Caste football members


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
After some prayer and a long time to think about it, I have reluctantly decided to leave Caste football as a active poster and participant. I will still visit CF on a daily basis as a reader but no more postings. It's kind of ironic that my moniker is Guest301(originally Aragorn777) because that's what I have largely been through my 750 posts or so.
Why am I leaving? It's certainly not because I don't support the main mission of Caste football to expose the discrimination and false stereotypes of the white athlete.I do support CF on that and have abundantly proved that fact in my many posts. I am leaving because I in good conscience can no longer be a active poster on a site that is frequently anti-semitic and anti-christian. I have heard enough postings on "Holocaust Hoax's".."jews are filthy vermin" "Hitler had the right idea" and of course "Christianity being the enemy of the white race and it's ministers being "effiminate weaklings" or words to that effect by a couple(several) of active posters here.
I didn't want to make this personal at all and that is why I am leaving names out of it. I appreciate Don Wassall for letting me be a part of this site for a good period of time and defending my right to be here when some wanted me banned or branded a troll. Thanks. I appreciate my brothers in Christ like Reb, Shogun, KJV1, White Lightning and SteveB. I also have enjoyed the respectful disagreement at times I have had with JD074 and KG2422. I also have no hard feelings towards White Savage or Bart and believe it or not I can see where you are coming from more than you think I do. This site is special and largely unique and it will grow with or without me. But if it doesn't lose and/or curtail the anti-semitism and anti- christianity in it's postings then it will not reach the heights in growth and influence that it otherwise could. I wish you guys all the best and reserve the right to change my mind in the future(down the line) if I am welcome back after this posting. Take care guys and I will still be reading your postings every day even if I am not posting myself anymore. ps..if any members want to email me..Shogun and Reb have my personal email

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
You will be missed Aragorn.I hope that you eventually come to change your mind.Look at it from how God would want you to.How can you argue the truth if you don't post.Maybe you are here to also spread the word of God and the love he has for all of us.I have stated since the beginning that we all need to respect each other here despite some of our different beliefs or even if you are an athiest.I respect everyone here with the exception of the trolls.
What ever you decide,it has been a pleasure conversing with you.I can tell that you do truely support the plight of the white athlete.
Good luck to you,and God bless you.Remember,you are welcome back at anytime.

Edited by: white lightning


Oct 21, 2004
I don't understand these kinds of dramatic exit posts, which are all too frequent on internet forums. If you don't like the forum, then go somewhere else. If you still enjoy reading the posts, then why would you feel compelled to stop posting? More importanly, why feel the need to tell us all? I agree with you (like most all the frequent posters here) the majority of the time. You should feel at home with kindred spirits here. Don't let religious or political differences get in the way of the primary purpose of this forum- to expose the injustices and double standards of the Caste System in organized sports.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
bigunreal said:
I don't understand these kinds of dramatic exit posts, which are all too frequent on internet forums. If you don't like the forum, then go somewhere else. If you still enjoy reading the posts, then why would you feel compelled to stop posting? More importanly, why feel the need to tell us all? I agree with you (like most all the frequent posters here) the majority of the time. You should feel at home with kindred spirits here. Don't let religious or political differences get in the way of the primary purpose of this forum- to expose the injustices and double standards of the Caste System in organized sports.



May 20, 2005
Bah, what a bunch of dramatic crap. What are you going to do, post to sports forums where 50% of the readership is some sort of liberal-commie negrophile? That's ALOT better.

I actually appreciate a forum where the average post doesn't sound like it was written by a retarded 14 year old. Hey, if you want to argue with someone whose main line of rebuttal is "YOU SUCK!" instead of little old me, thats your choice.

Your total denial of Jewish involvement in the anti-Western is ironic, considering said movement is also dedicated to oppressing Christians which in case you haven't figured it out, is something this "evil Godless anti-semite" opposes most forcibly. I know you individually don't have anything to do with it, but hey...I never owned a slave or killed an Indian, but I don't deny Whites did all those things.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
don't know much about the religious debates going on, but for you to leave is weak as hell. c'mon, man! just because a few folks disagree means we will have growth through struggle here. otherwise we would stagnate.

even on this site, where we all come together for one primary reason, not everyone is going to agree on everything. if we did, that would be absolutely no fun, and more importantly, no one would learn anything. so Aragorn, do what you feel is best, but i have to say that leaving a place you love is for the birds. again, i say white flight is for pussies.


