Blacks rioting in North St Louis County

The turning over of Ferguson security to Ron Johnson is nothing more than capitulation to negro mob rule. Here he is marching with the members of the Bloods gang:


Flashing the gang sign while in uniform:


In a sane country where the holy negro isn't worshipped the ground he walks on, this man would not in any shape or form be put in charge of a volatile situation, with a clear conflict of interest.

But the again, the entire country has been surrendered to Jewish Iranian slumlord Valerie Jarrett and these two negroes, so nothing is a surprise any longer:



The negro Johnson is nothing more than a violent racist himself.
Sign up for "Support Officer Darren Wilson" on Facebook.

If they frame up Wilson I would like to see a nationwide police strike.

The gang hand sign that Affirmative Action Captain Johnson is making with his homie appears to be the "Blood Killa" gang hand sign.

"But the again, the entire country has been surrendered to Jewish Iranian slumlord Valerie Jarrett and these two negroes, so nothing is a surprise any longer"

Three. Three negroes. Miz Jarrett is a Jewish Negro that was born in Iran because her congoid parents were working there, maybe the only negroes in the whole beautiful negro-free country, but the Obama regime found one. Is it a lesbian too? Fits right the hell in then, doesn't it?
The negro Johnson is nothing more than a violent racist himself.
From what I remember from my Whigger days that is the sign for the police ie 50. Guys flash that so that drug runners can get rid of weapons and narcotics so the biggest charge they can get is loitering which is really a summary fine. Obviously a police chief who does this with a street person would only happen in these warped times. It's one thing growing up in the ghetto and knowing this stuff or being an undercover cop/narc but a police chief is a spokesman for the mayor. The chief might as well be saying drug dealers, pimps and gun runners can set up shop in my town.....:thumbdown:
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An all black fraternity that uses the "Bloods Killa" gang hand sign, huh?

Kosher Konservatives side with the rioting simians. This from an all police forum:

"Yesterday on the way to work I heard on the Sean Hannity talking to Jesse Jackson and Tamara Holder (democrat strategist) about Ferguson. After ALL THREE continuously misstated the known facts, Hannity essentially agreed with Tamara that 6 shots is clearly excessive, and evidence of evil intent. He protested that he believes in the presumption of innocence for the officer, but Jackson jumped in and said that the problem was the officer didn't grant that presumption to Michael Brown, and acted as Judge, Jury, and Executioner. Hannity conceaded that point as well. I then slammed my fist in the "off" button so hard I broke my radio. The inability of so-called rational people to distinguish between police use-of-force in a life and death situation..."

Of course in a life and death situation you keep firing until the threat is stopped, and they think - or say they think - that you can stop a crazed 300 pound bull negro in full stampede mode by just nicking it on the trigger finger or some **** that they saw on tv!
So, let me assume. This f**K Nixon, the MO governor had a Seth Goldstein behind his head with a gun to it and forced him to say, "the Officer who shot the gentle giant Brown in broad day light, needs to be prosecuted." And the f**K who beheaded the Amerikan journalist alive was named David Silver from England(or got paid with millions and 72 virgins in heaven by said Jew). Yes, it is Jews who are forcing White men to turn on our own and barbarically kill an Amerikan journalist . Yes, I get it now. Why fight against them? They are the Wizard of Oz controlling f**k behind the curtain? Like I have said numerous times before, we are our worst enemy. Yes, I know the tribe does not have our best interests, but God, WTF is it with this White Governor of MO.? I am not buying all the problems on the star of david. I always believed follow the money and power, and a lot of us follow it to the demise of the all of us.
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Like I have said numerous times before, we are our worst enemy. Yes, I know the tribe does not have our best interests, but God, WTF is it with this White Governor of MO.? I am not buying all the problems on the star of david. I always believed follow the money and power, and a lot of us follow it to the demise of the all of us.

