Boston Marathon Bombing

Allegedly, the perma-nefarious FBI somehow, magically sifted through “10 terabytes” of surveillance data in order to find their hat-donning boogeymen…

In the nearly 17 years since Atlanta's Olympic Park bombing, technology has transformed how large-scale investigations can work. Federal officials in Boston reportedly sifted through more than 10 terabytes of data — much of it images and video recorded at the marathon site. As NPR's Steve Henn reports, if you were to sit down to watch it all, it would take one person more than five years.

Yeah, right. How does a bumbling government agency miraculously manage to “track down” two men attending an international event featuring tens of thousands of identical-looking (average height, average build, olive skin, bulbous noses, kinky black hair, soulless black bug eyes) urban mutts, based solely upon grainy surveillance footage stills?

What kind of “terrorist” in the “surveillance age” would fail to at least properly conceal their face and true identity with a fake beard, hood, wig, etc? Ahh, but they were “intelligent” enough to immigrate to America, plan the attacks, construct backpack bombs, and purchase thousands of dollars in grenades and weaponry. Here are the “terrorists,” as per the FBI…


After the FBI's Jewish media tentacles displayed their “mugshots,” the two men, for whatever idiotic reason, decided to rob a 7-11 (instead of, you know, laying low for a while), a campus security officer was killed, a Die Hard-style firefight immediately erupted at MIT and neighboring streets, the men hijacked a Mercedes SUV with the car’s owner still inside, shot at cops and lobbed bombs and grenades from the car during a high-speed chase, then the black-hatted terrorist “charged” the officers and was shot, then taken to “Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center” in Boston before conveniently succumbing to his wounds…

The pursuit began after 10 p.m. Thursday when two men robbed a 7/11 near Central Square in Cambridge. A security camera caught a man identified as one of the suspects, wearing a gray hoodie.

About 10:30, police received reports that a campus security officer at M.I.T. was shot while he sat in his police cruiser. He was found with multiple gunshot wounds, according to a statement issued by Middlesex Acting District Attorney Michael Pelgro, Cambridge Police Commissioner Robert Haas, and MIT Police Chief John DiFava. The officer was taken to Massachusetts General Hospital, where he was pronounced dead.

A short time later, police received reports of an armed carjacking of a Mercedes SUV by two males in the area of Third Street in Cambridge, the statement said. “The victim was carjacked at gunpoint by two males and was kept in the car with the suspects for approximately a half hour,” the statement said. He was later released, uninjured, at a gas station on Memorial Drive in Cambridge.

Police immediately began to search for the vehicle and pursued it into Watertown. During the chase, “explosive devices were reportedly thrown from car by the suspects,” the statement said, and the suspects and police exchanged gunfire in the area of Dexter and Laurel streets.

The suspects are brothers with the last name Tsarnaev, law enforcement officials told NBC News. The suspect at large, Dzhokar Tsarnaev, is 19 and has a Massachusetts driver’s license, they said. Law enforcement officials told NBC News that both men had international ties, had been in the United States about a year and had military experience.

Like all “terrorists” and “mass murderers” that seem to conveniently materialize every few months in the U.S., these suicidal buffoons made no attempts to conceal their identity, a location for which to rendezvous, or prepare a strategy for fleeing the scene or hiding themselves away. This gay-looking little Muslim waif (the white-hatted terrorist) is “still at large”…


Of course, this teenager from Russia (immigrant from Chechnya) will likely be found and executed via public firing squad in the coming hours so that he can “tell no tales” of why, at age 19, he’d forfeit his life so that three random U.S. citizens (one of whom was Chinese) would die and countless others would be injured? Even if a thousand spectators had died in the attack, it would only help to influence U.S. policies to venture into an even more anti-Muslim, militant police-state direction, making it that much more difficult for Muslims to pull off these cowardly attacks in the future.

