Blacks Asked to Leave Walmart in NJ


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
It says they're researching to learn who made the announcement at the store...they should give them a promotion!

"All Black People" Asked to Leave S. Jersey Wal-Mart

Store is looking at security video to figure out who made the announcement

Updated 6:15 PM EDT, Wed, Mar 17, 2010

Wal-Mart officials are looking at security tapes after an announcement was made for "all black people'' to leave a store in South Jersey.

A man used the public-address system at the Route 42 store in Washington Township Sunday night and calmly announced: "Attention Wal-Mart customers: All black people leave the store now.''

Patricia Covington and Shelia Ellington were inside the store when it happened and told the Courier Post that customers and store employees looked stunned when they heard it.

"In 2010, I want to know why such statements are being made because it flies in the face of what we teach them [our kids] at home, and that's tolerance for people," said Ellington.

Ellington and other customers let store management and police know they were upset.

They asked the store to use the same announcement system to apologize to customers that night, which it did.

Wal-Mart management called the incident "unacceptable," and said it's working to make sure nothing like this happens at any other stores.

Washington Township police and the Gloucester County Prosecutor's Office are investigating the incident as a possible bias crime.

"I can't believe it in this day and age," Covington told the paper. "Wal-Mart needs to be more responsible."

Covington and Elllington are boycotting the store.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
The few times I've gone in a Wal-Mart i've felt likeI'm in a scenefrom the movie Idiocracy.


Jul 12, 2007
Washington Township police and the Gloucester County Prosecutor's Office are investigating the incident as a possible bias crime.


I've never heard of a "bias crime".
New Jersey must have some horribly messed up laws.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
I always ask black people to leave whenever I enter a building. I think it's just generally a good idea. Most people agree with me.

I'm really glad the MSM has picked up on this important story, you can be sure that they will next be investigating the cancellation of the AMREN conference and the people that phoned in death threats.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
I've been to Walmart once in my entire life. I went to the one here in Saddle Brook, NJ and it's the last time I'll ever shop at Walmart. I thought I was in Mexico. The place was packed with hundreds of hispanics.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
this was the top story on when i got on the internet today ... *smirk*


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
Although I might not necessarily agree with the gentleman making that "announcement" in a free society, the manufactured outrage is beyond ridiculous. If the guy violated company policy, show him the door and get on with business. But all of this trumped-up "outrage", like it's a company policy or something is stooooopid.
As for Wal-Mart itself, a great deal of their business comes from the black community (and their losses as well, but we won't address that here), so it's a non-story.
In my "Wal Mart" past, the stores in CA were overflowing with Mexicans. I recall them doing announcements over the intercom in Spanish only on occasion, which ticked me off. No news source bludgeoned the store over that. Here in the KC area, my closest Wal Marts are mostly a beautiful lily-white color with many attractive people, but drive 15 miles or so West and it's like stepping into the 'hood.


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
jaxvid said:
I always ask black people to leave whenever I enter a building. I think it's just generally a good idea. Most people agree with me.

I'm really glad the MSM has picked up on this important story, you can be sure that they will next be investigating the cancellation of the AMREN conference and the people that phoned in death threats.

Terms such as "double standard"Â￾ or "inequality"Â￾ don't even scratch the surface when describing the asinine behavior of the entire mainstream media / news jews, do they? It's sickening to think that probably less than 1% of the American population heard the supremely wicked details of the Christian-Newson murder case (standard black-on-white rape/torture/kill)"¦.but immature little distractions like this Wal-Fart (non-) incident are front page material, to be absorbed by the Zionist-Christians, the Neocons, and the Liberals for days on end. It makes me want to say: F*ck this country, F*ck this media, F*ck this government, F*ck this DWF-nation of apathetic, soulless white monsters.

Every single "story"Â￾ (no matter how trivial or esoteric or dull) pertaining to the eternal "victims"Â￾ must, at all times, take absolute precedence over "John Doe White Man."Â￾ You'd think that whites would take notice to the fact that lab rats quite literally have more legislation protecting their civil rights than do the non-gay, non-handicapped, non-female portion of the American population. Na, the burden of a personal thought is much more difficult than swilling corporate beer, tailgating, painting your face whilst cheering on your favorite negro affletes"¦and fully complying will all of the delightful anti-white agendas permitted to fester in every single institution for generations.

Among the zillions of anti-white entities, Wal-Fart is certainly one of the most odious corporations in the history of planet earth. I haven't been there in probably 6-7 years, and will certainly never go there again. It's the official "mega-store"Â￾ of non-whites, after all.

The Hock

Mar 16, 2008
Northern California
Run Stuffing LB said:
Punk kid pulls prank, makes national news.

That's it. Cheap trick.

Or maybe not so cheap. Let's try a lawsuit. I mean, if I was there and I was black, it would be worth a try. Like they say in the 'hood, time to get paid.

Oh, and Walmart workers everywhere. Get ready for some diversity training boot camp.Edited by: The Hock


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Wallyword is mostly full of ********, illegal invaders & mudsharks (with their mixlet mongrels). No surprise the cultural marxist, PTB controlled MSM is making this "prank" headline news. ***Note how those prank'd are now "victims".

Wal-Mart Paging Victims: "It Was Disgusting"

Man announced: "Attention Wal-Mart customers: All black people leave the store now" over store's PA system

Updated 9:48 AM EDT, Thu, Mar 18, 2010

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Two South Jersey Wal-Mart customers who heard a racist message broadcast over the store's public address system say the whole ordeal is no laughing matter.

Sheila Ellington and Virginia Tinsley were shopping inside the Washington Township Wal-Mart along Rt. 42 in Turnersville, N.J. just before 5 p.m. on Sunday when they say a man came over the PA system and said: "Attention Wal-Mart customers: All black people leave the store now."

