Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

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Thats because they dont have the natural speed like Lemaitre. You all dont get it...Take someone who has a high end of natural speed and train them to be stronger - they will run faster. It is very simple.

Nope, not necessarily.

In sprinting up to 7-10.4 m/s+, the contractile components that are responsible for power output of energy is stored in the elastic elements (high-end/top speed).

Tell me, what happens to the elastic elements under a heavy weight program?.
Nope, not necessarily.

In sprinting up to 7-10.4 m/s+, the contractile components that are responsible for power output of energy is stored in the elastic elements (high-end/top speed).

Tell me, what happens to the elastic elements under a heavy weight program?.

Christophe problem is not his elasticity which is a component of top speed. It is the power output he can't produce at the start. The torque. There is a reason why Olympic weight lifters have high vertical jumps and fast 10-20 meter sprints as much as elite sprinters. It is also a reason why I was able to bring my 40 yards dash time from 5.3 as a sophomore to a legit 4.6 as a senior- power training. Combine power with Christophes natural spring, he will run alongside Bolt and Blake.

Ps there is something called plyometrics which trains power to be reactive or 'springy'
abit of reality wouldnt go a miss ,

who cares about said yamaicans ,you cant compare
athletes that are clearly using peds with a more naturally inclined lemaitre .
on there regime ,he would easily improve power and start .

whether he is regressing or will ever improve start by natural means ,if so
,then so be it but will still follow him regardless

again also want him to build strength and power but also prioritise the indoors
,mutually exclusive . the indoors dont matter ,what matters is a good off season
in the weight room .he is clearly running indoors ,cause he enjoys it .

and since when does power +speed endurance = fast start . maybe some biochemically
cross overs that hard to pin point but by definition speed endurance is the latter of race
maybe more the likes of power and strength "for first 5-10 metres " are good qualities for
fast start
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Lemaitre a distant THIRD at the French National Championships:
1/ Jimmy Vicaut 6.53; 2/ Emmanuel Biron 6.63; 3/ Christophe Lemaitre 6.69

Honestly this is upsetting.
Lemaitre had clearly been the #1 European sprinter for several yrs, and now he is only 3rd best in his own national championships, in a very pedestrian time of 6.69!
I know some of you will tell me to wait, but then also tell me what to wait for? Do you really think he's going to get better given these performances? or should I wait for him to get worse?
If I sound disappointed and disgusted, it's because I am.
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Lemaitre a distant THIRD at the French National Championships:
1/ Jimmy Vicaut 6.53; 2/ Emmanuel Biron 6.63; 3/ Christophe Lemaitre 6.69

Honestly this is upsetting.
Lemaitre had clearly been the #1 European sprinter for several yrs, and now he is only 3rd best in his own national championships, in a very pedestrian time of 6.69.
I know some of you will tell me to wait, but then also tell me what to wait for? Do you really think he's going to get better giving these performances? or should I wait for him to get worse?
If I sound disappointed and disgusted, it's because I am.

He probably ate some bad eggs in the morning and his socks were on too tight...but dont despair, the great Trainer Carraz knows what to do. You shall see! :rolleyes:
abit of reality wouldnt go a miss ,

who cares about said yamaicans ,you cant compare
athletes that are clearly using peds with a more naturally inclined lemaitre .
on there regime ,he would easily improve power and start .

whether he is regressing or will ever improve start by natural means ,if so
,then so be it but will still follow him regardless

again also want him to build strength and power but also prioritise the indoors
,mutually exclusive . the indoors dont matter ,what matters is a good off season
in the weight room .he is clearly running indoors ,cause he enjoys it .

and since when does power +speed endurance = fast start . maybe some biochemically
cross overs that hard to pin point but by definition speed endurance is the latter of race
maybe should of said power and strength for first 5-10 metres are good qualities for
fast start

It means developing all qualities of a sprinter from start to finish Power (Start phase) + Speed Endurance (maintenance) = a faster time if trained properly. Some of you guys here need a education in Athletic training. And not everyone who runs faster than Lemaitre is on PED's. Stop the nonsense till more evidence is presented.

