Yep. An 18 year old negro was shot and killed by a cop. The negro assaulted the cop. It is not yet known if the cop was white, black, or hispanic. Just another reason for this filthy scum to riot and cause trouble.
UNARMED UNARMED UNARMED. If you are armed with a gun and some stinking UNARMED cannibal, or anyone, physically attacks you and wants to grapple with you, then you MUST use your gun, or else the stinking cannibal, or anyone, will likely take it away from you and use it on YOU. If you don't know (I'm not talking about you WA33), I could show you just how easy it is to take a weapon away from someone and use it on them.
Right now they are using their Pentagon "goodies" against blacks causing a ruckus so most White folks aren't too bothered. However to overlook this is to miss the greater point. In the future this apparatus will be used against people like us. DHS has basically stated the enemy is "domestic terrorists". Basically any White people who disagree with the USA turning into a tyrannical police state. And with the never ending "wars" against drugs and "terror", they will always justify this weapons build up.
More on Saint Trayvon f'ing Martin-Rodney King Junior:
Throwing gang signs of the notorious 'Vice Lords' and flipping the F-You fingers
What I find disurbing in Obummer's Amerika reality is this: Why so many young negro men out protesting for hours on end? No Jobs? or just lazy mofos. I say a little of both. Also, look at all the White sheeple marching along with the mob. God, the country continues its slow side down the sh*tter. Based on WW pics, those overtly red trousers and red basket ball shoes are a good indication of them being a blood gang set. Obviously this cretin and his homie have no jobs. Just EBT and crack and purple drank dealing. Just glad I do not live among them.
Greatest line ever...And, according to the media, the "teen's" first name was Unarmed.
Law Enforcement in Ferguson is making the same mistake LAPD did in the 92 riots. Not nipping it the bud, they tired the 2nd or 3rd day but bowed down to the PTB of the state. Now finally the Governor is imposing a curfew. It not going to work unless negroes are arrested in mass. Glad I don't live there.
And, according to the media, the "teen's" first name was Unarmed.
Greatest line ever...
I'll second that! Ol' Woof has a way with words.