Brian Leonard 23

I have this to say on the matter Scott Linehan has said that Brian will play both fullback and tailback. He has also said that sometimes he will be in a one back set by himself. I don't think Linehan has totally decided to make Leonard a fullback completely. He drafted Brian high and last year he knew that Brian was playing with two bad shoulders. I know that Brian is the second best running back on the team, and I beleive that Linehan knows this as well. So what if Leonard lines up at fullback and tailback we must remember small steps until we break the door down.I know that when Leonard is given an oppurtunity to play tailback he will perform very well. Then Linehan will probably give him more carries this is still a leauge of performance if leonard performs then he will gain more playing time. I for one am pulling for him to have 100 carries and 500 yards.Also last comment Linehan has already said that Leonard will play both this year that is good enough for me.
White Power said:
Also last comment Linehan has already said that Leonard will play both this year that is good enough for me.

Yeah and I think were building a space ship to land on Saturn in 2010.
Brian had 8 runs for 38 yards and 3 catches for 19 yards last night.
In the Rams-Chargers game last night, both teams were using whites as the primary running back at times during the first half. It's probably been close to 30 years since that was the case in a regular season game.

Leonardlooked good, but I still think he's pretty much screwed if Stephen Jackson ends his holdout.
Brian looked better than both other Rams running backs as far as being the most complete player runner, pass catcher and blocker. He should be the back up to Jackson when he comes back. 4.8 yards a carry is pretty damn good.
White Power,

Seems to me that guy Jackson is being given plenty of rope to hang himself with.

Tom Iron...
White Power said:
Brian looked better than both other Rams running backs as far as being the most complete player runner, pass catcher and blocker. He should be the back up to Jackson when he comes back. 4.8 yards a carry is pretty damn good.

Well not according to the the black power sporting news. They say Pittman proved he was the better tailback last season. That is the biggest load of malarkey I have ever heard. Maybe Tom Luginbill is the editor?
Tommorow I will do a post about 4 media lies I have come across regarding football in the Media racism and stereotyping section!
Every pre season I see this dysfunctual game played out. Whites doing well at the skill positions. Then alot of them are cut, put on the injuried reserve or placed in that glorious league called the "scout league" where you get to wear a f..king NFL jersey and then real team unloads on you.

If I am white, have true skill, I would demand to be traded or released. Mike Hass is living in a fantasy in Chicago. Brian Leanord is a man and true NFL player. He has gained some crediablity and needs to tell the Head coach that he will perfer playing Tailback and not fullback. Let someone else do that, or f...king trade me! The biggest villians are the White GMs and Head coaches. I have watched "Hardknocks Dallas Cowboys" on HBO and the pathetic white coaches treat these black rookies with kid gloves. I hope the Cowboys go 1 and 15!
Scott Linehan gets aroom brightening, Negro-like"Pepsodent smile" when asked abouthis "tweener." Leonard is praised to the skies yet again for all the proper Caste reasons, but the reality is that he is being turned into a blocking fullback. If he can't even beat out Antonio Pittman to be Steven Jackson's backup, then he's screwed. Articles like these are nothing but pre-season sports page filler.
<H1>Rutgers' Leonard brings special talent to Rams</H1>

See Brian Leonard run. See him catch. See him block. See him play on not one, not two, not three, but all four of the St. Louis Rams' special-teams units.

See Rams coach Scott Linehan display a big, bright Pepsodent smile when he talks about all of the ways he can use the versatile second-year running back/fullback/special-teamer out of Rutgers.

"Brian's one of those kind of guys who's so valuable to your team because he can impact it in so many places," said Linehan of the Rams' 2007 second-round pick. "He can play running back or fullback. He can start a game for you. He can come in on third down and catch a pass for you."

blah, blah, blah. Full article: [url] nard_brings_special_talent_to_Rams.html [/url]
"Brian's one of those kind of guys who's so valuable to your team because he can impact it in so many places," said Linehan of the Rams' 2007 second-round pick. "He can play running back or fullback. He can start a game for you. He can come in on third down and catch a pass for you."

Translated: He is WHITE and although he has all the ability and talent to start as a running back, we must find a reason to keep him on the team. Therefore, he must do four times more work than an equally talented black player. And lastly, should he stumble just one time, he is GONE!
White Noise,

Agreed, but in the case of Brian Leonard, he isn't going to stumble and the more he plays, the more the team is going to count on him. Just watch, before this season is over, he'll be bigger than Jackson. He's just too good to ignore.

Tom Iron...
Bad news I'm afraid. Brian Leonard might not be active for this weeks game!

Linehan says...

(On what RB Brian Leonard has to do to be one of the 45 active players on gameday)
"Well he's in a unique situation. I told Brian both weeks, it's really not indicative of how he's practiced or performed and at this point, he's in a spot, and it's really a special teams decision and a coaches decision by me. Last year we were able to carry four tailbacks because we carried two quarterbacks, so we kind of had that extra roster spot on Sunday. Because we're carrying the three quarterbacks we're in that spot where it's either going to be running back or a DB or, in our case probably not a linebacker, but a running back, a DB, or a receiver. The first two games, I've evaluated the guys that were on the 45 and I've counted the plays so after two games of really seeing whose playing, whether Brian's the odd man out or somebody else remains to be seen and I told Brian too it's like anyone else, having a really good week on the special teams side of the ball that favors you for having you available on offense."