Lemaitre is regressing because his coach is old school and trained him wrong from the start. Lemaitre managed to do amazing things 2 years ago on natural ability alone, not from hop scotch and running around cones. It is a shame, because Lemaitre would be running alongside Bolt, Blake, Gatlin if he trained properly from the get go - ped's or not.
Lemaitre a distant THIRD at the French National Championships:
1/ Jimmy Vicaut 6.53; 2/ Emmanuel Biron 6.63; 3/ Christophe Lemaitre 6.69

...can't wait to hear the positive spin on this performance....:icon_rolleyes:
Sometimes I feel like out best athletes and teams are cursed. Just look at what happened to the Minnesota Timberwolves this year. Then look at what happens to our best white college running backs or best college basketball players like Morrison, Reddick or Fredette. Ramil Guliyev dissapears, and Lemaitre has taken a huge several steps backwards.

What is Carraz doing? Training him for the 400/800 meters double? What a joke!

Why does this always happen to our greatest athletes. Christophe has once in a life time talent going down hill quick.

I find it very hard to remain optomistic anymore. Let's somehow hope that we are all wrong on this. I don't know how but maybe by
a miracle we will see a different sprinter come summer time.
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like the top americans or jamaicans ...lemaitre should,t bother with the indoors , sponsorship deals force him to compete here in europe .... its a fact known and reported in french sports press that lemaitre is lifting like never before also that his training load in general has increased ( carraz is absolutely no ! fool.).. like the truth is that its the outdoor season is where its at !!.. its all that counts !!!! so guys dont get too upset by indoor results..... .. lemaitre is doing it like he should ....working towards the outdoor season , i guarantee you guys come moscow he will be in a good position to medal over 100 and 200 meters:target:
...can't wait to hear the positive spin on this performance....:icon_rolleyes:

He was sore from training and one of the boards on the track was .0001 of a centimeter too high which caused him to run slightly uphill...but all kidding aside, this is sickening. Even if he were in an 'endurance phase', he should still be running 6.59 or so..Christophe should grow some balls and dump Carraz and go train with Vicaut's coach or better yet come to the States!
like the top americans or jamaicans ...lemaitre should,t bother with the indoors , sponsorship deals force him to compete here in europe .... its a fact known and reported in french sports press that lemaitre is lifting like never before also that his training load in general has increased ( carraz is absolutely no ! fool.).. like the truth is that its the outdoor season is where its at !!.. its all that counts !!!! so guys dont get too upset by indoor results..... .. lemaitre is doing it like he should ....working towards the outdoor season , i guarantee you guys come moscow he will be in a good position to medal over 100 and 200 meters:target:

I hope your are right

interesting that sakalauskas guliyev, semlyk are not doing indoor seasons and have done warm weather training ....from what i have been able to find out all are focusing on the outdoor, even if all compete in gothenborg.( which is doubtful ) remember the worlds are in moscow this year:gossip:
to elispeedster and the rightly frustrated W.lightnin

i hope i am right too guys!!!:smile: i have a gut feeling lemaitre will improve on his PB*s in the outdoor season july ,august !!... also dont forget the wonderful white talent over 400meters :smile:
I'm sorry greyghost, but this is just wishful thinking that Lemaitre will run PBs this season. There is no real reason to believe this right now.
Performances during the indoor season DO give an indication of how someone will run during the outdoor season.
Right now, Lemaitre is 0.16 behind Vicaut at 60 meters. In previous years, he would have been even.
How is he supposed to make up 0.16 over the remaining 40 meters? Especially on guys that are even faster than Vicaut, like the Jamaicans and Americans? and still run a PB?!

