Zionists supported Serbia in those wars, don't know what you're on about.
US neocons were mostly in favour of "crushing Serb skulls" as Bill Kristol so eloquently put it. Liberal Zionist Jews were probably 100% in favour of the bombing of Serbia.
Zionists supported Serbia in those wars, don't know what you're on about.
US neocons were mostly in favour of "crushing Serb skulls" as Bill Kristol so eloquently put it. Liberal Zionist Jews were probably 100% in favour of the bombing of Serbia.
Zionists supported Serbia in those wars, don't know what you're on about.
Oh yes. Silly me. I forgot that Zogistan was bombing the hell out of Tirana and not Belgrade. Please forgive me. I also forgot that War is Peace and Freedom is Slavery and that I Love Big Brother Obama.
Powerful images - "Death on a Very Small Planet" -
Belgrade 1999
New York 2001
More here:
It's already down the memory hole.
I see the Sayanim contingent is still working the board. As someone cogently observed, the USA had no problems with Moslems since the days of the Barbary pirates - until Israhell came along.
Already down the orwellian memory hole: Last season - like 1999 - Moslems (Albanians) were the "good guys" and Christians (Serbs) were the "bad guys" - when the almost all-Jewish Bill 'n Hillary Clinton regime - was engaged in its demented detruction of the peaceful nation of Yugoslavia.
You want to talk about pedophiles etc.? Then lets talk about your most holy book, The Babylonian Talmud, shall we, especially the parts that you do not want non-Jews to ever see!
There's no need to call people Jews when they have a different perspective than you on particular issues. I agree with a lot of what you write on these incidents that have changed the U.S. into a high-tech neo-con police state, but you taint it with unnecessary personal attacks.
OK, sorry. I just thought that a guy who names himself after "Menelik: Black Jewish Prince"
and sounds like a militant talmudist might be a gentleman of the jewish faith. My mistake. Sorry.
Just posting images like that doesn't change the fact that most Israelis supported Serbia during the Yugoslav Wars.
OK, sorry. I just thought that a guy who names himself after "Menelik: Black Jewish Prince"
and sounds like a militant talmudist might be a gentleman of the jewish faith. My mistake. Sorry.
I don't think anyone here is not up to speed about Islam, I was just wanting the jews and the muslims to blow each others brains out, while we stay out of it. Doesn't look like that is going to happen though.
Jibba jabba....At least under Moslem rule non Moslems are allowed to live in peace, as the Jews did in Palestine for many centuries before the Khazars invaded, and as they do today in Iran.
The double amputee lost his legs either in Iraq or Afghanistan, can't remember which but I did see pictures of this vet on another site, if I have time I'll dig up the link.
Reports for days said that a hundred people lost limbs and that body parts were scattered around the sites where the explosions went off, yet this double amputee was the only one seen missing legs, which he had lost years ago. With all the pictures and film of the explosions and their immediate aftermath, there isn't a single one showing carnage remotely on the scale of some 200 people allegedly injured, with many of them supposedly losing legs.
Is/was he the one with part of his leg bones showing? I did see live footage of them wheeling him away from the scene.
USA are looking more and more like europe with those muslims
Excuse you. You seem to be badly misunderstanding the situation of crime and murder in the US, as it relates to race, religion, and recent immigrants.
Let me put it into plain terms for you: As of 2011, Blacks make up roughly 12% of the national US population, but account for more than 50% of all murders in the USA.
In 2011, out of 10471 recorded murders, 52%, or 5,486 were perpetrated by blacks.
Source (read the very first line of this table, on the right side, also note that there 14,548 total murders in the US in 2011, some 4,077 were unrecorded in terms of race): http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/uc...s.-2011/tables/expanded-homicide-data-table-3
Furthermore, of the 5,486 murders carried out by blacks, roughly 1,500-2,000 would be a situation involving a black murdering a white.
White Muslims kill 4 Americans and its FRONT PAGE NEWS FOR WEEKS.
Blacks slaughter 5,486+ Americans per year and that DOESN'T MAKES THE NEWS.
USA doesn't have a Muslim problem, it's just that when Muslims commit crimes, Zionists love to over-report that and make the situation seem worse than it really is, adding the word "terrorist" for effect. USA has a Negro problem and the Zionist-owned media is hiding the issue of Negro murderers by focusing disproportionately on Muslim or White crime. Probably they are trying to build anti-Muslim sentiment for some sort of future attack on Iran.
PS) When you start talking badly about Muslims, or implying that USA has some sort of Muslim problem when Muslims probably kill less than 50 Americans annually (compared to 5,500+ killed by blacks), it shows that you're just eating up Jewish propaganda. In a way, it also makes you a Negro sympathizer and apologist because you are focusing on a much smaller issue (Muslim terrorism) while being silent about the large elephant in the room (Negro murderers).
Don't you remember the massive thread we had about this before? Just because Muslims commit less crimes than blacks doesn't change the fact that they're prone to crime.
That thread before was about crime in Germany.
My point here, is that Muslims have killed 4 people in USA and it's been front page news for one week, and probably will go on to be covered for months. CNN has devoted atleast one week to coverage of this issue. Often times reporting out of Boston for the entire day.
Blacks murder 5,486 Americans (2,000 of which are white) and for the most part this is censored by the Zionist media.
You don't see a problem with that misrepresentation of crime? Or some kind of agenda that Jewish supremacists might be pushing (ie let's make Americans hate Muslims so that we can invade Iran, Muslims are evil, blacks are good, let's destroy white culture in the USA and Caucasians culture in Iran).
I mean we're comparing 4 murders to 5,486+. I would say there is a "little bit" of a media agenda here.
Again, just because blacks are prone to crime doesn't mean Muslims aren't either.