Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

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That is a good picture. This guy might be filled with HGH. Look how he has that protruding chin. This is the same thing that happened to Marion Jones before she got busted in the BALCO scandal. The similarities are striking.

i am sure 100% that he takes HGH, and why not, since it can't be tested :dodgy:
but he may also have had a growth problem before his drug years
also, his body, rib cage, ect, looks really unnatural

it was striking in the post race interview when he standed next to CL and the french team
he looked not human
I remember Marion Jones wore braces on her teeth for several years not to straighten her teeth as one would think, but to keep her jaw or chin growing as what has been reported with many people that take HGH and certain steroids.

— Justement, Pierre pense qu’il faudra courir en 19’’50, 19’’60 pour le podium aux Jeux…
— Oui, je suis d’accord. Car ce ne sera pas la même chose à Londres. Tout le monde va vouloir y être, va se préparer pour ça. Il faudra vraiment envoyer du lourd. Néanmoins, cela a été une grande finale du 200 m ici, qui se gagne en 19’’40. Au moins, ce n’était pas une médaille au rabais. En 19’’80, j’ai réussi un très gros chrono, j’ai mérité ma place sur le podium.


French journalist said Pierre Carraz think Christophe must run 19,50 for a medal in London. And Christophe answered that's true...

Do you think Christophe can run near 19,50 next year ?
According to L'Equipe, CL will run the 100 m in the Decanation, the 18th but not in Brussels against Bolt.
Not L'Equipe. CL said at Paris Airport he will run in the Decanation. It's certain.

About Bruxelles, the website said the August 8th that Christophe and Bolt will run the 200. But now... It's not certain.
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following this table on "wind effect":

the 200m CL run in stockolm (20.28 -2.8 m/s) would equal to 19.80 with a +1 m/s wind.

so he performance in Daegu, isn't exeptional for him. It's just his current level.

I'm very optimistic fo next year.

19.70 is really something achievable.

19.60 ins't impossible with the perfect conditions

19.50 would be great.

He definitly is a medal contender, even with Blake and Gay back on track.
With perfect conditions, I'm certain Christophe will run under 19,60 next year. The european 200m record will be break. About the 100, only with perfect conditions, but the 200, with just a good wind (not strong wind) he will break the Italian record.

And I want to remind you a very important information : Christophe is not a professional. He's only a semi-pro.

Now, today, he is in his University in France. Of course, his schedule is adapted to his "job", but he's not 100 % pro.

P.S : hey, maybe can we write here our prediction about 100 and 200 for Christophe in 2012 ?

100 in 2012 :

- Twinsen9 : 9,82 (with perfect conditions) / 9,86 (with just good conditions)

200 in 2012 :

- Twinsen9 : 19,58 (with perfect) / 19,68 (with just good)
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An important question?

Does anyone know if Lemaitre was paid the 1 million dollars promised to Matt Shrivington by some sneaker company if he became the first white man to break 10 seconds in the 100 meters? I think it would be nice if he got paid so he could have the time out from work/school to train for 2012.:smiley:
No he wasn't payed a million dollars. That was adidas that had that deal with Shirvo which he never got to accomplish. Lemaitre is and has been with aasics for a while now. They pay him very well and he has other endorsements too. I'm pretty sure that he is on his way to being a very rich guy and he should be. I would like to know what kind of financial incentives he might reep if he eventually breaks the world record? I'm sure that would be enough money to last the rest of his life.
I know that last year, he earned around 100 000€ , including meetings, sponsors and bonuses for his medals at Euro champs.

For the last diamond league meeting in Paris, Bolt earned 300 000€. Lemaitre 20 000€. It seems like it's not much, but it's the second highest salary for the meeting.

I don't think Christophe will stop studying, even if he get rich. Sprinting is a very difficult sport and it is very hard to stay competitive, and to stay free of injury. I'm sure he and his parents, wants to have a plan B, just in case for the future. He's not a basketball or football player, making millions every year. And I personnaly beleie it is good to have several interest and activities in life.

here is the VID of him back to university of technology:

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following this table on "wind effect":

the 200m CL run in stockolm (20.28 -2.8 m/s) would equal to 19.80 with a +1 m/s wind.

so he performance in Daegu, isn't exeptional for him. It's just his current level.

