Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

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bad news for lemaitre!! Justin gatlin won us trials 100m in a time of 9.80-pb for him tyson gay just second with a 9,86. Keston bledman won trinidad and tobago trials 100m in a time of 9,86-pb for him and a very good time,richard thompson second with a 9.96.

Bad news?
I dont think it.
It is bigger reason for to run only 200 in OG.
His options in 100 were and are very weak for the medals, while in 200 he has big options.
Dix is injuried, perhaps he can not qualify for 200m OG this week...
Bad news?
I dont think it.
It is bigger reason for to run only 200 in OG.
His options in 100 were and are very weak for the medals, while in 200 he has big options.
Dix is injuried, perhaps he can not qualify for 200m OG this week...

Its amazing, how everyone hopes for an injury to another athlete just so Lemaitre can medal.

How about building this kids confidence! His coach and handlers should not asses other performers. They should convince Christopher that he is capable of medaling in both the 100 and 200 and expect to win!

Keston Bledsmon runs 9.86 and says he will challenge Bolt. Whether he will or not, his belief that he can compete is what is driving him to run better times than last year, realistic or not .( STOP WITH THE PED NONSENSE UNTIL YOU CAN PROVE TO ME OTHERWISE).

Lemaitre has not improved from last year, and I am sure he him wont this year beacuse his handlers and coaches are a bad influence, telling him he cant run both events beacuse he wont be able to compete at both. THAT IS BEYOND SAD! They should always strive to win Gold, not BRonze, how the hell can he improve when they feed his subconscious negative thoughts. Mind over Muscle!

If Lemaitre does not run a legal under 9.95 this week (weather permitting). He will never improve on his 9.92 or 19.80, MARK MY WORDS! UNTIL THEY SURROUND HIM WITH PEOPLE WHO BELEIV IN HIS NATURAL TALENT! WHAT A WASTE!
Its amazing, how everyone hopes for an injury to another athlete just so Lemaitre can medal.

How about building this kids confidence! His coach and handlers should not asses other performers. They should convince Christopher that he is capable of medaling in both the 100 and 200 and expect to win!

Keston Bledsmon runs 9.86 and says he will challenge Bolt. Whether he will or not, his belief that he can compete is what is driving him to run better times than last year, realistic or not .( STOP WITH THE PED NONSENSE UNTIL YOU CAN PROVE TO ME OTHERWISE).

Lemaitre has not improved from last year, and I am sure he him wont this year beacuse his handlers and coaches are a bad influence, telling him he cant run both events beacuse he wont be able to compete at both. THAT IS BEYOND SAD! They should always strive to win Gold, not BRonze, how the hell can he improve when they feed his subconscious negative thoughts. Mind over Muscle!

If Lemaitre does not run a legal under 9.95 this week (weather permitting). He will never improve on his 9.92 or 19.80, MARK MY WORDS! UNTIL THEY SURROUND HIM WITH PEOPLE WHO BELEIV IN HIS NATURAL TALENT! WHAT A WASTE!

elispeedster, I agree with you completely and share your frustrations. Unfortunately, what I see from Lemaitre is the typical passive and defeatist white attitude that we see from white people in so many other aspects of life. I do not know who's to blame here, but you're probably right, and it's on the coaches & handlers to give this young man the proper encouragement and build his confidence. If he doesn't believe he's good enough to win gold in both the 100m and 200m and train for that, then he should not be out there at all. After all, who trains with the mindset that they cannot medal in the 100, and MAYBE get a medal in the 200?

It's beside the point whether it's unrealistic or not. Yes, it's a packed field with Bolt, Powell, Gay, Blake, Gatlin, etc, but you have to believe you can beat them all. Plus, you never know what can happen, whether it's injury, false start, or one of the favorites just having a bad day. We know Asafa always comes up short in big-time meets. How fast is Gay, really, coming off that hip surgery? And is 30-year old former drug-cheat Gatlin really going to run 9.8s all the way thru London? This is ridiculous, you need to have complete confidence in your ability that you can fight and beat the Jamaicans, Americans, and the other guys from the Caribbean. No, it won't be easy, but this is the Olympics, the biggest stage with the best athletes in the world, and it's not supposed to be easy.

