Boston Marathon Bombing

Yes, that is for sure. I think it's pathetic to see these "paramilitary" police outfits full of fat, four-eyed, diversity staffed keystone cops. Feeling much safer now? Just wait for the EBT cards to fail and these guys are going to be on every big city corner. Maybe the endless wars of foreign conquest is a good thing. Keeps these types of clowns out of the country.

Is there really a large contingent of amerikans that gets all excited about headlines like:

Republican lawmakers urge Obama to use 'combatant status' for bombing suspect

Top Republican senators urged President Obama on Saturday to hold the suspect captured in the Boston Marathon bombing as a potential enemy combatant -- denying him a government-appointed attorney and other legal rights under the “Law of Warâ€￾ so investigators can learn about other possible attacks.

Is it really necessary in this case to go to that extreme? Like there is any jury in the country that would not convict with even the slimmest of evidence against these guys.

Just checked out SI's site and was greeted with this picture:

Nothing quite like seeing a black man who isn't even an American with the clenched communist fist finishing his speech by saying to the crowd at Fenway Park, "This is our f***ing city. And nobody [sic] going to dictate our freedom. Stay strong," with a giant U.S. flag in the background.

Don that whole scene is so freakin' hilarious, not even the Onion could come up with a more humorous parody of the phony level of patriotism that exists in this country.
"I presume the Loved One was Caucasian?"

"No, why did you think that? He was purely English."

"English are purely Caucasian, Mr. Barlow. This is a restricted park. The Dreamer has made that rule for the sake of the Waiting Ones. In their time of trial they prefer to be with their own people."

from 'The Loved One' (1948) Evelyn Waugh

What I don't understand is how the older bomber owned a Mercedes (not the one he carjacked, but rather a Merc he reportedly owned himself). He was a part time college student, he was without work, his family lived off welfare, he devoted most of his time to amateur athletics. Yet he owned a nice car, wore nice clothes and trained for boxing at a high level.

Was he a criminal? Chechens have their own Mafiya so maybe he was involved in that. (The late and unlamented Boris Berezovsky, though Jewish, was connected to the Chechen Mafiya. It's believed he used them to murder a critic of his, the Russian-American who was editor of the Russian version of Forbes magazine.) Was his family running some kind of shoplifting ring? Drugs, such as E, collecting for the Russians or Israelis who deal to the college E-tards?

Was there another source for his money? Boston metro is expensive to live in.

Wouldn't it be easier to consider Muslims as non-white? Why do I have to solve some sort of complex ethnic math problem when it comes to figuring what the exotic creature before me is? Why is some peculiar tribal conflict thousands of miles away any concern of mine? Muslims have been killing and enslaving whites for over a thousand years. Gosh, maybe they're trying to tell us something.

"They told me, Francis Hinsley, they told me you were hung
With red protruding eye-balls and black protruding tongue..."

Maybe his dumb**** of a wife's family had money?
I feel like I've been a little harsh lately in my assessment of White Americans in several different threads, so perhaps I need to take a step back and re-think my position. This picture from Boston after the suspect was captured has actually renewed my faith that we'll be just fine and this country is in great shape:

boston happy_0.jpg
I feel like I've been a little harsh lately in my assessment of White Americans in several different threads, so perhaps I need to take a step back and re-think my position. This picture from Boston after the suspect was captured has actually renewed my faith that we'll be just fine and this country is in great shape:

boston happy_0.jpg

At least theyre not fat?

What's the celebration for? I still haven't figured that one out. I'm glad the guy was caught but I don't get the euphoria. The whole situation was sad and senseless, where does the partying come from in all of that?
After Sandy Hook, Obama and the Dems went on an all out push for gun control legislation that still lingers on. So have the Republicans used the Boston Bombing incident to stop the open borders immigration reform? Of course not. I here a lot of crickets on there side. There so concerned about our safety.

Sorry to say that the feigned patriotism displayed after the bombing and particularly after the capture of the bombing suspects only shows that if there ever was a country that deserves destruction it's the modern day USA. Nothing says greatness like a bunch of drunken college kids looking for an excuse to party. What the h3ll did we expect with our open borders policy combined with a Zionist foreign and domestic policy any - Roses? I'm surprised we don't get bombeb every single day. There soo concerned about our safety.

