Blacks Attacking East Asians - Why?

This is just an extension of the violence we saw last year. As far as I remember I don't recall these measures in the NYC subway system since 9/11 and I'm not sure if it happened during the Abe Beam administration period this was ever deployed.
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But they won’t ever acknowledge the people at the root of the problem therefore the issue cannot be addressed properly.
But they won’t ever acknowledge the people at the root of the problem therefore the issue cannot be addressed properly.
During Adam's press conference he blamed around 40 individuals for 1100 plus incidents on the Subway system but of course these statistics won't be backed with racial stats.

This is about as "brave" as any politician in NYC will get but it seems like things are worse than the 70's and that's saying a lot...
This was Mayor Bloomberg’s quote back in the day,

"Put the cops where the crime is, which means in minority neighborhoods. So, one of the unintended consequences is, 'Oh my god, you're arresting kids for marijuana that are all minorities.' Yes, that's true. Why? Because we put all the cops in minority neighborhoods. Yes, that's true. Why do we do it? Because that's where all the crime is. And the way you get the guns out of the kids' hands is to throw them up against the walls and frisk them."
During Adam's press conference he blamed around 40 individuals for 1100 plus incidents on the Subway system but of course these statistics won't be backed with racial stats.

This is about as "brave" as any politician in NYC will get but it seems like things are worse than the 70's and that's saying a lot...

Watching an Adams press conference is always a comedic event. Especially when he utilizes words that are far beyond his IQ..

Also crime has increased in NYC but it's not at 70s level. My father tells some interesting stories of crime in 70/80s that would scare the heck out of the current NYC hipsters.
Blacks attack East Asians cause they can do so, and frankly, no one cares.

I used to care a little but I know that East Asians tend to be on the liberal side of things more often than not, so I suppose this is a good education for them.
Watching an Adams press conference is always a comedic event. Especially when he utilizes words that are far beyond his IQ..

Also crime has increased in NYC but it's not at 70s level. My father tells some interesting stories of crime in 70/80s that would scare the heck out of the current NYC hipsters.
You have a point he sounds like old SNL comedian Tracy Morgan doing a skit as a serious politician...
You have a point he sounds like old SNL comedian Tracy Morgan doing a skit as a serious politician...

That was quite funny. As someone who grew up very close to the Bronx in the late 80s and 90s that skit really is true.
Blacks attack East Asians cause they can do so, and frankly, no one cares.

I used to care a little but I know that East Asians tend to be on the liberal side of things more often than not, so I suppose this is a good education for them.

A reason for blacks attacking East Asians in, for example, a place like San Francisco is that Asians are readily available to be attacked and Whites are not. At least not to the extent they were 50 years ago, the time of the so-called Zebra Murders.
Two days in a row a guy threw Molotov cocktails at potential victims and now we have a "victim" who tried to menace a younger man with a firearm and the younger man yanked it out of the older man's hands and shot the potential shooter on a train as it was rolling in Brooklyn.

I know a poster in this thread said the 70's was worse but aside from gross long hair/fros and brown color schemes the decades seem to be blurring together to me...

PS and this is with a deployed national guard and stepped up police patrols. Toronto had less incidents of these attacks but police stepped up patrols and the numbers of incidents from the bat sh(* crazy types plummeted but gang member and wannabee types are still persistent.
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Because violence works for these Negro Clausewitzes, they chase out their competitors, attain political power and rule the ashes while extorting fellow Democratic politicians in the cash for votes racket. On the CONservative side we are tasked with "tame the n******s" bull hockey nonsense which consists of howling for the government to do something about them which then gets soft peddled into the usual Blank Slate Theory nonsense of culture and values blah, blah, blah.

May I dare suggest freedom, like in freedom from? Sorry CONservatives it is time.
Because violence works for these Negro Clausewitzes, they chase out their competitors, attain political power and rule the ashes while extorting fellow Democratic politicians in the cash for votes racket. On the CONservative side we are tasked with "tame the n******s" bull hockey nonsense which consists of howling for the government to do something about them which then gets soft peddled into the usual Blank Slate Theory nonsense of culture and values blah, blah, blah.

May I dare suggest freedom, like in freedom from? Sorry CONservatives it is time.
Yes. And I'm going to add that freedom from line to my debate toolkit.
Nazis have made every major city a hellhole since the 60s!
White supremacists disguised as black men are sucker punching White women for sport in Zoo City:

There’s a chilling trend sweeping NYC: black men are sucker-punching white women in the face​

Why does noone do anything about this?

Is there any smidgen of testosterone left in America?

because if that happened to my sister, that guy would be in a body bag soon though
Why does noone do anything about this?

Is there any smidgen of testosterone left in America?

because if that happened to my sister, that guy would be in a body bag soon though
Baby steps are being done by government but if the PTB don't do something and make a complete 180 NYC, San Fran Freako and LA will start hemorrhaging people with wealth and tourism is going to plummet.

I think this measure would work with rational people but we had this happen this week and this was with mobilization of the army...
White supremacists disguised as black men are sucker punching White women for sport in Zoo City:

There’s a chilling trend sweeping NYC: black men are sucker-punching white women in the face​

The MSM is hiding the races of course. Instead of reporting the race of the perps, they are saying "Men" are attacking women at random and are using the incident as a feminist rallying point; instead of what it should be - a wake up call to braindead single liberal white women about the dangers of blacks. Its just so bizarre to live in an era of complete disinformation. These women are lucky they were just punched and weren't raped.
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