Boston Marathon Bombing

Zionists supported Serbia in those wars, don't know what you're on about.

US neocons were mostly in favour of "crushing Serb skulls" as Bill Kristol so eloquently put it. Liberal Zionist Jews were probably 100% in favour of the bombing of Serbia.
US neocons were mostly in favour of "crushing Serb skulls" as Bill Kristol so eloquently put it. Liberal Zionist Jews were probably 100% in favour of the bombing of Serbia.

I'm taking about Jews in Israel, from what I've seen most of them supported Serbia in their wars.
Zionists supported Serbia in those wars, don't know what you're on about.

Oh yes. Silly me. I forgot that Zogistan was bombing the hell out of Tirana and not Belgrade. Please forgive me. I also forgot that War is Peace and Freedom is Slavery and that I Love Big Brother Obama.

Powerful images - "Death on a Very Small Planet" -


Belgrade 1999


New York 2001

More here:

It's already down the memory hole.
Oh yes. Silly me. I forgot that Zogistan was bombing the hell out of Tirana and not Belgrade. Please forgive me. I also forgot that War is Peace and Freedom is Slavery and that I Love Big Brother Obama.

Powerful images - "Death on a Very Small Planet" -


Belgrade 1999


New York 2001

More here:

It's already down the memory hole.

Just posting images like that doesn't change the fact that most Israelis supported Serbia during the Yugoslav Wars.
I see the Sayanim contingent is still working the board. As someone cogently observed, the USA had no problems with Moslems since the days of the Barbary pirates - until Israhell came along.

Already down the orwellian memory hole: Last season - like 1999 - Moslems (Albanians) were the "good guys" and Christians (Serbs) were the "bad guys" - when the almost all-Jewish Bill 'n Hillary Clinton regime - was engaged in its demented detruction of the peaceful nation of Yugoslavia.

You want to talk about pedophiles etc.? Then lets talk about your most holy book, The Babylonian Talmud, shall we, especially the parts that you do not want non-Jews to ever see!

There's no need to call people Jews when they have a different perspective than you on particular issues. I agree with a lot of what you write on these incidents that have changed the U.S. into a high-tech neo-con police state, but you taint it with unnecessary personal attacks.
There's no need to call people Jews when they have a different perspective than you on particular issues. I agree with a lot of what you write on these incidents that have changed the U.S. into a high-tech neo-con police state, but you taint it with unnecessary personal attacks.

OK, sorry. I just thought that a guy who names himself after "Menelik: Black Jewish Prince"

and sounds like a militant talmudist might be a gentleman of the jewish faith. My mistake. Sorry.
Just posting images like that doesn't change the fact that most Israelis supported Serbia during the Yugoslav Wars.

I support righteous Israelis, like the Israeli peace people - God bless them - just as I do good and decent people of any race and religion and ethnic group. I was referring to the fact that the Bill & Hillary regime war criminals that perpetrated the demented destruction of Yugoslavia were mostly Jewish.

Another Jewish-American war criminal was tv broadcaster Larry King. He had set up a live tv interview with the Serbian minister, but instead Washington bombed the main television studio in Belgrade at the time that the interview was scheduled to begin. The minister wasn't hurt but 16 studio personnel, makeup girls and the like, were killed and many were injured.



Down the memory hole.
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What the Muslim Sharia Laws Will Do To You by Banjo_Billy

● Under Sharia Law, non-Muslims must pay Jizyah tax to the Islamic treasury

● Under Sharia Law, non-Muslims must stand up in awe and respect when a Muslim wishes to sit down. And if a Muslim wishes to sit in your chair when he enters a restaurant or bus, then you must vacate the chair where the Muslim wishes to sit. If you do not do this, then the Muslims will beat or even kill you for “insulting†Islam.

● Under Sharia Law, in addition to the Jizyah Tax, non-Muslims are required to feed for three days any Muslim who passes by their homes. Moreover, if you refuse to feed any Muslim who knocks on your door, then the Muslim community has every right under Sharia Law to beat or kill you or burn down your house while you are asleep. You have insulted Islam and failed to do your duty to a Muslim, so you must be punished.

● Of course, these free meals cannot also include beer or wine because it is forbidden for either Muslims or non-Muslims to drink alcoholic beverages under Sharia Law. So, all bars, liquor stores, breweries and distilleries are forbidden. Under Sharia Law, there would be no criminal subculture of the Roaring Twenties America with bootlegged alcohol and gangsters because not only the gangsters but their customers who drank alcohol would have their heads chopped off or perhaps their tongues cut out after being given a thousand lashes with a leather whip. “Allah is Mercifulâ€, is one of the Muslim lies because there is no mercy in the Sharia Laws.