No, I don't think Lemaitre will run a PB in the 100m this season. In fact it might be his worse 100m season in years. He didn't break 10 flat last year, and I wouldn't bet on him doing it this year.
Regarding the 200m, I don't know..... if you guys say he is focusing on more endurance training, then maybe he will do okay at 200m. Perhaps it is his intention to continue focusing on the 200m, and drop the 100m. But then again, why would he be running at 60m this indoor season?

And just an FYI, Sakalauskas ran 6.74 at the Lithuanian Championships this wkend.
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enough of your **** and talking piss, elispeedster ,

and enough of the negativity ,what do you want from him.
if nothing good to say about lemaitre then dont say anything at all .
he clearly doesnt make you high standards then concentrate on the athletes
that do ,like your super affletes that you keep name dropping .
i am trying not to get personal but you have talked so much ****,

first off ,you stated that " power +speed endurance = FAST START ",
not fast race which is stating the obvious .

next you mentioned not everybody is no peds ,yes but clearly said yamicans
that you are more interested in and always name calling are clearly enhanced .
so totally within right to state this fact and not fair to compare with cleaner athletes .
do you honestly think the athletes you fore mentioned would be in such a
position without peds !!!!, last one mentioned couldnt break 10 seconds 2 years ago .
if was doped to gills then racing coming off heavy training would be no bother ,
but more naturally inclined athlete will need alot more time to recover .

next lemaitre has not been the number 1 over 60 metres in europe over past 7 years
maybe one year or two ,has had fastest european time but not by alot nor super fast time .correct me if wrong .

off course heavy lifting or heavy speed endurance training will effect speed and race speed more importantly .
and what lemaitre was previously running average in and around 6.60 when trying to peak for indoors
now running mid to high 6.60's .
so nothing to get to worked up about .

maybe the issue is that he feels he needs to run indoors out of habit and such along gap to outdoor season that cant wait to race and if not at peak form should not be racing uber competivitly
as will not be winning races ,and a bad habit to get into and a mental edge to other competitors . indoors need to go or take back seat .
this is where i can fault his coaching/support team ,they should stop him from racing like this or does he have to work it all out himself .still learning anyways. .
if is going to enter race in heavy training period should be race where not expected to win like 400 m or where expected to win due to lack of competition or training aid .
never good for that mental edge come summer .

anyways come summer ,he will put it all together .
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Christophe problem is not his elasticity which is a component of top speed.

You didn't answer my question.

What happens to the elasticity/spring of muscles/tendons following a heavy weight program?.

There is a reason why Olympic weight lifters have high vertical jumps and fast 10-20 meter sprints as much as elite sprinters.

Massive fault in logic.

Sprint races aren't 10-20 meters long.

Your not thinking it through.
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You didn't answer my question.

What happens to the elasticity/spring of muscles/tendons following a heavy weight program?.

Massive fault in logic.

Sprint races aren't 10-20 meters long.

Your not thinking it through.

LOL! You are not thinking through...

Of course 10-20 meters is not a race, but like I said - build the sprinter from start to finish.

Heavy Weight Body building training alone will not help elasticity - I agree, but when one has lots of it nautrually - returning it to norm with added power will produce faster times. Chrisotphes traning should be developng absolute strenght/power with limited body weight gain (explosive heavy lifting High sets/low reps 1-3 range). This type of training is a long term process that Carraz should of introduced to him, 2 years ago.

He needs to train the hip thrust, build power in his shoulder/upper back area. He needs to visit Joe Defranco's training in New Jersey or West Side Barbell n Ohio. They will build him power. Take that power and train it to be fast and elastic by doing sprints and plyometrics in addition Chrisophe has tons of it naturally (he will not lose the elasticity if trained and maintained properly), this is where I believe his coaches are failing him. It is ABC in Athletic training. I have seen it and experienced it first hand. I know what Im talking about. And Im not as Childish or Arrogant as RCSMAN claims.