that's because people assume that white people are all equal
but actually in white societies there was always a lot of hierarchization
in ancient rome this guy would be put in his place
So, let me assume. This f**K Nixon, the MO governor had a Seth Goldstein behind his head with a gun to it and forced him to say, "the Officer who shot the gentle giant Brown in broad day light, needs to be prosecuted." And the f**K who beheaded the Amerikan journalist alive was named David Silver from England(or got paid with millions and 72 virgins in heaven by said Jew). Yes, it is Jews who are forcing White men to turn on our own and barbarically kill an Amerikan journalist . Yes, I get it now. Why fight against them? They are the Wizard of Oz controlling f**k behind the curtain? Like I have said numerous times before, we are our worst enemy. Yes, I know the tribe does not have our best interests, but God, WTF is it with this White Governor of MO.? I am not buying all the problems on the star of david. I always believed follow the money and power, and a lot of us follow it to the demise of the all of us.

That POS governor from Missouri is a sellout. How in the hell can he even say anything like that? For once, I'd like to see whites in power support whites especially when they are in the right. I don't think it will ever happen though.
So, let me assume. This f**K Nixon, the MO governor had a Seth Goldstein behind his head with a gun to it and forced him to say, "the Officer who shot the gentle giant Brown in broad day light, needs to be prosecuted." And the f**K who beheaded the Amerikan journalist alive was named David Silver from England(or got paid with millions and 72 virgins in heaven by said Jew). Yes, it is Jews who are forcing White men to turn on our own and barbarically kill an Amerikan journalist . Yes, I get it now. Why fight against them? They are the Wizard of Oz controlling f**k behind the curtain? Like I have said numerous times before, we are our worst enemy. Yes, I know the tribe does not have our best interests, but God, WTF is it with this White Governor of MO.? I am not buying all the problems on the star of david. I always believed follow the money and power, and a lot of us follow it to the demise of the all of us.

Some preemptive sarcasm? I think it's fair to call Sean Hannity a Kosher Konservative given his undying support to Israel. It is really over the top. I think it's fair to criticize our press which is in fact largely Jewish. I don't see incredibly long diatribes about Jews on this thread or most others. I see a lot of responses to the daily anti-muslim diatribes on ALL threads by certain posters.

For the record Jay Nixon is your typical white dope. Strangely though he does have long family political history dating back to his great, great grandfather's brother being the third Jew to serve in the US Senate. Why does that always happen? He barred Jewwatch from receiving any donations in Missouri. And like so many other states he opened a trade office for the state of Missouri in Israel despite not being major trading partners and probably not having many or any other international trade offices. Does that mean he is Kosher? No, it means he is like every other governor Democrat and Republican governor. On paper he is a Catholic.
That POS governor from Missouri is a sellout. How in the hell can he even say anything like that? For once, I'd like to see whites in power support whites especially when they are in the right. I don't think it will ever happen though.

It's a USSA-Zogistan politician, so what do you expect? The last USSA governors that I can think of who WEREN'T sellouts were George Wallace of Alabama and Evan Mecham of Arizona. They shot down one and impeached the other.
Some preemptive sarcasm? I think it's fair to call Sean Hannity a Kosher Konservative given his undying support to Israel. It is really over the top. I think it's fair to criticize our press which is in fact largely Jewish. I don't see incredibly long diatribes about Jews on this thread or most others. I see a lot of responses to the daily anti-muslim diatribes on ALL threads by certain posters.

For the record Jay Nixon is your typical white dope. Strangely though he does have long family political history dating back to his great, great grandfather's brother being the third Jew to serve in the US Senate. Why does that always happen? He barred Jewwatch from receiving any donations in Missouri. And like so many other states he opened a trade office for the state of Missouri in Israel despite not being major trading partners and probably not having many or any other international trade offices. Does that mean he is Kosher? No, it means he is like every other governor Democrat and Republican governor. On paper he is a Catholic.