● Under Sharia Law, only Muslims are allowed to own swords, guns or other weapons. The non-Muslims under Sharia Law must be completely disarmed and defenseless. To break this law and be caught with a firearm, knife or other weapon, means a thousand lashes and having your head cut off as an enemy of Islam.

● Perhaps you think that you can evade these laws by dressing like a Muslim and pretending to be a Muslim. It is against Sharia Law to imitate Muslims in dress and speech. Furthermore, all non-Muslims must shave their hair off in front in order to make us easily identifiable.

● Oh, but you are a Christian, are you, who believes what the lying Mohammad (mhrh) says about how much Muslims must respect the “People of the Bibleâ€? Well, that was merely Mohammad’s taqiyya that doesn’t mean a thing. Besides paying the Jizyah tax to the Muslim treasury, shaving off your hair in front, wearing non-Muslim clothes with wide belts for easy targeting as Infidels, Christians must not attempt to ease the burden of our second class status by wearing Muslim clothing, caps, turbans, sandals, hairstyles, or imitating their speech, nicknames and title names, or to collect weapons of any kind or to carry these weapons. To do so, means that we can be beaten, tortured or killed by any Muslim or by roving gangs of Muslims at any time. Christians must tiptoe around and show ourselves to be humbled and subdued by Islam. And how else do Christians show ourselves to be subdued by Islam?

● Under Sharia Law, Christians are not allowed to erect a cross on church buildings, to parade them in public, or to display Bibles in public.

● Under Sharia Law, Christians are forbidden to ring church bells even once a week on Sundays. But the Muslims have the right to shout their gibberish into loud-speakers five times a day in their call to prayer.

● Under Sharia Law, Christians are forbidden to raise our voices during prayer or to recite from the Bibles inside our own churches in the presence of Muslims.

● Under Sharia Law, Christians are forbidden to renovate a church or a monastery or to rebuild ones that were destroyed. So, once the Muslims riot and burn down a church, it is not allowed to be rebuilt.

● Under Sharia Law, Christians are forbidden to strike a Muslim. If they do, they may be killed by any Muslim who wishes to kill them for such an insult to Islam.

● Under Sharia Law, Christians are forbidden to prevent anyone from becoming a Muslim, but any Muslim who wants to become a Christian will be murdered. Christians who attempt to convert Muslims to Christianity may be beaten and killed under the laws of Sharia. Hundreds of Christians are killed every year in Muslim countries for nothing more than preaching the Gospel. What else can Islam be other than a false religion for lying devils?

● After promising to follow all the Sharia Laws that the Muslims decree for subjugating Christians and Jews, these subjugated Christians are required to claim that such laws are, quote, “the conditions that we set against ourselves and followers of our religion in return for safety and protection. If we break any of these promises that we set for your benefit against ourselves, then the Muslim promise of protection is broken and you Muslims are allowed to do with us what you are allowed of people of defiance and rebellion.†In other words, the subjugated Christians and Jews agree that the Muslims can enslave, torture, rape, steal from and murder them, if they break any of the Sharia Laws. In modern times, this is called the Protection Racket and it is felony in every country. But the Protection Racket of Islam is legal for the swinish Muslims under Sharia Law.

● Under Sharia Law, Muslims who convert to any other religion are to be murdered. Like joining a criminal gang, once one becomes a Muslim the only way out is through death. Islam grows by limitless sex with wives and concubines and by accepting new converts; but once in, no one is allowed to leave Islam alive.

● Under Sharia Law, criticism of Islam or criticism of the Muslims is a death sentence for the Infidel who dares to speak his mind or to offer his opinion about this demon cult of primitive camel jockeys. Muslims must be respected or they will kill you. It’s as simple as that. Any Muslim who kills you for breaking any of the Sharia Laws or for insulting Islam or for criticizing Muslims, will have a place of honor among the other Muslims. This “honor†among these primitive Bedouin moon worshippers is a matter of big egos residing in tiny little insect minds.

● Under Sharia Law, Christians and Jews are very lucky because Allah in his mercy gives them three choices – conversion to Islam, subjugation with the Jizya taxes or death by decapitation and other means of murder. However, for atheists and pagans or poly-theists such as Hindus, there are only two choices – conversion to Islam or death.