Christophe is entitled to be the European Record holder in the 100 and 200 and one of the top 5 sprinters ever. Its his birthright, he was born with it, but he is being grossly mismanaged!

Again, I hope to eat my words and Lemaitre shocks us in the summer.
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enough of your **** and talking piss, elispeedster ,

and enough of the negativity ,what do you want from him.
if nothing good to say about lemaitre then dont say anything at all .
he clearly doesnt make you high standards then concentrate on the athletes
that do ,like your super affletes that you keep name dropping .
i am trying not to get personal but you have talked so much ****,

first off ,you stated that " power +speed endurance = FAST START ",
not fast race which is stating the obvious .

next you mentioned not everybody is no peds ,yes but clearly said yamicans
that you are more interested in and always name calling are clearly enhanced .
so totally within right to state this fact and not fair to compare with cleaner athletes .
do you honestly think the athletes you fore mentioned would be in such a
position without peds !!!!, last one mentioned couldnt break 10 seconds 2 years ago .
if was doped to gills then racing coming off heavy training would be no bother ,
but more naturally inclined athlete will need alot more time to recover .

next lemaitre has not been the number 1 over 60 metres in europe over past 7 years
maybe one year or two ,has had fastest european time but not by alot nor super fast time .correct me if wrong .

off course heavy lifting or heavy speed endurance training will effect speed and race speed more importantly .
and what lemaitre was previously running average in and around 6.60 when trying to peak for indoors
now running mid to high 6.60's .
so nothing to get to worked up about .

maybe the issue is that he feels he needs to run indoors out of habit and such along gap to outdoor season that cant wait to race and if not at peak form should not be racing uber competivitly
as will not be winning races ,and a bad habit to get into and a mental edge to other competitors . indoors need to go or take back seat .
this is where i can fault his coaching/support team ,they should stop him from racing like this or does he have to work it all out himself .still learning anyways. .
if is going to enter race in heavy training period should be race where not expected to win like 400 m or where expected to win due to lack of competition or training aid .
never good for that mental edge come summer .

anyways come summer ,he will put it all together .

My attacks are not at Lemaitre at all!!! My attacks are the ones who make excuses for him and for his coach and trainers who are not training him correctly!!!!
I just read the news I could find on LeMaitre. I'm sure a lot more info is available in France, but from what I've been able to find, here are the excuses/reasons for his poor season:

1) He has not been able to train well this winter.
2) He had a sprained ankle in November and didn't run at all.
3) He contracted pneumonia in either January or February (depending on the article you read).
4) He pulled a muscle in his first indoor race
5) He has had a vitamin deficiency for some reason, discovered in blood tests last week
6) "At the beginning of winter I was really out of shape"

I don't know what to make of all this. By the way, did he run the 200 at the French nationals? I haven't seen the results.
I just read the news I could find on LeMaitre. I'm sure a lot more info is available in France, but from what I've been able to find, here are the excuses/reasons for his poor season:

1) He has not been able to train well this winter.
2) He had a sprained ankle in November and didn't run at all.
3) He contracted pneumonia in either January or February (depending on the article you read).
4) He pulled a muscle in his first indoor race
5) He has had a vitamin deficiency for some reason, discovered in blood tests last week
6) "At the beginning of winter I was really out of shape"

I don't know what to make of all this. By the way, did he run the 200 at the French nationals? I haven't seen the results.

