Blacks rioting in North St Louis County

I just finished a long drive through the heartland-Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and listed to talk radio hosts on and off from Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Detroit, Chicago, etc. To a person they condemned Brown, the rioters, the govt, and media enablers on this issue. Often they spoke honestly about race and the politics behind it.

Jax thats very refreshing news, and I thank you for sharing it. It makes me feel a little hope, which is quite rare in this time of White genocide.
I just finished a long drive through the heartland-Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and listed to talk radio hosts on and off from Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Detroit, Chicago, etc. To a person they condemned Brown, the rioters, the govt, and media enablers on this issue. Often they spoke honestly about race and the politics behind it.

While there are far too many brain washed white people in this country, there is also a growing awareness amongst many white people of the multi-cult agenda. There is a growing consensus amongst people I meet and talk with that closely follows much of the opinions we hold here at CF and at other places on the alternative right.

I think this incident and others like it are starting to galvanize people on issues of race. It's not reflected in politics yet as the elite control is still strong, but it seems that a turning point has been reached. Perhaps some good may come of this yet.

It's been interesting to read the comment sections of some of the news stories lately. It's definitely a different tone than what it was a few years ago. Maybe it took Obama to wake up a few people. The only whites still supporting him are the truly brain-dead. Most all people understand racial reality, they are just socially conditioned to lie to themselves about it. They see it at work, they see it at the grocery store, they see it when getting their license renewed. Everybody knows.
Three Paradoxes of Policing

by Colin Liddell

Even if the facts are denied, it is an established reality that blacks are much more inclined to criminality and violence than Whites. Any doubts on this matter can easily be resolved by checking what post-codes professional liberals and leftists live in. The only faintly reasonable line of denial that liberals have is in contesting the causes of this higher crime rate.

There is still a sputtering argument – like a candle about to die – that it is caused by a fading memory of 1950s-style, bullwhip racism combined with "economic injustice," but this argument has clearly run out of road in an era of affirmative action and welfare. For a nation based on the myth of equality and inclusion, the spectre of genetic dissimilarity shakes its chains ever louder with each passing year.

Industrious leftists, however, continue to fight their embattled corner by redefining the causal trauma of "racism" to include such absurdities as "microaggressions" and "white privilege," which is essentially a lack of guilt for non-existent crimes. But even these efforts just reinvent the racism wheel, casting blacks as eternal victims of such trivialities as a slightly off-color phrase, unsympathetic word, or awkward fact, and as creatures lacking any agency except liberal-approved resentment and hatred against whites – which is itself an additional cause of criminality.

Redefining "racism" in this way is not about fighting actual racism but more about extending the shelf-life of a myth that White leftists and liberals have become psychologically dependent on – a sure sign of a car running on empty as the occupants attempt to get a little more mileage before the engine grinds to a halt for good.

Once all the smoke has been blown away and all the mirrors shattered, race and crime keeps coming back to the following three essentially simple paradoxes:
1.Racial groups with different levels of criminality require different levels of policing, punishment, and deterrence.
2.All racial groups should be policed by people of their own race, but different racial groups have different levels of ability for policing.
3.Those groups or communities most in need of intensive and fair policing are least able to provide it for themselves.

Paradox One

Differing racial levels of criminality require different degrees of policing in order to ensure behavior of a similar standard. A similar standard or "equal outcomes" are of course important in any society that values "equality," but in order to get equality, unequal methods are required.

For example, to equalize the Black murder rate with that of Whites a much greater intensity of policing, as well as much harsher penalties, would be required. The same is true of other, similar crime-prone groups in other multicultural states, like France's Muslims and Britain's Afro-Caribbean population. This is, of course, a direct challenge to the one-size-fits-all ethos of the multicultural state.

Failure by government to impose such policing and punishment means that the official myth of equality can only be maintained by incessant propaganda and/or unacknowledged apartheid as in France’s "Zones Urbaines Sensibles." In short the myth becomes as an increasingly hollowed-out husk that starts to lose credibility as other members of society are forced to rely on negative stereotypes to bridge the official information gap.

This may lead to more heavy-handed inclusivist measures, such as increased affirmative action and codes of hate speech and hate thought, but the spiral is ever downwards.

Any society that tries to keep different groups in the same society and treat them equally has in essence two options: (1) either under-police the most criminally-prone group, or (2) over-police the less criminally-prone.

