Boston Marathon Bombing

And moving right along - false flags coming thick and fast now - 911 - Sandy Hoax - Boston - and as always they just ignore all the salient questions and evidence - "we don' nid no stinkin' evidence!" -and count on the dumbed down fattened up canon fodders having the 90 second attention spans - and those that don't - and there are millions of us who know the sons of bitches are lying about EVERYTHING! - being rendered all but powerless and disenfranchised - except for the still free internet - and get ready for more staged incidents for them to use as an excuse to disarm the American people and kick off more wars without end.

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Who cares if its a false flag.

I consider Islam to be a bigger threat to humanity than Jews for this simple reason, Jews are threat to Whites while Muslims are a danger for Whites and non-Whites.

One positive thing about facing our Jew demon is we will have the courage to destroy all of Islam. Every mosque needs to be demolished to the ground. Every muslim converted out of Islam.
Who cares if its a false flag.

I consider Islam ...

I responded to you previously in post #134 above.

The USA never had the slightest problem with any Islamic country since the days of the Barbary pirates - until Israhell came along.

Don' esk no questions, stupid goyim. Jus wev your fleg and watch television and kill our enemies for us!

I feel the same way. I think a lot of others here do too. I'm not a big supporter of your dating choices but your political views are spot on. The US is a zionist run government that seems to have as it's goal the extermination of White people and their culture. The imperial army in the middle east is a crime against humanity. A Christian God could not possibly look upon this nation and come to the conclusion "God bless America". There will be more national pain and it is deserved as payback for what has been done. You reap what you sow.

Thank you. I am very happy that some users on this website, such as yourself, can largely or partially agree with my viewpoint on this topic. Cheers! You make some great comments here and I fully agree with all of your comments here.
As jaxvid said the number of people who would have to be involved to fake Sandy Hook and Boston would be in the thousands. Feds and big wigs would likely fall in line but all not of the little people. If these incident had been faked many of the local police would know and they could not all be kept quiet. These operations are too big!

Maybe, the real conspiracy is to make people believe the incidence didn't happen so they won't take too close of a look at what did happen. That would be very simple to do have an agent provocateur go to a few forums or blogs and post that it is fake. Hold back scenes like ambulances and stretchers from broadcast, so a few fake or wrong picture and presto too many people don't believe it happen so they don't take a close look at what really did happen. It would be a lot easier to conspire to get people to believe an incident didn't happen when it did then the other way around.

Do you really believe that the powers that be would have any problems with killing little children if it advanced their agenda. Maybe that is part of the reason people don't want to believe that Sandy Hook really happened because it is just too terrible to think about. I wish that it really didn't happen, but in reality, the odds are just too great that it did. Maybe they could add a few names to the list but they just couldn't have faked the whole thing, it goes to far out of the realm of possibility. It is more likely that a Third Reich secret base in Antarctic teleported them to safety just before being shot and replaced their bodies (in sandy hook case) with replicated ones. That is how remote the possibility is that the government could fake Sandy Hook or Boston.

It is truth that the U.S. government and mainstream media can not be trusted to tell the truth but it stretches belief to believe that all the foreign countries and media would keep quiet many would jump at an opportunity to finish the last creditability that the US has by exposing such stupidity as trying to create a fake attack, and since that has not happened, the attacks were real. The French and other foreign presses exposed questions of how the 911 attacks happen, but those same countries aren't questioning that Boston and Sandy Hook happened. Yes, the government and mainstream press appear to be hiding something but that doesn't mean that bullets and bombs didn't go off and people didn't die and get injured.

I won't put it past the government and/or media to add a few names to the list of dead and injured or fake pictures or videos even fake interviewers, but the powers that be too often seem to take glee in hurting and killing people too much to fake an attack on common, mostly, White people.

