I waded through about 30 comments, and they were as clueless as Steve remains after all these years of "studying" the subject. Stevie writes:
"Anyway, what’s going on with pitchers is a couple of thing: - Black Americans aren’t very interested in baseball anymore because they are obsessed with basketball and football, both of which also reward height the way pitching does. . ." blah blah blah
The "blacks just aren't interested" line should be a national punch line of derision by now. It's ridiculous and even "racist" to say that all 15 million black males in the U.S. are interested in football and basketball and only football and basketball. I mean it's completely believable that no blacks are "interested" in making upwards of $25 million a year to start a couple dozen or so baseball games annually while basically getting the other 340 days off.
It's amazing that Sailer, and apparently very few of his supposedly "politically incorrect" minions, are capable of observing White superiority in hand-eye coordination, consistency, stamina, and a host of other factors when it comes to baseball and other sports. All most can do is cite black speed as a one-size-fits-all perspective for everything. With 236 comments on there already, piping in at this point with some clarity seems like a lost cause.
Looking at the history of blacks in MLB going back to Jackie Robinson until now, other than a brief glory period in the '60s, blacks at best are only as good as Whites at hitting and fielding, and clearly considerably worse at pitching. It's a shame that even in this year of "trumpening" so many remain stuck on false narratives when it comes to the Big Lie of black athletic superiority.