He pulled out due to a psoas muscle problem.

earlier in the winter I read he was training well, now they aRe saying the opposite?
enough of your **** and talking piss, elispeedster ,

and enough of the negativity ,what do you want from him.
if nothing good to say about lemaitre then dont say anything at all .
he clearly doesnt make you high standards then concentrate on the athletes
that do ,like your super affletes that you keep name dropping .
i am trying not to get personal but you have talked so much ****,

first off ,you stated that " power +speed endurance = FAST START ",
not fast race which is stating the obvious .

next you mentioned not everybody is no peds ,yes but clearly said yamicans
that you are more interested in and always name calling are clearly enhanced .
so totally within right to state this fact and not fair to compare with cleaner athletes .
do you honestly think the athletes you fore mentioned would be in such a
position without peds !!!!, last one mentioned couldnt break 10 seconds 2 years ago .
if was doped to gills then racing coming off heavy training would be no bother ,
but more naturally inclined athlete will need alot more time to recover .
this is a discussion board, people disagree and are allowed to, as long as his attacks are not disrespectful personal attacks and especially not disrespectful attacks against family members of yours then you should not get so bent out of shape.

Why does he mention Yohan Blake and those top guys? he isn't name dropping, he is comparing Christophe to the best. Do you not believe that Lemaitre can compete with the best? I think he can. Who cares if he natural, he is a 22 year old man, his hormones are still peaking, he has all kinds of natural testorone at this age, sure he won't look roided up like Bolt, but he will have the strength and that is what matters. Strength training works whether you take peds or not! its true. If he is not used to heavy strength training then he could get massive gains easily he first try, at least in strength, some guys are hard gainers when it comes to seeing muscle.

as far as elasticity, he can retain that with the right exercises, there are actually some parts of the body you don't want too elastic when running. If you make the bands stronger it will take more power to move them, but get this, they will exert more power as well!

what do we want from LeMatire? actual progress, and not a bunch of excuses to where he get our hopes up and then get dissapointed when the time comes.
this is a discussion board, people disagree and are allowed to, as long as his attacks are not disrespectful personal attacks and especially not disrespectful attacks against family members of yours then you should not get so bent out of shape.

Why does he mention Yohan Blake and those top guys? he isn't name dropping, he is comparing Christophe to the best. Do you not believe that Lemaitre can compete with the best? I think he can. Who cares if he natural, he is a 22 year old man, his hormones are still peaking, he has all kinds of natural testorone at this age, sure he won't look roided up like Bolt, but he will have the strength and that is what matters. Strength training works whether you take peds or not! its true. If he is not used to heavy strength training then he could get massive gains easily he first try, at least in strength, some guys are hard gainers when it comes to seeing muscle.

as far as elasticity, he can retain that with the right exercises, there are actually some parts of the body you don't want too elastic when running. If you make the bands stronger it will take more power to move them, but get this, they will exert more power as well!

what do we want from LeMatire? actual progress, and not a bunch of excuses to where he get our hopes up and then get dissapointed when the time comes.
Thank you. Some here think I'm anti lemaitre. Far from it! I want christophe to run 9.7 and 19.5! I know deep down he has that potential.
peace guys

guys take it easy , we are "dissing" each other ...we need to be constructive .....and jack nyc ,, i understand where your coming from , but with respect i still think that lemaitre is looking towards the outdoor season ( i hope :icon_wink:)
Nope, not necessarily.

In sprinting up to 7-10.4 m/s+, the contractile components that are responsible for power output of energy is stored in the elastic elements (high-end/top speed).

Tell me, what happens to the elastic elements under a heavy weight program?.

Hey Francois the Postman ..
What is the intention of your question?
Do you mean the chemical and mechanic processes/things in a muscle that happens during contraction?
I just read the news I could find on LeMaitre. I'm sure a lot more info is available in France, but from what I've been able to find, here are the excuses/reasons for his poor season:

1) He has not been able to train well this winter.
2) He had a sprained ankle in November and didn't run at all.
3) He contracted pneumonia in either January or February (depending on the article you read). FEBRUARY IN PORTUGAL !!!!
4) He pulled a muscle in his first indoor race
5) He has had a vitamin deficiency for some reason, discovered in blood tests last week
6) "At the beginning of winter I was really out of shape"

I don't know what to make of all this. By the way, did he run the 200 at the French nationals? I haven't seen the results.



PS : "3) He contracted pneumonia in either January or February (depending on the article you read)"

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