Not at all. What it means is that the system doesn't have a monopoly on surveillance, much as they'd like to. The masses have their iphones to film everything, and there are now many internet sleuths to pick apart footage and find anomalies. What events like Sandy Hook and Boston are showing is just how clumsy and ham-handed authorities are, not that that's any revelation.
I don't know exactly what happened at these events, and the Aurora theater shooting. But I certainly have doubts about the veracity of the government's official conspiracy theories, just as there are legitimate doubts going back to the official line about the assassination of JFK, RFK, 9/11, etc. A good starting point with anything stated by the government and affirmed by the corporate media, whether it's the latest inflation and unemployment statistics, or the latest tragedy, is that it's a lie, and go from there. The alternative media is fractured and there are many disinfo and misinfo sites, but as with anything you have to use discernment to make an informed judgment and not be automatically wedded to any source, whether part of the system or part of the "margins." I try to keep an open mind because we live in an age of lies, including the replacement of "reality" at times with special effects illusions that are sold to the DWFs as reality.