As usual, the cerebral justification of the “terrorist” or “mass murderer” that indiscriminately slaughters random, innocent people (Colorado Theature, Sandy Hook, etc) in a public place is highly dubious.
What kind of “terrorist” in the “surveillance age” would fail to at least properly conceal their face and true identity with a fake beard, hood, wig, etc? Ahh, but they were “intelligent” enough to immigrate to America, plan the attacks, construct backpack bombs, and purchase thousands of dollars in grenades and weaponry. Here are the “terrorists,” as per the FBI…


Like all “terrorists” and “mass murderers” that seem to conveniently materialize every few months in the U.S., these suicidal buffoons made no attempts to conceal their identity, a location for which to rendezvous, or prepare a strategy for fleeing the scene or hiding themselves away.

hey brother, I don't think suicidal attacks (& random killings) are "conveniently materializing", I think it's just an ever-present part of life. People have shamelessly (& undisguised) launched (virtually) suicidal attacks for causes they believe in throughout history. Plenty of assassins have walked up to their targets (undisguised) & shot them, knowing they would probably end up dead or in prison for the duration of their lives. Suicide bombers, kamikaze pilots etc.. don't or didn't feel the need to hide their identities, bcuz ultimately dying for their cause was part of the deal.

Booth did absoultely nothing to hide his identity when he killed Lincoln,.. but he still attempted an escape. I don't think the two are exclusive objectives, sometimes killers go in with suicidal intentions, but then still experience an instinctual escape instinct afterwards. A lot of those escapes were ultimately half-hearted, stupid or ill-planned.. but that (for me) doesn't indicate their innocence..

I'm always suspicious of how the government handles, or is involved in any domestic terrorist attack.. but the story of ungrateful (cr)immigrants hurting innocent Americans sounds reasonable to me so far. & the media characterizing them as "normal" immigrants seems par for the course ~
The US government doesn't do a good job at monitoring it's Muslim "refugees", someone told me that one of these Chechens' public Amazon wishlist consisted of nothing but books on how to forge identities. Good job FBI.
Jewish media in mourning. They had their hearts set on a pick-up truck driving white guy, preferably with an Anglo-Saxon name and an NRA membership.

Vladimir Putin and Russians in general should be having a good laugh about all this. THE USA, under both Republicans and Democrats, has been bullying Russia about its human rights violations especially in Chechnya. It would not surprise me at all if the killers got a special dispensation as refugees due to being "oppressed" by big bad Russia. It reminds me of the US bombing Serbia on behalf of Albanians only to have some Albanians try to kill National Guardsmen at Fort Dix, NJ, just a few years later. But don't worry. A month from now this will be forgotten and the average American won't remember if the killers were Chechens or Czechs.
Well its good to always be suspicious of whatever the media government industrial complex spits out, the fact that the suspects are immigrants is intresting. If all of this was staged and arranged, it would have been much more effective for the suspects to be run of the mill white male, Christian, anti-immigration, gun owning people, not Chechen immigrants.
This will provide some ammunition to opponents of the Gang of Eights plan for amnesty and a huge increase of legal immigration.
Vladimir Putin and Russians in general should be having a good laugh about all this. THE USA, under both Republicans and Democrats, has been bullying Russia about its human rights violations especially in Chechnya.

Average American said:
hey brother, I don't think suicidal attacks (& random killings) are "conveniently materializing", I think it's just an ever-present part of life. People have shamelessly (& undisguised) launched (virtually) suicidal attacks for causes they believe in throughout history. Plenty of assassins have walked up to their targets (undisguised) & shot them, knowing they would probably end up dead or in prison for the duration of their lives. Suicide bombers, kamikaze pilots etc.. don't or didn't feel the need to hide their identities, bcuz ultimately dying for their cause was part of the deal.

What’s strange to me is the fact that if these two young brothers (both seemingly apolitical and not overly religious) were indeed “suicidalâ€￾ (which is what they’d have to be for not covering their faces in an area containing thousands of people and dozens of TV and surveillance cameras), why would they bother to steal a car, then go on a dramatic high-speed chase to escape? If haphazardly killing random people was their goal, why run away from potential victims?

I have no idea if this was a “false flag,â€￾ especially since they were caught on camera robbing the 7-11 and told the man in the Mercedes SUV they stole that they were the bombers…but their motive remains unclear.
I made this comment over at Steve sailer's blog:

An aunt of the dead guy who is now living in Canada says it can't possibly have anything to do with religion as he was married to a Christian. I heard an expert say since they were integrated into American society they might have just felt rage at society similar to those who shoot up schools. So there you are. It had nothing to do with religion or ethnicity. Roll on amnesty.