actually following this table it goes like this: -2.8 m/s to 0 m/s is a 0.18th loss, and the +1m/s to 0 m/s is a 0.6 gain (at 0 meter altitude), so the chrono of 20.28 in -2.8 m/s wind is 20.04 in +1 m/s wind
at 500m altitude the gain would be around 0.35 maximum (around 19.93) but it's nothing near to his 19.80 which stay his best run ever, far better than stockholm
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video of Christophe welcome in his home town in the french alps:

video of Christophe welcome in his home town in the french alps:


awesome videos he's really a great guy and the reaction of the kids around him is always the same: if he can do it, so can I !
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Theres a nice youtube video circulating of Usain Bolt congradulating Lemaitre in front of reporters. He actually said Lemaitre was " a terrific athlete... and.. the future of sprinting". Wow.
Sorry to ask again I lost following Lemaitre's schedule, when he will run again this season??

He runs the 100m in the Decanation, the 18th(this sunday) at 19,10 hs. The participating nations are: South Africa, Germany, England, Chine, USA, Spain, Russia and France.
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Does anyone have a link to the website for this final track meet? I wonder if Craig Pickering might run one more race. I'm curious to see how Christophe Lemaitre will end his season. He is back in school so he will not be in peak form but I'm still hoping for another sub 10. I'm not expecting anything special but he had a great year. I expected him to run 9.85 and 19.95 this season. He was a little slower in the 100 than I expected but he surpassed my prediction for the 200. Next year he will take another step into the elite status. As long as he stays healthy, I see him entering into the top 5 sprints on earth by the end of next summer. He will run 9.80's and high 19.60's to the 19.70's range by the olympics. I just hope he can really get his drive phase in order.

Any predicitons for sunday guys?
Does anyone have a link to the website for this final track meet? I wonder if Craig Pickering might run one more race. I'm curious to see how Christophe Lemaitre will end his season. He is back in school so he will not be in peak form but I'm still hoping for another sub 10. I'm not expecting anything special but he had a great year. I expected him to run 9.85 and 19.95 this season. He was a little slower in the 100 than I expected but he surpassed my prediction for the 200. Next year he will take another step into the elite status. As long as he stays healthy, I see him entering into the top 5 sprints on earth by the end of next summer. He will run 9.80's and high 19.60's to the 19.70's range by the olympics. I just hope he can really get his drive phase in order.

Any predicitons for sunday guys?

here's a link to the website with the competing nations: click on the nation next to the flag to see who are the athletes competing, the whole list is up to date except for England and Russia, who didn't send yet their list.

he program

and the live results

f there is any live links for the event I will post them on sunday.

my predictions for sunday: 9.95
if Pickering is running : 10.12

AND , just for the fun: our best athlete ever:
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Check this out. on the Track and Field News board, someone posted the splits from the 200 WC's. The splits are at at odd intervals and a bit confusing, but I'll cut through it: Christophe ran the last 53 meters in 5.15. Bolt, who was huffing and puffing like a freight train and never pulled up or jogged, ran the same stretch in 5.19. In other words, Christophe is finishing just as fast as Bolt. Silver medal winner Dix ran that stretch in 5.24.

I've been saying it ever since mid-season: Christophe is now the best NATURAL 200m runner in the world. And he's nearly as good natural as his opponents are on drugs. Christophe will medal in the 200 in the Olympics, and he could take gold. Dix won't beat him again. Powell and Gay's body's are breaking down from years of drug abuse. Only mega-roider Blake and Bolt have a chance against Christophe.

Here's the post from the other board:

[h=3]Daegu Mens 200m Splits[/h] by proofs in the pudd'in » Thu Sep 15, 2011 8:52 pm
Any thoughts on this info - particularly Lemaitre's? It would seem to me, and I am no expert, but if this guy can improve his start and bend he could go low 19.6. What do you guys think.

They have the times at 55m, 100m, 147m, and 200m. So the splits are from 55m-100m, 100-147m, and 147-200m. Why 147m - I do not know?


Time: 6.08, 9.97, 14.25, and 19.40
Splits: 3.90, 4.28, and 5.15
Speed: 9.05, 11.55, 10.98, and 10.30


Time: 6.15, 10.11, 14.46, and 19.70
Splits: 3.96, 4.35, 5.24
Speed: 8.94, 11.37, 10.80, and 10.11


Time: 6.21, 10.24, 14.61, and 19.80
Splits: 4.04, 4.36, 5.19
Speed: 8.86, 11.15, 10.77, and 10.21
I understand Time and Splits. But not the speed.

Can I have an explanation ?
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