What was it - three people dead and several mutilated? Is that what it takes for the police state to take over and the national guard? Why doesn't this occur when blacks are burning cities down and killing dozens and people while wounding hundreds? Nope, instead they get orders to stand down. Never mind the minority gangs that kill more every single weekend in major cities throught the U.S. while the media downplays and censors. There sooo concerned about our safety.

BTW, anybody find it just a little odd that they have immediately told us that the captured suspect may not be able to ever speak again - all the while under the care of Beth Israel hospital? This in a day and age where relevant information is almost always classified indefinetley (I'm still waiting to see photos of the incredible damage to tower 7 and security cams of Sandy Hook among other things). Somehow we never seem to capture someone who can speak or is allowed to speak for very long before he is dead. Unfortunely every thing is a conspiracy theory these days making it very difficult to be able to decipher truth from fiction. Information and lack thereof keeps us convienently in the dark looking like fools and kooks.
At least theyre not fat?

What's the celebration for? I still haven't figured that one out. I'm glad the guy was caught but I don't get the euphoria. The whole situation was sad and senseless, where does the partying come from in all of that?
It's an excuse to be an inebriated jackass in public. Normally on a Friday night if you pulled a scene like this it's a night at the drunk tank and a citation.....:becky:
At least theyre not fat?

What's the celebration for? I still haven't figured that one out. I'm glad the guy was caught but I don't get the euphoria. The whole situation was sad and senseless, where does the partying come from in all of that?

Looking at that picture you'd think the USA just won the world cup or something.
BoxingSpecialist completely ignored my post about Muslim hypocrisy. I don't blame him as there is no defence he can offer to the allegation that Muslims are pro-USA sycophants when the the US is slaughtering Christians and then they cry like babies when their fellow Muslims are the targets. BoxingSpecialist is an anti-white anti-Christian Islamic Supremacist.

Matra2 -

This BoxingSpecialist character consistently exhibits trademark Muslim hypocrisy and obfuscation by - amongst other things - studiously avoiding answering any questions regarding his co-religionists' very well documented plague-proportion criminal activities in Europe. Engaging him in proper debate is impossible, for he simply ignores the obviously damning facts reagrding the Islamic diaspora in the West and its fundamental incompatibility with White (or, for that matter, any non-Muslim) society. Instead, he tediously blathers on about his vacuously disingenuous fictional concept of a "pan-Caucasian" brotherhood in which Muslims respect Christians and seamlessly fit into Western society as "ideal migrants". :lol: In other words, he spouts a load of bollocks.

I'd sooner expect a brick to recite "Endymion" in a Shakespearean baritone than for that debating-society superstar BoxingSpecialist to even refer to Your points about the United States' pro-Muslim and anti-White policies in Bosnia, Kosovo, and Chechnya. But - in the first two cases, at least - the Muslims got what they wanted, so the "Great Satan's" intervention and subsequent White taxpayer-funded largesse was welcomed with open arms, crocodile smiles and US flag waving for naive Western consumption. When the victims of United States air strikes were Christian Serbs, the Muslim world was enraptured. Ah, yes, there's nothing quite like the good old double standard, is there...

BoxingSpecialist2 said:
American foreign policy is the root of Islamic extremism. Period.

BoxingSpecialist -

Is it? That's strange, for from its very inception Islam has been a "religion" characterised by ultra-aggressive expansion. You are peddling the same old Muslim lies about a supposedly traditionally peaceful people who have been "radicalised" by one thing, viz: the United States' interference in the Middle East. That kind of kindegarten crap may cut it with the average ex-wigger idiot who - despite managing to overlook the abundant glaring evidence served up by the world around him for his entire life - has finally "awakened" after watching a David Duke video on Youtube and who subsequently accepts a certain line of single-dimension thought as gospel in the belief that he is now a razor-sharp socio-political analyst...but it doesn't fool anyone with an actual functioning brain, let alone a knowledge of history.

The only thing whch kept aggressively expanding "radical Islam" in check since the end of the seventeenth century was the West's crushing economic and military superiority allied with a self-centred political ethos. This, of course, was a product of "traditional" White society prior to the advent of socialism and political correctness, twin poisons whose principal authors and propagators were Jews.

