Caste football members


So you got sick of sports sites where the virtual-verbal-fellatio&man-love for the ******* athlete is served up daily, and the average rebutal in argument consists of "f u fing mofo", AS I PREDICTED WOULD HAPPEN, and you are back here. Ping, Pong. But you're still unable to admit which Guess-Whozits are responsible for subverting our societies' institutions into machines for destroying freedom and the White male, or that having non-Whites around in any quantity makes life suck, anywhere and everywhere, 100% of the time. I find that sad.

For those of you who don't know, this guy left the site because he loves Jesus AND the Tribe who had Jesus nailed to the tree, the Tribe which to this VERY DAY professess that Mary was a whore and Jesus a delusional blasphemous bastard, this same Tribe which views us all as contemptible animals. He loves them BOTH, simultaneosly, believe it or not, don't ask me how. And he objected to any of us returning in kind even a tiny taste of the contempt the Tribe and various minorities have heaped upon Whites. Since he made himself supremely annoying to those of us who don't buy into any of this, I proceeded to prove everything he believed in to be wrong, thus corroding his poor soul, I suppose. That is why he left, not because anyone called him a Fng Mofo or the like, that not being Castefootball's style. Because he could not tolerate the ease with which any of the more intelligent posters here could prove him wrong on most everything, because he could not muster any rebuttal that didn't involve emotionalism and read like a fortune-cookie's message, he took his toys and went home.

Now having, no doubt, spent his time being tortured by the "ideas" of self-hating negrophile Whites, Jewish propagandists, and those hostile ******** who are intelligent enough to type, he returns to this bastion with some patronizing praise about how things seem more "civil". Maybe the atmosphere is more "civil" because we haven't had many trolls or idiots lately. Alas, all good things&all that...

I do like roasting sacred cows, but guys, forgive me if I don't slaughter the proverbial obese juvenile bovine in this case.
Once you become a regular poster here that's it you will be here for life.You may take a small hiatus but you'll be baaaaaaaaakkk.
White Savage...I had planned on leaving this thread behind but are back at it can't help yourself can you? For your information, I wasn't trying to patronize anybody..I have alot of respect for the posters here..even you to some degree based on past posts. I would also differ with your comments about how " my tribe nailed Jesus to the tree". We all nailed nailed Jesus to the tree pal, I seem to remember reading that Roman soldiers beat, whipped and scourged him and then put him to death by nailing him to a tree. We all are responsible for that and one day(in eternity) you will be forced to acknowledge that fact willingly or unwillingly. I also am not a troll. I have proved beyond a shadow of a doubt,(with over 770 posts) that I am a supporter of the white athlete( look up my first post innocence lost in sports in Happy Hour) and that I hate the stereotyping and discrimination that exists against the white athlete. So if I am a troll, I am the most successful troll in CF history, a Hall of Famer, far greater than pignuts, McBride, brutal and all the rest. But I am no troll, just someone who's existence makes you uncomfortable and has drawn you out from whatever rock you were hiding under.PS...go to website...IFCJ. That's where I am coming from and the side I am on.Edited by: guest301
Who killed Jesus?

I was born in the year 1979. Jesus Christ, if I remember correctly, was crucified around A.D. 33. That's a pretty airtight alibi in any court of law. Further, unlike many modern Jews, (and Muslims and many Christians) I don't cling to any primitive religious notions that would involve persecuting/torturing/murdering a man for what he says, even if he is half mad, as a surprising number of Abrahamic religionists would do if allowed. Would if the Early Modern White men who were for the most part various shades of wicked "Doubting Thomases" like myself hadn't invented "evil" libertarian-secular notions of government, that is.

Further, the Romans would have released Christ from custody had the Jews given them any choice, as Jesus was merely a medicant preacher and apparently was not trying to foment a rebellion. Pontius Pilate thought it was an ass-hat notion to kill the poor bum instead of the brigand Barabas...but he faced civil unrest from that bloody backwards Tribe if he didn't. (As I write this, I am suddenly struck by the parallel between Romans in Judea and Americans in Iraq, neither civilization will gain anything but misery from dealing with Semetic lunatics.)

