation was bearing fruit. I just lightened my training this week. I'm happy but we must confirm it," notes the arrow Culoz.

Carraz: "A bit lonely ..."
The schoolboy Terminale full of energy and desire: to shine at the European Championships in Barcelona (July 26 - August 1) and 100 m relay, down under

10 seconds over the distance queen of athletics. "It'sa good beginning, it was a bit lonely today (yesterday). When there's a fight, it will go faster," said Peter Carraz, his coach, who will confront his protege to Usain Bolt at the meeting Areva Stade de France, 16 July. "It took the power with his physical work and has made progress in putting into action. With his qualities, it makes a difference".

Martinetto Maurice, secretary and backbone AS Aix, did not return: "Last year, Christopher had started with a 10" 26 to finish at 10 "04".

Most of Ronald Pognon of France (9 "99) is no longer light-years.
what a start to a season.
This kid obviously doesn't know that white men can't sprint.

My Aussie fave sprinter Damien Marsh went to train in the States with Manley Waller (only white guy in the squad and often the fastest). A reporter once asked if he felt at a disadvantage being white. His response was that he was the only Damien Marsh "that ever was, and who knows what I can do?" That year he went on to win the Monaco grand prix 100 after being put in as first substitute, beating Mike Marsh, Linford Christie, Donovan Bailey, John Drummond etc.
I think Christophe has this confidence too..... not overawed by the occasion, not worrying about the stereotypes and confident he can match the best.

Viva the young Frenchman!Edited by: mastermulti
I can't wait for the 10 second barrier to broken by a White man so we can finally put this myth to bed. If Chris can beat those Jamaican sprinters that will be great and even the DWFs will have to open their eyes about White being slow.
Very impressive! To run 2 consecutive sub 10.10's is amazing, and at such a young age. He's a way better prospect than Shirvington. He needs to only improve his stride and technique (plus conditioning) and he'll take the sprinting world by storm.
"He's a way better prospect than Shirvington"

It's easy to say that in hindsight but in 1998 at 19 years of age Shirvo ran 10.07 at the world cup, 10.09 and 10.03 at the C'Games when he was 19.
We all thought it was only a matter of time before he became a sub tenner.

It never happened!

I hope Christophe can improve (and think he will) but who knows what can happen.

BTW, here's Shirvo's new business venture. I wonder what he can charge an hour LOL?

ShirvoFitnessEdited by: mastermulti
Lemaitre is built very different than Shirvo. Shirvo was a straight out of the blocks power guy, Lemaitre has that rare acceleration past 50 meters. Lemaitre is very special and the world will see how much very soon.
I want to see him do it while he is young and uninhibited... get it over with.
The issue of having to run sub ten stuck with Shirvo and became a menace as the years passed
Lemaitre has superb talent and potential. It was amusing to read all the comments at Track and Field News, with 'experts' trying to disparage his early season fast time. All kinds of methods used to show how it wasn't as fast it was. Hilarious. Hopefully he's immune to the media pressure, which is actually calculated by the elites to wear down those they don't like. Much like the way reporters would question golfers regarding Tiger Woods, peppering some guy with questions starting off "Well, Tiger's amazing natural ability ..." or "With arguably the greatest golfer in history right behind you...". All of this and worse designed to try and wreck someone's (a white athlete's) confidence while sending the correct messages to the white public.
Good post Colonel Callan, I agree. It's been a while since I've seen you on CF...welcome back. I enjoy your knowledgeable posts in the T&F forum.
Thanks ToughJ! I like your moniker, Riggins was one of my favorite players, and free-spirited, tough as nails to boot. (And I like your posts on all topics)
A thanks to you too Colonel! I appreciate the compliment. I was very young when Riggins was doing his dominating at tailback. I just turned 30 a little over a month ago. My dad and grandfather were Giants fans, (so if I was older I may have rooted against him at the time).

Amazing that not long ago (1983) a white RB wins Superbowl MVP. Five years later a black QB leads the same team to victory in the Superbowl (Williams) and all the media will talk about is the lack of black QBs in a less than 13% black country. However, the dominant white tailbacks (like Riggins) of the past are soon forgotten and dismissed and a new "reverse" racism starts.

I think Riggins was actually 1/4 Amero-Indian, but I consider him a white man. Riggins was white culturally and considered white by fans (and the caste system) and Native American culture and people are my second favorite after the Irish/Scottish and Italians anyway.
Here is a video of Lemaitre's 10.09. It's not very good. Whoever took it was focused on another competitor.
It looks like a low-key race.
When he gets into some bigger races, his time will come down quickly. I wonder how soon the sub-10 will happen?!?!?! by: jacknyc
FastEuro said:
Lemaitre is built very different than Shirvo. Shirvo was a straight out of the blocks power guy, Lemaitre has that rare acceleration past 50 meters. Lemaitre is very special and the world will see how much very soon.
Yes Shirvington had a 100 meter specialists build. Lemaitre has more of speed endurance build. I don't think he will ever be really bulky. At the moment he has more of build of 400 or even 800 meter runner.
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