Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80! -- Part Two

"but the track looked wet and not sure of the temp during the race."


What ? you said that talk about conditions (weather , temperature) was just an excuse !

for your information :

weather : rainy
temperature : 14°C (57°F)
you are an idiot...there comes a time when a excuse can be legitimate during a race...but not every single race for the last 5 years!
"there comes a time when a excuse can be legitimate during a race" :)
You either must have a very low IQ that you cannot comprehend what I am trying to explain or it could be language/translation barrier. Not every race will be perfect, but unlike your hero Caraz, I dont blame every single dam race for Lemairte's short comings for 5 years in a row on some excuses.
PS: After looking at the race, 57 degrees is not that cold and the track may have been wet, but it was not raining durning the race...a well trained sprinter would of run 10 flat in these conditions! HA!
You either must have a very low IQ that you cannot comprehend what I am trying to explain or it could be language/translation barrier. Not every race will be perfect, but unlike your hero Caraz, I dont blame every single dam race for Lemairte's short comings for 5 years in a row on some excuses.
PS: After looking at the race, 57 degrees is not that cold and the track may have been wet, but it was not raining durning the race...a well trained sprinter would of run 10 flat in these conditions! HA!

Are you an adult or a child ?

Lemaitre =
2011 9.92 - 19.80
2012 win the european championship
2013 world championshilp finalist (qualified in 10.00 (0.4) near his record

where is his 5 years of regression ? :)

"a well trained sprinter would of run 10 flat in these conditions! HA!"

Like i said before, we need to wait Rome, it's really at this meeting we can see if he is in form. 10.18 is bad Okay, but when you see weather and the time of Vicaut in 200 you can excuse him. And Lemaitre ran a little in the 3rd lane.
Now look other guys, no one run very fast. Bromell ran 10.14 with + 3.2 (bad weather too) , De Grasse hasn't good race (2 guys who he will face normaly in Olso) But they will do better.
So wait for Lemaitre, Rome and Oslo will be a good step.


1- AIX LES BAINS (Lemaitre) : 40.48
2- MONTREUIL (Vicaut) : 40.94
Sorry, 10,18 isn't bad. No one runs his personal best at 14° C and a wet track. CL even had no real competition.
At big championships he always had a good race.
On the other hand. There is no development. A few years ago Christophe was faster then Jimmy Vicaut. No he has no chance against him.
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You are always calling people stupid, very ignorant of you....Viacut will surpass Lemaitre in the 200 this year beacuse Vicaut has a better trainer and coach and is more confident! Vicaut and his coach do not strive for third place!

I think Lemaitre could front of Bromell and Ogunode, for Ameer Webb it's hard cause he is really in shape. Edward too.
Lemaitre said he is in shape and better than never in 200. Did 20.43 indoor, so now he must do a good time.
Weather changes but maybe a little rain and 20°
I think Lemaitre could front of Bromell and Ogunode, for Ameer Webb it's hard cause he is really in shape. Edward too.
Lemaitre said he is in shape and better than never in 200. Did 20.43 indoor, so now he must do a good time.
Weather changes but maybe a little rain and 20°

yes may be, but it's his first 200M not for Bromell and Ogunode

Guliyev is very very good in 200M, but it's his first race also, Brown is in shape also 20.00 is great
If Lemaitre loose against Guliyev in 200, it's the end.
Brown did 20.00 in America, in Europe he will run 20.3.
Lemaitre is in shape in june, french championship is in 3 weeks, if he doesn't a good race. He will never claim something In Beijing.
Lemaitre said he think he can break his record. In 2011 he ran 20.33 -2.2, 20.28 with -2.8. We can hope best time.
If Lemaitre loose against Guliyev in 200, it's the end.
Brown did 20.00 in America, in Europe he will run 20.3.
Lemaitre is in shape in june, french championship is in 3 weeks, if he doesn't a good race. He will never claim something In Beijing.
Lemaitre said he think he can break his record. In 2011 he ran 20.33 -2.2, 20.28 with -2.8. We can hope best time.
Lemaitre should not come in less than 2nd, and that would not be good either. He should win this one! But your Moron Friend RCSMAN already started with the weather excuse. If Lemaitre does not win or at most come in 2nd-3rd in a very close race, forget the finals, semi's, third place in the heats in RIO. Tell him to stay home.
If Lemaitre loose against Guliyev in 200, it's the end.
Brown did 20.00 in America, in Europe he will run 20.3.
Lemaitre is in shape in june, french championship is in 3 weeks, if he doesn't a good race. He will never claim something In Beijing.
Lemaitre said he think he can break his record. In 2011 he ran 20.33 -2.2, 20.28 with -2.8. We can hope best time.

