Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80! -- Part Two

Thank you FootballDad

For me Vicaut will can run sub 9.9 with his best form, when he ran 10.02 he was in good form but not in this best.

In 2010 Lemaitre ran 10.09 10.22 -2.2wind 10.03 in May ! 10.09 and 10.02 in June ! 2011 10.00 in May, 9.96 and 9.95 two times in june !
2012 ran 10.04 in Rome. More better than 3 last years

For the substraction, i ask how do you do to know exactly the split time ?

For this weekend, in 100m visual was good, but Kilty is for me a runner who can expect just run 10.15 ( i know he ran 10.05) so it's cool to win. The chronos are not here but we will see in good conditions. To the 4x100, he will be very good i find, wind in his back. 38.34 was good without Vicaut, French team will expect sub 38 with him. And with Vicaut it's Lemaitre who finish the race.
No 200m i hope his injury is not to big !
Lemaitre says the possibility to not run in Areva to prepare French championship, his injury will confirm it i think.

Yes Christophe ran great times in 2010 and 2011, and who was his coach...?
Yes Christophe ran great times in 2010 and 2011, and who was his coach...?
I believe Master Carraz was his coach....duh....lemaitre ran fast on his own merit. Carraz gave him the basics which is good, but once a athlete Reaches a plateau, he needs better. Carraz cannot take him past that plateau because Carraz is just a good basic amateur coach. He is not a elite sprint coach and aix les bains is nothing more than a grammar school track club. Stop making idiotic comparison to save your own ignorance and xenophobia.
Aix les Bains is the 4th Club in France. Club of Vicaut is 2nd. Many athlètes have indépendant coach, like (Vicaut, Biron) and chose a club, but their coach are not with the club.
LEmaitre needs to be at a Elite club focused on sprinting and a coach who has experience with elite sprinters. Carraz is a good coach for beginners and youngsters wanting to get in the sport, that I agree. But he is not good for a natural genetic talent like Lemaitre that needs to take it to another level
In France we don't have so many expert of sprint, Jacques Piasenta is in retirement, Ontanon coachs Vicaut and many other sprinter, Longuèvre is more in hurdlers and jump. And i'm sure Lemaitre will not be good with a foreigner coach.
This morning confirm what i said, his injury will private him to Areva Meeting. He will prepare french championship.
And i think he will use this apology to explicate his poor form... but we will see.
[h=2]Muscle injury, no meeting in Paris[/h] June 23, 2015 at 10 h 35 min

Christophe Lemaitre had some medical tests this morning in Paris, after coming back to Russia, where he ran the 100 m Saturday on the European Team Athletics Championships and got a muscle injury on Sunday, before the 200 m.Even there’s no muscular tear, the medical examination has shown a muscle injury on the buttock, with a small bleed.« Jean-Michel Serra (doctor of the french team) told me it will disappear after two weeks, explains Christophe. But I’m not in a complete standstill, I can do some exercises. »
This injury also means Christophe will not run the 100 m on Paris, the 4[SUP]th[/SUP] of July.
« Now, I’ve got the goal to be ready for the French championships (10-12 of July). »Pierre Carraz, his trainer, is upset by this injury. « We’ve planned to work hard during 8 to 15 days. It’s annoying because he began to be good. But we’ll find some exercises to still working. »
Why do you say Lemaitre will not do well with a Foreign coach? He will do much better that I can Guarantee then what he has now. Its all up to him to man up and take charge, instead of being pampered amongst his comfort zone. 6 Months of training with a new elite level coach and environment (climate, and better training partners) will help him 100%

PS; I agree regarding the injury, If he does not live up to expectations at he French finals, which I am sure he will not, this will be his excuse. Lemaitre and his coach are elite in regards to mindless excuses...jet lag, wind, altitude, track spikes, too many races ( like 2 races a month is a killer, lol), etc...
Cause Lemaitre is realy shy man, his english isn't good, he likes familiar environnement and coach. In an interview he said if he change choach and club he will don"t go in a structure like INSEP. So for me it will be very difficult to go in strange country or with a foreign coach.

Lemaitre will run his next race in french championship, and it's not sure he will do the 100m minima (10.09) he had to 31 july to do this performance. We will see.
On a pas d'expert de sprint en france ? pitié mais arrête de raconter n'importe quoi !

Danièl Darien, zoran denoix, guy ontanon, gerard lacroix, pierre jean vazel, stephane caristan, pierre carraz, etc, et tellement d'autres il y'en a tellement.
Le sprint français est un des tout meilleur d'europe donc merci d'arrêter ton bashing débile
Caristan n'est plus entraîneur, Vazel a eu Fasuba mais n'a rien fait avec Arron. Par expert j'entends, "qui a amener des français aux très haut niveau" pas du "10.4" ou seulement un athlète très bon.
Un des tous meilleurs d'Europe oui mais pas du monde, on parle au niveau mondial là et de comment s'améliorer encore, en Europe l'Angleterre est meilleur que nous mais les autres n'ont aucun poids dans le sprint mondial.
tu racontes vraiment n'importe quoi, avec ta logique il n'y a aucun bon entraineur en europe, tu me fais marrer avec ton HAUT NIVEAU, sur les 30 meilleurs performance de l'histoire, combien sont propre ? déjà t'enlèverais les dopés, les européens serait bien mieux classé, ensuite le sprint n'est pas culturel en europe comme il l'est en jamaique par exemple, donc il est très difficile de trouver un sprinteur de talent, ça n'a rien à voir avec la qualité de l'entraineur.