Let's look at the killer in the Sandy Hook incident. Some say he was a devil worshipper and have problems locating him after 2009. There are rumors of satanic cults with very rich and powerful people who use young devil worshippers for evil misdeeds. Could the shooter have been receiving training/brainwashing to complete his human sacrifice since 2009. As for the training exercise rather someone had someone schedule it for that day or simple chose a day that one was schedule for it would be the best time for an attack since most of the emergency resources would be in a definable place preferably far from the real attack. As for the behavior of friends and relatives, I have know people to react very differently to death some are very emotional while others show almost no emotions at all. And don't underestimate how many of these people might have headed to a doctor who prescribed happy pills, and add to those makeup, airbrushing and coaching and very strange behavior may be simply an illusion. And satellite images from years ago, you don't know if two images in the same town were taken at the same time or not, one could be taken on say a Friday and another on a Saturday.

As for Boston if the government had faked it, they would have had a White Christian NRA member patsy arrested or dead before the end of the day with new draconian laws all ready to pass, but that did not happen. Early reports had them looking for a dark skinned or black male, and what they finally arrested were dark skinned Muslims. The Boston bombing has been nothing but a headache for the powers that be, so it looks like stupidity, political correctness and incompetence may really be reason the attack succeeded.

Sure the government is likely hiding that others were involved and likely other things. The two brothers have Olive complexions, so how could they be mistaken for a black? Hopefully someone is looking over those films for other suspects. It is best if we don't fall for conspiracy theories that don't stand up to reason, but instead look at what makes sense. A lot of information that claims as proof that the attacks didn't happen is based on the incompetence of the mainstream press, getting photo mixed up, or lack of picture from them. Most of the common people pictures and videos were turned over to the government so the only pictures people using are either released by the government or the mainstream media. The government only release what supports their agenda and the mainstream media does that plus were too busy talking about and hoping that a White did it to show many pictures of the rescue effort. It get in the way of their screen time.

As long as people claim something didn't happen, they don't look at what really did happen, so the power that be love it when the people who would normally be there biggest obstacle close their eyes and pretend that it didn't happen. Wakeup and face the evil that are the powers that be. They do tell us many lies that people buy into but they are people who care not for the lives of common people and not even common White children. They want to kill common White people, so they have no reason to fake an attack on our people!

Jaxvid is voice of reason here, and we can't let that continue!
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Good grief - you took a lot of time and trouble to write a lot of stuff - now if you want anyone to read it you've got to learn about paragraphs.

Anyway, judging from the beginning it's the ol' too may people would know about it so they must be telling us the truth on the tv news argument.

Every single war the USA has ever been involved in was started with some false flag or setup and/or the usual media blitz about how the enemy du jour is evil and wants to take over the world and destroy our way of life bla bla. Take Vietnam for instance - the Gulf of Tonkin incident. It's now pretty much conceded by everyone that it was a hoax, bull****. You don't think lots of people knew about it at the time? And you think all those people who knew it was bull**** were allowed to give their views in the controlled mass media? Well they weren't, and neither are insiders and whistleblowers on all their other hoaxes, like 911 - and Boston and Newton, whatever the hell they are.

There are a lot of questions about Newton and Boston, many of them mentioned on these threads, and there aren't any answers forthcoming from the powers that be, and it can't be explained away by saying they can't be lying because too many people would know about it. They lie about everything. When a politician's lips are moving it's lying.

Endless thousands of government employees sign non-disclosure agreements that are in force until their death, including just about all of them in the "intelligence community." You can bet "crisis actors" do the same.

To cite just one example, there have been tens of thousands of employees over the years just at Area 51. They take buses and flights every day from Vegas to get there. Yet none will talk about it and the fedgov still hasn't officially acknowledged Area 51 even exists.

How many public figures are aware of Jewish power? Probably all of them yet none dare talk about it. Nothing need be signed, anyone who wants to protect his position and prestige knows what can be said and not said. In other words, toe the party line or pay the price.

If events such as Sandy Hook and Boston didn't happen according to the government's official conspiracy theory, then that means the corporate media are in on it. If a local in Sandy Hook wants to spill the beans, you can bet Anderson Cooper nor anyone else will be interested in interviewing him. They have no access to get "their side of the story out" and if they're smart they also know it's extremely dangerous to even try.