Both of these courses are, of course, unfair, unsatisfactory, and indeed unworkable so, in practice, what happens is that a disguised two- or even three-tiered policing system develops, in which the most criminally-prone groups are effectively and necessarily oppressed. This has been the key to the success of the improvements in policing in New York in recent decades.

The application of stop and search and anti-drug laws has been used effectively as a means of applying different levels of policing and punishment on racial communities with higher crime risk in America.

In the absence of an overtly declared and officially justified racial double standard – an impossibility in today's multicultural West – such subterfuge is in fact necessary to achieve policing that is tailored to different groups' criminal proclivities.

But although flexible, such a system also has several weaknesses. It creates inconsistencies that undermine its efficiency and moral authority, and which lay it open to media and political attack. It also leads to cynicism among police officers and alienation among the targeted group, who will always be aware of any special treatment even if the media cooperates in covering it up.

Paradox Two

The second paradox is that even if you police populations at the correct level of intensity and with appropriate punishment and sanctions, they must be policed by their own kind or else a group of additional problems arise, such as community alienation, public support for criminals, and forms of political and active resistance. These are all common features in any black or Hispanic ghetto.

One race policing another is only possible in situations where the other race has been conquered or colonized and has accepted its lower status while also losing its will to fight. This may have been a possibility in earlier centuries, but it is clearly unacceptable now, so efforts are made to "localize" policing, either through the electoral process or through affirmative action.

Another problem that arises is in mismatches between the geography of ethnic communities and the geography of police forces. While they sometimes coincide, usually they do not. For example, the NYPD and the London Metropolitan Police have to police large areas inhabited by several distinct racial, ethnic, and religious groups. This means that the ill effects of Paradox Two are hard to avoid.

Paradox Three

Various advantages can be gained from handing policing over to people from the actual racial community involved, but there are also serious drawbacks. Good policing requires a variety of qualities and skill sets, but the distribution of these is not equal across racial groups.

Limiting the question to Blacks and Whites, few would argue with the assertion that Whites have more of the qualities that make for better policemen: such as higher IQs, greater integrity and incorruptibility, and better all-round discipline. Whites needing less policing are better at it, while Blacks needing more policing are worse at it.

This may partly be because they are operating under a system devised for and by Whites, with standards based on White norms. It is conceivable that a truly Black system based on Black norms might prove more effective and perhaps there are examples from Africa that might prove this. In some South African and Mexican communities rampant crime is countered by various forms of extreme vigilantism. It is possible to see this as either a form of indigenous policing or, from a White perspective, as part of the crime problem.

Because of racial differences, recruitment standards in police forces are circumvented or ignored to achieve politically acceptable racial numbers and proportions, both in America and elsewhere. If black police officers were recruited from the higher ranks of the Black community and had to do well on standardized tests, things might improve, but to rigorously impose standards in a way that did not greatly reduce the number of Black officers would require a two-tier system in which the brightest and best Blacks were attracted by having much higher salaries than their white colleagues and even other Black elites.

The result of racial differences and the equality myth is that Black communities policed predominantly by Blacks will be less well-policed and suffer more cases of officer abuse than White communities policed by White officers, while Black communities policed by forces with a significant White presence will continue to feel sense of alienation and of being picked on.

Whatever happens in law enforcement in the West over the coming years, it is sure to revolve around these three paradoxes in the same way that a moth circles the flame.

Among unequal populations you cannot have equal outcomes unless you have unequal inputs. You cannot have race-blind policing, based entirely on merit, unless the people you are policing are race-blind. Making policing truly effective requires tailoring policing to race, a sheer impossibility in the modern multiracial state.
BREAKING: Brown Autopsy “Expert” - the one who said, yeah, maybe he was shot with his hands up, as in the Official Story Line, Is a fraud - he is not a doctor-pathologist at all, and he has a phony "degree" in a non-existent medical field.