BTW this reminds me of the Sopranos episode where Christopher is told that the tough Russian he is chasing is especially dangerous because he killed 16 Chechens. In a panic Christopher then says they better watch out for this Russian as "he killed 16 Czechoslovakians". Given Americans' famous lack of knowledge (iSteve readers excepted) of other countries I fear the image of Czechs is about to get a black eye.:icon_tongue:
I made this comment over at Steve sailer's blog:

An aunt of the dead guy who is now living in Canada says it can't possibly have anything to do with religion as he was married to a Christian. I heard an expert say since they were integrated into American society they might have just felt rage at society similar to those who shoot up schools. So there you are. It had nothing to do with religion or ethnicity. Roll on amnesty.

BTW this reminds me of the Sopranos episode where Christopher is told that the tough Russian he is chasing is especially dangerous because he killed 16 Chechens. In a panic Christopher then says they better watch out for this Russian as "he killed 16 Czechoslovakians". Given Americans' famous lack of knowledge (iSteve readers excepted) of other countries I fear the image of Czechs is about to get a black eye.:icon_tongue:

Your fears are well founded, I was trolling around on Twitters and saw a lot people mistaking the two. There were more people thinking Russians=Chechens than people thinking Chechens=Czechs though.
First of all it's very sad that people have died and been injured in this terrorist attack. I heard that an 8 year old boy died and that's just awful and tragic. It's also sad that many people have lost their legs or been injured. So, I give my full respect and thoughts to the victims of this attack in Boston.

That being said there is much worse than this attack going on daily in places like Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan. For example in Iraq, the Lancet study in the mid 2000's found that an estimated 650,000 Iraqi civilians have been killed in a war that was carried out illegally and immorally by the US (Source: Since that estimate was made several years ago, today, you could probably say that number would be close to 1 Million Dead Iraqi civilians largely due to illegal actions from the US.

Then of course there is countries like Afghanistan, where US soldier Robert Bales went rambo and murdered 16 Afghan civilians in cold-blood, most of which were children (Source:, and that incident barely received any media attention whatsoever and there was no public outrage in the US. There have also been incidents of US bombs exploding in civilian areas, killing 20, 30, 40, and 50 Afghan women and children at a time. Here is one wedding in 2008, where US bombed and killed an estimated 50 civilians (Source: Here is another wedding where US bombed and killed 30 civilians (Source:

As a white male, Ive dated Afghan females and I have many Afghan male friends. They are a great, Caucasian people and to be honest it breaks my heart to see whats happening in Afghanistan. They are borderline white as well.

The point I'm getting at here is that American foreign policy has been acting highly illegally, inappropriately, and is guilty of war crimes (for which there has not been investigations and punishments). Further, the American media largely ignores instances where Americans kill civilians in Afghanistan and Iraq. There is no public outrage or extensive media coverage of these instances and in fact its almost like the US media doesn't care, or has no sympathy for the Caucasians that are being slaughtered in the Middle East because of US aggression.

USA is very much the aggressor in this situation with their tyrannical and oppressive war-mongering in the Middle East. Not to mention their support of Israeli invaders and thieves against Arabs. Muslims have a lot of reasons to hate the US, because the US has killed a lot of people and done a lot of messed up things in the Middle East.

I don't know exactly what the bombers' motivations were, but I can certainly sympathize with their anti-US feeling. Personally, I am not violent, and would never use violent means. But I certainly understand their hostility towards US.
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It's so easy for some Americans to just dismiss these people as "radical Muslims" but the truth is that American foreign policy/war crimes are what is truly radical and hateful and has elevated these people and their cause. Maybe if Americans weren't slaughtering Caucasians by the thousands in the Middle East, or weren't supporting thieves and Jewish supremacists in Israel then this sort of thing wouldn't be happening.

American foreign policy has strongly contributed to and created radical Islam.