Tu as une vision du sport assez effrayante, tu es du genre à accuser l'entraineur d'une équipe de foot quand elle perd au lieu de te tourner vers les joueurs.

Le meilleur entraineur du monde ne fera pas courir en moins de 10 secondes un mec qui à le potentiel de 10.40.

On est pas sur la playstation là, l'athlétisme c'est un sport où le hasard ou le miracle n'ont pas leur place
Notice how Carraz has laid the foundation for excuses to come...'Christophe will not be able to sprint for 2 weeks'

My prediction for the French Champs: Vicaut will run between 9.89 - 9.95; Lemaitre will be lucky to run close to 10.12 at best, most likely around 10.18-10.22.

They will interview him after the race, and he will say ' I felt good, but the injury a few weeks back limited my training' The Great Carraz will chime in ' In addition, the jet lag and the TWO races from the Bahamas world relay competition (from 3 months ago) has still not subsided' will come!

Madra: Can you explain why Lemaitre always seems to be most winded after a race...its like his training has been nothing but a joke. Carraz has him run no further than 200 meters, and has him doing squat jumps with 5 pound dumbbells. Lemaitre anaerobic capacity is ****...most Short sprinters benefit from some 400 meter training and Lemaitre's strength to bodyweight ratio is that of a 6 yr old overweight American child eating potato chips while playing xbox on his ikea couch :)_
I have been asking about that - Lemaitre being so winded at the end of his races - for years.
No runner is breathing more hard or seems more tired than Lemaitre at the end of all his races.
Of course they have all given their maximum effort, but it always seems more draining for Lemaitre than the others. It's just an observation; but it always seems to be the case, and it makes you wonder about his conditioning.
Cause Lemaitre is realy shy man, his english isn't good, he likes familiar environnement and coach. In an interview he said if he change choach and club he will don"t go in a structure like INSEP. So for me it will be very difficult to go in strange country or with a foreign coach.

Lemaitre will run his next race in french championship, and it's not sure he will do the 100m minima (10.09) he had to 31 july to do this performance. We will see.

10.09 will not be easy for Lemaitre, but his 10.26 -1.7 is 10.0 with good tailwind, he can make it in good conditions.
Si ça te fais plaisir.

For me it's not a problem if Lemaitre need 30 min after a 200m to catch his breath, as he runs fast. Last years they work his aerobic, and he lost his speed, so in championship he had time to retrieve his form so it's don't need to work to much this compartment

Lemaitre can run 10.09, i'm sure but if we have a bad condition again in Lille, I think he will do many compétition to succeed his perfomance.
I have been asking about that - Lemaitre being so winded at the end of his races - for years.
No runner is breathing more hard or seems more tired than Lemaitre at the end of all his races.
Of course they have all given their maximum effort, but it always seems more draining for Lemaitre than the others. It's just an observation; but it always seems to be the case, and it makes you wonder about his conditioning.

If I was that tired I'd at least pretend I wasn't :happy:. I don't think he worries about "cool" (which is good)
If I was that tired I'd at least pretend I wasn't :happy:. I don't think he worries about "cool" (which is good)

So you are telling me that everyone but Lemaitre is pretending not to be winded? talk about insane conspiracy theories...more like Lemaitre is badly coached and trained.
[h=2]Some 100 m on training sessions[/h] June 27, 2015 at 10 h 27 min
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The medical test on Tuesday has shown a muscle injury on the buttock, with a small bleed. But Christophe told he wasn’t in a complete standstill. “I can do some exercisesâ€, he said.
In fact, on Wednesday, he trotted along and on Friday, he ran some 100 m: ten on the grass and six on the track, not fast, around 12″. The most important: Christophe must feel no pain.
On Saturday, Pierre Carraz, his coach, has decided to plan longer distances. “We’ll see the development of this injury in three days. Perhaps he could run normally in the middle of the next week. But it’s sure he will not race on the Diamond League meeting in Paris next Saturday, it’s too dangerous. But I think it could be okay for the French championships (10th-12th of July).
This season looks like 2008, according to Pierre Carraz. “He’s got a injury on the Rhône-Alpes championships. But we continued to work, just a little but always. And before the Juniors world championships, he was good. †Few days later, Christophe won the gold medal on the 200 m.
[h=2]Christophe is almost ready[/h] July 3, 2015 at 20 h 20 min

Christophe Lemaitre has continued to train since last week, in spite of his muscle injury.
Friday morning, he worked a lot before going to Paris, where he’s got some media obligations on Saturday. And in the evening, he ‘ll receive his olympic bronze medal, with his 4×100 m partners, Jimmy Vicaut, Pierre-Alexis Pessonneaux and Ronald Pognon, at the beginning of the Diamond League meeting.
He’ll come back in Aix-les-Bains on Sunday, for an other training session.
« I always got some restraint but less and less, explains Christophe. I have no pain. Next week, I’ll got a new medical examination to check it’s okay. Thursday, I ran a 150 m in 15’’4, it begins to be fast again, I think I’m almost ready for the French championships. He’ll be ok for this races.»
Next week, he’ll be on the start for 100 and 200 m.
Tonight Christophe has lost his NR on 100m.

Jimmy Vicaut ran 9.86 (European record) in Paris. Congratulations to Jimmy.
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