Interesting. So then, like the Bush crime family and Kerry and Hillary, and many more of them, this sack of dog manure has Jewish ancestors.
It's a USSA-Zogistan politician, so what do you expect? The last USSA governors that I can think of who WEREN'T sellouts were George Wallace of Alabama and Evan Mecham of Arizona. They shot down one and impeached the other.

Aside from Wallace and Mecham, some other former U.S. governors that have my respect are James Vardaman (Mississippi), Benjamin Tillman (South Carolina), and most recently, Ross Barnett (Mississippi).
Aside from Wallace and Mecham, some other former U.S. governors that have my respect are James Vardaman (Mississippi), Benjamin Tillman (South Carolina), and most recently, Ross Barnett (Mississippi).

And then there was The Kingfish, Governor Huey Long. He was going to run for president and he presented a very real threat to the Vampire's stranglehold on the USSA. They were very sure to shoot him down.

Lieutenant Governor Kinder above - you can tell that he is restraining himself and being diplomatic, and you know that he would be using much stronger language about the zio-governor in private!

Huey Long - on the difference between the Republicans and Democrats: There ain't none! Gov. Wallace said the same thing.
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If I was running things, here's the way I'd handle it: I'd issue a statement declaring that rioters and looters and arsonists will be shot on sight, and then I'd have the police DO IT. That will stop them dead in their tracks. No pathetic pandering bull****. The Koreans in L.A. knew how to do that. Next I'd nationalize the media and arrest all of the media people responsible for deliberately inciting these riots. I would also arrest all of the politicians who encouraged the rioters - Soetoro, Holder, the governor of the state, etc.
If I was running things, here's the way I'd handle it: I'd issue a statement declaring that rioters and looters and arsonists will be shot on sight, and then I'd have the police DO IT. That will stop them dead in their tracks. No pathetic pandering bull****. The Koreans in L.A. knew how to do that. Next I'd nationalize the media and arrest all of the media people responsible for deliberately inciting these riots. I would also arrest all of the politicians who encouraged the rioters - Soetoro, Holder, the governor of the state, etc.
That's a very sensible plan. I really wish I lived in a place or a time in history when this sort of common sense thinking was the norm. [sigh]
If I was running things, here's the way I'd handle it: I'd issue a statement declaring that rioters and looters and arsonists will be shot on sight, and then I'd have the police DO IT. That will stop them dead in their tracks. No pathetic pandering bull****. The Koreans in L.A. knew how to do that. Next I'd nationalize the media and arrest all of the media people responsible for deliberately inciting these riots. I would also arrest all of the politicians who encouraged the rioters - Soetoro, Holder, the governor of the state, etc.

Uh WW, you forgot public executions by guillotine or castration broadcasted on every TV news station Fox, CNN, PMSNBC, CBS, etc. for any one who might have a problem with the new takeover!

After a few of these executions, I am fully convinced the crime rate would decline rather rapidly!:grin:
Officer Darren Wilson was following the proper protocol and procedures when he shot Michael Brown. He was simply doing what he was supposed to do, what he was hired to do, namely enforcing the law. If the idiotic politicians Obama, Holder, and Nixon prosecute a white cop for enforcing the law on a violent black perp, then they are unintentionally going to further alienate a large proprtion of the the white law enforcement officers in this country from the regieme. The regieme relies on the police to keep them in power. It is becomming more and more apparent to the American population that the current government is illegitimate, unlawful, unconstitutional, out of control. When corrupt regiemes that are on their last legs are about to fall, their own people start abandoning them and defecting to the other side. This happened in Romania when Ceaucescu fell, when the Soviet Union collapsed, when Mussolini fell and was dragged through the streets, and numerous other times. If the current regieme starts throwing law enforcement officers to the wolves in order to try to save their own necks, then it will be a sign that they are panicking and will actually end up cutting their own throats.
Officer Darren Wilson was following the proper protocol and procedures when he shot Michael Brown. He was simply doing what he was supposed to do, what he was hired to do, namely enforcing the law. If the idiotic politicians Obama, Holder, and Nixon prosecute a white cop for enforcing the law on a violent black perp, then they are unintentionally going to further alienate a large proprtion of the the white law enforcement officers in this country from the regieme. The regieme relies on the police to keep them in power. It is becomming more and more apparent to the American population that the current government is illegitimate, unlawful, unconstitutional, out of control. When corrupt regiemes that are on their last legs are about to fall, their own people start abandoning them and defecting to the other side. This happened in Romania when Ceaucescu fell, when the Soviet Union collapsed, when Mussolini fell and was dragged through the streets, and numerous other times. If the current regieme starts throwing law enforcement officers to the wolves in order to try to save their own necks, then it will be a sign that they are panicking and will actually end up cutting their own throats.