Really 3 people dying in Boston is sad, but what about the 650,000 in Iraq or the 500,000 in Afghanistan? Where is the media coverage for these victims and why aren't incidents like the Kandahar Massacre accurately reported in the US?
The reason there are so many dead Iraqis is because their "liberators" think it okay to murder 500 of them to kill one American. Almost all civilian deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan were caused by "freedom fighters". It's funny you mention Robert Bales killing 16 people but fail to mention the thousands of Muslims killed in those countries by other Muslims.
You won't find many defenders of the USA's Judeocentric foreign policy round here. But just as Muslims in the Middle East are victims of it so we in the West are victims of largely Jewish-driven immigration and multiculturalism policies that bring ethnically and religiously alien people to live amongst us, such as these Chechen slimeballs. Most of these people are incapable of creating civilised countries to live in so they come to our countries and drag us down to their level. Muslim groups in the West have no trouble collaborating with Jews when it comes to colonising Europe and America.

Also let's not pretend Muslims are innocent of using US foreign policy for their own purposes. During the Bosnian war I was studying this stuff at university and I followed closely the antics of Bosnian Muslim politicians, lobbyists, and media apologists as they tried to shame and manipulate the US and other Western countries into intervening militarily against the Serbs, a people we have no quarrel with. Thousands of Serbs were killed and hundreds of thousands displaced from their ancestral lands due to Western attacks, yet the same hypocritical Muslims who (justifiably) complain about US/Western intervention in the MidEast supported the West's brutality against the Serbs. Even today there are Sunni Muslims in an alliance with neocons trying to get the US and France to bomb Syria. Incidentally, Muslims and the Judeo-neocons were also on the same side of the Russian-Chechen conflict.
The reason there are so many dead Iraqis is because their "liberators" think it okay to murder 500 of them to kill one American. Almost all civilian deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan were caused by "freedom fighters".

Um, no.

The reason there is so many dead Iraqis is because Americans fabricated, decieved, and lied about existence of weapons of mass destruction and used the media to whip up an anti-Muslim frenzy in the American public. Against the wishes of the international and European community and illegally, US invaded Iraq, seized their oilfields and exploited their economy.

Americans also slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Iraqi soldiers in the first month of the war, and these soldiers were simply protecting their country. In subsequent years, American bomb errors, or shootouts have resulted in many civilian (women and children) deaths.

I currently have an Iraqi girlfriend and I have a few Iraqi friends. At one time, in the 1980's, Iraq was largely stable and prosperous country. Economic sanctions and subsequent war crimes by the US has destroyed the country.

There is 1 Million or so Dead Iraqis today because Americans are liars and invaded the country illegally.

It's funny you mention Robert Bales killing 16 people but fail to mention the thousands of Muslims killed in those countries by other Muslims.

Robert Bales went door to door and murdered 16 Afghan civilians. (

There's also been about 10 separate bombings by US aircraft that have killed entire villages of Afghans, sometimes 50 dead Afghans at a time. (For example, and

Afghans are a fully Caucasian and Persian people and I'm wondering how the US can justify these sort of crimes? Also how can they justify media noncoverage of these slaughterings?

3 Americans die in Boston and everyone is crying, but Robert Bales killing 16 Afghans in cold blood didn't even make the news.

It's easy to say these Chechen guys were Muslim terrorists, "radical Muslims" and what have you. But the more important discussion exists in "why are they radical and what made them radical?" American media should address American war crimes in the Middle East as an explanation for radical Islam and these Boston bombings.

Let me just put my feelings this way: If there is ever a war between Iran and USA, I would do my best to financially support Iran. I'm tired of seeing the USA bully, murder, and destroy poorer Caucasian people in the Middle East while supporting Jewish supremacists in Israel. I'm tired of seeing that. On some level, American people need to take some accountability for their elected government.
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Again, a few instances of Americans killing Iraqi and Afghan civilians doesn't change the fact that most civilian deaths are caused by their fellow Muslims.

Secondly, Jews are a fully Caucasian race aswell but you have no problems attacking them.
Again, a few instances of Americans killing Iraqi and Afghan civilians doesn't change the fact that most civilian deaths are caused by their fellow Muslims.

Secondly, Jews are a fully Caucasian race aswell but you have no problems attacking them.