Dec 28, 2004
Guest 301,I think you should reconsider. I don't always agree with everything on the posts here but there is a much bigger issue at stake. BREAKING THE CASTE SYSTEM WIDE OPEN. We need good men to aid the cause. Our White Brothers need us all to stay in the battle. Your always welcome back!!


Guest, I would like if you stayed as well. I just ignore the postings on anti-semitism and stuff like that. Just post in the sports only focus and intention is to support white athletes who get the shaft and discuss them. Either way take care in whichever path you choose.


Mar 8, 2005
United States
Your quote on Muslims:

That says it all. America knows and/or should know who it's enemies are. Bring on the racial profiling..or in this case religous profiling.

Odd enough you support religious profiling.


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
I guess after being gone about 10 months from this site, I am ready to rejoin. I have noticed some changes for the better on Caste Football these past ten months.I have seen alot less anti-semitic posts and virtually no anti-christian posts in a long time here. I think some of the members of this site have done a better job of self-policing themselves and others posts since I have been gone. So alot of the reasons why I left this site as a active poster are either gone and/or are not as relavant now.....So much has happened in the last ten months for the cause of the white athlete and I have greatly missed being a active poster on this site.....I am especially gladdened by the rise of the UFC as a mainstream sport in this country. Mostly dominated by white warriors in the ultimate on one competition where there is little the caste system can do to stifle the white athlete...(except of course to prop up Rashad Evans)! I have been a fan of the UFC since the early 90's and it's come along way.....anyways....I am back and I will post from time to time when I get a chance. Don't have as much computer access as I used to do..only two hours a day through the public library... special shoutout to Shogun, Reb, KJV1, and White Lightning, Jimmy Chitwood...I have missed you guys. Edited by: guest301


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Welcome back, thicker skinned I hope!

As for any reduction in anti-Jewish might want to review that.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Good to have you back Aragorn. We need a lot more people who will contribute information to the site. A few of us are carrying a big load.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
I'm still a newbie/rookie to this site, but I really enjoy it. It's nice getting to read many of these threads that expose the anti-white caste system & other Leftist PC BS that infests our great nation. Us white folks need to stand strong & make NO apologies for being Caucasian. We might have our various differences, but the bottom line is we need to join together against the tyranny of those who look to villianize & "guilt-trip" the white man!


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
Thanks Reb for your comments. I have noticed the fact that while Caste Football has well over 600 members, only a few ever bother to post. So I will do what I can to reduce your workload, Reb! I have limited internet time though. Jaxvid, I don't know if my skin has gotten any thicker,probably not. Maybe I just needed a break for a while. The anti-jewish sentiment may have not gone down but thankfully some of the viciousness of the postings back in the winter/spring of 2006 definitely have gone down. Partly due to a post last spring by Don Wassall that helped clean up things and certain other posters leaving because of it..anyways...I am under no delusions... I am a fan of the white athlete and a Christian of Jewish heritage and because of that dichotomy....(spelling) it sometimes makes it difficult for me to stomach certain types of postings. But anyways...I want to get back to posting on sports because that's why this site exists and it is what Caste Football is suppossed to be about.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
guest301 said:
I have noticed the fact that while Caste Football has well over 600 members, only a few ever bother to post.

I don't know what you consider a "few," but there are nearly a hundred Caste Football "Gurus" -- those who have over 100 posts, andseveral hundred others that have posted at least once.

At any rate, I'm not interested in this board beinga place for drama. Someone is either comfortable withCaste Footballor they're not, soI agreewith Jaxvid and hope that you have a thicker skin than before. Edited by: Don Wassall


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
Don, I guess I was referring to Reb's comment about "a few of us carrying a big load".. I'm definitely not here for the drama, not sure my lack of a "thick skin" was the issue before or the issue now. If everybody at all times would follow the guidelines that you set up when they join Caste Football, there would never be any drama. Hope I'm not getting off on the wrong foot here, not my intention.
May 5, 2005
I got to agree with a lot of what 301 was absent for. I come here for news on white athletes, not whether or not the Jews are going to take over the world. I do blow over those posts. If I wanted to participate in that particular bit of hysteria, I could hit any number of other internet forums.

For the most part, Don runs a pretty tight ship. I do think that if we want to get our message across someday, we should be endeavoring to keep religiosity out of it as well as some of the tearing down of races. Take the high road folks. You're looked at more seriously that way. I got some racial feelings no doubt, but try to judge the man at all times, though I fail from time to time.