Straight talking black man - says that Ferguson looks like Planet Of The Apes

Sure, there are good black people like him, but the enemy media doesn't want to hear from them, just like they don't want to hear from us. They are in the full time business of inciting black riots. Their beady little eyes are always looking for some incident - anything will do - that they can use for that purpose, simultaneously covering up the many millions of black violent crimes upon UNARMED white people and asian people and others and each other, and police too. They only want you to hear the Barak Husseins and Holders and Sharptons and Jacksons and Spike Lees.
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racism is inherent . very simple . no new racism or old racism .

time to get over it , i dont care how brilliant or altruistic other person is
if not european origin or enough that can ignore then dont want to know . and clearly rarely are ,need european systems to get anywhere.
and have very little tolerance for current state and only reflects weakness in person and system .

nothing wrong with abit of tolerance but this isnt that anymore
any dilution of ones self should be limited and discouraged by whatever means
a system that clearly will protect the stupid ,weak and youth .of you own kind from them selves .

there clearly needs to be a purge , but people rioting who call for one , couldnt organise or plan anything .
dont create only destroy and take ,uber parasitic . from food eat to technology use had very little part in them.
purge of correct kind should of been done years ago . and only one gentry with smarts ,intelligence and muscle, character traits to finally get job done.

good day
...from food eat to technology use had very little part in them.
purge of correct kind should of been done years ago . and only one gentry with smarts ,intelligence and muscle, character traits to finally get job done....

Is that double-talk or what?
make of it ,what you want .
fill in the gaps !!!!!

have little time to post or view site as just makes me aggressive
and annoyed .
like many things nowadays . minimise contributing or dealing with system that despise .
will try not to post again for as long as possible .

good day .
Maybe the guy doesn't speak English well. I don't know. There was some other guy on here a while back making posts in pure double talk. I don't know if anyone even noticed. That's the point of the double talk gag, people read it and their mind wanders and they don't even notice that what they're reading doesn't mean anything because it has impressive sounding words in it, and if you try to concentrate on it to decipher it you just get frustrated. But I think that was someone else, or maybe it's the same guy, I don't know.
I just finished a long drive through the heartland-Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and listed to talk radio hosts on and off from Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Detroit, Chicago, etc. To a person they condemned Brown, the rioters, the govt, and media enablers on this issue. Often they spoke honestly about race and the politics behind it.

While there are far too many brain washed white people in this country, there is also a growing awareness amongst many white people of the multi-cult agenda. There is a growing consensus amongst people I meet and talk with that closely follows much of the opinions we hold here at CF and at other places on the alternative right.

I think this incident and others like it are starting to galvanize people on issues of race. It's not reflected in politics yet as the elite control is still strong, but it seems that a turning point has been reached. Perhaps some good may come of this yet.
I agree. Just look at the comments sections after every Ferguson story. Even Youtube comments. The majority all sound like smart veteran CF posters. Many pundits are saying that the dems will lose the majority in Nov, we shall see.
nothing wrong with abit of tolerance but this isnt that anymore

When you let a little bit of wrongdoing seep in, it becomes anything goes and ruins everything. That's why you don't let any tolerance in.

..." a little leaven leavens the whole lump." Galatians, 5:9.
Some really good posts on this thread. All worth my time to read. The Lidell piece is very enlightening on the problem of policing patchwork communities. I have a hunch that Officer Wilson had been thinking of getting away from Furgeson for a job in a saner environment.

No doubt now he wishes to God he had.
Maybe the guy doesn't speak English well. I don't know. There was some other guy on here a while back making posts in pure double talk. I don't know if anyone even noticed. That's the point of the double talk gag, people read it and their mind wanders and they don't even notice that what they're reading doesn't mean anything because it has impressive sounding words in it, and if you try to concentrate on it to decipher it you just get frustrated. But I think that was someone else, or maybe it's the same guy, I don't know.

I'm guessing that English isn't his first language, and/or he's typing on a phone. If it doesn't make sense in the first three sentences, I don't have much hope that it gets any better after that.
I'm guessing that English isn't his first language, and/or he's typing on a phone. If it doesn't make sense in the first three sentences, I don't have much hope that it gets any better after that.

Good plan, but I made the mistake of trying to figure out what it was I was looking at. All the guy needed to say was that English isn't his native language and we could have cut him some slack...or if he was running one of the lesser dialects of the lower Zambezi through the Google translator...
The Evidence Mounts Brown Asked For It
Posted on August 18, 2014 by INCOG MAN


Oh boy, this whole thing keeps getting crazier by the minute. Today, the Missouri governor, Jay Nixon (a complete PC suck-up by his TV appearances), called out the state’s National Guard to Ferguson. I guess that super hero black state cop the media was going on and on about, Ron Johnson, just could not put a stop to fellow blacks rioting and looting. Not surprising, when you consider the race.

And the media is quite obviously jacking up the Negroes to go crazy. They may even be trying to gin up a race war in America. You reading here today, should be ready.

