Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80! -- Part Two

Tonight Christophe has lost his NR on 100m.

Jimmy Vicaut ran 9.86 (European record) in Paris. Congratulations to Jimmy.

Well done, Congrats to Jimmy and his Coach who know what needs to be done and how to properly develop and athlete from the start.
I'm amazed at the pathological hatred for Lemaitre. You guys are just sick at this point. You jump with delight when he runs a poor time into a strong headwind. You practically orgasm when Jimmy Vicaut beats his record. Who gives a flying crap about Jimmy Vicaut? And why should his success be an occasion for more Lemaitre bashing? Lemaitre wasn't even in the race!

Give it a rest. The guy has worked his ass off, year after year, to improve. He's not just sitting around. And if there's one thing in track that is absolutely axiomatic, it's this: you can't really coach sprinting. Sprint ability is innate, and all the practice in the world can only improve you a very little. Lemaitre has tried everything. I just don't think his body matured in the right ways for continued improvement. It happens. And his body is simply not that good at recovering from effort. Face it, he's not the superman you guys all fantasize about. Nothing can make that so. As it is, I think he's been having a fine season, especially given the fact that he never has the wind at his back. I expect him to do well at the WCs.
I'm amazed at the pathological hatred for Lemaitre. You guys are just sick at this point. You jump with delight when he runs a poor time into a strong headwind. You practically orgasm when Jimmy Vicaut beats his record. Who gives a flying crap about Jimmy Vicaut? And why should his success be an occasion for more Lemaitre bashing? Lemaitre wasn't even in the race!

Give it a rest. The guy has worked his ass off, year after year, to improve. He's not just sitting around. And if there's one thing in track that is absolutely axiomatic, it's this: you can't really coach sprinting. Sprint ability is innate, and all the practice in the world can only improve you a very little. Lemaitre has tried everything. I just don't think his body matured in the right ways for continued improvement. It happens. And his body is simply not that good at recovering from effort. Face it, he's not the superman you guys all fantasize about. Nothing can make that so. As it is, I think he's been having a fine season, especially given the fact that he never has the wind at his back. I expect him to do well at the WCs.

What is wrong with congratulating Jimmy Vicaut? and Who is bashing Lemaitre?
Leamitre is much faster than Vicaut. The difference is Vicaut has progressed every year bit by bit, where as Lemaitre regresses every year bit by bit. And why? Vicaut has a Coach who knows how to develop Sprinters the right way. Carraz has no clue and every year changes methods as stated in the French press because he is confused and old fashioned and unconfident in his year the Great Master says Weight Training is not necessary, the next year, it is necessary... the next year, speed endurance training a must, the next year, too much endurance limited Christophe etc...etc...etc...

Pass this to Master Carraz, a simple approach t developing a sprinter the right way

1. Work on technique
2. build Full body strength (this is most important; strength to body weight ratio which I am sure Lemaitre lacks significantly)
3. Take that Strength and make it explosive (olympic weight style training, plyo's)
4. Run 300-500 meters and build speed strength; plyometrics, hills etc...
5. Technique
6. Maintenance
7...Find suitable training partners and train in a warm humid climate for at least a good month or two to make the muscles loose and contract fully.

"Who gives a flying crap about Jimmy Vicaut?"

well he's the new 100m european record holder , and he's half white (white father)
it can't be a bad thing for lemaitre too, to have good sprinters in his country
it might help him in a way
"Who gives a flying crap about Jimmy Vicaut?"

well he's the new 100m european record holder , and he's half white (white father)
it can't be a bad thing for lemaitre too, to have good sprinters in his country
it might help him in a way

Lemaitre should train with Vicaut and his coach like the Jamaicans do with each will only make him better
What is wrong with congratulating Jimmy Vicaut? and Who is bashing Lemaitre?
Leamitre is much faster than Vicaut. The difference is Vicaut has progressed every year bit by bit, where as Lemaitre regresses every year bit by bit. And why? Vicaut has a Coach who knows how to develop Sprinters the right way. Carraz has no clue and every year changes methods as stated in the French press because he is confused and old fashioned and unconfident in his year the Great Master says Weight Training is not necessary, the next year, it is necessary... the next year, speed endurance training a must, the next year, too much endurance limited Christophe etc...etc...etc...

Pass this to Master Carraz, a simple approach t developing a sprinter the right way

1. Work on technique
2. build Full body strength (this is most important; strength to body weight ratio which I am sure Lemaitre lacks significantly)
3. Take that Strength and make it explosive (olympic weight style training, plyo's)
4. Run 300-500 meters and build speed strength; plyometrics, hills etc...
5. Technique
6. Maintenance
7...Find suitable training partners and train in a warm humid climate for at least a good month or two to make the muscles loose and contract fully.