Good post, I agree. The permanent regime is so wedded to their agenda of destroying White America that they are doing themselves great damage by sticking to extremist ideology over their own self-interests when they throw their militarized law enforcement protectors to the wolves, and that's a darn good thing because it only adds to the ongoing delegitimizing of the power structure.
For Pete's sake this is insane. The officer has facial fractures. How can these black scumbag witnesses even lie that Brown was killed in cold blood. Why in the hell would a cop throw away his freedom, career, and life to kill some giant negro in broad daylight?
For Pete's sake this is insane. The officer has facial fractures. How can these black scumbag witnesses even lie that Brown was killed in cold blood. Why in the hell would a cop throw away his freedom, career, and life to kill some giant negro in broad daylight?
I don't know specifically the Ferguson PD use of force policy but I am sure it follows along these lines. If an officer reasonable believes a suspect's actions will cause him(Nelson) GBI(gross bodily injury), loss of consciousness or death, then the officer is allowed to use lethal force to stop the suspect from carrying out actions that cause these conditions. The gentle giant fractured Nelson's orbital bone, he was also dazed. The suspect walked off after causing the injury. Nelson who was dazed, was able to collect himself and see the gentle giant coming back at him. Nelson reasonably shot to stop the suspect from causing further potential GBI, loss of consciousness and possible death by the suspect taking Nelson's weapon and using it on him. If he gets a fair grand jury, he walks. However, I suspect the yellow grand jury of whites will feel the guilt or pressure to indict him. I pray for Nelson. He will be Zimmerized. Hopefully he will win in the end.
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The supposed narrative of what happened in Ferguson has unraveled a lot like what happened with the Zimmerman situation. It hasn't happened as fast, but almost every day the original "story" told by Big Mike's friend is revealed to be a lie in more ways. The Zimmerman thing fell apart the second his mugshot became available. The thing is, it almost doesn't matter.

"Truth" and "Justice" and even "Due Process" are abstractions. The people on the streets rioting in Ferguson, and in the MSNBC broadcast booth, are from a population that can't really think in the abstract. Whether that's cultural or biological (probably) doesn't change the fact that they can't do it. The average rioter could probably be reasoned into admitting every single factual aspect of this story, but that person would still "believe in dey heart" that Big Mike was shot in the back by racist cops. They can imitate the form of things like Justice, but it descends into a farce in no time. Any black lawyer you see analyzing this case will be an example, or the "justice" system of any former British colony in Africa. That some percentage are capable of reason doesn't change anything in the net result.

The narrative has been set. The facts won't matter. Now it's just a matter of whitey's infinite reservoir of guilt.
I just finished a long drive through the heartland-Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and listed to talk radio hosts on and off from Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Detroit, Chicago, etc. To a person they condemned Brown, the rioters, the govt, and media enablers on this issue. Often they spoke honestly about race and the politics behind it.

While there are far too many brain washed white people in this country, there is also a growing awareness amongst many white people of the multi-cult agenda. There is a growing consensus amongst people I meet and talk with that closely follows much of the opinions we hold here at CF and at other places on the alternative right.

I think this incident and others like it are starting to galvanize people on issues of race. It's not reflected in politics yet as the elite control is still strong, but it seems that a turning point has been reached. Perhaps some good may come of this yet.
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