"It was a disgusting comment," Ellington said. "Once I heard that, I was absolutely shocked and appalled."

The man was very calm when he broadcast the message, according to Tinsley.

"He said it as if he had a million dollars for us," the Washington Township resident said. "He wasn't nervous, [he was] really calm."

The women said the store's manager immediately addressed his shock about the incident to a large crowd of angry shoppers who gathered in the front of the store. He then made an apology over the intercom.

Tinsley said her husband then called 911 to report what had happened.

Washington Township Police and the Gloucester County Prosecutor's Office are investigating the incident as a possible hate crime.

There are 25 phones throughout the 206,000 square-foot supercenter that have access to the paging system, according to the Gloucester County Prosecutors Office.

Officials say they reviewed the store's surveillance system and did not find anyone using the phones. But they do say some of the phones are outside of the camera's reach.

Bill Mitchell, a former Wal-Mart employee who says he worked at the Washington Township store for five years, told NBC Philadelphia that anyone could walk up to one of the phones and make a page.

"You go there, tap the phone, hit the key a couple of times and it goes 'beep, beep, beep' and and you just intercom them that way," he said.

Mitchell took pictures of the phones used in the store. They are located throughout the shopping area and have instructions clearly printed on the front. However, Mitchell says he doesn't recall instructions on how to use the PA system being printed on the phone.

"They could do better things to secure those phones, but they don't follow those protocols," Mitchell said. "That's Wal-Mart."

But the women aren't sure it was just a shopper pulling a prank.

"If it were a prank, there's only one person laughing and it's certainly not us," Ellington said.

Almost 700 people work at the 24-hour store, most of who are part-time employees, officials said.

Wal-Mart issued this statement Wednesday:

"We're just as appalled by this as our customers. Whoever did this is just wrong and acted in an inappropriate manner. Clearly, this is completely unacceptable to us and to our customers."

Store management is now working to limit which phones can access the PA system.

As for Ellington and Tinsley, they are now boycotting the store and hope someone will be brought to justice soon.

"I think they should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law," Ellington said.

***Reference article (with video link)

Edited by: DixieDestroyer


Oct 7, 2009
On the far Right
With the employment turnover rate and the likely number of current employees who hate Wal-Mart the number of people with knowledge of the PA system will be quite high. I suspect this was more about sabotaging Wal-Mart than anything to do with blacks. Nevertheless, it sounds like the Bias Crime Task Force has a real hard case to crack; obviously they will need more resources and publicity to find as many people who use racial slurs for blacks as possible.


Nov 28, 2009
Good one, Don. That's my impression the few times I've had to go to Walmart. The only thing they are missing are the slot machines like they had in the hospitals in "Idiocracy". A very underrated movie, btw. Luke Wilson was superb!

Edited by: Highlander


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
Nice one The Hock, pretty funny! Sitting here with a nice beer buzz on. I have been thinking of biggest enemy of whites right now. The answer: The White female, f'ning mudsharks. These are the true villians of the white race without a doubt. The Ones who "get wiff" the negros or affelets such as Oregon's NFL prospect Blount. I saw a photo of this retard, Blount with what appears to be a white woman and his newest tiny affelet. How disgusting, that this white woman would spawn mixed affelets.

These females are without a doubt the biggest covert enemies to whites. Those of you who get all caught up with these "Zionistic Cabal Puppet Master" theories should be refocusing your energy and point out to your friends and white assosications that mixing with the affelets in the number one threat to us.

Regarding the thread, everytime I go into the Walmart in my area, I see poor to middle income whites and illegal aliens buying stuff at alarming rates. Good for Walmart. I look at these Aliens and wonder what they think, " I am here to work illegally and deserve all entitlements and welfare,got a problem with that?" Yeah I do.

Man I hope smart Americans vote out these creeps(democrats) in congress who are on the precipece of getting government in all of our business.


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
"These females are without a doubt the biggest covert enemies to whites. Those of you who get all caught up with these "Zionistic Cabal Puppet Master" theories should be refocusing your energy and point out to your friends and white assosications that mixing with the affelets in the number one threat to us."

Bro, the Zionist television pushes the EXACT mixing that you're disgusted about! Why else would there be "reality TV" featuring Hank Baskett and his anorexic, reptilian wifey?

Why else would there be a program on TV Guide Channel called "Sexiest Men in Sports" (that featured a Top 25 countdown), and 85% of these "men" were NEGROES, including fugly Kobe BryAint and LeBrown in the Top 10? There were ZERO hockey players which is ABSURD!

The irony is not lost on me... in that a "Sexiest Woman" countdown would have 85% White women! In other words, the black afflete and the White cheerleader. Bingo.


Oct 7, 2009
On the far Right
jaxvid said:
I always ask black people to leave whenever I enter a building. I think it's just generally a good idea. Most people agree with me.

Shining shoes can be done outside and I can carry my own things so yes I agree.

Anyway, that should be a signature quote; it is quite amusingly un-PC. It would horrify plenty of folks to hear it even if they secretly feel the same way.

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey

Shining shoes can be done outside and I can carry my own things so yes I agree.

I can shine shoes so the sun glaring off them would blind you.



Jul 16, 2005
I think the announcement was made by a black person alerting the other blacks to leave the store before the announcer went on a racist rampage against white people


Oct 26, 2008
whiteathlete33 said:
I've been to Walmart once in my entire life.  I went to the one here in Saddle Brook, NJ and it's the last time I'll ever shop at Walmart.  I thought I was in Mexico.  The place was packed with hundreds of hispanics.
I hate Walmart also. I get the full effect of the immigration invasion when I walk into the one by my house. I feel like I am in a foreign country.There are some towns near me that are 40% foreign born.