Dont worry, if Lemaitre wont make the heats in RIO, Third Place Carraz already has an excuse - ZIKA VIRUS.
Wait and see ...
We have been waiting for 5 years...I don't want to see lemaitre win, I want to see him terrorize the track and leave his opponents in the dust. He had that ability to do it, but with fans like Rcsman and a coach who thinks third place is can figure the rest out
Christophe wants to run fast for his first 200 m in 2016 tomorrow in Rome

June 1, 2016 at 13 h 32 min

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It’s the first big meeting this season, said Pierre Carraz. Thursday evening in Rome (20 h 15), Christophe Lemaitre runs his first 200 m and his first Diamond league race this year. With a stiff competition: Alonso Edward, already 20″06 this season, Ameer Webb, surprising winner in Doha in 19″85, Ramil Gulyev (personal best in 19″88), Femi Ogunode, 20″10 in 2016, and Trayvon Bromell, bronze medallist in 2015 World championships on 100 m, who wants to run under 20″00 for the first time.
“Normally, it would be okay, tells Christophe. I felt good on last training sessions. I look forward to run a 200 m. Sure it’s the first big meeting this season. If I get a good position, time will be good too. I’d like to show I can compete with the greatest athletes in the world.”
Christophe should run under french olympic standard (20″30). And he hopes get a time as close as possible to 20″00, if the weather is good and if he gets a line between 4 to 8.
The four-time european champion is confident: “I think I can run fast. On 200 m, I’ve always been present.”
We have been waiting for 5 years...I don't want to see lemaitre win, I want to see him terrorize the track and leave his opponents in the dust. He had that ability to do it, but with fans like Rcsman and a coach who thinks third place is can figure the rest out

You said Vicaut will run faster than christophe this year in 200M !

we will see ...
We have been waiting for 5 years...I don't want to see lemaitre win, I want to see him terrorize the track and leave his opponents in the dust. He had that ability to do it, but with fans like Rcsman and a coach who thinks third place is can figure the rest out

Where i agree with you and not with RCSMan, RCSMAN always apology Lemaitre and Carraz, he says "it's normal, wait he will be good. You are a ignorant ..." Even if Lemaitre finish last in 20.40 he will apologize. And I think in a moment we can doubt about Lemaitre and Carraz, when we see his 2014 season per exemple.

But where i disagree with you, you are just always negative. For the moment we don't have to be worry when we see his season start. 10.18 with rain little wind, realy bad condition, look the Vicaut's chrono in 200. Look other guy in 100 no one run really fast. So don't always say, "look it's bad ! Carraz master noob ..." it's just tiresome. And not appropriate. And Vicaut better Lemaitre in 200 ? I hope it's a joke.
So for the moment wait and see.
Where i agree with you and not with RCSMan, RCSMAN always apology Lemaitre and Carraz, he says "it's normal, wait he will be good. You are a ignorant ..." Even if Lemaitre finish last in 20.40 he will apologize. And I think in a moment we can doubt about Lemaitre and Carraz, when we see his 2014 season per exemple.

But where i disagree with you, you are just always negative. For the moment we don't have to be worry when we see his season start. 10.18 with rain little wind, realy bad condition, look the Vicaut's chrono in 200. Look other guy in 100 no one run really fast. So don't always say, "look it's bad ! Carraz master noob ..." it's just tiresome. And not appropriate. And Vicaut better Lemaitre in 200 ? I hope it's a joke.
So for the moment wait and see.

Je ne défends pas carraz, je critique ceux comme ELISPEEDSTER qui critique Carraz pour des raisons stupide.
Carraz est trop vieux, l'entrainement de Lemaitre n'est pas bon, comme si le mec à des milliers de kilomètres sait comment s'entraine lemaitre, etc, etc,

libre à toi de défendre ce genre d'attaque lamentable, je suis quelqu'un qui assume ses positions donc merci de ne pas déformer ce que je dis.

Quand à avoir des doutes sur carraz ou lemaitre du fait de sa saison 2014, alors c'est quoi ta logique en 2011 -2012-2013 carraz est un bon entraineur car christophe est performant, 2014 et 2015 sa saison est moins bonne donc carraz est un mauvais entraineur et si en 2016 il est à nouveau performant carraz sera redevenu un bon entraineur, ça n'a pas de sens tout ça, n'importe quel sportif a des années sans, carraz paie son image et moi je n'aime pas ça
Friday Christophe ran 3X200M Under 20.8 with 20 minutes rest.

He is in shape