Buckeye Linebacker calls foul on race-baiting Gators


Oct 31, 2009
Trash talking is as old as football itself. A player baiting another player with a taunt or threat is usually par for the course during any game, especially a game between rivals or with championship significance.
So, it was no surprise that Monday's Gator Bowl between Florida and Ohio State — two teams that have loved Urban Meyer — had a little more vitriol than usual. What was surprising was the type of caustic comments being said.
Ohio State linebacker Tyler Moeller said Florida players hurled racial slurs at him throughout the game and that that sparked some of the chippiness during the 24-17 Florida win.
"They're classless. That's the way I'd put it," Moeller said, according to Marcus Hartman from Buckeye Sports Bulletin. "I've never seen more people swing at our players and call us racial slurs. I've never been called a 'cracker' more in my life than I have today. So I don't really have much respect for them in terms of that but they're a good team. They came out and outplayed us today."

This is probably common in the sport in general. I wonder what white players on these teams full of black racists think when they hear these things, they probably have to just ignore it.
This is probably common in the sport in general. I wonder what white players on these teams full of black racists think when they hear these things, they probably have to just ignore it.

I'm sure this happens very often in college and the NFL. Most whites have been so programmed and are so afraid to say anything so they just keep their mouths shut. After all, who cares if a member of the "privileged" race is offended. The media and DWF's certainly don't care. At least Moeller, like Hillis, addressed the racism. We need to continue to call blacks out on their racism.

The filthy black ghetto trash from Florida will never amount to anything. Most of these clowns will be back on the street selling drugs or working minimum wage jobs once their affirmative action college "careers" are over.
The yahoo thread is closing in on 5000 posts and from what I gather anti-White behavior is frowned upon by most. We have a very large recruitment pool here folks.
With the recent reportings of white players in both hockey and soccer being singled out for using slurs in the past month or so I often wondered why the fact that black players say these things all the time in college and in the NFL never gets reported on. I'm sure it won't be front page news on the ESPN website like the hockey/soccer incidents are. I have to give kudos to Moeller for speaking up and hopefully allowing other white athletes especially in NCAA/NFL football to illustrate just another one of many double standards that exist. This is an every game occurrence.
Ricky Proehl told SI years ago that he was the victim of racial taunts and no one ever really cared. What bothers the heck out of me, is why all these "retarded crackers'" down in Florida go crazy for a team that resembles Grambling. These anti-white black affletes would surely shut their mouths if they knew there would be a white backlash against their racist taunts. Instead, they are emboldened by the vile DWF's that go bat-sh!t crazy for these low IQ thugs and treat them like gods around Gainesville:











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Truthteller, most whites today have a very calm demeanor. I know, I know, it's sickening but most could care less if the white race is insulted. After all they've been taught we are all equal and we are all the same. It's a shame that whites are the only ones that believe in that statement though. Every other race knows what the deal is.

I'm willing to bet that most whites player in the NBA, NFL, and college sports have been subjected to racial taunts at some time by the bruthas. Most never say a word about it. Here are some excerpts from the Graham Watson article that are crucial.

I'll be the first to admit I've never heard a player complain about this in terms of reverse racism (which is still just racism) and really, you rarely hear about this type of thing at all on the collegiate level, though it probably exists. I'm sure there was a slew of unsavory things said on that football field, but who knew the "C-word" was still a racial slur that anyone used?

Of course this idiot has never heard a player complain about reverse racism because it's almost illegal today to accuse a brutha of racism. Probably exists? Yeah sure and I'm Peyton Manning.

Ohio State defensive back Travis Howard, who is from Miami, told Hartman that that kind of trash talk is common in the state of Florida.

See how the brutha Travis Howard downplays the whole situation? The few DWF's who actually sobered up for a second to understand the situation will quickly forget about it thanks to Travis Howard.
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I agree WA 33. I think a lot of whites are racially taunted and abused by blacks, especially at the high school and AAU level in basketball, to the point where they stop playing sports altogether. Problem is our Kosher friends that run the media go out of their way to "laugh it off", while making the biggest issues out "possible racial slurs" aimed towards a poor black athlete. It seems to be all part of their divide and conquer agenda, along with promoting race-mixing 24/7.

By the way, from what I've read, the University of Florida and FSU are like mudshark central, and some of these 'suppa proud brothas' -- that are nothing more than Uncle Tom's in denial -- even admit they went to UF for 'da white womans'....Billy Donovan, Urban Meyer (who have daughters) and all the other creepy coaches should be so proud of themselves for bringing this type of trash to Gainesville. And the DWF's are even worse for packing the stadiums and arenas.