"Radical Islam" has never gone away - it has simply skulked in the shadows until the politico-economic and demographic conditions for coming out into the open became more favourable over the last few decades. Islam's political strength is proportionately tied to the relative weakness of Western cultural identity and will. Oil money has handed the backers of "radical Islam" unprecedented financial power. Paradoxically, such oil-derived wealth was made possible by Western technology and expertise, for on their own the Gulf Arabs and Central Asian Turks wouldn't have extracted the crude from the earth beneath their camels' and horses' hooves in a thousand and one years, let alone nights...

Here's the thing: the Islamic threat to the West exists (and has always existed) independent of American involvement in the Middle East. Sure, everyone here knows that the United States' suicidally unconditional support of Jewish interests and Israel exacerbates the situation immeasurably, but anyone who believes that the Muslim world is (or ever was) somehow naturally well-disposed towards the Christian (or atheist) West is hopelessly deluded.
Matra2 -

This BoxingSpecialist character consistently exhibits trademark Muslim hypocrisy and obfuscation by - amongst other things - studiously avoiding answering any questions regarding his co-religionists' very well documented plague-proportion criminal activities in Europe. Engaging him in proper debate is impossible, for he simply ignores the obviously damning facts reagrding the Islamic diaspora in the West and its fundamental incompatibility with White (or, for that matter, any non-Muslim) society. Instead, he tediously blathers on about his vacuously disingenuous fictional concept of a "pan-Caucasian" brotherhood in which Muslims respect Christians and seamlessly fit into Western society as "ideal migrants". :lol: In other words, he spouts a load of bollocks.

I'd sooner expect a brick to recite "Endymion" in a Shakespearean baritone than for that debating-society superstar BoxingSpecialist to even refer to Your points about the United States' pro-Muslim and anti-White policies in Bosnia, Kosovo, and Chechnya. But - in the first two cases, at least - the Muslims got what they wanted, so the "Great Satan's" intervention and subsequent White taxpayer-funded largesse was welcomed with open arms, crocodile smiles and US flag waving for naive Western consumption. When the victims of United States air strikes were Christian Serbs, the Muslim world was enraptured. Ah, yes, there's nothing quite like the good old double standard, is there...

BoxingSpecialist -

Is it? That's strange, for from its very inception Islam has been a "religion" characterised by ultra-aggressive expansion. You are peddling the same old Muslim lies about a supposedly traditionally peaceful people who have been "radicalised" by one thing, viz: the United States' interference in the Middle East. That kind of kindegarten crap may cut it with the average ex-wigger idiot who - despite managing to overlook the abundant glaring evidence served up by the world around him for his entire life - has finally "awakened" after watching a David Duke video on Youtube and who subsequently accepts a certain line of single-dimension thought as gospel in the belief that he is now a razor-sharp socio-political analyst...but it doesn't fool anyone with an actual functioning brain, let alone a knowledge of history.

The only thing whch kept aggressively expanding "radical Islam" in check since the end of the seventeenth century was the West's crushing economic and military superiority allied with a self-centred political ethos. This, of course, was a product of "traditional" White society prior to the advent of socialism and political correctness, twin poisons whose principal authors and propagators were Jews.

"Radical Islam" has never gone away - it has simply skulked in the shadows until the politico-economic and demographic conditions for coming out into the open became more favourable over the last few decades. Islam's political strength is proportionately tied to the relative weakness of Western cultural identity and will. Oil money has handed the backers of "radical Islam" unprecedented financial power. Paradoxically, such oil-derived wealth was made possible by Western technology and expertise, for on their own the Gulf Arabs and Central Asian Turks wouldn't have extracted the crude from the earth beneath their camels' and horses' hooves in a thousand and one years, let alone nights...

Here's the thing: the Islamic threat to the West exists (and has always existed) independent of American involvement in the Middle East. Sure, everyone here knows that the United States' suicidally unconditional support of Jewish interests and Israel exacerbates the situation immeasurably, but anyone who believes that the Muslim world is (or ever was) somehow naturally well-disposed towards the Christian (or atheist) West is hopelessly deluded.

Spot on definition of Islam. Islam, started by a pedophile illiterate goat herder, is NO FRIEND to the WHITE MAN. IF Israel didn't exist the West would STILL have problems with Islam. Don't take my word for it, plenty of the posters here are learned and educated people, look it up for yourself.
Spot on definition of Islam. Islam, started by a pedophile illiterate goat herder, is NO FRIEND to the WHITE MAN. IF Israel didn't exist the West would STILL have problems with Islam. Don't take my word for it, plenty of the posters here are learned and educated people, look it up for yourself.