All kinds of evidence is now coming out that Brown had it coming — in spades, if I may be so bold as to say. Here’s what happened:

A decorated and competant White cop named Darren Wilson, was patrolling the area after getting a call about a strong-arm robbery at a nearby convenience store. Within minutes, he came upon the two (Michael Brown and his lying homie, Dorian Johnson), slowly walking down the middle of the street like they owned the place. Wilson called out to them (maybe over the car’s loudspeakers) to move off to the sidewalk. That’s when Wilson noticed possible stolen goods in Brown’s possession – the $50 box of Swisher Sweets, a cheap cigarillo blacks so love.

The cop now has himself a potential criminal perpetrator. He calls out to them to slowly approach his police cruiser. That’s when they “bum rush†him. That old slang term means they instantly ran at him without any notice. One or both, smashes into the police SUV’s door right as he was getting out, pinning Wilson between the car’s body and the door. The perps crazily punch the cop about the face and head. Wilson goes for his service weapon as the gangstas try to get to it first.

This jives with at least one of the witness descriptions, even though White-hating blacks have totally flipped it around, saying the cop was trying to pull them into the vehicle, which is patently absurd on the face of it.

In the struggle, the weapon is discharged. This surprises the two blacks, who make a break for it (feets do your stuff). They may even have a bullet hole inside the vehicle someplace.

The skinny punk gangsta, Johnson, goes off one way, while Brown runs down the middle of the street in the direction he was first going (a common instinct). The cop yells at him to freeze. Brown comes to a stop, facing away from Wilson, who is now about 20 plus yards away. At this point, Brown may have raised his hands like he was surrendering. The cop yells at him to get on the ground several times, but the big gorilla refuses to comply.

This “hands up†business is pure crap. Plenty of bad guys have pulled the hands up routine, only to suddenly try to escape again, or turn back into a threat with a hidden weapon (like from under a white tee). Cops see this act all the time. They are specifically trained to tell the perp to hit the deck face down – legs spread, arms and hands out — where he can see them.

Seconds go by. Brown tries to think what all this might mean to him when it comes to going to college in a couple of days. His future fun and games as a “big peep of color on campus†is now on the line. It enrages him that one honky cop is about to ruin it because of some lousy cigars. As primitive blacks are so wont to do, his anger instantly boils over into furious rage.

Unthinkingly, he whirls around and runs at the policeman like a madman. He may even have smoked a PCP-soaked “blunt†with his homie only minutes before robbing the convenience store for his Saturday night party goods. The effects of the drug, combined with him just scaring the crap out of the little store clerk, now makes Brown feel like a super gangsta.

This pig tranquilizer has a long history of turning these “people†into crazed, wild animals, seemingly impervious to gunfire. PCP was a big reason cops moved from the simple .38 caliber police revolvers of yore, to more powerful man stoppers with higher capacity magazines.

I would not at all be surprised they found PCP or something of the kind in his toxicology report. Whether or not PC forces like Eric Holder’s “Justice†Department will cover it up in the efforts to hang a White cop, I don’t know.

The cop has already seen up close what this big beast is like. Now he’s got him running at him full tilt gonzo, like a wild bull in Pamplona, Spain. Remember, the White cop is practically in Indian territory here, a full blown crime-ridden neighborhood where gangstas act like they own the place. Policemen are killed by blacks in such a way all the time, wherever this criminal race lives in any numbers.

With barely a split second to think about it, Wilson knows he has to act. He has zero choice in the matter. He fires off round after round at the big angry buck running at him. At this range he’s not sure if he’s hitting him or not. Contrary to Hollywood movies, you often don’t see bullet strikes.

And certainly many rounds missed the mark. Handguns are notoriously inaccurate. Most of them only have a 4″ barrel — just one tiny variable in how you hold it, makes the trajectory off and you can miss by a wide margin. Try shooting fast at a big gallon paint can at twenty yards sometime and you will completely understand.

As the enraged Brown keeps on coming, the cop’s fire would have naturally increased. He may have even unloaded his entire clip in desperation to stop the oncoming black gorilla.

Today’s autopsy report by Dr. Michael Baden fully supports this hypothesis. Six bullets hit him, with two in the head. It appears that most, if not all, rounds stayed in the body. This is good evidence of the distance involved, since handgun rounds quickly lose power at range. If Wilson was close up, you would see exit wounds, which there wasn’t – unless it was one of the rounds that hit the fatty part of his right arm as he ran towards the cop.

