"Blacks are fading from baseball"

There's an all black (I think) Little League World Series team playing on ABC as I type this. They are representing Illinois and at present trailing 5-1 to a white-looking Nevada. Maybe these kids are the future black MLBers! Actually, I'm kind of suspicious. Did this team get there by merit or is this part of an urban outreach program set-aside? I wonder because we are always hearing about the need to get more blacks into baseball and now for the first time I'm seeing an all black team at the Little League World Series.
There's an all black (I think) Little League World Series team playing on ABC as I type this. They are representing Illinois and at present trailing 5-1 to a white-looking Nevada. Maybe these kids are the future black MLBers! Actually, I'm kind of suspicious. Did this team get there by merit or is this part of an urban outreach program set-aside? I wonder because we are always hearing about the need to get more blacks into baseball and now for the first time I'm seeing an all black team at the Little League World Series.

They're from southside Chicago.
There's an all black (I think) Little League World Series team playing on ABC as I type this. They are representing Illinois and at present trailing 5-1 to a white-looking Nevada. Maybe these kids are the future black MLBers! Actually, I'm kind of suspicious. Did this team get there by merit or is this part of an urban outreach program set-aside? I wonder because we are always hearing about the need to get more blacks into baseball and now for the first time I'm seeing an all black team at the Little League World Series.

Nevada just beat the all black team from Chicago 13-2, called after 4 innings mercy rule, I think!

Yes Matra2, I think they are a part of the urban outreach program. The national news has covered this, the all black Chicago team all week and saying how wonderful it is to have an all black team in the series and how great it would be to see how far they could go. Well, white Nevada just destroyed them. Even the announcer said Chicago got destroyed!
Nevada just beat the all black team from Chicago 13-2, called after 4 innings mercy rule, I think!

Yes Matra2, I think they are a part of the urban outreach program. The national news has covered this, the all black Chicago team all week and saying how wonderful it is to have an all black team in the series and how great it would be to see how far they could go. Well, white Nevada just destroyed them. Even the announcer said Chicago got destroyed!

I was just watching the Brewers @ LA Dodgers. Vince Scully mentioned the southside Chicago team. The reason for that is that one of the black Dodgers (#3) - I don't know his name - paid for a lot of the families of the negro team from Chicago to travel to Williamsport, PA. I think he (Scully) even mentioned their hotels and food being paid for - though don't quote me on that part. Imagine if a white, say, NBA player, did something similar for a white basketball team. There would be outrage. I've always liked Vince Scully but the way he talked about this it was as if nothing had changed for the black man in 60 years. I find a lot of old people are like that. They just don't seem to notice change and continue to think that everything is the same as it was when they were children.
McCutcheon, another race traitor who loves everything black, except black women just tweeted his support for this PA squad led by the best girl player ever mone Davis.. cmon Texas send this team home just like Nevada did.
So what if the number of blacks in major league baseball is dwindling. Who cares?

Whites are not obligated to help and promote blacks and they should stop doing it. Blacks never do anything to help white people but they do things to harm white people.

Turn your back on black!
Latin American blacks however are notfading from baseball! Red sox just signed Hanley Ramirez for 90mil and are acquiring Pablo Sandoval..
Not to mention Stanton was just signed for 325mil wtf!!! Ridiculous
I think all 3 of the contracts you mentioned will go down as bad deals eventually. Stanton purely for the length. He might be a beast for the next 8 years or so but he'll likely fade for the later years ala Arod. Ramirez is already a bad defensive SS who seems to already be declining with the bat too. Sandoval is just a fatass who might really "let himself go" with a new contract. Also, the 2 guys the Sox signed will be in their 30s for the tail end of their contracts and blacks tend to fade early.
Rock's "rant" seems like another roundabout, and scripted, attack on Whites. Whites are told that blacks tell us what's cool...actually, the tribe tells America that blacks are cool, and coolness flows from them. Blacks are so cretinous they eat it up, they have no idea of how idiotic they are as a group. And too many Whites are brainwashed or too intimidated to say anything about this bull****.

