Blacks rioting in North St Louis County

Y T Jones

Jul 28, 2014
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'Loot … and rob them, not your own'; Twitter users advise black people to loot white neighborhoods


This in fact has happened, a number of times, in the recent past.

During the '67 riots in Detroit, blacks made attempts into white neighborhoods and the whites racked up a double-digit body count.

More recently, in the immediate aftermath of hurricane Katrina in 2005, a mob of blacks attempted to cross a bridge into a neighboring white suburb called Gretna, and were met by a huge blockade of whites armed with assault rifles and shotguns, who proceeded to fire on the black mob and drive it back into New Orleans.
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Yep. An 18 year old negro was shot and killed by a cop. The negro assaulted the cop. It is not yet known if the cop was white, black, or hispanic. Just another reason for this filthy scum to riot and cause trouble.
The black teen was shot near the Canfield Green Apartments on Coppercreek Road in Ferguson (STL MO). Checking it here it is 94% black and surrounded by tracks that are 90%+ black except to the northwest where it's only 70% black.

Seal it off and let them burn their own neighborhood down.
Don't really like to post on this guy's thread, but...

The ziomedia is always looking for something they can use to incite the blacks to riot, while covering up the pandemic of black violent crime. UNARMED UNARMED UNARMED. What about all the UNARMED white people and others that blacks have raped and robbed and beaten and murdered by the millions?
Yep. An 18 year old negro was shot and killed by a cop. The negro assaulted the cop. It is not yet known if the cop was white, black, or hispanic. Just another reason for this filthy scum to riot and cause trouble.

UNARMED UNARMED UNARMED. If you are armed with a gun and some stinking UNARMED cannibal, or anyone, physically attacks you and wants to grapple with you, then you MUST use your gun, or else the stinking cannibal, or anyone, will likely take it away from you and use it on YOU. If you don't know (I'm not talking about you WA33), I could show you just how easy it is to take a weapon away from someone and use it on them.
UNARMED UNARMED UNARMED. If you are armed with a gun and some stinking UNARMED cannibal, or anyone, physically attacks you and wants to grapple with you, then you MUST use your gun, or else the stinking cannibal, or anyone, will likely take it away from you and use it on YOU. If you don't know (I'm not talking about you WA33), I could show you just how easy it is to take a weapon away from someone and use it on them.

WW, any excuse for these animals to loot and riot. Some drunk white liberals still believe they are "oppressed" and that's why they act this way. Oppressed really? Is that why blacks in this country enjoy the highest standards of living out of any blacks in the world? They claim they are always being shot by cops and it's racist. Really? I don't know the statistics off hand, but I'd bet the chance of a negro being shot by another negro is 50 times greater or so than being shot by a white cop. Funny they could care less when 50 blacks are shot by other blacks in a single weekend in Chicago. I see black racist Eric Holder is already getting involved.
They are trashing this country from all directions - orchestrating the negroes to riot, millions of invaders from the dregs of the third world, importing dread diseases, inciting billions of people in the world to desire righteous revenge because of their isra-helli holocaust in Gaza, trying to start WW3 with Russia...
Why can't someone just call the black community out ? They prey on whites everyday - the ratio is totally skewed with black criminals and white victims. Everybody knows it yet the black community continues to constantly play the race card. Now they are destroying and rioting even though the pudgy black turd who was killed because he assaulted a police officer. They are a cancer on society.
It goes without saying that the rioting and looting by the black "community" is a disgrace. Blacks are using a tragedy to engage in criminal behavior. Nothing new. They really don't care about this black youff and neither do I. I don't know if he "got what he deserved" or really was the "victim of police violence". What I do know is that the total militarization of the local police forces in America is downright frightening.

Right now they are using their Pentagon "goodies" against blacks causing a ruckus so most White folks aren't too bothered. However to overlook this is to miss the greater point. In the future this apparatus will be used against people like us. DHS has basically stated the enemy is "domestic terrorists". Basically any White people who disagree with the USA turning into a tyrannical police state. And with the never ending "wars" against drugs and "terror", they will always justify this weapons build up.

The occupational government we have loves events like this. They can stoke the flames of black hatred towards Whites while ramping up their military might. A win-win for them and another step closer to hell for us.
Totally orchestrated by the media and the politicians. Just the same as they did with Rodney King, playing an out of context clip over and over 24/7; same as they did with the black mugger-home invader-drug pusher Trayvon "No Limit Nigga" (which is what he called himself on his Facebook page - they covered that up too) Martin, night and day, running his baby picture alongside, 24/7. "Unarmed unarmed unarmed" - over and over,. All carefully orchestrated - and of course they very carefully ignore, and in fact cover up, the countless millions of UNARMED whites and others raped and robbed and beaten and murdered by blacks. But their beady little eyes are always on the lookout for something they can use to incite the blacks to riot - almost anything will do. They long ago figured out that the weakest link in the USA was the black minority.
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Right now they are using their Pentagon "goodies" against blacks causing a ruckus so most White folks aren't too bothered. However to overlook this is to miss the greater point. In the future this apparatus will be used against people like us. DHS has basically stated the enemy is "domestic terrorists". Basically any White people who disagree with the USA turning into a tyrannical police state. And with the never ending "wars" against drugs and "terror", they will always justify this weapons build up.