In addition, the bullet strike to the head was at a downward angle (front to back). This shows that Brown was running head first at the White cop, or it struck him in the top of the head while he was pitching forward after the first five bullet strikes finally took effect. In no way did the cop stand over Brown and put a shot down into him, like some of the lying, anti-White racist blacks who claim to be witnesses, said.

Now, there’s a video that came out that also supports this scenario, even though the black who uploaded it had no idea at the time. The obvious street ape who recorded it, came on the shooting scene just a little while after it occurred. It’s pretty revealing in ways beyond the crude, animalistic ebonics lingo of these “people†(the race is literally devolving in front of our eyes).

At a point in the video (called the “JJ videoâ€) you can hear a nearby black in the background describing the shooting as if he was there. Although some of it is hard to make out, it sounds much like I theorized above. I highly suggest you watch it yourself and read the transcript made out from what can be discerned. Go HERE.

I think ANYONE in that situation would have shot the guy. Hell, any black, brown, yellow, or even a GD purple cop would have done exactly the same. It was either this raging, hulking, 6’4″ 290 pound gorilla going down, or possibly getting killed yourself by the black beast. No doubt at all. The budding young gangsta, Michael Brown, Jr., clearly deserved his fate.

Just think, White people, how the media works overtime to hide black criminality in America, while blatantly taking the side of crazy, White-hating blacks.

Blacks brutally kill us Whites all the damn time. They have no problems whatsoever with victimizing our people. It will get worse.

And White cops get it from both ends. On one hand they have to deal with disrespectful and dangerous blacks on the streets, while back at the precinct house, the White cop is punished career-wise by Affirmative Action. You can have more experience, competancy and better test scores by far and still have a black cop promoted over you.

Folks: We’re being screwed over in America big time. These blacks are simply out-of-control, criminally violent, spoiled brats.

– Phillip Marlowe
This - like all of the other black riots - Trayvon Martin, Rodney King, and many others - was systematically orchestrated by the mass media. The media needs to be nationalized. The politicians are also totally corrupt and do not represent the decent working people of this country, and their elections are prearranged and as phony as a three dollar bill. In short, this country needs a revolution a million times more than it did in 1776, but it's not going to happen because the populace has been too dumbed down and fattened up.

you can help the good young police officer that the entire USSA enemy owned mass media and the rulers of the USSA occupational government and their black street savages all want to kill for committing the most horrible crime there is in the USSA - the only time that the media and the politicians will shriek about, or even mention, race over and over and over and over 24/7 non-stop - and that is when a white man refuses to let a black criminal kill him, and in fact comes out on top!!!

You can make a donation here:
Ah, you can't rely on anybody who has two first name, or two last names, or whatever it is. Maybe the old feller is going senile and has fallen into rigid knee-jerk reactions to the world around him. If not, then his thinking is even more twisted than the Gentle Thug's. At least the Gentle Thug has the excuse of being high, marinated in thug culture, and having probably a low IQ to explain his behavior. There's no explaining why a man of Robert's intellect would come to those conclusions, but I guess you can just toss him in with the other beltway and academia eggheads who are clueless to what happens on the street (or the middle of the street in this case).
A moment of levity, in the otherwise sobering events surrounding the Michael Brown case & drama..

A group of seemingly recycled Occupiers come out for a nationwide 'Day of Rage'.. A day basically devoted to publicly demonizing Officer Wilson. The rally in Spokane boasted attendance of nearly 20 lemmings.
A rager briefly describes to a reporter how she got her rally mask @ an earlier medical marijuana protest.. and then proceeds to dig into her pack of Newports.. :icon_surprised:
Burn, Ferguson, Burn

by Fred Reed

Methinks there cometh three horsemen of a sorry apocalypse: First, blacks are again rioting, looting, and burning. Second, the media are as usual lying, interpreting, concealing. Third, swatted-out heavies of a bush-league police force knock reporters around, arresting them for nothing, and refusing to reveal their identities. We are seeing the birth of a nation.

What actually happened in Ferguson? God only knows. Of course we are hearing from talking heads with bargain-basement IQs that a policeman, from racial motives, shot an unarmed black kid because he refused to stop walking in the street. Did it happen? Possibly. I wasn’t there. But the story smells.

