As jaxvid said the number of people who would have to be involved to fake Sandy Hook and Boston would be in the thousands. Feds and big wigs would likely fall in line but all not of the little people. If these incident had been faked many of the local police would know and they could not all be kept quiet. These operations are too big!
Maybe, the real conspiracy is to make people believe the incidence didn't happen so they won't take too close of a look at what did happen. That would be very simple to do have an agent provocateur go to a few forums or blogs and post that it is fake. Hold back scenes like ambulances and stretchers from broadcast, so a few fake or wrong picture and presto too many people don't believe it happen so they don't take a close look at what really did happen. It would be a lot easier to conspire to get people to believe an incident didn't happen when it did then the other way around.
Do you really believe that the powers that be would have any problems with killing little children if it advanced their agenda. Maybe that is part of the reason people don't want to believe that Sandy Hook really happened because it is just too terrible to think about. I wish that it really didn't happen, but in reality, the odds are just too great that it did. Maybe they could add a few names to the list but they just couldn't have faked the whole thing, it goes to far out of the realm of possibility. It is more likely that a Third Reich secret base in Antarctic teleported them to safety just before being shot and replaced their bodies (in sandy hook case) with replicated ones. That is how remote the possibility is that the government could fake Sandy Hook or Boston.
It is truth that the U.S. government and mainstream media can not be trusted to tell the truth but it stretches belief to believe that all the foreign countries and media would keep quiet many would jump at an opportunity to finish the last creditability that the US has by exposing such stupidity as trying to create a fake attack, and since that has not happened, the attacks were real. The French and other foreign presses exposed questions of how the 911 attacks happen, but those same countries aren't questioning that Boston and Sandy Hook happened. Yes, the government and mainstream press appear to be hiding something but that doesn't mean that bullets and bombs didn't go off and people didn't die and get injured.
I won't put it past the government and/or media to add a few names to the list of dead and injured or fake pictures or videos even fake interviewers, but the powers that be too often seem to take glee in hurting and killing people too much to fake an attack on common, mostly, White people.
Let's look at the killer in the Sandy Hook incident. Some say he was a devil worshipper and have problems locating him after 2009. There are rumors of satanic cults with very rich and powerful people who use young devil worshippers for evil misdeeds. Could the shooter have been receiving training/brainwashing to complete his human sacrifice since 2009. As for the training exercise rather someone had someone schedule it for that day or simple chose a day that one was schedule for it would be the best time for an attack since most of the emergency resources would be in a definable place preferably far from the real attack. As for the behavior of friends and relatives, I have know people to react very differently to death some are very emotional while others show almost no emotions at all. And don't underestimate how many of these people might have headed to a doctor who prescribed happy pills, and add to those makeup, airbrushing and coaching and very strange behavior may be simply an illusion. And satellite images from years ago, you don't know if two images in the same town were taken at the same time or not, one could be taken on say a Friday and another on a Saturday.
As for Boston if the government had faked it, they would have had a White Christian NRA member patsy arrested or dead before the end of the day with new draconian laws all ready to pass, but that did not happen. Early reports had them looking for a dark skinned or black male, and what they finally arrested were dark skinned Muslims. The Boston bombing has been nothing but a headache for the powers that be, so it looks like stupidity, political correctness and incompetence may really be reason the attack succeeded.
Sure the government is likely hiding that others were involved and likely other things. The two brothers have Olive complexions, so how could they be mistaken for a black? Hopefully someone is looking over those films for other suspects. It is best if we don't fall for conspiracy theories that don't stand up to reason, but instead look at what makes sense. A lot of information that claims as proof that the attacks didn't happen is based on the incompetence of the mainstream press, getting photo mixed up, or lack of picture from them. Most of the common people pictures and videos were turned over to the government so the only pictures people using are either released by the government or the mainstream media. The government only release what supports their agenda and the mainstream media does that plus were too busy talking about and hoping that a White did it to show many pictures of the rescue effort. It get in the way of their screen time.
As long as people claim something didn't happen, they don't look at what really did happen, so the power that be love it when the people who would normally be there biggest obstacle close their eyes and pretend that it didn't happen. Wakeup and face the evil that are the powers that be. They do tell us many lies that people buy into but they are people who care not for the lives of common people and not even common White children. They want to kill common White people, so they have no reason to fake an attack on our people!
Jaxvid is voice of reason here, and we can't let that continue!