True, however, they already readily use force against whites. Just look at any peaceful protest against the PTB - Bilderberg, international banking, perpetual war, or white pride parades. They already spare no expenses to shut down largely white crowds even though they are generally peaceful. As they get softer on blacks and black criminal behavior they take out their frustration on whites. I think the main concern is that police forces are turning themselves blacker and blacker. They will no doubt have no mercy for whites and will practically be gang members. Whether they use force against rioting blacks or not will not change this. They will without a doubt use force against us and already do.

PHOTOS RELEASED of Suspect Michael Brown ROBBING STORE Before Shooting

There's your UNARMED BLACK TEEN honor student that the enemy controlled ziomedia and the occupational government politicians, like Soetoro and Holder, were blasting out on their zionews night and day for the express purpose of inciting the negroes to riot!!!
More on Saint Trayvon f'ing Martin-Rodney King Junior:


Throwing gang signs of the notorious 'Vice Lords' and flipping the F-You fingers
More on Saint Trayvon f'ing Martin-Rodney King Junior:


Throwing gang signs of the notorious 'Vice Lords' and flipping the F-You fingers

Let me get this straight. A black attacks a presumably white cop, gets shot and now all hell breaks loose? This is beyond reality.
What I find disurbing in Obummer's Amerika reality is this: Why so many young negro men out protesting for hours on end? No Jobs? or just lazy mofos. I say a little of both. Also, look at all the White sheeple marching along with the mob. God, the country continues its slow side down the sh*tter. Based on WW pics, those overtly red trousers and red basket ball shoes are a good indication of them being a blood gang set. Obviously this cretin and his homie have no jobs. Just EBT and crack and purple drank dealing. Just glad I do not live among them.
What I find disurbing in Obummer's Amerika reality is this: Why so many young negro men out protesting for hours on end? No Jobs? or just lazy mofos. I say a little of both. Also, look at all the White sheeple marching along with the mob. God, the country continues its slow side down the sh*tter. Based on WW pics, those overtly red trousers and red basket ball shoes are a good indication of them being a blood gang set. Obviously this cretin and his homie have no jobs. Just EBT and crack and purple drank dealing. Just glad I do not live among them.

Obviously former HUD Secretary Jack Kemp's Midnight Basketball program, having succeeded at keeping "da youth" off the streets at night, will need to have an afternoon spin-off version.:tongue:
And, according to the media, the "teen's" first name was Unarmed.
Greatest line ever...:biggrin: The professional ambulance chasers will have hard time spinning this one. This guy was a bully criminal, who thought he could push aside "Apu" from the door of his Quickiemart. Maybe the guy was high on PCP and thought he was Superman when he tried to overpower the cop?
[h=1]8-15 Market Looted while St. Louis County Police Stand Down[/h]

Their precious "unarmed black teens" are trashing the place. No police. Police drove around in their fancy military equipment and did nothing except look cool, because that's what the lords and masters ordered them to do. What good does that do? You stop black rioters dead in their tracks by announcing that looters and arsonists will be shot on sight, and then you DO IT! The Koreans in L.A. knew that.

They wantonly slaughter innocents in the far corners of the world, but the scum trashing their own "homeland", them they treat with kid gloves.
Law Enforcement in Ferguson is making the same mistake LAPD did in the 92 riots. Not nipping it the bud, they tired the 2nd or 3rd day but bowed down to the PTB of the state. Now finally the Governor is imposing a curfew. It not going to work unless negroes are arrested in mass. Glad I don't live there.
Law Enforcement in Ferguson is making the same mistake LAPD did in the 92 riots. Not nipping it the bud, they tired the 2nd or 3rd day but bowed down to the PTB of the state. Now finally the Governor is imposing a curfew. It not going to work unless negroes are arrested in mass. Glad I don't live there.

Westside, look at how bad things have gotten. Every other race looks at negroes as the scum of the earth. There are like 50 shootings in a single weekend in Chicago by black males against each other and not a peep. The minute a white cop shoots a giant negro who was 6'4 300 lbs and attacked an Indian store owner and attacked a cop all hell breaks loose. Racist Eric Holder says that an investigation will be launched and the animals begin to riot and loot. If anyone doesn't believe that blacks are the most violent racists on the planet they just need to see the anger from them when whitey defends himself and shoots and kills one. Nope, whitey should just be attacked. Self defense is not permissible. Now the police and government have to let the poor negroes here what they want to here. "We are sorry" blah blah blah.
It's been a long time

since I last logged on, let alone contributed, but I just had to stop by and read some truth about Brown from the guys here.

Good work on this thread and now I've got a bunch more catching up to do!
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