Check out this vile, criminal thug Chris Rainey, who HATES whites but loves 'da white womans':

I agree WA 33. I think a lot of whites are racially taunted and abused by blacks, especially at the high school and AAU level in basketball, to the point where they stop playing sports altogether. Problem is our Kosher friends that run the media go out of their way to "laugh it off", while making the biggest issues out "possible racial slurs" aimed towards a poor black athlete. It seems to be all part of their divide and conquer agenda, along with promoting race-mixing 24/7.

By the way, from what I've read, the University of Florida and FSU are like mudshark central, and some of these 'suppa proud brothas' -- that are nothing more than Uncle Tom's in denial -- even admit they went to UF for 'da white womans'....Billy Donovan, Urban Meyer (who have daughters) and all the other creepy coaches should be so proud of themselves for bringing this type of trash to Gainesville. And the DWF's are even worse for packing the stadiums and arenas.

Check out this vile, criminal thug Chris Rainey, who HATES whites but loves 'da white womans':


Yes, but not suprisingly some of these "white wimminz" will actually show their affection for the black thug. I don't know how these schools can recruit these supa affletes no matter how athletic they are. A lot of these schools have affletes that make Al Sharpton look like Albert Einstein. I mean they get free rides as far as school, plenty of "white wimminz" to look at and total freedom of speech. What more could they ask for?
Thank god for retarded black racists, this means even the timid sissy respectable conservatives might even speak up since these RBRs are absolutely destroying the myths of liberal moral superiority.
TT, the medley of DWF-depravity you’ve assembled in the photos above is certainly the proverbial tip-o-iceberg at UF.

One can only fathom the dastardly barrage of inebriated white Florida “frat boys,” hurling the girlish sound waves manufactured by their hoarse voice boxes towards the cause of “victory” for their sub-Saharan collegiate associates….


CAPTION: White Turd Dons Fake “Afro,” How Apropos

And if the activities of those slithering, gelatinous-spined garden pests aren’t racially-humiliating enough, well, one can always rely upon the excruciating inanity of the female fan to deliver her own recipe for racial treason…. that is, attention-whoring through the sporting of her prostitute-approved garments, flashing her surgically-augmented breasts to thousands of strangers, pig-squealing with delight over a game she doesn’t even understand, performing drunken acts rivaling those of soft-core pornographic films, and fantasizing about a potential “get rich quick” relationship with the needle-d*ck black thugs for whom she’s paid a handsome sum for the right to cheer-on amongst her equally-comatose co-eds…


CAPTION: Oh Darn, My Beloved Blacks Are Losing to That Team of N-ggers!

Quite naturally, the “situation” isn’t much better over at Florida State…


CAPTION: If I Date a Seminole, Daddy Will Be So Proud of His Little C-nt Daughter

Modern, domesticated whites are simple quadrupeds. Ignorant, unintelligent, naïve, gullible, prideless, soulless, gutless, malleable-brained, docile, and easily trained.

Truthteller said:
By the way, from what I've read, the University of Florida and FSU are like mudshark central, and some of these 'suppa proud brothas' -- that are nothing more than Uncle Tom's in denial -- even admit they went to UF for 'da white womans'....Billy Donovan, Urban Meyer (who have daughters) and all the other creepy coaches should be so proud of themselves for bringing this type of trash to Gainesville. And the DWF's are even worse for packing the stadiums and arenas.

The appropriately-named “Urban” Meyer couldn’t wait to leave his lily-white past at Utah behind him. That evil twinkle in his perverted blue eyes grew ever brighter when its gaze realized that a waking-dream had come true during Tebow’s senior season…20/22 non-white starters. I’d adore an opportunity for 5 minutes alone with this utter imposter of an “adult” “white” “male.”
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And the irony of how Meyers is now the head coach of the players of the program to which the racial slurs were directed by the illiterate, black-supremist, street thugs...masquerading as "student-athletes"...that he recruited at Florida. I'm sure he would have "no comment" if he were asked about it, not that the Caste media would even ask him about it to being with.

In a couple of years, after Meyers has had a chance to recruit his typical street-thugs, the players on Florida will be calling Ohio State's players "nigga" instead of "cracker" if they should happen to play against each other again.

Of course their athletic director, Gene Smith, has barely been criticized for the corruption and mismanagement of the program over the past few years as it's descended into a ghetto representation of its former self, and by hiring Meyers (at $4M/year), it's only going to get worse. However, I'm sure the economically-devastated folks of the state of Ohio will still muster up enough cash to fill their stadium on Saturdays and do what DWFs always do, even at their own economic and cultural destruction...cheer on their favorite "student athletes" and sing "Champions of the West".
Now I see why Meyer has heart problems, he's problably constantly worrying about his wallet getting stolen.
Meyer looks to be like most Amerikan men who have children in that they refuse to do what it takes to be a good father to their children and raise them right and teach them how to act responsibly. Just as the negro players run most of the locker rooms of Amerika, children run most of the homes, their "parents" being willing accomplices.
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