Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

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the Lemaitre effect: concrete facts


Published by the ministry of sports in July, a study revealed that the handball, the swimming and the athletics were three disciplines most usually practised. Why such a charm?
Medals in swimming, so much in athletics, Camille Lacourt and Christophe Lemaître sometimes replace Justin Bieber's posters in the rooms(chambers) of our children. Far from the images of " stars glitter ", these sportsmen prove that with a lot of work and will, we can raise themselves on the walking(marches) of a podium. A beautiful example for our children.

Nothing surprising thus in the fact that the registrations(inscriptions) in the clubs of athlé and swimming keep growing. These complete sports seduce as well the youngs as the big. Athlé and swimming are complete sports, which imply(involve) some coordination and a control(master's degree) of its body. As many things, the sport also undergoes influences of mode(fashion).
Christophe run 10,12 with a negative wind (1,2ms), 15 °C and without training since one month...

It's a great time !!!
He's still young and didn't lose shape after pausing.. 2011 was an exciting season, hope that 2012 will be great
Get ready for some fast times in the Olympic Year of 2012. His coach and trainers are going to have Christophe in the shape of his life. School is being put second as it should be. You only have a limited window to win Olympic Medals. I can't wait for next summer.

I think CL needs to run in the 9.7's to medal in the 100. Chris has been taking off 1/10th a of a second from his PB for the last 3 years so if he continues at that pace he should be able to get down to 9.8 at worst next year which may be good enough for a bronze. If he runs a perfect race with good winds he may get in the low 9.7's.
Great videos guys. Can someone please translate some of the two that are in french? I really am curious what they say about his chance at going for the records? Thanks guys. 2012 is going to be a huge year.
I think CL needs to run in the 9.7's to medal in the 100. Chris has been taking off 1/10th a of a second from his PB for the last 3 years so if he continues at that pace he should be able to get down to 9.8 at worst next year which may be good enough for a bronze. If he runs a perfect race with good winds he may get in the low 9.7's.
It seems like PED cycles peak out during olympic years, he will need to run faster than his pb to win a medal and probably need a low 9.8X to be in the mix for a bronze medal. If what Conte says is true about the(English speaking) Caribbean athletes being on a systemic doping program it could explain the sudden wave of athletes from all of the islands running remarkable times with so much depth. He may need to run a 19.7X to be in the hunt for a bronze in the 200 meters too. What would be best for him and other athletes is if somebody fails a drug test early in the season and all of the dirty athletes in his or her camp are too panicked to take their normal drug regiments.
Great videos guys. Can someone please translate some of the two that are in french? I really am curious what they say about his chance at going for the records? Thanks guys. 2012 is going to be a huge year.

this is "scientific" show for kids, they explain some basic athletic principles, such as energy transmission for the pole vault, gravity center and speed for weight, starting blocks, frequency/stride lenght for sprint, about the records they spoke with a scientist about the maximum record expected in each discipline.
his coach also says that he tries to reduce the lenght of christophe's steps
he has a stride of 2.70 m and they try to reduce it, to increase the frequency

when asked what are CL's main qualities, his coach says his ability to keep his concentration, his love of competition, and he says he wouldn't get distracted by bolt's gestures
and also his fast twitch muscle fibers (i don't believe in this theory but....)

then they ask him if he can beat bolt
CL answers that at this moment there is still a gap between him and bolt , but CL says he is still perfectible in every area, so why not beat him one day (the interview was before daegu)
then they ask him what are his short term objectives, if he can beat his own french record for example
CL answers yes, on every distance (100 and 200m)
they ask him what CL thinks he can do this year
CL says he can do 9.90 and around 20.00
his coach says even lower: lower than 20.00 and lower than 9.90

then there is an interview with the director of IRMES : he says that in the last world championships (daegu), because of the anounced controls, a great number of athletes pulled out because of fortuitous "injuries"
and it allowed CL to show his true level

before this there is a statistitian who said nobody would ever run below 9.72
he argues that only bolt ran below 9.72, that he is an exception, a freak of nature
but we clearly saw that bolt is only able to run this fast because he takes the good drugs, and when you give these drugs to another athlete, he runs below 9.72 too (blake proved this)
so let's not even lose time talking about this clown
well regarding the rate (amount of time) and the gap (distance, time etc..) between athletic records (whatever which one) you can draw a hyperbole that tends to a tangent, it's simple maths, nothing complicated that's how you deduce the 2.50 high jump and 9.72 in sprint.. that doesn't mean that it's an unshakeable fact but it's an estimate of the limits of the human body regarding previous performances

as for the "fast twich fibers" I don't know how valid is this theory (anyone has infos?), but one thing is sure, there is a huge innate parameter when describing fast athletes (that's what we call talent, or natural).. Christophe says that when he was a kid at school, he finished 10 meters ahead of everyone, we can't attribute that on training, so if it isn't fast fibers, what is it?
well regarding the rate (amount of time) and the gap (distance, time etc..) between athletic records (whatever which one) you can draw a hyperbole that tends to a tangent, it's simple maths, nothing complicated that's how you deduce the 2.50 high jump and 9.72 in sprint.. that doesn't mean that it's an unshakeable fact but it's an estimate of the limits of the human body regarding previous performances

as for the "fast twich fibers" I don't know how valid is this theory (anyone has infos?), but one thing is sure, there is a huge innate parameter when describing fast athletes (that's what we call talent, or natural).. Christophe says that when he was a kid at school, he finished 10 meters ahead of everyone, we can't attribute that on training, so if it isn't fast fibers, what is it?

agreed. But I think we've established he has ALL the tools. His levers appear to work just right, his legs come straight through underneath him efficiently, he is light in mass, tall and has a wonderful openness of stride. On top of it all he has the mental attitude to succeed and he generally doesn't appear overawed (even though he does get too nervous on the start line sometimes) by his opposition.
as for the "fast twich fibers" I don't know how valid is this theory (anyone has infos?), but one thing is sure, there is a huge innate parameter when describing fast athletes (that's what we call talent, or natural).. Christophe says that when he was a kid at school, he finished 10 meters ahead of everyone, we can't attribute that on training, so if it isn't fast fibers, what is it?