What shortage of blacks? One reason the flood of players from Latin America hit MLB is because the powers that be saw blacks were tailing off in numbers despite being given preference over Whites at every turn.
The latest installment of "not enough blacks in baseball" is from the near genius social commentator Stephen Smiff. According to him MLB is "content" leaving out black americans. Because not any black managers. Forget that MLB is diverting the almost completely white fans base money towards clinics in the inner cities and the Caribbean, and have raised Jackie Robinson to the level of baseball saint forcing every player to wear his number for one game. Not to mention the over the top negro league pandering on a regular basis. But yeah the clan members that run the game have conspired to keep blacks out by insisting that they play basketball and football instead. What an idiot.

him http://www.breitbart.com/video/2015...-to-be-content-leaving-out-african-americans/
Wearing the number 42 is actually a mockery of blacks. Branch Rickey, a Master Freemason, gave Jackie Robinson the number 42: a number he had never worn in any sport. Freemasons/Zionists code numbers into words through a practice called gematria. N is the 14th letter, 1+4= 5; I = 9, G = 7, G = 7, E = 5, R is the 18th letter, 1+ 8 = 9: N(5) + I(9) + G(7) +G(7) +(E(5) +R(9) = 42.

42 is code for the N word. See, for example: Mark Furman used the N word 42 times in his infamous OJ tapes; South Park used the N word 42 times in controversial episode; Nicki Minaj used the N word 42 times in controversial song; black man tasered for 42 seconds by police...just google ****** and 42 and you will see how it is coded into racial psyops.
The latest installment of "not enough blacks in baseball" is from the near genius social commentator Stephen Smiff. According to him MLB is "content" leaving out black americans. Because not any black managers. Forget that MLB is diverting the almost completely white fans base money towards clinics in the inner cities and the Caribbean, and have raised Jackie Robinson to the level of baseball saint forcing every player to wear his number for one game. Not to mention the over the top negro league pandering on a regular basis. But yeah the clan members that run the game have conspired to keep blacks out by insisting that they play basketball and football instead. What an idiot.

him http://www.breitbart.com/video/2015...-to-be-content-leaving-out-african-americans/

**** him. He is one of the biggest loud moufed agitators spewing faux black athletic supremacy as sanctioned by BSPN. Once he begins speaking up about the unfair discrimination white athletes experience in football and basketball maybe he will gain a little credibility.
Anti-white agitator Ken Burns is at it again with a wholly unnecessary special on the life of Jackie Robinson. Despite the subject being rehashed over and over, a recent hollywierd movie, and the continuing deification by MLB, the subject apparently never gets too old.

At the gym today I saw both CNN and FOX news pimping the show. Isn't that special, two networks that have nothing to do with a program and stand to lose viewership by steering people to another station. What a wonderful expression of altruistic brotherhood in the multi-cult paradise! Both Cooper Anderson and Bill O'Reilly on the same page at last.

I noticed in advertising for the "special" that Robinson was referred to as a "martyr". Um, consulting my handy dictionary I find that martyr refers to someone that DIES for their cause. I don't remember that happening. In fact it occurred to me that of all the death threats that Jackie Robinson, and Hank Aaron, and Cassius Clay, and thousands of black athletes have allegedly received over the years, not a one has been carried out. In fact I don't remember there even being a physical violence directed to a major american black sports figure? Can anyone think of any incident?

O'Reilly briefly interviewed Burns, who now at least sports some facial hair to go with his 1963 Beatles haircut (Burns gets my vote for the next celebrity to go "Caitlyn"), O'Reilly mentioned that americans think race relations are worse then ever, what with black people killing white people all of the time, Burns responded in the manner of any ultra liberal whose only knowledge of racism is from white people. For some reason Burns gets a lot of hate mail calling him a n-lover. Imagine that?

After Burns there was a segment on how out of control students are abusing teachers at an alarming rate. All of the video they showed was of black kids fighting and beating white teachers. No mention of race. I guess it wasn't necessary. O'Reilly with a major subconscious troll. A) virtuous Jackie Robinson followed by B) scenes from black amerika. Fair and balanced-you decide.
In fact I don't remember there even being a physical violence directed to a major american black sports figure? Can anyone think of any incident?

In 2012, black ballplayer Delmon Young was accosted by a quartet of jews in his hotel lobby in NYC after he brushed off the solicitations of a pan-handling rabbi. Fortunately, he was able to beat up all four of them and go up to his room for a nightcap before being unceremoniously arrested for a hate crime and suspended from MLB. Pretty much the epitome of white privilege keeping the black man down.
Steve Sailer at the unz.com site has blogged: Why are there so few black pitchers? As usual he doesn't touch on the subject that perhaps they might not be any good at it, though some of the commenters do. Despite him laying out a good case that no matter the era, no matter the amount of black players, there aren't many black pitchers, the explanations run from them being too good at other stuff to some version of white racism. Comments from posters here would be welcome.

