Blacks rioting in North St Louis County

WW, any excuse for these animals to loot and riot. Some drunk white liberals still believe they are "oppressed" and that's why they act this way. Oppressed really?

Indeed! The most disturbing thing in all the riot coverage has been seeing white renegades there protesting with their evolutionarily-challenged pets. Like the white female "pastor." Or the bra-less young white woman with her young white child in tow. Or the stupid white boys with slogan-adorned t-shirts.

Eleanor Clift on McLaughlin Group this week talked about the Ferguson cop who "committed the crime." Really? What crime? Has he been charged with a crime?

Ordinarily level headed right-libertarian types like Thomas DiLorenzo already have used this opportunity to characterize l'affaire Ferguson as one of out-of-control police. Facts notwithstanding, y'know. And cheapening the real problem of over-militarization of police departments by lumping this incident in with legitimate example of police bullying.
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Photo Of Officer Darren Wilson Surfaces

The black panthers have given a list of demands and have put death threats on the cops life. Apparently he is spooked and left his home. Same old story. Why do white put up with it?
Well now, this may not be a popular point of view around here, but I understand the anger of many people when one of their public servants murders an unarmed man in position of surrender. Peace officers are to protect property and defend man/woman from harm; peace officers are not to harm the man/woman they are to protect. Peace officers need to better know their role; man/woman need to better know their role.

But the rioting is just causing harm to themselves and to others. What is the sense in vandalizing and stealing the private property of shop owners??? How does that achieve anything? How does harming your fellow common man/woman bring any justice against a public wrongdoer? And what is the sense in smashing public property like bus shelters? That is their property they are smashing but they don't know it or seem to accept it. These black people that destroy public property seem to think the property belongs to "the government" when it belongs to them! Man, do those vandals need to wake up and start thinking!
Gotta disagree. Assault a cop and try to take his weapon and you deserve to die. I wouldn't put too much stock into him surrendering either.
The cop's story is that the guy assaulted him in his cop car, tried to go for the weapon and when that failed he ran back from the cop car a few yards and then tried charging at the cop who had now left the vehicle to chase after him.
I do agree that their has been a total militarization of police in this country. However I do not blame this officer one bit for what he had to do. I do not believe for a minute that this cop shot the black male based on race. I believe he was assaulted and was defending himself. Once again blacks are acting like feral dogs and hopefully more whites are waking up to this nonsense and getting sick of it.
I believe it after seeing the video of the thug/gangbanger attacking that Indian shop owner.
I do agree that their has been a total militarization of police in this country. However I do not blame this officer one bit for what he had to do. I do not believe for a minute that this cop shot the black male based on race. I believe he was assaulted and was defending himself. Once again blacks are acting like feral dogs and hopefully more whites are waking up to this nonsense and getting sick of it.

I agree. The militarization of the police is a terrible injustice against the American people, but it has nothing to do with this particular case, which is the usual suspects using a dead aggressive criminal to stir up (even more) hatred against Whites than the already epidemic level it is now.
I do agree that their has been a total militarization of police in this country. However I do not blame this officer one bit for what he had to do. I do not believe for a minute that this cop shot the black male based on race. I believe he was assaulted and was defending himself. Once again blacks are acting like feral dogs and hopefully more whites are waking up to this nonsense and getting sick of it.

That last sentence is the one "beneficial" outcome of this ordeal. More Whites bear witness to the TNB which is a endless scourge on civilized society.

As for the libtard race traitors & cultmarx duped "useful idiots" throwing in with the groidians, let's hope they get theirs (either along side, or via das untermenschen).
I agree. The militarization of the police is a terrible injustice against the American people, but it has nothing to do with this particular case, which is the usual suspects using a dead aggressive criminal to stir up (even more) hatred against Whites than the already epidemic level it is now.
Funny thing is once again the retarded Black under class are destroying their own community and screwing the law abiding citizens who will have to look longer for a gas station or super market or other small businesses. It's not like anybody with a brain is going to open a new 7-11 in an extension of the sewer that is St. Louis. The city went from a majority White suburb to a ghetto extension in 20 years I wonder why that happened?
This whole story is a hoax to get all the right wing panties in a wad. Blacks don't need to riot for free stuff, all they need to do is have babies and remain unemployed.
Went to Yahoo of all places to read up on the disturbance in Ferguson(because like WW I have a free e-mail account there,LOL) anyways, I was pleasantly surprised by the comments section of the stories. Posters sound like hard core CFers! Which is encouraging. Maybe the sheeple enmass are WTF up after all. Small steps, better than no steps.
Went to Yahoo of all places to read up on the disturbance in Ferguson(because like WW I have a free e-mail account there,LOL) anyways, I was pleasantly surprised by the comments section of the stories. Posters sound like hard core CFers! Which is encouraging. Maybe the sheeple enmass are WTF up after all. Small steps, better than no steps.