I don't think anyone here is not up to speed about Islam, I was just wanting the jews and the muslims to blow each others brains out, while we stay out of it. Doesn't look like that is going to happen though.
Spot on definition of Islam. Islam, started by a pedophile illiterate goat herder, is NO FRIEND to the WHITE MAN. IF Israel didn't exist the West would STILL have problems with Islam. Don't take my word for it, plenty of the posters here are learned and educated people, look it up for yourself.
Look at the Yugoslavian civil war, that was partially due to a blood feud that goes back to the fall of Constantinople. Also here is a photo of the bombing ring leaders wife, note the dress she is wearing no problems here for a formely Anglo-Saxon woman to dress like this.......
‘Boston Strong’: Marching in Lockstep with the Police State

“Of all the tyrannies a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive.”—C.S. Lewis

Caught up in the televised drama of a military-style manhunt for the suspects in the Boston Marathon explosion, most Americans fail to realize that the world around them has been suddenly and jarringly shifted off its axis, that axis being the U.S. Constitution.

For those like myself who have studied emerging police states, the sight of a city placed under martial law—its citizens under house arrest (officials used the Orwellian phrase “shelter in place” to describe the mandatory lockdown), military-style helicopters equipped with thermal imaging devices buzzing the skies, tanks and armored vehicles on the streets, and snipers perched on rooftops, while thousands of black-garbed police swarmed the streets and SWAT teams carried out house-to-house searches in search of two young and seemingly unlikely bombing suspects—leaves us in a growing state of unease.

Mind you, these are no longer warning signs of a steadily encroaching police state. The police state has arrived.

Equally unnerving is the ease with which Americans welcomed the city-wide lockdown, the routine invasion of their privacy, and the dismantling of every constitutional right intended to serve as a bulwark against government abuses. Watching it unfold, I couldn’t help but think of Nazi Field Marshal Hermann Goering’s remarks during the Nuremberg trials. As Goering noted:

It is always a simple matter to drag people along whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. This is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in every country.

As the events in Boston have made clear, it does indeed work the same in every country. The same propaganda and police state tactics that worked for Adolf Hitler 80 years ago continue to be employed with great success in a post-9/11 America.

Whatever the threat to so-called security—whether it’s rumored weapons of mass destruction, school shootings, or alleged acts of terrorism—it doesn’t take much for the American people to march in lockstep with the government’s dictates, even if it means submitting to martial law, having their homes searched, and being stripped of one’s constitutional rights at a moment’s notice.

As journalist Andrew O’Hehir observes in Salon:

In America after 9/11, we made a deal with the devil, or with Dick Cheney, which is much the same thing. We agreed to give up most of our enumerated rights and civil liberties (except for the sacrosanct Second Amendment, of course) in exchange for a lot of hyper-patriotic tough talk, the promise of “security” and the freedom to go on sitting on our asses and consuming whatever the hell we wanted to. Don’t look the other way and tell me that you signed a petition or voted for John Kerry or whatever. The fact is that whatever dignified private opinions you and I may hold, we did not do enough to stop it, and our constitutional rights are now deemed to be partial or provisional rather than absolute, do not necessarily apply to everyone, and can be revoked by the government at any time.

Particularly disheartening is the fact that Americans, consumed with the need for vengeance, seem even less concerned about protecting the rights of others, especially if those “others” happen to be of a different skin color or nationality. The public response to the manhunt, capture and subsequent treatment of brothers Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is merely the latest example of America’s xenophobic mindset, which was also a driving force behind the roundup and detention of hundreds of Arab, South Asian and Muslim men following 9/11, internment camps that housed more than 18,000 people of Japanese ancestry during World War II, and the arrest and deportation of thousands of “radical” noncitizens during America’s first Red Scare.

Moreover, there has been little outcry over the Obama administration’s decision to deny 19-year-old U.S. citizen Dzhokhar Tsarnaev his due process rights and treat him as an enemy combatant, first off by interrogating him without reading him his Miranda rights (“You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law...”).

Presently, under the public safety exception to the Miranda rule, if law enforcement agents believe a suspect has information that might reduce a substantial threat, they can wait to give the Miranda warning. For years now, however, the Obama administration has been lobbying to see this exception extended to all cases involving so-called terror suspects, including American citizens. Tsarnaev’s case may prove to be the game-changer. Yet as journalist Emily Bazelon points out for Slate: “Why should I care that no one’s reading Dzhokhar Tsarnaev his Miranda rights? When the law gets bent out of shape for him, it’s easier to bend out of shape for the rest of us.”