I didn't kill Jeezus, even u didn't kill Jeezus, although being gullible, you would probably have bought into the religious notions that required Jesus to be killed, or witches burned, etc, if you lived in the appropriate culture and era. The power that people like you are so willing to vest in church and state, tortured and killed Jesus, and, just as importantly, tens of millions of other people. LEARN THE LESSON!

And truly, though I needle you with it, I don't REALLY hold the actions of 1st Century Jews against you and the other Jews, especially considering that so few of you even have a blood connection to those Jews, most of you Western Jews being descended from the Khazars, a central Eurasian nation that converted to Judaism in the early Christian era. No, the problem is, that despite the examples of Marx, Freud, Boaz, Cohen, Rothschild, Roosevelt, Lenin, Schumer, Waxman, Feinstein, Abramoff, Chertoff, etc, and the makeup of politics, finance, and media in general, you refuse to admit the primary role that Jewish power and anti-Gentilism has played in destroying White civilization, and yes, Christianity. Want to know why anti-Semitism doesn't die out? Because as a group, the Jews do not play well with others, this is why various calamities have befallen from the time of John I to the time of Hitler. Innocent Jews suffer from these backlashes, but the ultimate blame for them can firmly be placed on the machinations of Jewish influence. Things will only get better when the Jews as a people own up to their misdeeds and police their own.

You could have quit posting and no one would have noticed. You could have gotten another name to post under, limited your commentary to sports, and again not been noticed by the "wicked anti-semites" here. No one would have flamed you for saying "Yay Liddell!" from time to time. Instead, you announce your coming and going with silly dramatics. To do otherwise is nothing but trolling for a reacion, by definition. Well, Merry Christmas, you got what you want! Now don't whine about it. And let us keep something straight, you are the one who was so thin-skinned and uncomfortable that you left, thus shirking your duty to minister to us heathens

Well, I guess demonstrating that your Holy Writ isn't even consistent with ITSELF was kind of a mean trick to play on a simpleton.
guest301 said:
I am leaving because I in good conscience can no longer be a active poster on a site that is frequently anti-semitic and anti-christian.

man, oh man. I am glad you came back. You CAN'T leave when things get heated about issues regarding the savior. That's insane. Jesus is very explicit in saying that we will be hated because of Him. But he never said to forfeit the battle! You've got to keep on, you've got to.

Christians for far too long have withered back to their cocoons when times get tough and we simply can't do it anymore. There is no place left to retreat to.
Why has the ACLU basically taken over the law of this land? Because Christians sat on their hands while town after town and school after school was sued and caved.
The Christian has been among the most narcistic people in the world, basically by allowing whatever happens elsewhere to not concern him. "doesn't affect me, someone else will fight," seems to have been our mantra. And yet we are called, no we are COMMANDED, to spread the word of Christ, at ALL TIMES, not just when it makes us comfortable. How can we do that by caving everytime we get offended?

Trust me, I wish I could say I stand up for my faith more than I do. I do not. And I am a hypocrite. But I am beginning to start small by greeting everyone with a cheerful Merry Christmas at Christmas time. I say it in my emails too, (if you knew the large corporate NYC firm I worked for, you'd recognize that's a risk).

Remember you do not know who the next tax collector, Muslim, communist zealot will be whose heart is pierced by God, but you do know that your words MIGHT be what does it. However your words won't be heard by anyone if you turn and run away.

The good Colonel says something along the lines that we are bearing a heavy load. Indeed we are, and it is my opinion we've all got to begin to take more arrows, to bear more of a load. We aren't going to be killed here, at least not yet. Think of our brothers overseas, who are preaching right now. What risks they are ecountering, only God knows. The least we can do here is stay engaged.