Reflect: Every white cop short of the orbit of Neptune knows that if he shoots a black, he faces dismemberment in the media, loss of job and pension, probable criminal charges locally by a publicity-seeking prosecutor, a well-funded civil suit that he can’t afford filed by surviving family members, and trumped-up federal civil-rights charges from an attorney general who doesn’t like whites.

All this because he wants to shoot a black kid for jaywalking?

But let us ignore mere totalitarian fascism on the march. To this we are inured. Let us focus instead on the disastrous failure of racial policy. For over half a century we have had many Fergusons, mini-Fergusons, mega-Fergusons (Los Angles, among many others), and the Knockout Game (micro-Fergusons). We will have more, and worse. Racial hostility is not subsiding. The races are not assimilating. If they were going to, they would have. The danger is that one of the serial Fergusons could go parallel.

The country could blow.

The media, Democrats, and race industry stoke the fires by telling blacks that they are victims, and some seem actually to be looking for a fight. Jesse Jackson is quoted as threatening, “There is a Ferguson near you.” True. Wherever blacks and whites come into contact, there is trouble.

With the encouragement of the various Jesses, blacks could make a bad miscalculation. Angry, poorly educated, and living in concentrations that make them seem more numerous than they are, they may miss some important points. They are only thirteen percent of America. Food does not come from Safeway, but from remote farms owned by whites in truck driven by whites. If Jesse and Al and the Black Panthers got their race war, blacks would lose it hugely. The country would not recover.

I doubt that our televised commentators have any idea what they are dealing with. Nor do academics. Whites with university educations, who read five books at once, who have never been in a police car, cannot know who the rioters are, cannot imagine how the world seems to them. Black physicists do not loot shoe stores. Those who do tend strongly to be functionally illiterate. The rest have probably never read a book in their lives. They live in a mental world unknown to most whites. They will never live amicably with white cops.

The feds have turned police into low-brow SS, but racial conflict would exist even if this weren’t true. As long as white policemen work in black neighborhoods, Fergusons will continue.

White cops tend to be from the lower middle class, often former military, with the accompanying values. Theirs is a conventional morality of obedience to the law, birth within wedlock, mowing the lawn, neat clothes, making sure the kids do their homework, orderliness, and avoidance of obscenity in mixed company. They are quietly but intensely contemptuous of the blacks of the deep city, whom they see as slovenly, criminal, shiftless, parasitic, and violent.

Don’t write me email about stereotypes etc. I’m telling you what a great many white policemen (I believe I could safely say nearly all) think. What they think and what they see governs their behavior, not whether you or I agree with it.

Meanwhile the blacks see white policemen as hostile occupiers, much as Parisians in 1943 saw their Wehrmacht masters . White cops seem agents of an alien and hostile race, always pushing them around. Speaking as one who has spent many, many nights patrolling with cops in black regions, I know well why the blacks feel this way:

“Hey, you! Yeah, you, with the beer in your hand. Pour it out. You can’t drink in public. I said pour…it…out.”

The obvious, inexpensive, simple, practical solution would be to have only black police in black neighborhoods, and white in white. This wouldn’t end shootings because it wouldn’t end crime, but it would end the consequent racial riots, looting, and burned cities. I suggested this when I was police writer for the Washington Times, but was told that it ran against the policy of compulsory integration. Black cops didn’t like the idea because it would leave them in the most dangerous jurisdictions.

We need to realize, but will not, that blacks are a separate people, self-aware and cohesive. They have their own dialect, music, and modes of dress, which they value. They name their kids LaToya and Keeshawn instead of Robert and Carol because they want to maintain a distance from whites.

The races spring from utterly different cultures. Compulsory integration is thus a form of social imperialism in which whites try to force blacks to conform to European norms. Blacks have no historical connection at all to Greece, Rome, the Old Testament Hebrews, Christianity, the Middle Ages, the Enlightenment, Industrial Revolution, to Newton, LaGrange, or Galois, to the philosophic tradition of Thales, Aquinas, Schopenhauer, or Hegel. Nor do Eurowhites have roots in Africa. No commonality exists.

We talk multiculturism, but try to imose a monoculture—ours—on blacks. Why? Why in school should we insist that blacks study things of no interest to them? It is reminiscent of policies aimed at stripping American Indians of their languages and traditions.

On the other hand, I as a white man have little enthusiasm for studying Shaka Zulu, the Great Zimbabwe, or African religions. Would not all be happier with their own schools in which they could maintain their own culture?