● Under Sharia Law, you will never have a fair trial in a Muslim court because Islamic legislation does not recognize the validity of the oath of a non-Muslim against that of a Muslim.

This is the “pure Islam†of the Taliban, of Saudi Arabia, and of everywhere the Sharia holds sway—this is the Islam that cuts off the hands of thieves, crushes homosexuals under brick walls, stones to death adulterers and executes converts to Christianity. However, because Mohammad (mhrh) hated women and raped scores of them, women suffer the most under Islam.

● Under Sharia Law, women are a man’s property to do with as he pleases.

● Under Sharia Law, men have authority over women because God has made the one superior to the other, and because they spend their wealth to maintain them. (Sura 4:34). Thus, Muslim women are chattel to be bought and sold. They are Muslim whores who are allowed to live because the man pays for them.

● Under Sharia Law, women are like fields to be sown and men may have sex with them whenever they want to have sex. (Sura 2:223). The husband is only obliged to support his wife when she gives herself to him or offers to, meaning she allows him full enjoyment of her person and does not refuse him sex at any time of the night or day. Using the excuse of “Oh, not tonight; I have a head ache,†might get the Muslim woman a severe beating if she doesn’t have sex with her husband upon demand.

● Under Sharia Law, good women are obedient. But disobedient women must be beaten into submission by their husbands, or punished in various ways until they are willing to please to their husbands. (Sura 4:34).

● Under Sharia Law, Muslim women must have their husbands’ permission even to venture outside their homes. And if they do anything, real or imagined, that impugns a Muslim maniacs alleged “honor†he may kill her with either knife or gun or beat her to death. And he will not serve prison time because he is such an honorable Muslim.

● Under Sharia Law, Muslim divorce laws can force a woman into virtual prostitution. To divorce a wife, all the Muslim man has to do is say three times, “I divorce you. I divorce you. I divorce you.†And that’s it. He can kick her out of the house and marry someone else.

● Under Sharia Law, after a Muslim has divorced the same woman three times, he cannot marry her again until she has married and been divorced by another man. Consequently, in some places, notably the Iranian “holy†city of Qom, there are men who make a living as paid Muslim gigolos or “one-night husbandsâ€. They marry thrice-divorced women, consummate the marriage in a one-night stand, and divorce them the next day. These “holy†Muslim women can then lawfully go back to their families. Or they can get married to some other Muslim who is so tired of screwing his goats and camels that he actually breaks down and marries a slut that is called a Muslim woman. All Muslim women are nothing but abused and beaten whores and it is Islam and the teachings of Mohammad (mhrh) that has made them into whores. And it is Sharia Law and barbaric Muslim marriage customs that perpetuate their whoredom.

● Under Sharia Law, the Muslim man is free to consort with virtually as many women as he chooses, for Islam also sanctions polygamy. The limitless, un-birth-controlled numbers of Muslim locusts invading Western countries are a result of this Muslim lust and promiscuity.

● Under Sharia Law, a Muslim man is permitted to have four wives at one time. However, serial divorce, numerous concubines, sex slaves and “temporary marriages of an hour or two†allow him a practically unlimited number of women. These are all-important reasons why the poor, the ignorant, the perverted, the sex-starved and the Negroes are attracted to Islam, a religion that offers every man a piece.

● Under Sharia Law, in Egypt, a great many men have taken advantage of Islam’s negligible divorce laws and have married twenty or thirty women in no more than ten years. By the same token, women of no great age have married more than a dozen men, one after the other. Is it any wonder that Muslim men want their women veiled from head to toe to cover up the fact that Muslim women are nothing but prostitutes? Or that Muslim women actually beg to be veiled from head to toe to cover the shame of their subjugation to the perverse, enslaving and degrading vices of Muslim men?

But is unlimited sex satisfying to the circumcised perverts and child molesters who inhabit Muslim society? Of course not! Perversion is a bottomless pit into which Muslims are forever lost. For example, the Muslim country of Pakistan leads the world in Google searches for animal sex, child sex and rape sex. But it’s all okay because the Muslim Paradise is filled with lusty women who are forever virgins even after you rape them. That is what the voices in Mohammad’s head promised the Muslims.

