Black teen shot by white neighborhood watchman

"Zimmerman was bleeding from the nose and back of his head, a police report says."

They've got that info in tiny letters only in the sidebar. I knew there had to be more to it. The Jewsmedia tried to make it out that a precious Negro "honor student" was just arbitrarily murdered by an evil white Klansman.

Everyone here knows the score. Millions upon millions of the most savage black on white crimes are always ignored by the media, but anytime they can concoct something to use against the hated white goyim they'll make it international news, and every two bit politician from Soetoro-Obama on up will be shedding its crocodile tears and demanding more Hate Laws.
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The Zimmerman clan are already planting seeds in a potential juries head with the multiracial Latino angle. Of course lower class Blacks really don't see Latinos that look Mestizo any different than Whites. I have seen this enough on police shows where the aggrieved Black screams out that the Latino policeman was close enough to White......
Zimmerman was bleeding from the nose and back of his head, a police report says. Was he attacked by the negro?

"Zimmerman's family has denied race played any role. Martin was African-American; Zimmerman is Latino."

"In a statement to the Orlando Sentinel, Zimmerman's father says his son grew up in a multiracial family."
I don't buy any of the crap from the media. Did anyone see the pictures the media is showing of this Trayvon Martin. All of them must be from when he as 12 or 13 years old. More bull to make it look like he was just an "innocent little kid." I've read the kid was kicked out of school for fighting.
There's a petition demanding Zimmerman's arrest, it has over 500,000 signatures.

Why can't white people stand up for each other? When a white person is a victim of black crime, there's no outcry like this.

Dempsey, a large portion of those signatures are from whites. So not only do whites not stick together, but a large part of them are race-traitors as well. Most of the comments from whites on news websites about this article are in support of the negro. Once the media and blacks mentioned this incident could possibly be "racial" the brainwashed drunk white liberals caved in. That makes me more angry than anything.

Supposedly now their black affirmative action lawyer has a witness that was on the phone with Trayvon Martin when Zimmerman approached him. She apparrently heard him push Martin. That's a good one. LOL! Another magic witness to push their lies.
"So not only do whites not stick together, but a large part of them are race-traitors as well..."

Does the white race in the west even deserve to survive?

"the media is showing of this Trayvon Martin. All of them must be from when he as 12 or 13 years old."

Are they calling him an "honor student" yet?
Except Zimmerman is Hispanic but many media outlets are still calling him "white" and I guess that's what he's considered by many.
Zimmerman is considered "White" only because it involves a potential "hate" crime. If Zimmerman were applying for financial aid for college or a college scholarship he'd be considered "Hispanic" and if he were physically attacked by an unambiguous White person he would be considered "Hispanic" and the attack labeled a "hate" crime.

EDIT: Just watched Ramzpaul's take on this. It's amazingly similar to what I just wrote.
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"So not only do whites not stick together, but a large part of them are race-traitors as well..."

Does the white race in the west even deserve to survive?

"the media is showing of this Trayvon Martin. All of them must be from when he as 12 or 13 years old."

Are they calling him an "honor student" yet?

How did you know? Seriously, they said he was an A and B student but I've heard he was kicked out of school for fighting. The mystery witness all of a sudden wants to talk. Yeah Right!

From reading comments on websites it seems as every black in the country is calling for violence against Zimmerman and whites.
The media NEVER mentions the fact that the innocent black "kid" (with only skittles on him) sucker punching Mr. Zimmerman. Bill O'Reilly had a segment on this case and neither he or his "is it legal" analysts mentions the assault. This is why so many lemmings are siding with the media's biased agenda.
The media NEVER mentions the fact that the innocent black "kid" (with only skittles on him) sucker punching Mr. Zimmerman. Bill O'Reilly had a segment on this case and neither he or his "is it legal" analysts mentions the assault. This is why so many lemmings are siding with the media's biased agenda.