The U.S. Supreme Court rightly recognized in its 1966 ruling in Miranda v. Arizona that police officers must advise a suspect of his/her civil rights once the suspect has been taken into custody, because the police can and often do take advantage of the fact that most Americans don’t know their rights. There have been few exceptions to the Miranda rule over the last 40 years or so, and with good reason. However, if the Obama administration is allowed to scale back the Miranda rule, especially as it applies to U.S. citizens, it would be yet another dangerous expansion of government power at the expense of citizens’ civil rights.

This continual undermining of the rules that protect civil liberties, not to mention the incessant rush to judgment by politicians, members of the media and the public, will inevitably have far-reaching consequences on a populace that not only remains ignorant about their rights but is inclined to sacrifice their liberties for phantom promises of safety.

Moments after taking Tsarnaev into custody, the Boston Police Dept. tweeted “CAPTURED!!! The hunt is over. The search is done. The terror is over. And justice has won.” Yet with Tsarnaev and his brother having been charged, tried and convicted by the government, the media and the police—all without ever having stepped foot inside a courtroom—it remains to be seen whether justice has indeed won.

The lesson for the rest of us is this: once a free people allows the government to make inroads into their freedoms or uses those same freedoms as bargaining chips for security, it quickly becomes a slippery slope to outright tyranny. And it doesn’t really matter whether it’s a Democrat or a Republican at the helm, because the bureaucratic mindset on both sides of the aisle now seems to embody the same philosophy of authoritarian government. Increasingly, those on the left who once hailed Barack Obama as the antidote for restoring the numerous civil liberties that were lost or undermined as a result of Bush-era policies are finding themselves forced to acknowledge that threats to civil liberties are worse under Obama.

Clearly, the outlook for civil liberties under Obama grows bleaker by the day, from his embrace of indefinite detention for U.S. citizens and drone kill lists to warrantless surveillance of phone, email and internet communications, and prosecutions of government whistleblowers. Most recently, capitalizing on the nation’s heightened emotions, confusion and fear, government officials used the Boston Marathon tragedy as a means of extending the reach of the police state, starting with the House of Representatives’ overwhelming passage of the controversial Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA), which opens the door to greater internet surveillance by the government.

These troubling developments are the outward manifestations of an inner, philosophical shift underway in how the government views not only the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, but “we the people,” as well. What this reflects is a move away from a government bound by the rule of law to one that seeks total control through the imposition of its own self-serving laws on the populace.

All the while, the American people remain largely oblivious to the looming threats to their freedoms, eager to be persuaded that the government can solve the problems that plague us—whether it be terrorism, an economic depression, an environmental disaster or even a flu epidemic. Yet having bought into the false notion that the government can ensure not only our safety but our happiness and will take care of us from cradle to grave—that is, from daycare centers to nursing homes, we have in actuality allowed ourselves to be bridled and turned into slaves at the bidding of a government that cares little for our freedoms or our happiness.
USA are looking more and more like europe with those muslims
in france something very similar happened, except that the terrorist was born in france (mohamed merah)
but in both cases the terrorist wasn't an arab from far away, but an inmigrant/son of inmigrants who lived in the US
except that in europe mohamed merah wasn't married to a white girl

by the way wasn't the girl suposed to be 1/2 italian and 1/2 portuguese?
i read that somewhere
USA are looking more and more like europe with those muslims
in france something very similar happened, except that the terrorist was born in france (mohamed merah)
but in both cases the terrorist wasn't an arab from far away, but an inmigrant/son of inmigrants who lived in the US
except that in europe mohamed merah wasn't married to a white girl

by the way wasn't the girl suposed to be 1/2 italian and 1/2 portuguese?
i read that somewhere

His wife's last name is Russell. That isn't an Italian or Portuguese name. Maybe her father was part Italian or Portuguese.
Other than the in-fighting, there have been some great and informative posts. I especially agreed with post #72 by Don and post #82 by Kaptain. Good stuff.

The FBI links to the older brother needs to be fully vetted IMO. Since they've been in contact with the bomber for years, was the marathon incident an "intelligence failure" or something more nefarious like the 93' World Trade Center Bombing?

As for the response to this tragedy, the Jewsual suspects are at it already.