BTW, as the one video linked by Werewolf shows, the media are indeed part of FEMA "drills." And local stations have been airing government propaganda spots as "news" without attribution for years. The media lie constantly; they would have no qualms about following along with a "drill" that includes them as part of the orchestrated theater.
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Good grief - you took a lot of time and trouble to write a lot of stuff - now if you want anyone to read it you've got to learn about paragraphs. Anyway, judging from the beginning it's the ol' too may people would know about it so they must be telling us the truth on the tv news argument. Every single war the USA has ever been involved in was started with some false flag or setup and/or the usual media blitz about how the enemy du jour is evil and wants to take over the world and destroy our way of life bla bla. Take Vietnam for instance - the Gulf of Tonkin incident. It's now pretty much conceded by everyone that it was a hoax, bull****. You don't think lots of people knew about it at the time? And you think all those people who knew it was bull**** were allowed to give their views in the controlled mass media? Well they weren't, and neither are insiders and whistleblowers on all their other hoaxes, like 911 - and Boston and Newton, whatever the hell they are. There are a lot of questions about Newton and Boston, many of them mentioned on these threads, and there aren't any answers forthcoming from the powers that be, and it can't be explained away by saying they can't be lying because too many people would know about it. They lie about everything. When a politician's lips are moving it's lying. ww
It had nice double space paragraphs when I pasted into the box but when posted didn't come out that way. This is being typed directly into the box.

What you guys are saying is that the powers-that-be aren't evil enough to murder little White children so they faked it! In Boston, too many of you all seem to think that the powers-that-be did it when they would have wanted a White Christian NRA member to be the suspect not Muslims.

The Powers-that-be are not all powerful, and they make mistakes and groups not under their control can and do things that they have no control over. If you really look at what you all are saying is that the powers that be are all powerful and nothing happens unless they want it to happen and they aren't ruthless enough to kill little White children so they faked during it. That sound's like government propaganda!

I am wondering if part of people wanting to believe that Sandy Hook is fake is that it was so horrible that the human mind want to deny it happened, but denying a horrible event happened protects those who did it. Yes, the government is hiding lots about Sandy Hook and Boston but by denying that they happened you will never uncover what the powers-that-be are really hiding.

edit: OK, still came out without paragraphs lets see if break tags work. Didn't work. Try paragraph tags. HTML tags are off so don't work one last idea and if it doesn't work I'm out of ideas.
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It had nice double space paragraphs when I pasted into the box but when posted didn't come out that way. This is being typed directly into the box.

What you guys are saying is that the powers-that-be aren't evil enough to murder little White children so they faked it! In Boston, too many of you all seem to think that the powers-that-be did it when they would have wanted a White Christian NRA member to be the suspect not Muslims.

The Powers-that-be are not all powerful, and they make mistakes and groups not under their control can and do things that they have no control over. If you really look at what you all are saying is that the powers that be are all powerful and nothing happens unless they want it to happen and they aren't ruthless enough to kill little White children so they faked during it. That sound's like government propaganda!

I am wondering if part of people wanting to believe that Sandy Hook is fake is that it was so horrible that the human mind want to deny it happened, but denying a horrible event happened protects those who did it. Yes, the government is hiding lots about Sandy Hook and Boston but by denying that they happened you will never uncover what the powers-that-be are really hiding.

edit: OK, still came out without paragraphs lets see if break tags work. Didn't work. Try paragraph tags. HTML tags are off so don't work one last idea and if it doesn't work I'm out of ideas.

Not at all. What it means is that the system doesn't have a monopoly on surveillance, much as they'd like to. The masses have their iphones to film everything, and there are now many internet sleuths to pick apart footage and find anomalies. What events like Sandy Hook and Boston are showing is just how clumsy and ham-handed authorities are, not that that's any revelation.