“Separate but equal” is in bad odor as a governing philosophy. It seems to be the only one that works. If voluntary, wherein lies the evil? Less contact means less conflict.

Is there any evidence that blacks want to associate with whites? Or vice versa? In the universities, do blacks not clamor for black-only dormitories, black-only fraternities, and Black Studies? And what is wrong with this? Why should blacks not associate with whom they choose? And why should not whites?

Almost always, when the races do not have to mingle, they don’t. In Washington, blacks fleeing the crime of the city go to the heavily-black Prince George’s County, whites to Arlington, Fairfax, and Bethesda. Within Arlington, blacks cluster together in mini-barrios. So what? It’s their business.

Note that the togetherheid pushed endlessly on us is almost entirely rhetorical, preached by people who mean that others should practice it. I lived for years in the city with many liberal, racially correct friends. They spent all their time with other whites, and the restaurants and bars they patronized seldom had more than a token black, if that.

Ethnic mixing doesn’t work, gang. Not Moslems and Parisians, Irish Catholics and Protestants, Shias and Sunnis, Indonesians and Chinese, nor even New Yorkers and Alabamans. We think it should work, insist that it will, punish those who observe that it doesn’t. Yet still it doesn’t work. The greater the difference between groups, the less well it works. If we realized this, and let people do as they choose, the country would be much better off.
Burn, Ferguson, Burn

by Fred Reed

Methinks there cometh three horsemen of a sorry apocalypse: First, blacks are again rioting, looting, and burning. Second, the media are as usual lying, interpreting, concealing. Third, swatted-out heavies of a bush-league police force knock reporters around, arresting them for nothing, and refusing to reveal their identities. We are seeing the birth of a nation.

What actually happened in Ferguson? God only knows. Of course we are hearing from talking heads with bargain-basement IQs that a policeman, from racial motives, shot an unarmed black kid because he refused to stop walking in the street. Did it happen? Possibly. I wasn’t there. But the story smells.

Reflect: Every white cop short of the orbit of Neptune knows that if he shoots a black, he faces dismemberment in the media, loss of job and pension, probable criminal charges locally by a publicity-seeking prosecutor, a well-funded civil suit that he can’t afford filed by surviving family members, and trumped-up federal civil-rights charges from an attorney general who doesn’t like whites.

All this because he wants to shoot a black kid for jaywalking?

But let us ignore mere totalitarian fascism on the march. To this we are inured. Let us focus instead on the disastrous failure of racial policy. For over half a century we have had many Fergusons, mini-Fergusons, mega-Fergusons (Los Angles, among many others), and the Knockout Game (micro-Fergusons). We will have more, and worse. Racial hostility is not subsiding. The races are not assimilating. If they were going to, they would have. The danger is that one of the serial Fergusons could go parallel.

The country could blow.

The media, Democrats, and race industry stoke the fires by telling blacks that they are victims, and some seem actually to be looking for a fight. Jesse Jackson is quoted as threatening, “There is a Ferguson near you.†True. Wherever blacks and whites come into contact, there is trouble.

With the encouragement of the various Jesses, blacks could make a bad miscalculation. Angry, poorly educated, and living in concentrations that make them seem more numerous than they are, they may miss some important points. They are only thirteen percent of America. Food does not come from Safeway, but from remote farms owned by whites in truck driven by whites. If Jesse and Al and the Black Panthers got their race war, blacks would lose it hugely. The country would not recover.

I doubt that our televised commentators have any idea what they are dealing with. Nor do academics. Whites with university educations, who read five books at once, who have never been in a police car, cannot know who the rioters are, cannot imagine how the world seems to them. Black physicists do not loot shoe stores. Those who do tend strongly to be functionally illiterate. The rest have probably never read a book in their lives. They live in a mental world unknown to most whites. They will never live amicably with white cops.

The feds have turned police into low-brow SS, but racial conflict would exist even if this weren’t true. As long as white policemen work in black neighborhoods, Fergusons will continue.

White cops tend to be from the lower middle class, often former military, with the accompanying values. Theirs is a conventional morality of obedience to the law, birth within wedlock, mowing the lawn, neat clothes, making sure the kids do their homework, orderliness, and avoidance of obscenity in mixed company. They are quietly but intensely contemptuous of the blacks of the deep city, whom they see as slovenly, criminal, shiftless, parasitic, and violent.