Comparison Developement Lemaitre und Vicaut

Lemaitre is two years older than Vicaut: (source

17 Years Lemaitre (2007) 10,53 ; Vicaut (2009) 10,56
18 Years Lemaitre (2008) 10,26; Vicaut (2010) 10,16
19 Years Lemaitre (2009) 10,04; Vicaut (2011) 10,07
20 Years Lemaitre (2010) 9,97; Vicaut (2012) 10,02
21 Years Lemaitre (2011) 9,92; Vicaut (2013) 9,95
22 Years Lemaitre (2012) 10,04; Vicaut (2014) 9,95
23 Years Lemaitre (2013) 10,00 Vicaut (2015) 9,86
24 Years Lemaitre (2014) 10,10
Alors RCS Man quand je disais que Vicaut n'étais pas encore prêt quand il a couru contre Lemaitre. :smiley:
Vicaut is really strong co European record , when we know, it's possible Bolt will doesn't go in Beijing, Asafa Powell run less good in championship, and Vicaut can beat Gay in one course. The medal is totally possible.
I don't want to bash Lemaitre, just said congrats to Vicaut and his coach, who improve all his athlète. Biron 10.18 personal Best, Anouman 10.32 PB, Jeffrey John 20.39 PB
Lemaitre is two years older than Vicaut: (source

17 Years Lemaitre (2007) 10,53 ; Vicaut (2009) 10,56
18 Years Lemaitre (2008) 10,26; Vicaut (2010) 10,16
19 Years Lemaitre (2009) 10,04; Vicaut (2011) 10,07
20 Years Lemaitre (2010) 9,97; Vicaut (2012) 10,02
21 Years Lemaitre (2011) 9,92; Vicaut (2013) 9,95
22 Years Lemaitre (2012) 10,04; Vicaut (2014) 9,95
23 Years Lemaitre (2013) 10,00 Vicaut (2015) 9,86
24 Years Lemaitre (2014) 10,10

Vicaut progresses every year...Leamitre not...Better Coaching. The End.
If Bolt dosent compete or is not ready...Gatlin will win (unless he gets busted for another round of ped's of some sort)..2-8th place is a toss up

bon malheureusement tu as le profil d'une personne pour qui l'honnêteté intellectuelle n'est pas essentielle ce qui mène toute discussion au discours de sourd, donc je vais te répondre je pense une dernière fois.

J'ai dis que vicaut était prêt lors de sa course de rentrée, ce n'est pas un avis, c'est un fait, on ne court pas au niveau de son record dans sa course de rentrée sans être prêt et il n'est pas surprenant qu'il ne fasse pas mieux lors de son 100M à Rome qui a suivi, à Paris il a bénéficié de conditions extraordinaire comme l'ont confirmé les courses précédents son 100M avec des temps énorme, et pour info être prêt ne veut pas dire une seconde qu'on ne va pas améliorer après dans la saison, ça veut dire qu'on est déjà en maitrise technique et en très bonne condition physique, il n'y a en réalité que 5 centièmes de différence entre son 10.02 (-0.7) et son 9.86 (1.3), ça fait ramené vent nul 9.98 contre 9.93, la différence n'a rien d'énorme.

voilà pour la réponse, là où on est d'accord, c'est sur les félicitations à vicaut
Lemaitre is two years older than Vicaut: (source

17 Years Lemaitre (2007) 10,53 ; Vicaut (2009) 10,56
18 Years Lemaitre (2008) 10,26; Vicaut (2010) 10,16
19 Years Lemaitre (2009) 10,04; Vicaut (2011) 10,07
20 Years Lemaitre (2010) 9,97; Vicaut (2012) 10,02
21 Years Lemaitre (2011) 9,92; Vicaut (2013) 9,95
22 Years Lemaitre (2012) 10,04; Vicaut (2014) 9,95
23 Years Lemaitre (2013) 10,00 Vicaut (2015) 9,86
24 Years Lemaitre (2014) 10,10

the real times are basic times

17 Years Lemaitre (2007) 10,52 ; Vicaut (2009) 10,63
18 Years Lemaitre (2008) 10,35; Vicaut (2010) 10,20
19 Years Lemaitre (2009) 10,05; Vicaut (2011) 10,03
20 Years Lemaitre (2010) 10.00; Vicaut (2012) 10,02
21 Years Lemaitre (2011) 10.00; Vicaut (2013) 9,97
22 Years Lemaitre (2012) 10,02; Vicaut (2014) 10.01
23 Years Lemaitre (2013) 10,02 Vicaut (2015)
the real times are basic times