I've dumped Yahoo email. It used to be the best but they totally trashed it. Plus I don't have to aggravate myself looking at Gayhoo so-called news now. It is amongst the worst of the worst. Gayhoo news has two main things - kill whitey and support homosexuality. Gayhoo News was the place that found and then released the photo of police officer Wilson. For email, try Outlook (formerly Hotmail).

The occupational Government now has forty (40) FBI agents going door to door in the police officer's neighborhood trying to scrape up something on him to show that he was "racist". Both Soetoro and Holder have sent messages of support, not to the officer, but to the family of the dead black thug.
Bolshevik-Negro rally in NYC

Bolshevik-Negro rally in NYC


"Occupy Wall Street" rally. A small nuclear device would look good right in the middle of that crowd. Was the Jew mayor of NY there addressing them?
The USSA enemy media covers up these photos of the dead black criminal making his black gang hand signs up, just as they did "No Limit Nigga" Trayvon Martin's Facebook page.

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This one would've fit well in the Media Stereotyping forum..

The media (at large) predictably, stereotypically, & generously characterizing lawless mobs & looters innocuously as 'the community'.
The St Louis Post~Dispatch initiating the narrative of Michael Brown as a 'gentle giant'.
Hard to watch so-called journalists putting out un-scrutinized, self-interested accounts of Brown. It's like when they quote the neighbors of serial killers stating, 'he seemed nice & quiet'.

Who knows what really happened between Brown & the officer that shot him, especially with the media acting as a public relations firm for Brown and his family.
Who knows what really happened between Brown & the officer that shot him, especially with the media acting as a public relations firm for Brown and his family.

One thing we DO know is that the media and the occupational government is lying, as always, and deliberately inciting the blacks to riot, as they always do. We know that the police in that black hell hole, which was reportedly a nice place as recently as twenty years ago, before it began "celebrating diversity", were not in the habit of gratuitously shooting down innocent "unarmed black teens" for no reason.
One thing we DO know is that the media and the occupational government is lying, as always, and deliberately inciting the blacks to riot, as they always do. We know that the police in that black hell hole, which was reportedly a nice place as recently as twenty years ago, before it began "celebrating diversity", were not in the habit of gratuitously shooting down innocent "unarmed black teens" for no reason.

Hero to many a CFer frothing lunatic Paul Craig Roberts has joined the media lynching. From his most recent column:

Ferguson, Mo. is a small overwhelmingly black town whose government and police are white. The Ferguson police murdered an 18 year old black kid who has his hands over his head. Moreover, it is unclear that the kid had committed any offense. If you take a look at the photo of the three goon thugs pointing military rifles in his face at point blank range, any one of the over-sized goons unarmed could have restrained the small kid

Conjecture and an outright lie. Typical PCR.

The only reason there is any trouble in Ferguson is that the cops murdered in cold blood a kid without cause or justification, and the black community knows that the white murderer will be given a pass by the white government.

Even the liberal MSM doesn't sound anywhere near as hateful as PCR.
Hero to many a CFer frothing lunatic Paul Craig Roberts has joined the media lynching. From his most recent column:

Conjecture and an outright lie. Typical PCR.

Even the liberal MSM doesn't sound anywhere near as hateful as PCR.