It was a guy I hardly knew who took the risk to invite me to a prayer group about 4 years ago that turned me around. Nothing fancy, but that simple invite saved my life. I shudder to think where I'd be if he kept quiet because to engage me would be uncomfortable for him. Praise God!!!

For ANYONE who has kept on reading my post here, if you want to hear a great Christian pastor go here... Pages/sermon_inde x.htm

The man who does the preaching is simply amazing. He will make your day and maybe save your life.

Blessings to all.
What the person who has a wonderful experiences with Christianity may not understand is that Churches are virtually the only mostly segregated gatherings available to decent Whites.

You'll meet a great many Christians are who exactly the kind of people we need in society. Notice they are White. The White Christian was and is a giant in comparison to to other peoples...but so is the White heathen, the White deist, the White atheist, etc. By comparison, the oldest Christian nation in the world is Ethiopa. Know the cause, blood is more important than doctrine.
Youkeep tellingAragorn the way it isWhite Savage. To leave like he did and return a year laterand again make himself and his zionist beliefs the center of attention takes lots of chutzpah!
I think it's unfair to label guests301 a troll. He is obviously a supporter of white athletes and very knowledgeable about sports. He also posts, which is the whole point of this forum.

It's also good to have a varying spectrum of people here, so as to understand all of the different points of view on the caste system.

As for announcing ones coming and going I think it's a good idea. One of the disadvantages of a "virtual" community is not knowing much about your fellow members and wondering about them if they suddenly disappear. As a moderater I also like to know why someone would leave.

Like any post if you are not interested in the subject matter then you are free to avoid it.

I think strong criticizm of someone's deeply felt religious beliefs, no matter the merit, should be tempered with the understanding that we share a common bond here and should emphasize the commonalites amongst us not the differences.
simple one:
Come on. White savage's replies were calm, diffident, humorous, intelligent and devastating. unlike this one(mine)."castefootball" is getting good.
What I'm criticizing is an INTERPRETATION of Christianity that leads to ass-hat notions. Millions of Christians have interpreted it in ways that didn't involve excessive literalism and rolling over for our enemies.
"Remember you do not know who the next tax collector, Muslim, communist zealot will be whose heart is pierced by God, but you do know that your words MIGHT be what does it. However your words won't be heard by anyone if you turn and run away."

Our ancestors lived in tougher more pragmatic times, and though many of them were Christians, they knew the proper and effective response would be to pierce the heart of the above listed characters with rifle fire. 99% of Muslims, Commies, and gub'ment drones are demonstrably proof of Christian magic bullets or any appeal to reason or humanity whatsoever. Heres some reality: Europe became Christian because of a flukey dream a strong-arm head honcho named Constantine had, not because alot of dopey guys stood around getting eaten by lions. Europe avoided becoming Muslim because a half-heathen warlord named Charles Martel had a strong sword arm, and because other of this ilk followed him to drive out the Mohamadens. This country was founded because a group of leaders, many of them "doubting Thomases"(deists), DIDN'T want to render unto Caeser, and launched a violent rebellion. Not to mention that this country was founded on the intellectual ideas of heretics who rejected the "Divine" power of Crown&Altar.