● Under Sharia Law, you lesbian feminists in the West will love this one. A woman who is raped and complains about it before a Sharia court of law, will be imprisoned, lashed with a whip and probably executed. Why? Because a woman’s testimony only counts half of that of a man. So, to prove rape, she must have two men who actually witnessed the penetration to testify on her behalf. Or if she cannot find two men who witnessed the rape and were close enough to witness the actual penetration, then she must find four women who witnessed her rape. And if she cannot find such impossible witnesses, then she is arrested, imprisoned, beaten, further raped while in prison and possibly executed. And why? Because she admitted to having illegal sex with a man. That’s Islam at its finest. And the Muslims want to bring Islam to your neighborhood very soon. If you let them have Sharia Law so they can rape and murder you, then your neighborhood will become their neighborhood and you, too, will either bow low towards Mecca with your butt in the air or the Muslims will kill you.

I don't think anyone here is not up to speed about Islam, I was just wanting the jews and the muslims to blow each others brains out, while we stay out of it. Doesn't look like that is going to happen though.

Jaxvid -

I don't know about that. Look, I'm not having a go at anyone, but many North American White Nationalists who don't have to live anywhere near substantial concentrations of Muslims and only see them on televisions they all claim not to own still subscribe to the ridiculous "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" principle in the belief that every negative opinion and fact about Islam and its practitioners is purely a product of Jewish propaganda.

Jews, Muslims, Asians, Negroes or whatever - like You, I'd also prefer to see them butcher each other into extinction without our involvement. Mind You, I'm all for providing the necessary "encouragement" for non-Whites to indulge their hobby of internecine slaughter. I remember being scolded by a teacher in early primary school when during the course of a geography lesson I dramatically stated that the West should cease all medical aid to sub-Saharan Africa and instead regularly dump enormous caches of small arms, infantry support weapons and vast quantities of ammunition around various locations in the "Dark Continent", which would practically guarantee the Negroes' self-elimination and clear the way for White settlement. Hell knows what a teacher's reaction would be these days...

When considering the "intelligence failure" angle, if the US security agencies employ the type of university graduates I regularly encounter via work, then every conceivable bungle becomes possible. I can just imagine legions of "educated" half-wits who are unable to use a catalogue, database or even a basic search engine to its full potential, tasks which are made infinitely more difficult by their inability to spell. Speaking of orthography, one of the excuses provided for the FBI's ignorance (or "ignorance") of Tamerlan Tsarnaev's jaunt to Dagestan was that his name was misspelled (or "misspelled") on certain documents.

On a side note, it appears that the elder Tsarnaev was sponging off the Massachusetts taxpayer:

How very Islamic of him. I'm sure that the "Prophet" (Piss Be Upon Him) would approve...

Does Banjo Moishe there also tell us what happens under Rabbinic law where only Jews are considered human and Jewish crime against non-Jews is considered a mitzvah (good deed) as is killing a goy (a beast) and Jews are forbidden to testify against other Jews who committed crimes against non-Jews, and dissident Jews who don't follow the rabbinic party line are to be publicly stoned to death?

Of course the Ziomedia is now filled up with non-step hate the Moslem agitprop, and of course they leave off the interesting info that it was Jews and only Jews that engineered the mass invasion of the white western nations by the third world include all those Moslems, and it was also the Jews who were behind the forced breeding of non-whites via their welfare programs, and it was also the Jews who destroyed the peoples' minds through their skillfull egalitarian agitprop (everybody is equal, no difference, except jews who are chosen by "G_d and can steal whatever they want and kill whoever they want).

At least under Moslem rule non Moslems are allowed to live in peace, as the Jews did in Palestine for many centuries before the Khazars invaded, and as they do today in Iran.
Jibba jabba....At least under Moslem rule non Moslems are allowed to live in peace, as the Jews did in Palestine for many centuries before the Khazars invaded, and as they do today in Iran.

Analyzing the Boston bombing photos:

7th photo down. The guy with the sunglasses and the hoodie, just casually leaning on his elbow. The blond girl seems OK too, also just waiting for instructions. The black woman looks OK too. I don't see any shrapnel injuries or blood and body parts. The Store windows appear to have been blown OUT.

You need to read the comments by experienced first responders re the man whose legs were allegedly blown off.

The 8th picture down. It doesn't look like real blood on the ground. There should be a massive pool of blood from the horrible injury the man allegedly sustained.

See crisisactors dot org for further info.
The double amputee lost his legs either in Iraq or Afghanistan, can't remember which but I did see pictures of this vet on another site, if I have time I'll dig up the link.

Reports for days said that a hundred people lost limbs and that body parts were scattered around the sites where the explosions went off, yet this double amputee was the only one seen missing legs, which he had lost years ago. With all the pictures and film of the explosions and their immediate aftermath, there isn't a single one showing carnage remotely on the scale of some 200 people allegedly injured, with many of them supposedly losing legs.
The double amputee lost his legs either in Iraq or Afghanistan, can't remember which but I did see pictures of this vet on another site, if I have time I'll dig up the link.