It's been difficult so far this year, watching all these black sprinters running sub 10s times left and right, while Lemaitre has looked very average in comparison. To be clear, I'm not trying to bash the kid, I'm his biggest fan. But our expectations have been raised and I'd hate to see such a great talent be wasted. Indeed I hope something good happens this week so we can get excited again about London.
Its amazing, how everyone hopes for an injury to another athlete just so Lemaitre can medal.

elispeedster you are very very wrong.
I never hope injury of some sprinter.
But i tell the REALITY, Dix is now injuried and it of course improve the chance of Lemaitre for medal in 200, you understand it now??????
After,i see very stupid to run 100m in OG.
The problem is not believe or no, the problem is that his main rivals are very far or him in 100m.
And Lemaitre will not have the "luck"of last year: Bolt false start,Gay injuried,Powell injuried,Gatlin injury by freeze in the foot,Bledman together to Thompson and Daniel Bailey in very bad shape in Daegu,Carter and Frater not good shape neither there,...

In OG usually the sprinters train harder and hardly Lemaitre can to have options in 100m, is so easy like it.

Is more intelligent to save energy and give all in 200m, where his main rivals are very few: Bolt very far of everybody,Blake that perhaps is far of the rest of runners and after a group of sprinter that will fight for bronze where is Lemaitre or Spearmon.
Other runners like Gatlin(i think that he will run 200 trials) or Martina could have some few options for medal.

Im realistic, the better that can to make Lemaitre is it, concentration for 200.
But i see somebody here that looks that they dont think with the brain and only with the heart or with passion, sorry it is my opinion.

Somebody tell LEMAITRE 19.5 ,LEMAITRE 9.7, they want to run the marathon before first 5kms, this is very slow, with patiente.

And if Lemaitre finishs season with 9.94 +1.0 and european champion and by example 19.90 and 4th or 5th place in London OG, i will be very gorgeous of him, because he competed very well
guys of course he must to run 100 and 200m,a olympic championship is once in 4 years,why to not run 100m,you know how will run christophe in 100m?you know how will run his oponent? maybe he will have a injury in future and he will cant run in 2016 in brasil,maybe he will run very good in 100 and make a pb or take a medal who now but what is sure is he must to run both,that with to run just 200 is just s****,who bet before daegu he will run 19.80 in 200,when at trials he run just 20.08 on 2.3 m/s wind and on 0.8 wind he run 19.80,maybe this time to he will make a surprise and i say again,a olympic championship is once in 4 years can be a unic chance
I don't understand. Gay prefer run 100m and not 200m. Is he white ? Last year, Yohan Blake prefered run 100m and not the 200m. Is he white ?
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Sorry RAUL, but is probably that Lemaitre runs only 200 in OG , and im ok with it.

Lemaitre could to make 9.9x being optimistic in OG, he has a lot of rivals running very fast, in 200 very few rivals, it is logical.
And we can not to think:OHHH he has that run 100 yes or yes because he can to be injuried in 2016.

No, he can to be injuried tomorrow and to be all season without run, he can die this year or the next one, me too, you too, everybody,.. we dont know the future, but we should not think those things.
Iin 100 very few options, in 200 big options, it is the reality.

Im with LEMAITRE :happy:
i understand your point,of course in 200 he have more chance but this dont mind he cant run well 100 because is once in 4 years chance to do,and he must duel with elite sprinting.I'ts my oppinion,you have your oppinion,but our oppinion dont count because just cl and his couch oppinion count,i can't wait untill tomorow to see european championship i hope will be a good one with lemaitre,borlee,andry pozzi and marcin lewandowski
RAUL, of course the most important is the opinion of CL and Carraz, but i understand that Lemaitre thinks that he probably has more options in 200 and to save all his energy for the 200 would be better that to run series 100 and after 200 and no options in both by example.