Sorry, but your example of wanting to convert our bitterest enemies into churchmen instead of corpses is another example of how the touchy-feely doctrines of some modern interpretations of Christianity conflict with pragmatic reality and the policies of older and more sensible Christian societies.
CS Lewis....I appreciate all your comments, encouragement and the testimony that you gave. I admire your choice of screen names and CS Lewis is one of my heroes of the faith. As to your advice about sticking around this time and not leaving again, I hear you and I will take it under advisement. We all have to do what we have to do based on our calling, circumstances and what we have going on in our personal lives. Trust me, I needed the ten-month sabbatical. I will send you a private message later, when I have the time.
Jaxvid...I know that beyond the caste system in sports..we don't see eye to eye on alot of things but I appreciate your defence of my prescence here. I also think it's important in the "virtual community" we have here to sometimes announce our comings, goings and even purpose on this site. I wasn't the only one that posted sometype of farewell when I left last year, others did too. On a side note....I am a jew by heredity...not by religion....I also have some greek, irish and scotch blood running through me.. I am not deaf, dumb and blind to what "some" secular jewish writers, entertainers, politicians, etc...are doing in this country...I am often bothered by the fact that sometimes we can be our own worst enemies.... I also think that for every one jew that is screwing over white civilzation...there are ten gentiles doing the same thing. That fact seems to be ignored by alot of posters. As a christian....I also feel a spiritual connnection and obligation to the Jewish people and the nation of Israel. I totally understand why some of you non-christians feel no such obligation. I am just here with a different viewpoint. Shalom!Edited by: guest301
White Savage..I said my peace to you earlier. Nothing has changed, you obviously haven't. Honor is the only gift a man can give himself, try finding some.
jaxvid said:
Let's see.....nearly everyone who posts here feels that white culure and white males are under assault from the media, the entertainment industry, and the education establishment, and that the current ruling philosophies such as marxism, feminism, and diversity are the tools being used to attack white men and their culture.

Now if that is all true and one was to find out the indisputable truth that Jews are the major players in those areas listed above and the primary source of the philosophies also listed then what is one to think?

Should one play that game that guilt stricken white people do when confronted with black pathological behavior and just say to themselves "Not ALL blacks are like that" and go merrily about as civilization is torn down? Or should one do some "bashing" towards a group that is truly deserving?
You make the call.

Great points,guys. As the bumper sticker says "I'd rather be historically accurate than politically correct".
No group responsible for caste antics should get a pass here. Any bashing based on facts or history is fine by me.
guest301 said:
Honor is the only gift a man can give himself, try finding some.

This comment is beyond the pale for an internet discussion, even a heated one, and totally without foundation. I know the fact that on some level you know that I am right and can prove myself right must irk you, but really, questioning someones honor over the internet? I thought that was beneath you.

Question my opinions if you will, find some proofs to the contrary if you can. But if you want to question my personal honor, do it face-to-face.
White_Savage said:
Sorry, but your example of wanting to convert our bitterest enemies into churchmen instead of corpses is another example of how the touchy-feely doctrines of some modern interpretations of Christianity conflict with pragmatic reality and the policies of older and more sensible Christian societies.

If I only had the power to convert! HA! I don't try to convert anyone. God will do that, in his time, in his way. I simply feel that when you find Christ and your soul is thus changed from head to toe, you have an obligation to share with everyone the happiness you have found and then you pray for them that their heart will be touched as well. Might not happen over night. Might take many, many years and many prayers, but at least you can rest peacefully knowing you did your part to save a life.

Who knows, maybe there'll be someone on this board, just from this debate right here, who'll seek out Jesus and will be saved.

I tell you, the battle I face everyday to either be angry or be happy is a tough one to fight. In fact, I can't do it on my own. I lose everytime and fall into the trap of being angry and ultimately hateful. Throw some alcohol into that and that's a dangerous place for any man to be. Especially a white man who sees his society crumbling away and panic and despair begin to take control.
But once you find the peace of the Lord, you then say to yourself, why be angry anymore? We know how the story ends, and that is that Jesus wins, the ending has been written and those who believe will be saved. What is there to be angry about? Just believe.

But you still have to know that only through regular church attendance, reading of the Bible and reaching out to your brothers in Christ can you withstand the lock the Devil is trying to put you in. The devil is much stronger than you or I.

I don't think there is anything touch feely about it. The battle for your and my soul is brutal.
cslewis1 said:
White_Savage said:
Sorry, but your example of wanting to convert our bitterest enemies into churchmen instead of corpses is another example of how the touchy-feely doctrines of some modern interpretations of Christianity conflict with pragmatic reality and the policies of older and more sensible Christian societies.

Who knows, maybe there'll be someone on this board, just from this debate right here, who'll seek out Jesus and will be saved.