Bloomberg may take the cake for most repulsive politician in this country drowning in corrupt and inept leadership. Thankfully he is despised as one can see by the "top comments" after the article, many of which receive thousands of "likes".
Just checked out SI's site and was greeted with this picture:


Nothing quite like seeing a black man who isn't even an American with the clenched communist fist finishing his speech by saying to the crowd at Fenway Park, "This is our f***ing city. And nobody [sic] going to dictate our freedom. Stay strong," with a giant U.S. flag in the background.

The symbolism says volumes to non-DWFs, of which there are few as the masses are swept up in media-whipped "patriotism" celebrating 4,000 cops-turned-military being able to hunt down two suspects while martial law was imposed on a major metropolitan area. And despite all their high-tech gadgets, it was an unarmed homeowner who spotted the rip in his boat and the surrounding blood and thus located the suspect, not someone from law enforcement.

And yes, there are a lot of legitimate questions being asked about the FBI knowing and guiding the brothers, private contractors on the scene along with plenty of undercover feds and bomb-tracking equipment on site, as with so many other of these events starting with 9/11, there just happened to be a "drill" taking place at the site or nearby, in this case at the site of the marathon itself.

Yeah, after 911 they told us for months that they never imagined that such a thing would happen and they were only prepared for attacks from outside the country. That was one of the things that tipped me off that they were lying right on day one. Later on it turned out that in fact there were multiple drills going on that very morning for that very thing. That's what confused the honest people in the air defense on 911 who had to keep asking if what was happening was "real world". 77 in London too, Sandy Hook too, Boston too, "drills" going on the very exact day and time and place.

Boston bombing: citizen video-analysts creating major problems for controlled media

Meanwhile Sandy Hoax has ALREADY been memory holed, complete with those two men ran down through the woods and arrested - RIGHT ON CAMERA! - and then never mentioned again - and the "grieving" parents, later to join Barry's anti-gun road show, and the medical examiner, all of whom could hardly keep from busting out laughing -and the local hospitals that saw not one single dead or injured child - already memory holed. And it looks like Crisis Actors dot org supplied the actors in Boston too.
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I don't think anyone here is not up to speed about Islam, I was just wanting the jews and the muslims to blow each others brains out, while we stay out of it. Doesn't look like that is going to happen though.

There ya go. I'd like to put the whole lot of them on an island - the Talmudists and the Mohammedans and the Christian zealots too - all those narrow minded and cruel middle eastern monotheists - and let them kill each other to their heart's content to please their bloodthirsty "G_d" and Yahweh and Allah and leave the rest of the world in peace.
The Pine Barrens episode was definitely one of the most memorable ones.

There's a newbie CF poster named jerseypinebarrens. Maybe he can let us know if the Russian lived or died. :biggrin1:

I've got to meet that guy. I know that place very well. I love it.
Spot on definition of Islam. Islam, started by a pedophile illiterate goat herder, is NO FRIEND to the WHITE MAN. IF Israel didn't exist the West would STILL have problems with Islam. Don't take my word for it, plenty of the posters here are learned and educated people, look it up for yourself.

I see the Sayanim contingent is still working the board. As someone cogently observed, the USA had no problems with Moslems since the days of the Barbary pirates - until Israhell came along.

Already down the orwellian memory hole: Last season - like 1999 - Moslems (Albanians) were the "good guys" and Christians (Serbs) were the "bad guys" - when the almost all-Jewish Bill 'n Hillary Clinton regime - was engaged in its demented detruction of the peaceful nation of Yugoslavia.

You want to talk about pedophiles etc.? Then lets talk about your most holy book, The Babylonian Talmud, shall we, especially the parts that you do not want non-Jews to ever see!
I see the Sayanim contingent is still working the board. As someone cogently observed, the USA had no problems with Moslems since the days of the Barbary pirates - until Israhell came along.

Already down the orwellian memory hole: Last season - like 1999 - Moslems (Albanians) were the "good guys" and Christians (Serbs) were the "bad guys" - when the almost all-Jewish Bill 'n Hillary Clinton regime - was engaged in its demented detruction of the peaceful nation of Yugoslavia.

You want to talk about pedophiles etc.? Then lets talk about your most holy book, The Babylonian Talmud, shall we, especially the parts that you do not want non-Jews to ever see!

Zionists supported Serbia in those wars, don't know what you're on about.
American Freedom News