Blacks Asked to Leave Walmart in NJ


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
I'm thinking about suing the Jewish music houses for the horrendous amount of black-on-White crime, since they release the anti-White "gangsta rap" which advocates said crimes.

Anyone with me?

I suppose the TV-studios could be sued for all the miscegenation-related deaths also. "False advertising" - or something? Child abuse, too.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
Something as minor as this is front page news all over the country yet the astronomical amount of murders of whites by blacks are hidden by the media. The media knows all too well that if they expose all the black on white crimes some of the DWF's will wake up. Ohh the horror that a 16 year old white kid said that over the speakers.


Mar 23, 2009
Whoa, whoa, whoa! This was a bias crime?!? A bias crime? What has this world come to? I thought we were better than that and in this day and age? I'm disgusted!!! Utterly disgusted. If it were a thought crime it would be a totally different story, but this...No, anything but this!

By the way I can't get on CF from my school because the filter says it's "tasteless and offensive." They're just gonna do away with the bill of rights any year now...


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
It is perfectly acceptable for black goons like Ice Cube to rap about killing whites on record labels. Why wasn't this pig Ice Cube charged with a bias crime?


Oct 26, 2008
I saw on Steve Sailer's sight that after a long manhunt by police a 16 yr old has been arrested according to a top half of the front page headline in the NY Times. I am sure that kid was dangerous.He faces a year in jail. Just the fact that you could possibly get a year in jail for this makes this county creepy. The authorities spend almost no time looking for illegal aliens, but waste their time on this.

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey
Well, All the comments about this on the Asbury Park Press website are against the arrest of theis kid. There's not much they can do to the kid anyway. It's all BS anyway. The only possible charge here is unauthorized use of the PA system. What he said is immaterial. In this country, you have the right to love or hate, and everything in between, anybody you want, and to voice your opinion.

I find it interesting that the powers that be can't see what peril they're in. Just one little spark can ignite an explosion the likes of which the world has never seen. It just takes one incident and all of a sudden things are out of hand and there's no going back. To give you an example, in 1917, it was a small protest by a few women factory workers walking down a street in St. Peterburg with a sign about a beef they had in their factory where they worked and the cops reacted like jerks and all of a sudden, BOOM. Only after some 100 million people had been murdered in various ways was the the cork finally put back on that bottle.

One never knows about these type of things.

Tom Iron...


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
Tom, he was charged with bias intimidation. He can serve jail time for this charge but it's highly unlikely. I'm sure blacks will be outraged if he doesn't serve any time because we hurt their feelings. Aww, the poor little minorities.


Oct 26, 2008
Thrashen said:
jaxvid said:
I always ask black people to leave whenever I enter a building. I think it's just generally a good idea. Most people agree with me.

I'm really glad the MSM has picked up on this important story, you can be sure that they will next be investigating the cancellation of the AMREN conference and the people that phoned in death threats.

Terms such as "double standard"Â￾ or "inequality"Â￾ don't even scratch the surface when describing the asinine behavior of the entire mainstream media / news jews, do they? It's sickening to think that probably less than 1% of the American population heard the supremely wicked details of the Christian-Newson murder case (standard black-on-white rape/torture/kill)"¦.but immature little distractions like this Wal-Fart (non-) incident are front page material, to be absorbed by the Zionist-Christians, the Neocons, and the Liberals for days on end. It makes me want to say: F*ck this country, F*ck this media, F*ck this government, F*ck this DWF-nation of apathetic, soulless white monsters.

Every single "story"Â￾ (no matter how trivial or esoteric or dull) pertaining to the eternal "victims"Â￾ must, at all times, take absolute precedence over "John Doe White Man."Â￾ You'd think that whites would take notice to the fact that lab rats quite literally have more legislation protecting their civil rights than do the non-gay, non-handicapped, non-female portion of the American population. Na, the burden of a personal thought is much more difficult than swilling corporate beer, tailgating, painting your face whilst cheering on your favorite negro affletes"¦and fully complying will all of the delightful anti-white agendas permitted to fester in every single institution for generations.

Among the zillions of anti-white entities, Wal-Fart is certainly one of the most odious corporations in the history of planet earth. I haven't been there in probably 6-7 years, and will certainly never go there again. It's the official "mega-store"Â￾ of non-whites, after all.

Yep, the white male is being screwed in this country. I am sick of this country also. I was watching a couple of the cop shows and on 2 shows the the judges were black women. Every TV show has to have many black people in positions of power, but there are almost no Hispanics. I wonder why they are not complaining.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Europe said:
I saw on Steve Sailer's sight that after a long manhunt by police a 16 yr old has been arrested according to a top half of the front page headline in the NY Times. I am sure that kid was dangerous.He faces a year in jail. Just the fact that you could possibly get a year in jail for this makes this county creepy. The authorities spend almost no time looking for illegal aliens, but waste their time on this.

Absolutely! It's par for the course for the controlled MSM & Orwellian law-dogs to make a huge case out of a silly, teenage prank...yet leave the southern borders (virtually wide open) to a sea of illegal invaders!

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
courtesy of the Council of Conservative Citizens:

Is Wal-Mart "hate crime" another hate crime hoax?

in no surprise to anyone at CF, it looks like the suspect is probably black ...

The so-called "Walmart Hate Crime"Â￾ has received national attention and led to the arrest of a 16 year old boy.Police Chief Rafael Muniz and Prosecutor Sean Dalton are both refusing to name the race of the suspect. A spokesman for the local police told media that "the boy's race is not relevant to the investigation."Â￾ Similar statements have been made by police departments in the past when a high profile anti-black "hate crime"Â￾ turned out to have a black perpetrator. In fact an astronomical percentage of these high profile "hate crimes"Â￾ turn out to be total hoaxes.

Meanwhile white people are murdered, raped, and beaten by black perpetrators every single day. Most are targeted at least in part because of their race. Almost none of these serious violent crimes ever becomes a national news story.

The Walmart incident occurred right outside Philadelphia. Compare it to this story. A mob of black students went on a violent rampage beating Asian students at random at a public High School. 30 Asian students were attacked and seven were sent to the hospital. Groups of 10-15 blacks attacked lone Asians.

The school district, which is mostly run by blacks, is protecting the black students from criminal prosecution and blaming the Asian students for somehow bringing the violence on themselves. This story has received less than 1% of the news coverage of the Walmart P.A. prank, in which no one was injured. The High School is 71% black and 16% Asian. Read More.
Oct 24, 2005
Hispanics are not complaining because they have their own networks and their own shows. they don't watch what the anglos watch.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
while the police and a 13-man detective force were dealing with this "horrid" and "sickening" and "devastating" crime, just up the road in Philadelphia REAL CRIME was happening ... and virtually nothing is being done about it. who knew that flash mobs of large groups of negroes attacking Whites was so insignificant compared to a prank on an intercom?

there is a video on the link, as well. and if you pay attention you'll hear the black newsman mention this as "the latest flash mob" in i'm just glad they didn't say anything "hurtful" toward blacks while they were beating on innocent White folks.

that wouldn't have been really hurtful.