I tell you, the battle I face everyday to either be angry or be happy is a tough one to fight. In fact, I can't do it on my own. I lose everytime and fall into the trap of being angry and ultimately hateful. Throw some alcohol into that and that's a dangerous place for any man to be. Especially a white man who sees his society crumbling away and panic and despair begin to take control.
But once you find the peace of the Lord, you then say to yourself, why be angry anymore? We know how the story ends, and that is that Jesus wins, the ending has been written and those who believe will be saved. What is there to be angry about? Just believe.

Or maybe someone will read this post and rethink their religiousity...but I admit to you, that is unlikely.

Enternal life, all lifes problems laid upon the bosom of an infinitely kind and caring Father, a man would have to be insane to reject such peace and comfort.

Or very, very, intelligent in his analysis of the effects of the belief system upon the masses.

The peace that is given to a man by adopting a such a philosophy, a man who formerly stood alone before the howling void that is human existance, the serenity that comes from viewing the world as a waiting room rather than an arena, is so powerful that it is no wonder people think it is an acut of the supernatural. It's almost unthinkable that someone, once hooked, and I use that word deliberately, would once again choose to stare into the void.

(It might interest the readers to know that Christianity is not the only religion of this nature. The doctrines of Amida buddhism on salvation are almost exactly those of Christianity, and have similar effects upon the followers.)

And herein lies the danger of some versions of Christianity, its opiate effect upon the White people. People don't DO anything when they are happy and content, when they think everything has been done for them. I believe the reason mankind often seems fundamentally restless and discontent is a product of evolutionary selection-the man who has something to fear, the angry man who has a foe to struggle gainst, has been responsible for virtually every human accomplishment. Weapons that raised us above other animals come from our fear of their fangs, fire from our fear of the night, farming from the realization that wild stores are untrustworthy, I could go on and on. The point is, how far do you carry your philosophy? Do you look both ways when you cross the street? What does it matter if all is written in this life and the next one is all that counts? Many Christians seem to me make no provision for the possibility that the end of civilization isn't the day after tomorrow, and for the possibility that there will be no sort of divine rescue from darkness when/if White civilization is gone. In a way, Medieval Christianity was superior, despite many ass-hat dogmas, because it focused more action, on living up to a behavorial standard, and was almost folkish in the way it was woven into European life. The target of the Crusades may have been undesirable real estate, but boy did it galvanize Europeans. And without a more angry, martial philosophy, large parts of Southern Europe might be Islamic at this point.

And BTW, if you believe prayer helps, then pray that the Christianity being offered by missionaries to large swathes of the turd world does not take, for the sake of both the White race and Christianity as we know it.

Christianity is what it is in large part because it has long been in the hands of Whites. You don't have to look any farther than Haiti or Ethiopa to see what non-Whites will make of the religion. I would hate to think that Christianity would become as associated with the terroristic actions of turd worlders as Islam has, but that is inevitable if the turd worlders are let into the tent.Edited by: White_Savage
White Savage. So my comment questioning your honor kinda got to you, huh. Good, that was the desired affect. I don't question your personal courage as a man, nor do I question the many likely good reasons you even came to this site. I do however question the honor of a man who who has such antagonism against my faith and saviour and who hates with a passion the race he belonged too. As I remember it, didn't you call me a obese juvenile bovine in a earlier posting(among many other things in past posts). I think for the most part that I have been pretty mild in my responces to you. I do think you have some honor otherwise my comments wouldn't have bothered you so much. I just think you could use a little more. Hatred gets you nowhere but the back of the bus, on the fringes of society. Stay there if you want too..I want no part of it.
"I do like roasting sacred cows, but guys, forgive me if I don't slaughter the proverbial obese juvenile bovine in this case."