I don't know exactly what happened at these events, and the Aurora theater shooting. But I certainly have doubts about the veracity of the government's official conspiracy theories, just as there are legitimate doubts going back to the official line about the assassination of JFK, RFK, 9/11, etc. A good starting point with anything stated by the government and affirmed by the corporate media, whether it's the latest inflation and unemployment statistics, or the latest tragedy, is that it's a lie, and go from there. The alternative media is fractured and there are many disinfo and misinfo sites, but as with anything you have to use discernment to make an informed judgment and not be automatically wedded to any source, whether part of the system or part of the "margins." I try to keep an open mind because we live in an age of lies, including the replacement of "reality" at times with special effects illusions that are sold to the DWFs as reality.
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Not at all. What it means is that the system doesn't have a monopoly on surveillance, much as they'd like to. The masses have their iphones to film everything, and there are now many internet sleuths to pick apart footage and find anomalies. What events like Sandy Hook and Boston are showing is just how clumsy and ham-handed authorities are, not that that's any revelation.

I don't know exactly what happened at these events, and the Aurora theater shooting. But I certainly have doubts about the veracity of the government's official conspiracy theories, just as there are legitimate doubts going back to the official line about the assassination of JFK, RFK, 9/11, etc. A good starting point with anything stated by the government and affirmed by the corporate media, whether it's the latest inflation and unemployment statistics, or the latest tragedy, is that it's a lie, and go from there. The alternative media is fractured and there are many disinfo and misinfo sites, but as with anything you have to use discernment to make an informed judgment and not be automatically wedded to any source, whether part of the system or part of the "margins." I try to keep an open mind because we live in an age of lies, including the replacement of "reality" at times with special effects illusions that are sold to the DWFs as reality.
This is an excellent post. It is debatable whether these events had real casualties or were synthetic "reality" including actors, scripts, special effects, etc but I believe what we do know is the official story is a load of bunk.

There is ample evidence that this bombing was carried out by either an intelligence agency or a private defense contracting firm (Craft International). The intended results could be the test run for Martial Law which we saw or larger Geo-political gains and wars. The video below is an excellent summary of what we really know about the bombing that the corporate media won't say. A good job by RT (Russia Today).


What you guys are saying is that the powers-that-be aren't evil enough to murder little White children so they faked it! .

Wrong. The monsters that have seized control of this country are purest evil. They happily murdered the little innocent white children at Waco, and they happily murder little white children in the far corners of the earth by remote control terror drones and bombs every day, and they torture little children in their secret dungeons scattered around the world, and they happily murdered all those people on 911 when they blew up the WTC towers.
As for the Geo-political gains and/or wars that I alluded to in my previous post, I'd like to share another video.


I thought this interview between Lew Rockwell and Sibel Edmonds was excellent. It's nearly 50 minutes so I'll excuse anyone who doesn't have the time to watch / listen and write a brief summary. Edmonds, who is the most gag ordered person in US history, is a former FBI translator turned whistle-blower. You can read her bio:

In the interview, she surmises that the bombing was a CIA plot to setup Chechen patsies. The reason being Russia has wanted to reassert themselves in that region but since the US intervention in the 90s and the created global view that Chechens are "freedom fighters" it would make the Russian government look bad. Now that narrative can change. Chechens are now "terrorists".

In return for this, Russia will give the US the go-ahead for a Syrian invasion. The "chemical weapons" being the international cover story of course. Russia was the main deterrence for US intervention in Syria and without their backing, this will turn to Iraq 2.0. In addition to Syria, she believes that the US will now push into Central Asia and the Caucasus region in the next decade. These oil rich areas around the Caspian Sea are untouched cash-cows while the Middle East has all but been exploited to it's maximum potential.

I think her theory could hold water and it certainly would explain Chechens instead of the right wing, NRA extremist angle many thought would play out.
"In return for this, Russia will give the US the go-ahead for a Syrian invasion. The "chemical weapons" being the international cover story of course. Russia was the main deterrence for US intervention in Syria..."