Keep on course. I think this site is a tremendous vehicle for change.


Aug 16, 2006
Animalmuther0 said:
I got to agree with a lot of what 301 was absent for. I come here for news on white athletes, not whether or not the Jews are going to take over the world. I do blow over those posts. If I wanted to participate in that particular bit of hysteria, I could hit any number of other internet forums.

For the most part, Don runs a pretty tight ship. I do think that if we want to get our message across someday, we should be endeavoring to keep religiosity out of it as well as some of the tearing down of races. Take the high road folks. You're looked at more seriously that way. I got some racial feelings no doubt, but try to judge the man at all times, though I fail from time to time.

Keep on course. I think this site is a tremendous vehicle for change.


Jul 7, 2005
Outside North America
Bashing Jewish people just because they are Jewish bad
Bashing crazy agressive unjust Israeli state policies, good
. Bashing slavish US governement backing for everything Israel says and does, alienating the rest of the world - Good


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
Thanks Jared and animalmuther0. I appreciate your comments on this thread. I especially appreciate the comment"this site is a tremendous vehicle for change". I totally agree with that and it is why even while I was gone...I still kept reading posts daily and informing those around me of the caste for KG2422's ccomments about what in his mind is my seeming double standard....I don't see it. I try to bash specific observable behaviors in a group of people without trying to find a Jewish boogey man behind everything bad that happens. I have and have had alot of black and latino friends, I even went to mexico on a mission trip to build and construct a small church down there. I try to keep the hate and any feelings of racial superiority or more intrinsic worth out of it. I probably don't always succeed but my intentions are good. ...anyways...moving on from this thread.. Edited by: guest301


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
as for your post comments on that one....last time I was here I let myself get drawn into a debate nearly every time someone said something negative about Israel...not this time...for those who care to look..go to olivetreeministries.comEdited by: guest301


Aug 10, 2005
I don't think it is only your double standard. It's just that I come across posts on here all of the time about how "we won't be taken seriously with anti-semitic comments". As long as racial epithets aren't used not near as much is said about comments about darker groups. And I don't think Jews are responsible for all of our problems. We are responsible. But I don't think Jews are above criticism. Sometimes I "bash specific observable behaviors in a group of people" as well. Edited by: KG2422

Solomon Kane

Jul 3, 2006
devans said:
Bashing Jewish people just because they are Jewish bad
 Bashing crazy agressive unjust Israeli state policies, good
. Bashing slavish US governement backing for everything Israel says and does, alienating the rest of the world - Good


I agree wholeheartedly with devans' summation.

The real problem is that legitimate criticism of Israel and Israel-backers has historically been so infrequent, weak, and fleeting, that any more robust, forthright, and continuous criticism of Israel is seen, by way of contrast, as "outrageous", "extremist", "beyond the pale", "anti-semitic,". Fortunately things are changing in that respect. (Or are they? Look at the way the two Harvard scholars Walt and Mearsheimer were hammered for their study of Israeli influence, a study which merely documented the obvious)

Another problem is the current unjustified tendency to interpret any criticism which employs an unquantified group-name to be a criticism of every member of that group.

Thus, if you say "Jews have an excessive and unfortunate influence on American Foreign Policy", the pedantic listener corrects you and triumphantly says "*Not all* jews have such an influence"---As if the critic ever meant to say that every Jew was unduly influencing America!

The same pedantic spirit arises whenever you say "Blacks have lower IQ's than whites". It should be obvious that we are speaking of what is true "on average".

Why can't people be aware of the implied nuances and qualifications of ordinary speech?

In any event, welcome back Aragorn! I think I arrived at the site roughly at the time of your departure so I don't know the specifics and the controversy (if that's the right word)of it. But I look forward to your future posts, and I have enjoyed those which you have posted thus far.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Let's see.....nearly everyone who posts here feels that white culure and white males are under assault from the media, the entertainment industry, and the education establishment, and that the current ruling philosophies such as marxism, feminism, and diversity are the tools being used to attack white men and their culture.

Now if that is all true and one was to find out the indisputable truth that Jews are the major players in those areas listed above and the primary source of the philosophies also listed then what is one to think?

Should one play that game that guilt stricken white people do when confronted with black pathological behavior and just say to themselves "Not ALL blacks are like that" and go merrily about as civilization is torn down? Or should one do some "bashing" towards a group that is truly deserving?

You make the call.