Reports for days said that a hundred people lost limbs and that body parts were scattered around the sites where the explosions went off, yet this double amputee was the only one seen missing legs, which he had lost years ago. With all the pictures and film of the explosions and their immediate aftermath, there isn't a single one showing carnage remotely on the scale of some 200 people allegedly injured, with many of them supposedly losing legs.

Is/was he the one with part of his leg bones showing? I did see live footage of them wheeling him away from the scene.
USA are looking more and more like europe with those muslims

Excuse you. You seem to be badly misunderstanding the situation of crime and murder in the US, as it relates to race, religion, and recent immigrants.

Let me put it into plain terms for you: As of 2011, Blacks make up roughly 12% of the national US population, but account for more than 50% of all murders in the USA.

In 2011, out of 10471 recorded murders, 52%, or 5,486 were perpetrated by blacks.

Source (read the very first line of this table, on the right side, also note that there 14,548 total murders in the US in 2011, some 4,077 were unrecorded in terms of race):

Furthermore, of the 5,486 murders carried out by blacks, roughly 1,500-2,000 would be a situation involving a black murdering a white.

White Muslims kill 4 Americans and its FRONT PAGE NEWS FOR WEEKS.

Blacks slaughter 5,486+ Americans per year and that DOESN'T MAKES THE NEWS.

USA doesn't have a Muslim problem, it's just that when Muslims commit crimes, Zionists love to over-report that and make the situation seem worse than it really is, adding the word "terrorist" for effect. USA has a Negro problem and the Zionist-owned media is hiding the issue of Negro murderers by focusing disproportionately on Muslim or White crime. Probably they are trying to build anti-Muslim sentiment for some sort of future attack on Iran.

PS) When you start talking badly about Muslims, or implying that USA has some sort of Muslim problem when Muslims probably kill less than 50 Americans annually (compared to 5,500+ killed by blacks), it shows that you're just eating up Jewish propaganda. In a way, it also makes you a Negro sympathizer and apologist because you are focusing on a much smaller issue (Muslim terrorism) while being silent about the large elephant in the room (Negro murderers).
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Excuse you. You seem to be badly misunderstanding the situation of crime and murder in the US, as it relates to race, religion, and recent immigrants.

Let me put it into plain terms for you: As of 2011, Blacks make up roughly 12% of the national US population, but account for more than 50% of all murders in the USA.

In 2011, out of 10471 recorded murders, 52%, or 5,486 were perpetrated by blacks.

Source (read the very first line of this table, on the right side, also note that there 14,548 total murders in the US in 2011, some 4,077 were unrecorded in terms of race):

Furthermore, of the 5,486 murders carried out by blacks, roughly 1,500-2,000 would be a situation involving a black murdering a white.

White Muslims kill 4 Americans and its FRONT PAGE NEWS FOR WEEKS.

Blacks slaughter 5,486+ Americans per year and that DOESN'T MAKES THE NEWS.

USA doesn't have a Muslim problem, it's just that when Muslims commit crimes, Zionists love to over-report that and make the situation seem worse than it really is, adding the word "terrorist" for effect. USA has a Negro problem and the Zionist-owned media is hiding the issue of Negro murderers by focusing disproportionately on Muslim or White crime. Probably they are trying to build anti-Muslim sentiment for some sort of future attack on Iran.

PS) When you start talking badly about Muslims, or implying that USA has some sort of Muslim problem when Muslims probably kill less than 50 Americans annually (compared to 5,500+ killed by blacks), it shows that you're just eating up Jewish propaganda. In a way, it also makes you a Negro sympathizer and apologist because you are focusing on a much smaller issue (Muslim terrorism) while being silent about the large elephant in the room (Negro murderers).

Don't you remember the massive thread we had about this before? Just because Muslims commit less crimes than blacks doesn't change the fact that they're prone to crime.
Don't you remember the massive thread we had about this before? Just because Muslims commit less crimes than blacks doesn't change the fact that they're prone to crime.

That thread before was about crime in Germany.

My point here, is that Muslims have killed 4 people in USA and it's been front page news for one week, and probably will go on to be covered for months. CNN has devoted atleast one week to coverage of this issue. Often times reporting out of Boston for the entire day.

Blacks murder 5,486 Americans (2,000 of which are white) and for the most part this is censored by the Zionist media.

