WW, any excuse for these animals to loot and riot. Some drunk white liberals still believe they are "oppressed" and that's why they act this way. Oppressed really?
Indeed! The most disturbing thing in all the riot coverage has been seeing white renegades there protesting with their evolutionarily-challenged pets. Like the white female "pastor." Or the bra-less young white woman with her young white child in tow. Or the stupid white boys with slogan-adorned t-shirts.
Eleanor Clift on McLaughlin Group this week talked about the Ferguson cop who "committed the crime." Really? What crime? Has he been charged with a crime?
Ordinarily level headed right-libertarian types like Thomas DiLorenzo already have used this opportunity to characterize l'affaire Ferguson as one of out-of-control police. Facts notwithstanding, y'know. And cheapening the real problem of over-militarization of police departments by lumping this incident in with legitimate example of police bullying.
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