Here's the news from fantasy football web site Rotoworld:

Rams FB/RB Brian Leonard is in danger of being a healthy scratch for Week 3.

Leonard hasn't been active yet this year. The Rams say it's partially due to his chronic shoulder woes, but haven't listed him on the injury report. He is buried as the No. 2 fullback and No. 3 tailback and is looking like a bust.

Couldn't resist using that "bust" code word, could they?

Gee, I wonder how many other teams could use a RB that was drafted in the 2nd round last season?
bigunreal said:
Gee, I wonder how many other teams could use a RB that was drafted in the 2nd round last season?

I wonder how many team could use an 2nd year RB that ran for over 100 yards playing with a backup QB, a reshuffled, full of backups and journeymans OL, without a competent FB, and against a very good arizona run defense. BUST? I can't believe they used that word...
Leonard is buried in the Rams backfield. His best hope is a new Rams coach, a real possiblity or wait until his contract is up and signs with a team that will use him. I believe he signed a 3 yr deal. Jackson is a very good runningback that has lost a step or two, but on the Rams, he is the only weapon....thus he is the main man. Pittman getting ANY carries is a shame. Leonard should be the # 2 runningback! ry/F135C3D5A86DB455862574CD0014C1EC?OpenDocument

well looks like Brian is back in the game but when the rams get thier asses handed to them again this week who is gonna get the blame ??

Bulger just got benched so it wont be him
Carriker and Long played lights out last weekend so they cant put it on those guys
Looker is doing ok but "nothing special"

so it falls on Brian mark my words.mind you with the contract just given Jackson they are sure gonna ride the guy the backup Rb's last week had 2 carries i think i dont expect Jackson to relinquish any touchs to "whitey"

notice how well jackson played after Leonard had a 100 yard game in arizona
Mr. Wassall I can't help thinking about the contrast in intent of language between pro-caste and anti-caste commentators. Everything by the former is meant to deflect perception of reality. I almost said "obviously meant", but it's just not the case. "High motor", "overachiever", etc. are not obviously meant to slot deserving white athletes out of their position--it really takes exposure to the big picture to understand what's going on. Anti-caste verbiage (sumos, affletes, etc.) points bluntly to reality.
DWFan said:
Mr. Wassall I can't help thinking about the contrast in intent of language between pro-caste and anti-caste commentators. Everything by the former is meant to deflect perception of reality. I almost said "obviously meant", but it's just not the case. "High motor", "overachiever", etc. are not obviously meant to slot deserving white athletes out of their position--it really takes exposure to the big picture to understand what's going on. Anti-caste verbiage (sumos, affletes, etc.) points bluntly to reality.

Very good observations. Isn't it amazing how in a society obsessed with bringing about "racial equality" and which is ultra-sensitive to anything that may in the slightest way be offensive to a minority, there is wholesale racist impugning of white athletic ability, in ways that are often cartoonish, yet it's un-noticed by the white population at large much less objected to as offensive or demeaning.

BTW I like your user name.
"there is wholesale racist impugning of white athletic ability, in ways that are often cartoonish, yet it's un-noticed by the white population at large much less objected to as offensive or demeaning."

"Un-noticed?" That's a good one. Sure, the trained seals in this country arent very bright, but they all know one thing for's not a white man's place to ever mention race. The white racial unity in this country has dropped to about 2% of men (and nearly 0% of women).

None of us here at CF are special or brialliant or socially elite....just not stupid enough to fall for obvious lies. Just not spineless, gutless, and pussified enough to allow disgustingly marxist ideals to infest a world our children will one day inherit.

If you think white american males won't stand up for what's should see what's happening in Europe. Even something as trivial as a Euro Cup soccer game will typically feature giant "anti-racist" banners on the field.

This is beyond frustrating, probably because it could be so easily changed....that is, if a few good men would stand and fight for it.Edited by: Thrashen
It's the same shoulder injury he had in the preseason. I attribute this to his being miscast -- forced to bulk up to play blocking back solely because of his race. He's learned the hard way that by so eagerly embracing that role in his senior year at Rutgers he ruined his chances to be a tailback in the NFL. At least I hope he's learned that by now. . .
i think his best chance is to get cut and hopefully get another team to look at him as a runningback... but yeah, chances are he's done
What a pathetic series of events. How many times does this have to happen before some little sh*t in the media grows a pair and "sees" a pattern? Oh wait, how would the media go about "exposing" something that they created?

For god's sake, this guy was one of the precious few white RBs in the entire NCAA, and he was certainly one of the most powerful, athletic backs in the nation. Leonard was even "jock-sniffer approved."

Leonard will be back, probably as a career H-Back or fullback, if he's lucky. As Don said, hopefully everyone learns a lesson as to "WHY" Leonard was not welcome in the NFL....even on one of the most pathetic franchises.
American Freedom News