The obese juvenile bovine...IOW, the fatted calf I'm not slaughtering to celebrate your return, not you yourself. I wouldn't have thought the biblical reference would have slipped past you, but if you simply made a mistake, then I am mollified, or at least I will not be requesting to meet for coffee and pistols at dawn anytime soon

And it's not like I say "Christianity/Jews are evil, wicked, bad, and nasty because I say so, mofo!" and leave it at that. I say that certain popular strains of Christianity and certain behavioral tendencies of the Jewish power brokers who basically control media and politics in this country have bad effects, and you deny there is a problem. I associate with White people EVERY DAY who don't seem to give a flip about doing anything real for anything except their Churches because the the end is night, White people to whom you can't even talk to about preserving their land, culture, and gene pool because it would be "evil" to exclude their darker "brothers", likewise, any mention of the Jewish power structure causes them to clap their hands over their ears, since they are of course the "Chosen". If you think I am making this up, then that is your mistake.

And I don't really dislike Jews on an individual level, since they tend to be intelligent and civilized. You might even say Jews are the opposite side of the coin from the *******. Yet they were the front-line intellectual soldiers for integration, "civil rights", and general forcible insertion of these people into all aspects of White culture were. One might understand you people holding a grudge against Whites for the suffering of the diaspora, but you don't seem to understand that you are in the same boat with us now.

If a Jew is ever alone in the rougher and "darker" sections of a major city, he'll find all his charity and propaganda on behalf of the "downtrodden" insuffecient to preserve person or property, and the open arms of Christian brotherly love will avail him no better. No, the Jew had best hope that nearby is a burly "oppressor" of the Mick-Pole-Saxon sort of persuasion with a fully loaded "tool of oppresion" on his hip.

Gee, even a simple thank you would help.
I am glad you are "mollified" now. Does that mean you have put your pistol back in the lockbox? What's a mollified savage anyway
..still a savage. You seem to be always trying to clue me in to some type of grand truth that you know and I need to know. For instance, your comment about "if a Jew is ever alone in the rougher and darker sections of a major city, he'll find all his charity and propaganda on behalf of the downtrodden insufficient to preserve person or property" No kidding. I grew up in Dallas and lived in some very dangerous neighborhoods. My mother was assaulted five times over a ten year period in that city, every time by a black person. Once she landed in intensive care and though she won't talk about it, I have good reason to believe she was raped by one of those %$#*&^. I just wish I had been around at least one of those times to bury one of those expletives. I am no do-gooder and I know what's up. Doesn't mean I have given up on people either. Too many positive experiences with different races to do that. Before I close this post, I do appreciate your honesty in admitting that you would understand how a Jew would have something against white people for the "suffering of the diaspora" might want to throw the Holocaust in there as well. I am amazed by your candor on that. But Jews have no more right to demonize all whites for those crimes than whites have a right to demonize all Jews for what a few secular elites are doing. I'm sure we will draw pistols again down the line, but I'm moving on for now.
guest301 said:
I am not deaf, dumb and blind to what "some" secular jewish writers, entertainers, politicians, etc...are doing in this country...

"Some." Did you put that word in quotations because you're being sarcastic, or are you aware that using that word could understate their influence on our society?

I also think that for every one jew that is screwing over white civilzation...there are ten gentiles doing the same thing.

But that one Jew is probably wealthier, more powerful, and more influential than the ten Gentiles combined. (And far more organized and unified with other Jews.)

As a christian....I also feel a spiritual connnection and obligation to the Jewish people and the nation of Israel.

As a White man, I feel a spiritual connection and obligation to White people and historically White nations. To each his own. Edited by: JD074
Look, this is long. But it is long because I believe I have several points to make. Not because I wish to have a typing duel until one of us dies because we got carpal tunnel and it spread to the brain, as you might at this point suspect.

"My mother was assaulted five times over a ten year period in that city, every time by a black person. Once she landed in intensive care and though she won't talk about it, I have good reason to believe she was raped by one of those %$#*&^. I just wish I had been around at least one of those times to bury one of those expletives."