Steve Sailer at the unz.com site has blogged: Why are there so few black pitchers? As usual he doesn't touch on the subject that perhaps they might not be any good at it, though some of the commenters do. Despite him laying out a good case that no matter the era, no matter the amount of black players, there aren't many black pitchers, the explanations run from them being too good at other stuff to some version of white racism. Comments from posters here would be welcome.


I waded through about 30 comments, and they were as clueless as Steve remains after all these years of "studying" the subject. Stevie writes:
"Anyway, what’s going on with pitchers is a couple of thing: - Black Americans aren’t very interested in baseball anymore because they are obsessed with basketball and football, both of which also reward height the way pitching does. . ." blah blah blah

The "blacks just aren't interested" line should be a national punch line of derision by now. It's ridiculous and even "racist" to say that all 15 million black males in the U.S. are interested in football and basketball and only football and basketball. I mean it's completely believable that no blacks are "interested" in making upwards of $25 million a year to start a couple dozen or so baseball games annually while basically getting the other 340 days off.

It's amazing that Sailer, and apparently very few of his supposedly "politically incorrect" minions, are capable of observing White superiority in hand-eye coordination, consistency, stamina, and a host of other factors when it comes to baseball and other sports. All most can do is cite black speed as a one-size-fits-all perspective for everything. With 236 comments on there already, piping in at this point with some clarity seems like a lost cause.

Looking at the history of blacks in MLB going back to Jackie Robinson until now, other than a brief glory period in the '60s, blacks at best are only as good as Whites at hitting and fielding, and clearly considerably worse at pitching. It's a shame that even in this year of "trumpening" so many remain stuck on false narratives when it comes to the Big Lie of black athletic superiority.
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I waded through about 30 comments, and they were as clueless as Steve remains after all these years of "studying" the subject. Stevie writes:
"Anyway, what’s going on with pitchers is a couple of thing: - Black Americans aren’t very interested in baseball anymore because they are obsessed with basketball and football, both of which also reward height the way pitching does. . ." blah blah blah

The "blacks just aren't interested" line should be a national punch line of derision by now. It's ridiculous and even "racist" to say that all 15 million black males in the U.S. are interested in football and basketball and only football and basketball. I mean it's completely believable that no blacks are "interested" in making upwards of $25 million a year to start a couple dozen or so baseball games annually while basically getting the other 340 days off.

It's amazing that Sailer, and apparently very few of his supposedly "politically incorrect" minions, are capable of observing White superiority in hand-eye coordination, consistency, stamina, and a host of other factors when it comes to baseball and other sports. All most can do is cite black speed as a one-size-fits-all perspective for everything. With 236 comments on there already, piping in at this point with some clarity seems like a lost cause.

Looking at the history of blacks in MLB going back to Jackie Robinson until now, other than a brief glory period in the '60s, blacks at best are only as good as Whites at hitting and fielding, and clearly considerably worse at pitching. It's a shame that even in this year of "trumpening" so many remain stuck on false narratives when it comes to the Big Lie of black athletic superiority.

I did about the same thing: I read even less than 30 comments and realized it was useless to try to state any points of fact that would have an impact on the discussion -there being such a wave of dizziness coming through among the posters it seems like a crowd of drunks babbling on at a party.
Every year we have to deal with this crap. So sick of hearing blacks and libtard whites whining and complaining about the lack of blacks in baseball. Cold hard facts: they're not good enough!