You don't see a problem with that misrepresentation of crime? Or some kind of agenda that Jewish supremacists might be pushing (ie let's make Americans hate Muslims so that we can invade Iran, Muslims are evil, blacks are good, let's destroy white culture in the USA and Caucasians culture in Iran).

I mean we're comparing 4 murders to 5,486+. I would say there is a "little bit" of a media agenda here.
That thread before was about crime in Germany.

My point here, is that Muslims have killed 4 people in USA and it's been front page news for one week, and probably will go on to be covered for months. CNN has devoted atleast one week to coverage of this issue. Often times reporting out of Boston for the entire day.

Blacks murder 5,486 Americans (2,000 of which are white) and for the most part this is censored by the Zionist media.

You don't see a problem with that misrepresentation of crime? Or some kind of agenda that Jewish supremacists might be pushing (ie let's make Americans hate Muslims so that we can invade Iran, Muslims are evil, blacks are good, let's destroy white culture in the USA and Caucasians culture in Iran).

I mean we're comparing 4 murders to 5,486+. I would say there is a "little bit" of a media agenda here.

Again, just because blacks are prone to crime doesn't mean Muslims aren't either.
Again, just because blacks are prone to crime doesn't mean Muslims aren't either.

You know, you really don't understand what you're talking about here.

The scientific rationale behind why blacks are genetically prone to crimes like murder, rape, and robbery has to do with an argument concerning their hereditary relatively lower levels of intelligence and smaller brains, combined with their hormonal composition which lends itself to aggressive, impulsive, and uncontrollable behaviour.

Most Muslims from the Middle East are racially defined as Caucasian and would carry a similar level of intelligence and combined hormonal composition as whites in Europe. Thus, they would not be naturally disposed to crimes in the same extent that a Negro would.

Using Rushton's model on race and behaviour, we can say that most Muslims would be similar to whites. See:,_Evolution_and_Behavior

Furthermore, there is an obvious media agenda when an instance of Muslims killing 4 Americans makes FRONT PAGE HEADLINES FOR MONTHS and Blacks kill 5,684+ Americans per year and for the most part this is censored.

Muslims kill 4 Americans = Massive Media campaign and coverage.

Negroes kill 5,684 Americans = Media Silence, Very little to no reporting.

The reason why Zionists overemphasize the crimes of Muslims and de-emphasize the crimes of Negroes is because Zionists want more power, influence, and sustainability for Israel in the Middle East. Iran is seen as a threat and these Jewish supremacists (who illegally stole the land from Christian and Muslim Arabs) can't have that. They'd also like to destroy white culture in the USA and that's why they censor the fact that 2,000 Negroes kill whites per year.

Islamic terrorism = A distraction thrown about by the Zionist media, designed to make people ignore the real problems

Negro murderers = The real problem. 5,684+ murders per year (and has remained relatively consistent since the 1970's), which in the last 20 years, would yield almost 113,680 Dead Americans because of Negro murderers. Keep in mind this estimate is conservative given that some crimes have been unreported by race, in actuality, in the past 20 years, the number of dead Americans from Negro murderers would be closer to 150,000 (say 2/5's of which would be white).

The media doesn't want people thinking about that, they'd much rather you hate on Muslims and support their forthcoming campaign to invade Iran.
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I suppose you also think that Thai people have the same IQ as Koreans? After all they're both Mongoloids.
The "racially aware" whites in this thread who are badmouthing Muslims, Middle Easterners, and other white Muslims should be God Damn ashamed of themselves.

Congratulations, you've successfully taken every bit of propaganda that the Jewish supremacists have thrown at you through the mainstream media. In doing that, you've focused on a distraction (islamic terrorism killing 4 people) while ignoring the large elephant (Negroes murdering 5,684 Americans per year, 2000 of which are white).

This is the same type of Zionist logic that white Americans used in justifying the war in Iraq, over WMD *that didn't exist* and resulted in the deaths of 650,000+ Iraqi Caucasians, and 6,000 of your own American soldiers.

You all should be ashamed of yourselves for listening to Zionists and go over my posts in this thread.

I'm not saying you have to support Islam at all, but please *for the Love of God* don't fall for Zionist propaganda. That's not in your own interest as a white American. If you are gonna take a side, I would advise taking the side of Muslims. If you're not gonna take a side that's fine. But don't side in with Zionists, that's just disgusting and contrary to your own interests as a white Christian.
We're not retards with tunnel vision, we can be consciously aware that both Muslims and Blacks are prone to crime. Apparently you can't though.
American Freedom News