I have a lot of feel to see Lemaitre this week in 100.
He should win with big advantage and 9.9x :smile:
zellgadis what you think,can k.borlee run under 44.4 this season preferable in london,and pozzi to make final in london to?
Hey guys. Let's try to keep the news about other athletes to the other athletes thread titles. We can talk about all of the athletes at the European Athletics Championships Thread I just started. We keep going too far off topic on the Christophe Lemaitre Thread. Let's just try to keep the discussion about him on this thread. Thanks and let's go defend your gold medals Christophe! I would love to see a new p.b. in the 100!
white lightning you dont worry, i write here because i love Lemaitre :thumb:

I see very hard that Lemaitre can to get record in 100m on Thursday, i would love see it but i dont see it very possible.

Really if he gets 9.94 or 9.96 with few wind +0.5 or few more, i would to be very happy.
elispeedster you are very very wrong.
I never hope injury of some sprinter.
But i tell the REALITY, Dix is now injuried and it of course improve the chance of Lemaitre for medal in 200, you understand it now??????

BS! I dont buy it. Reality is meant to be confronted and conquered. Its almost sure that a negative approach guarantees a negative result, but a positive approach (whether realistic or not) will produce a positive result. It will help him go that extra meter, step, mile - whatever you want to call it. He will produce better times.

Christophe should race the best and expect to win! This kid is special. I saw it three years ago. He has something that neither Shirivngton, Pickering, Nagel, Wells, Borzov, Mennea, ever had. He is unique and is still untapped in his potential. But if his handlers continue to feed him the idea he will never compete with Bolt, Gay, Blake, Powell, Dix, Gatlin etc. he wil never rise to his ful potential that is in him.

His mental approach is what needs to be adjusted.
BS! I dont buy it. Reality is meant to be confronted and conquered. Its almost sure that a negative approach guarantees a negative result, but a positive approach (whether realistic or not) will produce a positive result. It will help him go that extra meter, step, mile - whatever you want to call it. He will produce better times.

Christophe should race the best and expect to win! This kid is special. I saw it three years ago. He has something that neither Shirivngton, Pickering, Nagel, Wells, Borzov, Mennea, ever had. He is unique and is still untapped in his potential. But if his handlers continue to feed him the idea he will never compete with Bolt, Gay, Blake, Powell, Dix, Gatlin etc. he wil never rise to his ful potential that is in him.

His mental approach is what needs to be adjusted.

..... ???????? :blabla:
Very good time in round1, 10.14 with few wind +0.4
Probably this afternoon-night he will get 10.0x in the semifinals and 9.9x in the final tomorrow :biggrin:

Vicaut interesting 10.18 +1.4

I think that he will win with big advantage , 0.10 minimum :icon_tongue:
i think result of 100m final will be like that because is preety obiouvsly:
1.christophe lemaitre
2.jimmy vicaut
3.rytis sakalauskas/jaysuma saidy indure
honestly i want to see sakalauskas make a pb and take a medal because i see potential in him,pb for vicaut too is a young sprinter and much potential in the future for a medal for europe and of course the winner without a doubt maybe just with a false start Christophe Lemaitre with a 9.9x if the wind is positive.
Christophe looked great! Should be a french gold and silver.

Very relaxed at the end, shutting down early and still running 10.14, to which no other British athlete apart from Adam Gemili has run this year.

Harry AA was soundly beaten and yet he is twice the size of Lemaitre and can lift massive weights. I have seen the videos of Harry doing this. Obviously it is not that important to lift huge weights then...
harry AA have to much muscle mass for a sprinter,of course sprinters must to be well built but not like harry,a problem in european sprinter and much in white sprint is the low muscle mass of our sprinters,ok we have exception like lemaitre but a sprinter must to be well built look at usa or jamaican sprinters of course they can run 9.8 and 6.4 in 60 and dont tell me about ped or other things like that,untill you cant prove it is nothing,and to have good start of course you need muscle mass and my favourite exemple is maurice greene
Harry AA looks more a bodybuilder that a sprinter hehe, i dont like nothing his body.
Probably with less weight he would be faster.

Lemaitre goes to win very very easy in the final and very good time ,sub10 if the wind is positive.
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