My understanding is that fast twitch profile doesn't explain sprint performance that well its probably one of number of corelates. I think the key charecteristics that make for good speed, are neural output and efficiency basically some peoples CNS are more excitable then others the develop more powerfull nervous signals easier and repeat these signals quicker which means the high threshold motor units that are necessary for powerful movement kick in earlier and are able to be accessed again quicker in people with these characteristics, the exact mechanism of this characteristic is not clearly understood it has to do with charecteristics of neural tissue like mylenation as well as aspect of brain like development of the hypothalamus. Second, you have body structure, the efficiency of the levers, the ratio of muscle mass to bone mass to fat mass(lots of muscle, light bones no fat make good sprinters) , proper flexibility to allow good positioning, and personality characteristics, good sprinting requires intense focus a competive nature and capacity to ignore distraction and not be intimidated.
well regarding the rate (amount of time) and the gap (distance, time etc..) between athletic records (whatever which one) you can draw a hyperbole that tends to a tangent, it's simple maths, nothing complicated that's how you deduce the 2.50 high jump and 9.72 in sprint.. that doesn't mean that it's an unshakeable fact but it's an estimate of the limits of the human body regarding previous performances

as for the "fast twich fibers" I don't know how valid is this theory (anyone has infos?), but one thing is sure, there is a huge innate parameter when describing fast athletes (that's what we call talent, or natural).. Christophe says that when he was a kid at school, he finished 10 meters ahead of everyone, we can't attribute that on training, so if it isn't fast fibers, what is it?

for the statistician:
all he can say regarding the world record is where the hyperbolic curve is going to stabilize, at what time.....until a new hyperbolic curve appears
so i won't talk too much about him

about the fast twich muscle fibers: i said "i don't believe in this theory but..." that means that i won't argue about this, this theory might be accurate (i don't think so) or not
i just don't know
i just think it would be a mistake to explain sprint performances by such a simple factor, i want to think training is usefull
i remind you that with this kind of theories, whites have gone out of the sport
some guy decided one day that fast twich muscle fibers were important for sprinting, and that blacks had more of them
so once you said that, what is the point of even trying to be a sprinter when you are white?
yet, CL proved whites can do well at sprinting too
and his body doesn't look that explosive (remember that the fast switch muscle fibers are bigger than the slow ones, that's why bodybuilders train fast switch muscle fibers)

i read in the press that CL's main advantage regarding sprint is that he had ankle stiffness (opposite of flexibility)

and you said "Christophe says that when he was a kid at school, he finished 10 meters ahead of everyone, we can't attribute that on training, so if it isn't fast fibers, what is it? "
at that time, CL was a soccer player, so he was already training
but it means nothing
the best athletes were not necessarily the best when they were young
for example ladji doucouré was not the best when he was young (i read that in a french article )

and there, i don't even talk about drugs...
drugs can take a mediocre athlete to the top
remember tim montgomery, a mediocre athlete who became the fastest human in history

i remember reading this in an article posted a while back:
"So what makes Bolt faster than even the elite sprinters? And can he run the 100 meters even faster than 9.58 seconds? Bolt's superiority is often explained by his unique combination of height, strength and acceleration.

At 6-foot-5, Bolt is two inches taller than fellow Jamaican Asafa Powell (pictured together below) and has six inches on American Tyson Gay -- two of his closest challengers. While it takes most elite sprinters 44 strides to complete 100 meters, Bolt does it in 41."

at that time, there was no doubt, the next record holders were going to be 6feet5 giants
but....yohan blake came...he is "only" 5feet11, but he will run faster than bolt....

drugs are so important in sprints, that everyone can be the best,regardless of color, muscle fibers, height ....
when I was speaking about fast fibers, I wasn't speaking about black fast fibers. it's not a pro/con black theory for that everyone has the same amount of fast/slow fibers and you can train one particular kind while keeping others for atrophy.. for example a sprinter and a marathon runner has the same amount of fast and slow fibers -not in the same shape- and a thin and a fat person has the same amount of fat tissue, just one is more vacuole-lipid filled than the other
when I was speaking about fast fibers, I wasn't speaking about black fast fibers. it's not a pro/con black theory for that everyone has the same amount of fast/slow fibers and you can train one particular kind while keeping others for atrophy.. for example a sprinter and a marathon runner has the same amount of fast and slow fibers -not in the same shape- and a thin and a fat person has the same amount of fat tissue, just one is more vacuole-lipid filled than the other

yes of course, i knew
i think th same about muscle fibers
I find the interaction of these two almost like two class clowns at a high school reunion, they are both trying to out stunt each other...:tongue:
Thank you for posting such a great article. By far the best one I have read on Christophe in quite a while. Like I have said countless times, you just can't help but love this kid. He makes us all proud. I agree with what he is saying and I believe he is already inspiring young white kids around the world. Especially in France and for this I thank him even more. What a great role model on and off the track.
I find it funny that his coach thought he was autistic, I thought the same thing after seeing a few of his inteverviews. great article!
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