"Doesn't mean I have given up on people either. Too many positive experiences with different races to do that"

Look, I'm sorry that this happened to your Mom, honestly. But also honestly, to me it means you have not learned from harsh experience. Look, Thomas Sowell and Clarence Thomas exist, you think I don't know this? Do you think I've never met Blacks who were okay, even Blacks I like?

But, if you base your life upon betting on exceptions, then it will be a short and unpleasant ride. Load a single round in the chamber of a revolver and point it at yourself or a loved one. Then spin the cylinder and pull the trigger. Sounds crazy, yes? But this is almost exactly what you are doing when you decide that having blacks around en masse is a good idea. Don't believe me? A one in six chance equals a 16.6% chance of getting the live round in the head. By comparison, 24% of black males will be convicted of a felony in their lifetime, convicted mind you, you have to estimate that at least 50% of felons evade arrest and conviction. This is not some figure pulled from thin air or "evil racist" propaganda, this is from FBI Uniform Crime statistics.

And worse are effects upon culture and politics when alien groups have such numbers as to be effective. It's hard enough to keep WHITES from buying in to the soft tyranny being fed them. I mean, 90%, I repeat 90%, of blacks favor political policies you would find abhorrent, and the picture is very little better for those termed Hispanics. (Hell, giving WOMEN the vote has proven to be a bad idea, unless you favor gun control, socialism, unlimited abortion, and unlimited spending on every piece of crap bill that is for "the children".)

"Before I close this post, I do appreciate your honesty in admitting that you would understand how a Jew would have something against white people for the "suffering of the diaspora" might want to throw the Holocaust in there as well. I am amazed by your candor on that."

Well, yes, but understand, Jews haven't suffered more than anybody else, and considering the lifestyle of 21st Century American Jews, it's about time they shut up about it, quite frankly. The same Romans that invaded Judea invaded MY ancestral homelands. The very same Church that used economic force, physical force, and outright murder and torture against the Jews, did the same against any of my ancestors who remained loyal to our Native religion. (You didn't think the conversion of masses to Christianity was anymore peaceful than the Islamic conquests, did you?). Basically, the Jews recieved the same treatment that "heretics", "witches", and others who didn't conform to the Church. So really, one should blame Christianity rather than the White race, if anything. But you know, the very fact Jews survived as a seperate entity in Christian Europe is a testimony to a level of tolerance at least somewhat higher than the period equivalent.(Go to the Middle East and find me some descendants of the thousands of European Christian slaves sold there.) Likewise, you should (but probably won't) admit that when your ethnic group teaches you that you shouldn't eat an animal that dies of disease, no you should sell it to the gentile, then that ethnic group is quite possibly not going out of it's way to have peaceable relations with it's hosts.

I am not a big fan of Hitler, since he hated perfectly White Slavics as much as anybody, started a war against other Whites that killed millions of 'em, then lost the war because he thought he was a General, providing a convenient opportunity for the Jewish manipulators to group those with perfectly sensible racial notions in with Hitler in the pop mindset, and allowed them to dupe the world into the monstrously stupid Israel venture that has caused the West no end of trouble. Worst of all, he gave insuffecient support to the Air Force
!!! Be that as it may, Hitler did not invent Jewish Communist terrorism in Eastern Europe anymore than Bush invented Islamic terrorism, though both have used to lead the masses about by the nose. Everything is part of the the chain of causality, though it serves the purposes of our leaders to paint the Holocaust, or Pearl Harbor, or certain White attacks upon Blacks, as unproved attacks rather than backlashes. Most people won't even do the small amount of research to uncover these poorly-hidden falsehoods, so why not?

You are wrong to speak of "small numbers of elite secular Jews". Gentile-hatred is quite common amongst observing Jews, it is even built into Judaism to a certain degree. Jews do not even try to hide the fact that they control the Media machine, a machine of which you surely do not approve. While the "faces", the elected officials, are a mixed bag (with Jews represented out of proportion to populatiion, however), the intellectual firepower of Liberalism and equally-repugnant NeoConservatism has been Jewish. On an individual level, the majority of Jews embrace Liberalism, or the equally Repugnant NeoConservatism.

