Blacks Attacking East Asians - Why?

Another mental case but this time he shot up a subway and shot anybody on it. Talking heads are talking about gun violence being up because of the pandemic and frustration and mental illness building up because of it, but it seems to be much worse among a certain segment of the population. The rest of society has deal with this blow back...
April is the sacrifice month. Shooting happened at 36 station. Symbolism is there. The three 6s. Creepy as I just watched this video other day:

Seems a bit out there And if it's taking away from original thread feel free to remove.
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Another mental case but this time he shot up a subway and shot anybody on it. Talking heads are talking about gun violence being up because of the pandemic and frustration and mental illness building up because of it, but it seems to be much worse among a certain segment of the population. The rest of society has deal with this blow back...

Interestingly, he hated not only Asians and White people, but also Black women. Listen to him rant:
February was Black History month but April must be black spree shooter month as another guy was arrested in Toronto and he seemed to be targeting Asian men(Indian looking)...
Everyone needs to remember that Asian-Americans have the highest support for the Democratic Party amongst their own ethnic group. It is something like 76% of Asian Americans vote for the Democratic Party. Even a higher percentage than jews. They vote for all the lefty politicians who have leftist ideologies, including being soft on crime.
Everyone needs to remember that Asian-Americans have the highest support for the Democratic Party amongst their own ethnic group. It is something like 76% of Asian Americans vote for the Democratic Party. Even a higher percentage than jews. They vote for all the lefty politicians who have leftist ideologies, including being soft on crime.
That may be starting to change, in light of all the Black-on-Asian crime.
February was Black History month but April must be black spree shooter month as another guy was arrested in Toronto and he seemed to be targeting Asian men(Indian looking)...

And all the msm can ever do is blame "guns". As if a gun floated into an area and started rapid-firing by itself.

They deny the sinfulness in man's heart. They reject the truth about mankind, God, the solution in Christ's transforming power of His Spirit making the person have a new heart at salvation, the renewing the the mind that the word of God brings, and therefore of course never face the real problem. If guns were outlawed, cooking utensils could be used to murder en masse. Just ask London citizens walking along the street in areas populated by Islamists doing their "holy" warring with steak knives or bottles of corrosive acid.

Did Cain have a gun to kill Abel? No. These leftists just want to disarm us so we can be fully overcome by them and their totalitarian tactics and scheming. We must resist at every turn.
Tucker Carlson covered that attack on his show last night, and even focused on how attacks on Asians is almost solely a black thang. He had on as a guest some Asian guy who's written a book about Asians in the U.S., and his main point was that Asians are realizing that "Asian hate" isn't coming from "White supremacists" no matter how much the fake news media insists it is. They're another group, like Hispanics, that are ripe for the picking for the GOP, which of course is meaningless unless the GOP can be made into an actual opposition to the communist Democrat Party. Given that a bunch more Trump-endorsed Republican candidates won again on Tuesday, it's slowly happening but is still likely at least a couple of years away at best. Way too many RINOs will still be around after the November election.
I won't hold my breath waiting to see Tucker or anyone in the media cover all the violent anti - White attacks by a certain demographic ..
When I first saw New York I assumed it was New York Ciry but nope it’s Utica located in upstate NY. Seems like this is all by design.
The report speaks volumes about the culture. Students recording it, not stopping it and that can't spell or form sentences. Not to mention our Jewish media basically silent except for a few alt-right sites. This is all status quo now.
This thread is misnamed slightly. Instead of ending with “ why “, it should probably end “why not”
Integration: Working out perfectly for those who designed it against the rest of us...
Who goes through this and doesn’t get a gun and go back the next day and light those aholes up? A few videos of THAT would put an end to this!
Asians are easy targets for Blacks because Blacks know they are passive and non-violent. This will keep happening.
When I say to someone no one hates another Democratic voter like another Democratic voter all I get is the Hannity face back at me.
Ghetto blacks have zero respect for Asians. Even less than they do for whitey. Can’t wait for an Asian to shoot a jogger dead in self-defense and be called a racist
Those darn White supremacists have struck again:

I usually read yahoo articles for the comments as there are numerous articles about the black crime wave daily. Literally 90 percent of the comments seem to be from racially aware whites. Why are Asians so silent on these hate crimes committed against them by blacks?
I usually read yahoo articles for the comments as there are numerous articles about the black crime wave daily. Literally 90 percent of the comments seem to be from racially aware whites. Why are Asians so silent on these hate crimes committed against them by blacks?
They're not. They're just not frequenting the same sites. From the Asians I know, the majority of very racially aware.
If anything they are less trusting of vibrancy than whitey is.

How many Asian women do u see with black guys? It can happen but it quite rare
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