Don’t write me email about stereotypes etc. I’m telling you what a great many white policemen (I believe I could safely say nearly all) think. What they think and what they see governs their behavior, not whether you or I agree with it.

Meanwhile the blacks see white policemen as hostile occupiers, much as Parisians in 1943 saw their Wehrmacht masters . White cops seem agents of an alien and hostile race, always pushing them around. Speaking as one who has spent many, many nights patrolling with cops in black regions, I know well why the blacks feel this way:

“Hey, you! Yeah, you, with the beer in your hand. Pour it out. You can’t drink in public. I said pour…it…out.â€

The obvious, inexpensive, simple, practical solution would be to have only black police in black neighborhoods, and white in white. This wouldn’t end shootings because it wouldn’t end crime, but it would end the consequent racial riots, looting, and burned cities. I suggested this when I was police writer for the Washington Times, but was told that it ran against the policy of compulsory integration. Black cops didn’t like the idea because it would leave them in the most dangerous jurisdictions.

We need to realize, but will not, that blacks are a separate people, self-aware and cohesive. They have their own dialect, music, and modes of dress, which they value. They name their kids LaToya and Keeshawn instead of Robert and Carol because they want to maintain a distance from whites.

The races spring from utterly different cultures. Compulsory integration is thus a form of social imperialism in which whites try to force blacks to conform to European norms. Blacks have no historical connection at all to Greece, Rome, the Old Testament Hebrews, Christianity, the Middle Ages, the Enlightenment, Industrial Revolution, to Newton, LaGrange, or Galois, to the philosophic tradition of Thales, Aquinas, Schopenhauer, or Hegel. Nor do Eurowhites have roots in Africa. No commonality exists.

We talk multiculturism, but try to imose a monoculture—ours—on blacks. Why? Why in school should we insist that blacks study things of no interest to them? It is reminiscent of policies aimed at stripping American Indians of their languages and traditions.

On the other hand, I as a white man have little enthusiasm for studying Shaka Zulu, the Great Zimbabwe, or African religions. Would not all be happier with their own schools in which they could maintain their own culture?

“Separate but equal†is in bad odor as a governing philosophy. It seems to be the only one that works. If voluntary, wherein lies the evil? Less contact means less conflict.

Is there any evidence that blacks want to associate with whites? Or vice versa? In the universities, do blacks not clamor for black-only dormitories, black-only fraternities, and Black Studies? And what is wrong with this? Why should blacks not associate with whom they choose? And why should not whites?

Almost always, when the races do not have to mingle, they don’t. In Washington, blacks fleeing the crime of the city go to the heavily-black Prince George’s County, whites to Arlington, Fairfax, and Bethesda. Within Arlington, blacks cluster together in mini-barrios. So what? It’s their business.

Note that the togetherheid pushed endlessly on us is almost entirely rhetorical, preached by people who mean that others should practice it. I lived for years in the city with many liberal, racially correct friends. They spent all their time with other whites, and the restaurants and bars they patronized seldom had more than a token black, if that.

Ethnic mixing doesn’t work, gang. Not Moslems and Parisians, Irish Catholics and Protestants, Shias and Sunnis, Indonesians and Chinese, nor even New Yorkers and Alabamans. We think it should work, insist that it will, punish those who observe that it doesn’t. Yet still it doesn’t work. The greater the difference between groups, the less well it works. If we realized this, and let people do as they choose, the country would be much better off.

I love Fred Reed. It's refreshing to read something that is truthful and honest such as this column, rather than the the modern version of Pravda that is the "mainstream" media.
I love Fred Reed. It's refreshing to read something that is truthful and honest such as this column, rather than the the modern version of Pravda that is the "mainstream" media.

I like him too except for the time he wrote that black men can kick white mens asses.
Yes, Fred On Everything knows the score. Last I heard he lives down around Guadalajara, in the ex-pat suburbs. He's got the right idea. The dying USSA is a good place to get out of, though I'm not sure if Mexico is the place to escape to - though it is very nice down there, at least for now.

When did he say that, WA33?
Yes, Fred On Everything knows the score. Last I heard he lives down around Guadalajara, in the ex-pat suburbs. He's got the right idea. The dying USSA is a good place to get out of, though I'm not sure if Mexico is the place to escape to - though it is very nice down there, at least for now.

When did he say that, WA33?

One of his articles. I was looking for it on his page but there are just so many. If I locate it I will post it.
American Freedom News