Yes a lot of blacks(13% population) prefer football and basketball over Americas past time. Yes blacks also account for 53% murder rate in this country. Maybe if less blacks gangbanged and shot each other up in our once great big cities there would be more blacks available to bring magical upside to the sport. Also blacks are not fading from baseball If anything number of black Hispanics in baseball is at an all time high. Funny how people can acknowledge lack of black pitchers but they can't pull their heads out of their assess and realize the lack of diversity in NFL. No white skill players. For that matter zero Asians or Hispanic players. Now to me that's blatantly racist!
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Will this bs ever end? The new commissioner Rob Manfred just announced that he will see to it that black participation in the MLB will increase and will use various resources to achieve his goal. For sure Jackie Robinson is the most important American black sports pioneer and is universally recognized and admired as such but enough is enough. Not only have they turned the symbol of Jackie Robinson into an everlasting fetish every season the sport can't stop bitching about this so called low number of blacks playing in the baseball. Not to mention this whole manufactured uproar is built on a lie that MLB can't stop pushing. In last years draft 25% of the players drafted were black. That is the highest total in 25 years. So stop right there ******* in charge Manfred. Why even bring the subject up after that spike in numbers? Over 8 % of current MLB players are black but if you add in another 27% of foreign players, many who are black by the way but not counted as such, you have 36% of the MLB composed of non white players. That seems pretty damn diverse to me. But hell no that doesn't seem to cut it for some reason. If you dig a little deeper you realize the whole argument put forth about lack of blacks is pretty bogus. If you were to take pitchers and catchers out of the mix, many of whom (middle relief pitchers, back up catchers) sort of resemble what a place kicker represents in football, then the number of non white players does not seem all that low. But I will take that a step further. The glamour positions of SS and CF are manned overwhelmingly by blacks, black/Hispanic and or Hispanics. If one were to break down white skill position players that play the outfield or SS what the numbers truly reveal is that whites are the players being under represented not blacks. When you think about the sheer mass of numbers of white college and minor leaguers who play those positions who never get a sniff of the majors then the real number crunching story tale of the tape begs the question why are there so few whites playing these positions in the Major Leagues? That is the real question of the day. Not this whiny crying bitching moaning about "lack of blacks" in MLB. Like Celtic said, every year we have to deal with this crap and crap is what it is folks.
MLB is losing blacks because they're all locked up, dead, or already playing in NFL or NBA. In most major cities as much as a quarter of black men aged 18-35 are considered missing because they're locked up or dead! There are only so many American blacks that's why they've ramped up African immigration last ten or so years!
Will this bs ever end? The new commissioner Rob Manfred just announced that he will see to it that black participation in the MLB will increase and will use various resources to achieve his goal. For sure Jackie Robinson is the most important American black sports pioneer and is universally recognized and admired as such but enough is enough. Not only have they turned the symbol of Jackie Robinson into an everlasting fetish every season the sport can't stop bitching about this so called low number of blacks playing in the baseball. Not to mention this whole manufactured uproar is built on a lie that MLB can't stop pushing. In last years draft 25% of the players drafted were black. That is the highest total in 25 years. So stop right there ******* in charge Manfred. Why even bring the subject up after that spike in numbers? Over 8 % of current MLB players are black but if you add in another 27% of foreign players, many who are black by the way but not counted as such, you have 36% of the MLB composed of non white players. That seems pretty damn diverse to me. But hell no that doesn't seem to cut it for some reason. If you dig a little deeper you realize the whole argument put forth about lack of blacks is pretty bogus. If you were to take pitchers and catchers out of the mix, many of whom (middle relief pitchers, back up catchers) sort of resemble what a place kicker represents in football, then the number of non white players does not seem all that low. But I will take that a step further. The glamour positions of SS and CF are manned overwhelmingly by blacks, black/Hispanic and or Hispanics. If one were to break down white skill position players that play the outfield or SS what the numbers truly reveal is that whites are the players being under represented not blacks. When you think about the sheer mass of numbers of white college and minor leaguers who play those positions who never get a sniff of the majors then the real number crunching story tale of the tape begs the question why are there so few whites playing these positions in the Major Leagues? That is the real question of the day. Not this whiny crying bitching moaning about "lack of blacks" in MLB. Like Celtic said, every year we have to deal with this crap and crap is what it is folks.
I remember in the late 70's very few Whites played the outfield and the few that did were basically journeymen or fading veterans. Aside from Richie Zisk and Fred Lynn I can't recall an other star outfielder from that time period in the AL, there were some star middle infielders like Patek and Belanger. The NL because of the no dh rule forced teams to play less agile guys who could hit for power but were defensively poor like Luzinski and Kingman.

Ps Guys like Palmeiro and Gonzo are considered White in Cuba, it's only America where ethnic pandering for minority status forces people like this to associate themselves with an "oppressed" minority group.
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