Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

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Hi, Twinsen, I have the same question. I'm not sure where the person who posted these splits found them, and the last line ("speed") makes no sense to me. That's why I just copied it directly. Maybe someone can find the original source.
where did the prediction list for CL go? was that a separate thread?
Found it. The last line is "average speed in meters/sec." Not a metric we're used to, but we can use them for comparison.

LeMaitre predictably was slower than Dix and Bolt over the first 55m. This was also, by far, the slowest part of LeMaitre's race.

All three runners accelerated tremendously and reached peak velocity between 55 and 100m. LeMaitre, with his well-documented struggles on curves, was slowest, but it was still far faster than his first 55 meters. Incidentally, this was when LeMaitre lost the race. The curve killed him, and his peak was way below Dix and Bolt.

From 100 to 147, all three runners lost a bit from their peaks. LeMaitre's velocity was about the same as Dix's. This portion still included curve.

From 147 to the finish, all straight, LeMaitre outran Dix and nearly ran at Bolt's pace.

Here's a wish for 2012: LeMaitre run's that "street 150" in England in the spring. It's all straightaway, and I think he could run with anyone at that distance if he didn't have to worry about the curve.

Here's the link to the original document:
Ok I understand !!!!

Bolt Speed: 9.05, 11.55, 10.98, and 10.30
Difference : +2,50 / -0,57 / -0,68

Dix Speed: 8.94, 11.37, 10.80, and 10.11
Difference : +2,47 / -0,57 / -0,69

DIX and Bolt are so close !

And Christophe ?

Lemaitre Speed: 8.86, 11.15, 10.77, and 10.21Difference : +2,29 (so bad ! / -0,38 (so great) / -0,56 (so great again)

So. It's clear !
update from Bruxelles

Bolt ran at 9.76 WL +1.3 wind

but the f**** incredible time is for Blake: 19.26!!?? on 200m! not humanly possible, not on clear water
Does anyone have a link to the website for this final track meet? I wonder if Craig Pickering might run one more race. I'm curious to see how Christophe Lemaitre will end his season. He is back in school so he will not be in peak form but I'm still hoping for another sub 10. I'm not expecting anything special but he had a great year. I expected him to run 9.85 and 19.95 this season. He was a little slower in the 100 than I expected but he surpassed my prediction for the 200. Next year he will take another step into the elite status. As long as he stays healthy, I see him entering into the top 5 sprints on earth by the end of next summer. He will run 9.80's and high 19.60's to the 19.70's range by the olympics. I just hope he can really get his drive phase in order.

Any predicitons for sunday guys?

For England runs a boy named Pierre Rion that I have no idea who he is.
I just watched the Blake win again. Look at him. He his not even hardly tired. The guy is barely winded. I woudn't doubt if they are using E.P.O. in addition to the other designer drugs. Just like a video game. The Jamaicans will be running in the high 18 second range if nothing is done about it. It's not good for the sport. Just like in baseball, it's so obvious with the amount of cheating going on.

Ok. We need to take this topic to another thread. I hope Lemaitre races good on Sunday. He has to be a little frustrated though now after seeing that he is in another world from these guys.
Lemaitre: "Des idées"
Athlétisme - le 17 septembre 2011 à 20:25
Double médaillé à Daegu (200m et 4x100m), le Français Christophe Lemaitre est admiratif de la performance réalisée par le Jamaïcain Blake sur 200m (19'26"), vendredi, à Bruxelles. Le record de Bolt (19'19") se rapproche, et cela "donne des idées" au Savoyard. Lemaitre retrouvera la compétition dimanche, à Nice, pour sa seule sortie post-mondiale, au service de l'équipe de France, engagée dans le DécaNation. "Je ne me sentais pas d'enchaîner", explique le grand blond, évidemment interrogé sur les étincelles de Yohan Blake (19.26 sur 200 m), vendredi soir à Bruxelles. En prouvant que le record du monde de Bolt (19.19) n'était pas d'un autre siècle, Blake a ouvert une brèche. Lemaitre en convient: "19.19 et 19.26, ce n'est pas tout le monde qui peut le faire. Ils sont deux, Mais c'est vrai que ça donne des idées". Dans le sillage de ses 19'80" sur 200m à Daegu, le Français admet que "pour conquérir une médaille aux Jeux, on sait qu'il faudra descendre à 19.50". Et le Savoyard tient à sa breloque. Pas encore fixé sur sa saison hivernale, l'idée serait, pour lui, de "ne courir qu'une seule épreuve individuelle aux JO, le 200 m, pour gagner du jus sur la distance où j'ai a priori plus de chances de médaille".


Daegu medalist (200m and 4x100m), French Christophe Lemaitre is admiring the performance achieved by the Jamaican 200m on Blake (19'26 ") on Friday in Brussels. The record for Bolt (19'19") approaches and this "gives ideas" in Savoyard. Lemaitre find the competition on Sunday at Nice, on the single output post-World in the service of the France team, engaged in the Deccan. "I did not feel the chain," said the tall blond, of course asked about the sparks of Yohan Blake (19.26 to 200 m) on Friday night in Brussels. By proving that the world record for Bolt (19.19) was not from another century, Blake was breached. Lemaitre agrees: "19.19 and 19.26, not everyone can do it. They are two, but it's true that it gives ideas." In the wake of his 19'80 "200m of Daegu, French admits that" to win a medal at the Games, we know it will take off at 19.50. "And the Savoy is its charm. No fixed to its winter, the idea would be for him to "run only a single individual event at the Olympics, the 200m to win the juice over the distance where I a priori more likely to medal."