You can't be serious that the US war machine with all of it's firepower and killing machines and drones is responsible for less deaths then friendly fire? That makes the US military even more incompetent then most believe. And anyway the reason the Iraqi's would be killing Iraqi's is because of US involvement not just for the fun of it like on a Saturday night in the ghetto.

Jews a fully caucasian race??? Not if you ask them.
I currently have an Iraqi girlfriend

That makes you a mudshark.

Afghans are a fully Caucasian and Persian people


It's easy to say these Chechen guys were Muslim terrorists

Uhh...because thats exactly who/what they are. How many troops do we have in Chechnya???

Let me just put my feelings this way: If there is ever a war between Iran and USA, I would do my best to financially support Iran.

And you would be supporting an Islamic dictatorship.
You can't be serious that the US war machine with all of it's firepower and killing machines and drones is responsible for less deaths then friendly fire? That makes the US military even more incompetent then most believe. And anyway the reason the Iraqi's would be killing Iraqi's is because of US involvement not just for the fun of it like on a Saturday night in the ghetto.

Jews a fully caucasian race??? Not if you ask them.

True their ultimate targets are Americans, but they don't care that they're killing their fellow Muslims at a rate that far exceeds that at which they're killing Americans.

Also 99% of Jews consider themselves Caucasian and most Jews also consider themselves white.
That makes you a mudshark.

As I have said on this site before, my position is both pro-Caucasian and pro-white. I date within Caucasians and I am fine with that. On another note, I would suggest that many and most Iranians and Iraqis are white and should be considered white.

I don't consider myself a racemixer because I am a Caucasian dating other Caucasians.

I'm not going to repost my explanation on why I date Arabs and Persians but if you'd like to read I explained in this thread:

And you would be supporting an Islamic dictatorship.

Ive heard other members on this site say that you are Jewish before. And it seems like your posts are just to create fighting or arguments. I have nothing else I'd like to say to you. Most likely you are Jewish as other users have pointed out.
Ive heard other members on this site say that you are Jewish before. And it seems like your posts are just to create fighting or arguments. I have nothing else I'd like to say to you. Most likely you are Jewish as other users have pointed out.

Uhh...most likely I'm NOT a Jew BUT IF you do support Iran you are supporting an Islamic Dictatorship. Thats a simple fact and no amount of "naming the Jew" is going to change it.
It's so easy for some Americans to just dismiss these people as "radical Muslims" but the truth is that American foreign policy/war crimes are what is truly radical and hateful and has elevated these people and their cause. Maybe if Americans weren't slaughtering Caucasians by the thousands in the Middle East, or weren't supporting thieves and Jewish supremacists in Israel then this sort of thing wouldn't be happening.

American foreign policy has strongly contributed to and created radical Islam.

Really 3 people dying in Boston is sad, but what about the 650,000 in Iraq or the 500,000 in Afghanistan? Where is the media coverage for these victims and why aren't incidents like the Kandahar Massacre accurately reported in the US?

As far as Afganistan goes **** them and **** you. I don't Jews or Muslims.
As far as Afganistan goes **** them and **** you. I don't Jews or Muslims.

Hundreds of thousands of civilians killed in Afghanistan, many of them women and children. Afghans are Caucasian, light skinned, many of them even look white and could pass as Italian or Russian. And what you have to say about that is "**** them".

You're a tremendous human being pal.
Those suspects look white as rice to me. If they were competing for the Olympic 100 meter dash we would be cheering them on. I think there is some confusion about race/nationality/religion here. No matter what their race they killed innocent people. While the amerikan imperial army also kills lots of people they dress up in uniforms and generally announce their intentions. They don't sneak around and blast people in otherwise peaceful situations, although drone strikes come pretty close to being the same as this type of incident.

Clearly there was some connection to their being Muslim that was behind this although from the way they lived their lives they were piss poor muslims so another case of hypocritical religionoids.

I think we can all agree they were low life scum for what they did. There were plenty other better ways for productive well to do muslims/chechens to protest the current situation. It's just plain stupid. Killing and maiming people for nothing and ending up killed or maimed is so dumb as to defy any rational response. I don't think there is any reason to get worked up about scumbags like this. I just heard that 3 guys got shot dead in a Detroit ghetto. Any reason to get excited about that one too?
American Freedom News