Zimmerman is now a marked man regardless. Blacks care nothing for human life so if he's not charged they will take revenge into their own hands. I expect him to be charged only because of the threats of violence from the black community. Pretty soon it will be illegal to protect ourselves from violent black criminals.
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Al Sharpton is a hyprocrite, in 2007 he defended 54 year old John White for his shooting of an unarmed white teen in New York; now suddenly the roles are reversed and he's calling for this man to be given the death penality.
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probably the mestizo bastard tought the black kid stoled something and asked and told something in a parpanoid manner the black kid punched like 50% of blacks and maybe 10-15% of white in such occasions which is ok.Becuase the mestizo bastard has a white germanic name in stead of a white spanish name people see him as white.It is rare to have a name from your ancestor becuase names are very old and consideable of men that think to be the farther aren't the father taking in that the name comes from 16 generations ago or so.theretically you can already have a germanic name because of adoption, some fake father tought he was the farther way back, or when it is ancestor at least till 16 generations ago it is minimum 2/2 etc( till 15) 0.001% german.
How did you know? Seriously, they said he was an A and B student but I've heard he was kicked out of school for fighting. The mystery witness all of a sudden wants to talk. Yeah Right!

From reading comments on websites it seems as every black in the country is calling for violence against Zimmerman and whites.

"How did you know?"

S.O.P. Here you see the enemy-controlled mass media in action trying to incite the blacks to riot and commit even more violent crimes. Countless millions of the most vicious black on white crimes and they don't breathe a word - but their beady little eyes are always on the lookout for something that they can use as a weapon against the hated white goyim.

"How did you know?"

S.O.P. Here you see the enemy-controlled mass media in action trying to incite the blacks to riot and commit even more violent crimes. Countless millions of the most vicious black on white crimes and they don't breathe a word - but their beady little eyes are always on the lookout for something that they can use as a weapon against the hated white goyim.
I hope the media can work blacks into mass violence. Only when it hits every white family in America will they start fighting back...
After seeing his picture how can any one count this Zimmerman as a white man? He clearly is not a white man. I wonder how most blacks see him. The media seems to be insisting he's a white man, so who are the blacks going to believe, the media or their lying eyes?

If this situation were to develop into mass violence from the blacks, they will be better off targeting whites, because few will care, and so many are pussified little bitches nowadays anyways. They make me sick.

If the blacks were to go after the mestizos, the Mexicans et al would fight back viciously and tear the blacks a new *******.
After seeing his picture how can any one count this Zimmerman as a white man? He clearly is not a white man. I wonder how most blacks see him. The media seems to be insisting he's a white man, so who are the blacks going to believe, the media or their lying eyes?

If this situation were to develop into mass violence from the blacks, they will be better off targeting whites, because few will care, and so many are pussified little bitches nowadays anyways. They make me sick.

If the blacks were to go after the mestizos, the Mexicans et al would fight back viciously and tear the blacks a new *******.

He's half white I believe. Mexican mother and a white(possibly German) father. Zimmerman will most likely end up jail.
The blacks are demanding the police chief resign. He's temporarily stepped down, meaning he's taking a vacation, in hopes that Zimmerman is charged by other authorities and then he can return to work like nothing happened.
After seeing his picture how can any one count this Zimmerman as a white man? He clearly is not a white man. I wonder how most blacks see him. The media seems to be insisting he's a white man, so who are the blacks going to believe, the media or their lying eyes?

If this situation were to develop into mass violence from the blacks, they will be better off targeting whites, because few will care, and so many are pussified little bitches nowadays anyways. They make me sick.

If the blacks were to go after the mestizos, the Mexicans et al would fight back viciously and tear the blacks a new *******.
A reporter called Zimmerman a "Latino" for the first time today.
Guess the media are seeing that even blacks are not stupid enough to buy Zimmerman as white.
A reporter called Zimmerman a "Latino" for the first time today.
Guess the media are seeing that even blacks are not stupid enough to buy Zimmerman as white.

Guys, like I've stated before, Zimmerman has a Mexican mother and likely a white father. He certainly doesn't look white but after the fathers letter to the newspaper the media has been labeling him as "Latino."

I take a lot of issue with these cases because of the blatant racism against whites by the media and blacks especially. The media should be held accountable for race riots if they do occur because they are instigators. Al Sharpton and all his cronies should be jailed for life as well.
oh my god:icon_rolleyes:


LeBron James posted this team photo on his Twitter page with the hashtag #WeAreTrayvonMartin.
How many whites (and other non-blacks) have been robbed, raped and/or murdered by black racists in hoodies. Makes me happy I boycott the racist NBA.

This is indeed BRA - Black Run America.
Start rioting already!!! Man black people are a lot more lazy then they were when I was younger, back then they'd burn down a city at the drop of a hat. What are they waiting for!!! A brother's been shot, how often does that happen???? They got to practice what's going to be happening when obama's voted out and the Bridge cards aren't getting loaded.