For Pete's sake, get a few old copies of Time and read some of Joel Klein's editorials, the ones with "full frontal Jewdity". (You'll know them when you read them.)

That said, I realize that in real life you, me, and 99% of both Jews and Gentiles are just poor bums whose only possible minor treason is who they vote for. However, that does not explain or justify why NO one is allowed to criticize the Jewish effect on society, their is no debate whatsoever, only "Anti-Semite, Nazi,etc" shouted over and over, which seems to be more or less your attitude on the matter.

In closing, I will point out that you are assuredly an odd duck. A part-Jewish Evangelical...MMA fan? Sorry, not representative. Don't fall into the trap of thinking "Well, that's not what I think so he must be totally offbase about trends in Jewish culture".
jaxvid said:
Let's see.....nearly everyone who posts here feels that white culure and white males are under assault from the media, the entertainment industry, and the education establishment, and that the current ruling philosophies such as marxism, feminism, and diversity are the tools being used to attack white men and their culture.

Now if that is all true and one was to find out the indisputable truth that Jews are the major players in those areas listed above and the primary source of the philosophies also listed then what is one to think?

Should one play that game that guilt stricken white people do when confronted with black pathological behavior and just say to themselves "Not ALL blacks are like that" and go merrily about as civilization is torn down? Or should one do some "bashing" towards a group that is truly deserving?

You make the call.

I'm in agreement. Both individual and group pathologies invite morally legitimate "bashing" from those perceptive enough to see the pathologies and the groups/individuals involved. If my neighbor is frequently drunk and menaces those around him, I must rebuke him directly and not plead the excuse that: "Hey, he doesn't act this way *All* the time", and if blacks and/or Jews evince patterns of behavior that are destructive of my civiiization, I must not mince words but simply say "Blacks and Jews are acting badly", and not plead the old excuse "Not *All* blacks/Jews, etc. etc.

I realize I'm preaching to the converted here, but whites should conduct a continuous, forthright and "forward" (even "agressive") defense of our civilization. We'll leave the nit-picking, and irrelevant answers to our anti-white opponents. In time, the truth and justice of our position will be made manifest--to most people, anyway; and certainly to most whites.

And yes, I agree, Jews (religious and secular) have been the "prime movers" in the destruction of White, Christian civilization, whether acting directly or through their proxies (e.g. MLK, etc.). Historically speaking, the so-called "civil rights" movement would have never gotten off the ground without Jewish power and influence.

But there is hope. God, who cut off the original branches to make room for the Gentiles, has the ability to re-engraft the branches back into the tree, but only "if they abide not in their unbelief."

Who knows? Maybe the next major politican or sportswriter to "convert", and fight for the white athlete or for white, Christian civilization will be Jewish. One can always hope anyway.
White_Savage said:
By comparison, the oldest Christian nation in the world is Ethiopa. Know the cause, blood is more important than doctrine.

The oldest Christian nation is Armenia, not Ethiopia. And your statement is terribly misleading, as Christianity was brought to Ethiopia in the 4th century and then it was cut off from the rest of Christianity for nearly 1,000 years. It is not as if they had any influence over the direction of the philosophy. That would be like saying some Dravidian from India is an Aryan because India was originally and Aryan nation.

As for the point of anti-semitism being somehow unreconcilable with Christianity, I beg to differ. If you want to hear a great sermon on the topic go to this link Who were the Jews?. The biggest con the Jews have been able to pull on the West is convincing so many that "Judeo" and "Christian" are somehow intertwined. The Jews reject Christ and his message and we should not legitimize their blasphemy nor support their heresy of being "chosen". (As if God would choose those who choose to reject him, I mean that kind of goes against the whole jist of it... Clearly the covenant was kept with those who accepted the Son)