I would rather still see him doubling or just running the 100. Call me crazy but the 100 is and always has been the marque event. I would rather see him break the world record of 9.58 over the 19.19! To see him doubling makes me the most happy although it's very hard on the body! I just don't want to see him only become a 200 runner. Hope they keep doing what they did the last few years.
I would rather still see him doubling or just running the 100. Call me crazy but the 100 is and always has been the marque event. I would rather see him break the world record of 9.58 over the 19.19! To see him doubling makes me the most happy although it's very hard on the body! I just don't want to see him only become a 200 runner. Hope they keep doing what they did the last few years.
I totally agree.

And even a time of 19.50 might not be enough to get a medal next year in London. Crazy.
Wind: -0,2

110''12LEMAITRE ChristopheFRANCE 9
210''18GATLIN Justin (Usa)ETATS UNIS 7
310''50PIERRE Rion (Gbr)ANGLETERRE 6
410''56SCHAF Alex (Ger)ALLEMAGNE 5
510''72LU Bin (Chn)CHINE 4
610''77PETRYASHOV Konstantin (Rus)RUSSIE 3
710''82TROTTER Gideon (Rsa)AFRIQUE DU SUD 2
841''81RODRIGEZ Angel david (Esp)ESPAGNE 1
I totally agree.

And even a time of 19.50 might not be enough to get a medal next year in London. Crazy.

Must disagree. I think a 19.60 will probably be enough whereas I'd say a 9.88 won't get a medal. I really think his future is where he can use his closing speed to most advantage. He still ran an ordinary bend for that 19.80 so he can improve more in the deuce.
Don't know if he'll ever have the explosive start and initial acceleration of some of his 100 metre opposition.
My 2c.
Mastermulti, you may be right. We'll see next year...

Here is the race of Christophe at Decanation.

in the video Chritophe ran around 1 to 2 additional meters zigzagging left and right of his lane at the beginning. Gatlin finished in Christophe's lane
This may seem like old news but did anybody notice how much bulkier Justin Gatlin looked compared to the white and asian sprinters? I only know of one white sprinter that is built like this and thats Australia's Aaron Rouge Serrett. Maybe caucasians are allergic to the yams. hahaha
in the video Chritophe ran around 1 to 2 additional meters zigzagging left and right of his lane at the beginning. Gatlin finished in Christophe's lane

Christophe is full of raw talent. He's a natural.
But I really do hope he will work on the technical points of sprinting.
He was pretty far behind out of the blocks, and then zig-zagged around in his lane.
If he works on these technical issues he could really do some great things in the future.
Vive le Christophe!
Christophe Lemaitre

Christophe is full of raw talent. He's a natural.
But I really do hope he will work on the technical points of sprinting.
He was pretty far behind out of the blocks, and then zig-zagged around in his lane.
If he works on these technical issues he could really do some great things in the future.
Vive le Christophe!

It seem's to be working for him.

One day it will all be outed and we will all be saying "I just knew it"

note , the german schaf is also well bulked up. ! if it really interested anybody , whoops vive lemaitre, yeah nearly forgot that:tongue::tongue::tongue::tongue:
bulked up, to DBF

pickering, cerutti, schaf, mancini , two czech sprinters i cant remember, . believe me ther are quite a few bulked up white sprinters. traditional eastern european methods of bodybuilding instead of lifting for pure power!!!!! and ukraining u20 sprinter of note hugo german, and note there are not alot of funds for sprinters in eastern europe at the moment , that basically why they are in hiding :biggrin:
Retranscription of CL declaration after his race at Decanation (
Christophe Lemaitre said:
C'était très dur à la fin. Heureusement que je peux compter sur mon finish. Mais bon, je n'avais pas fait de préparation spécifique. En un mois j'ai fait juste un entraînement, jeudi dernier. Donc voilà, je n'avais pas du tout de préparation. Je suis quand-même assez content de gagner dans ces circonstances là.

Pour moi la saison a été incroyable. Au point de vue chronométrique, je n'ai rien à me reprocher. Je bats mon record sur les 2 distances. Et je gagne 2 médailles, dont une en argent avec le relai. Pour cette saison, j'ai fait ce qu'il fallait. Voire mieux.

Approximative translation, for those who do not understand French:
Christophe Lemaitre said:
It was very hard to the end. Fortunately I can count on my finish. But well, I had not made any specific preparation. In a month I did just one training, last Thursday. So I had no preparation at all. I'm still quite happy to win in these circumstances.

For me the season has been incredible. At chronometrical point of view, I have nothing to reproach myself with. I beat my record on the 2 distances. And I won 2 medals including a silver one with the relay. For this season, I did the job. And even more.

Congratulations Christophe. See you next year.
Hey greyghost. Tell me more about this Hugo German. I haven't heard anything about him. Do you have any links to articles or additonal inforamtion about him? What kinds of times is he running currently.

Christophe had a very good year. I want to congratulate him as well. His confidence is growing by leaps and bounds and he is even getting a little swagger and bounce in his step. Sticking out his tongue a little at the finish lines. Glad to see him enjoying his success while still staying the nice guy that his is. You do need to have confidence and a little bit of that to let people know that you have arrived! He cannot be ignorred anymore. I wish Sports Illustrated would do an article about him. I hope he enjoys school and gets to relax in the short off season. Thanks for some great memories Christophe!:biggrin:
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