17 Years Lemaitre (2007) 10,52 ; Vicaut (2009) 10,63
18 Years Lemaitre (2008) 10,35; Vicaut (2010) 10,20
19 Years Lemaitre (2009) 10,05; Vicaut (2011) 10,03
20 Years Lemaitre (2010) 10.00; Vicaut (2012) 10,02
21 Years Lemaitre (2011) 10.00; Vicaut (2013) 9,97
22 Years Lemaitre (2012) 10,02; Vicaut (2014) 10.01
23 Years Lemaitre (2013) 10,02 Vicaut (2015)
There are reasons why "basic times" are not those listed in the record books. Basic times are simply mathematical calculations using the sprinter's actual time factored by the wind speed. However, during the actual race, the wind is rarely consistent for the entire race. Nor is it the same in various places, 20 meters, 75 meters, etc. due to stadium wind dynamics. Also, a stronger runner will be less affected by the wind than a weaker runner. So they are fun to look at, but not a true indicator of what a runner's time would be in "perfect" conditions.
There are reasons why "basic times" are not those listed in the record books. Basic times are simply mathematical calculations using the sprinter's actual time factored by the wind speed. However, during the actual race, the wind is rarely consistent for the entire race. Nor is it the same in various places, 20 meters, 75 meters, etc. due to stadium wind dynamics. Also, a stronger runner will be less affected by the wind than a weaker runner. So they are fun to look at, but not a true indicator of what a runner's time would be in "perfect" conditions.

Perfect indicator doesn't exist but "basic time" is he best indicator
the real times are basic times

17 Years Lemaitre (2007) 10,52 ; Vicaut (2009) 10,63
18 Years Lemaitre (2008) 10,35; Vicaut (2010) 10,20
19 Years Lemaitre (2009) 10,05; Vicaut (2011) 10,03
20 Years Lemaitre (2010) 10.00; Vicaut (2012) 10,02
21 Years Lemaitre (2011) 10.00; Vicaut (2013) 9,97
22 Years Lemaitre (2012) 10,02; Vicaut (2014) 10.01
23 Years Lemaitre (2013) 10,02 Vicaut (2015)
You can rationalize it however you want, but Vicaut is now the champ in France, not Lemaitre. Lemaitre has made no progress lately. You can argue that his coach isn't the culprit and maybe you are right, who knows. But just looking at it with common sense, something isn't working. A change of coaching and training environment would PROBABLY be the best thing. Heck in any other sport if you wanna be the best, you seek out and train with the best. If I was Lemaitre, I'd be in Florida training with all the world class guys. It does make sense, you have to admit.
I usually avoid the whole blame game - but I'll chime in that the coach can only do so much if his charge won't take some control himself.
Lemaitre appears not to want to move away from his town, coach, friends and family. This is of course his prerogative but by now he would know he will never reach full potential.
He seems perhaps a little timid - has chosen to stay in his comfort zone. Who knows, he may not function very well emotionally away from his surrounds.
You can rationalize it however you want, but Vicaut is now the champ in France, not Lemaitre. Lemaitre has made no progress lately. You can argue that his coach isn't the culprit and maybe you are right, who knows. But just looking at it with common sense, something isn't working. A change of coaching and training environment would PROBABLY be the best thing. Heck in any other sport if you wanna be the best, you seek out and train with the best. If I was Lemaitre, I'd be in Florida training with all the world class guys. It does make sense, you have to admit.

"If I was Lemaitre, I'd be in Florida training with all the world class guys" :faint2::faint2:

"world class guys" ? who are this guys ?
"If I was Lemaitre, I'd be in Florida training with all the world class guys" :faint2::faint2:

"world class guys" ? who are this guys ?

Does not matter who they are, because the training partners and environment is 1000000000% better than what Christophe has now.
An analyse show Jimmy Vicaut run as fast as Lemaitre on his 9.92 in 2011 during the last 70m. We know Lemaitre lost 0.10-0.15 just on the 30 first meter against Powell, Gay or Gatlin.
So all say Lemaitre finish was so huge but now Vicaut has the same.

this will also carry over to the 200 meters once vicaut starts to focus on it. His coaches know how to build a sprinter. Lemaitre is done
this will also carry over to the 200 meters once vicaut starts to focus on it. His coaches know how to build a sprinter. Lemaitre is done
You know nothing of sprint! Master Carraz is just bringing Christophe along slowly this year so that he can peak in November!:biggrin:
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