I generally like & agree with much that PCR writes, but the old man is dead wrong here...plain & simple! >:-(

That big, fat "gangstarilla" attacked the officer twice before the officer was forced to cap the thug ogre (for the officer's own safety ). The hoodlum was likely out looking (to mug someone or other criminal mischief), &. was promptly taken out by the duty bound officer. Speaking of "duty", it's too bad these tac geared cops aren't doing theirs. They should be steady mowing down the looting scourge....en masse!
Now there are reports of witnesses stating that after the initial shooting, Jumbotron Brown turned around and attempted to "bum rush" the Officer. It true, and the Ofcr feared for his safety and believed he would sustain GBI, then it my a justifiable shooting. But the Media will continue to spin this up. CNN reported the street and address of the officer involved in the shooting. UNREAL Then, the limp d*ck governor stated the local police attempted to character assinate the negro by showing the robbery he perpetrated moments before his demise. UNREAL!!! Then look at the dozens of White sheeple feeding and supporting the vile EBT nation that is looting and rioting. God help us.
Now there are reports of witnesses stating that after the initial shooting, Jumbotron Brown turned around and attempted to "bum rush" the Officer. It true, and the Ofcr feared for his safety and believed he would sustain GBI, then it my a justifiable shooting. But the Media will continue to spin this up. CNN reported the street and address of the officer involved in the shooting. UNREAL Then, the limp d*ck governor stated the local police attempted to character assinate the negro by showing the robbery he perpetrated moments before his demise. UNREAL!!! Then look at the dozens of White sheeple feeding and supporting the vile EBT nation that is looting and rioting. God help us.

CNN and all major media outlets need to be sued for outright propaganda, spreading of mistruths, lack of accountability, media bias and stoking the fire for the low iq blacks and idiotic whites to continue these protests/riots. It is baffling what these leftist media mouthpieces get away with. I really hope the pendulum begins swaying the other way soon.

They need to start broadcasting the number of whites murdered, raped and robbed every year by blacks. The sweep that inconvenient truth right under the rug. Its totally disgusting and the real reason why race relations in this country are so bad. The police brutality angle/militarization of the police has nothing to do with this case. The officer was on a patrol just like police officers have been on patrol in this country for decades and was attacked. The focus needs to be taken away from that nonsense and put onto black america and what a cancer they are to society. Stop treating them like victims, enabling their ignorant ways and calling them out for it. Until that whole racial group develops any sort of accountability this nonsense will continue.
I saw that PC Roberts thing, Matra 2. Incredibly disappointing. The rat showed his true colors.

You think I'm joking when I call it the enemy media?

[h=1]Media Draws Map to Home of Ferguson Police Officer Who Shot Mike Brown[/h]

There are decent blacks too, but just like decent Jews, and us, the enemy media and occupational government won't allow their voices to be heard. One black man: "Why didn't they shoot those looters?"
Bolshevik-Negro rally in NYC


"Occupy Wall Street" rally. A small nuclear device would look good right in the middle of that crowd. Was the Jew mayor of NY there addressing them?

Come on, WW, we wouldn’t want to harm the raccoons, birds, rats, mice, and insects that call Jew York Sh-tty home. NYC, the “mother ship” of Cultural Communism, Militant Marxism, and anti-white dogmas the world over, has done this before for the much-beloved “St. Trayvon,” hallowed by thy name…

CAPTION: NYC Worships "St. Travyon," Patron Saint of Violence

The only reason there is any trouble in Ferguson is that the cops murdered in cold blood a kid without cause or justification, and the black community knows that the white murderer will be given a pass by the white government.

And to think, I used to have a little respect for this little NeoCon Reagan-ette. “The white murderer will be given a pass by the white government,” is he serious? He writes this as if whites, when they are actually in positions of power, govern their communities to positively impact the quality of life for whites. They’ve been doing the exact inverse for 50+ years, which is why an all-African hell-on-earth such as Ferguson, Missouri, even exists.

I’m done with this ******.
Hero to many a CFer frothing lunatic Paul Craig Roberts has joined the media lynching. From his most recent column:

Conjecture and an outright lie. Typical PCR.

Even the liberal MSM doesn't sound anywhere near as hateful as PCR.
How in the F**k does PCR know the score? As Matra2 stated purely conjecture and lies from him. He is part of the corrupt media spinning this up and positioning White cops and ppl in general as the reason that mofo was gunned down. When guys like PCR like get into spinning this shooting, you know we are on the slow slide into the sh*tter, with the speed increasing. F PCR.
American Freedom News