Sounds about right. Russia is useless as an ally. I remember how they didn't do a freaking thing when the USSA was engaged in the demented destruction of their ally Yugoslavia. And now we see Israhell sneak attacking their ally Syria. Meanwhile Netanyahu is visiting China to see if he can cover his fat ass on all fronts. And of course Washington is long since all bought and paid for and owned outright.
"...the US intervention in the 90s and the created global view that Chechens are "freedom fighters" it would make the Russian government look bad. Now that narrative can change. Chechens are now "terrorists"."

The story line changes faster than a Vince McMahon wrasslin show, and the poor dumbed down fatties have 90 second attention spans so they can't even remember what it was last season, just like in *1984* - "Eastasia is our enemy. Eastasia has always been our enemy".

The Chechens were the good guys, now they're the bad guys. In Yugoslavia the Moslems were the good guys and the Christians were the bad guys. Sadam Hussein was the good guy and then he became the bad guy. Likewise Osama bin Ladin. ikewise the Taliban in Afghanistan. Likewise South Africa and Rhodesia when they were helping the Judeo-Bolshevik-Capitalists destroy Europe in WW2. Fidel Castro was the good guy until they found out he wouldn't serve Meyer Lansky's organized crime in Cuba and Washington (same thing). The list goes on.

Moslems are our enemy. Moslems have always been our enemy. War is peace.

Winston Werewolf
it's true that the modern media want us to see things like that: "the muslims are evil"
but this is not because they want to go to war against muslims, it's because unlike race, an individual can change his religion
so an arab man can stop being a muslim and according to them there willl be no problem once they stop being muslims or once their religion get a little bit more acceptable (become more moderate)
they say that charles martel stopped the muslims in the battle of tours (see even on wikipedia:
and halted the Islamic advance into Western Europe at the Battle of Tours

Guerard describes him as being the "champion of the Cross against the Crescent."

but actually they didn't care about the religion of the arabs, they never mentionned that they were muslims, they called them sarrazins (=arabs)
the term "muslim" or "islam" didn't exist in france until 1000 years after martel, they called them "sarrazins" which has nothing to do with religion, it's the same as calling them africans or asians

but when you call them what they are like martel and all our ancestors did, it means that no matter what they believe in, or how they behave, they willl remain foreigners
by calling them muslims it means that they are humans beings like us that just have a different religion
regarding the conspiracy theories, the media don't need to lie about facts, it would be too dangerous because facts can be proven wrong
there are many others way to make their ideas dominant
my previous post is an example
they will replace ethnicity or race with religion
in europe this has been done for a lot of time because we have muslims while in the US non-whites are christians too
but they want to replace ethnicity and race with religion because it is the way semites see the world
race or ethnicity must disapear according to them
they want to change the french constitution because the word "race" appears for example (even though it has no racist meaning in this case, but they want the word to DISAPPEAR totally, even when it has no racist meaning)

then they can take any event, and make the conclusions they want from this event
they can also have a huge impact by inflating some news and not others, by reporting some facts way more than others
for example when muslim terrorist do something they talk about it a lot, when a black does something equally disgusting they talk about it less, because it would be racist (while a muslim terrorist is not born this way, he was just corrupted by islamic ideas)
but it doesn't mean that they faked the terrorist attack
And more analysis of the phony Boston Homeland Security stage show photos. Note that here they like to constantly show us lots of photos of the crisis actors lying around, and in a wheel chair (!), pretending to be injured, but at Sandy Hoax they told us they can't show us any pictures of anything at all because it would be too upsetting for us to see it.

"False flag theater: Boston bombing involves clearly staged carnage"
And more analysis of the phony Boston Homeland Security stage show photos. Note that here they like to constantly show us lots of photos of the crisis actors lying around, and in a wheel chair (!), pretending to be injured, but at Sandy Hoax they told us they can't show us any pictures of anything at all because it would be too upsetting for us to see it.

"False flag theater: Boston bombing involves clearly staged carnage"

I get from your posts that you think there was some kind of conspiracy involving this incident?
American Freedom News