Black QBs in the NFL

Extra Point, Sir, they can ban criticism all they want. But it's always there and like water, always finds it's way to an open space. Whether it's literally banned like Stalin did or just quasi banned like we have at this point, in the end, it always comes to the fore.


A good analogy.
I heard one liberal trying to get his fellow Pol-Potists to deny the realities of human biodiversity even when blacks were better at something. He said that it would help "their cause" more to say "We're all the same. Kenyans and Ethiopians win marathons because they work harder" rather than "Kenyans and Ethiopians have a genetic advantage in running marathons." And of course when whites were better at something they would cry racism.

I like the term "Pol-Potist."

Another good term is "Stalinist."
hehe, at least it would make sense!

is it for real? are they really going to do this? start him AGAIN? it's not like he's had a few mistakes or a couple of subpar games... last game statline: 4/10, 29 yards, 1 INT

check out his 5 last games, for that matter:

Sun 12/1
L 3-234102940.02.9012011.68.3122.020
Sun 11/24
L 3-1992212740.95.7730023.822.3362.050
Sun 11/17
L 14-3782310334.84.4838030.710.1100.000
Sun 11/3
W 26-2081911542.16.05440014.862.46183.061
Sun 10/27
L 9-49203015966.75.3026024.151.9284.050

PS his last TD pass came in week... 7

Dang that's Tavarisal or Jamarcusial bad quotabacking. Too bad they didn't have a guy on the bench with some experience, like in a playoff run or leading teams to big comebacks, but the Jets never sign that kind of guy.
Dang that's Tavarisal or Jamarcusial bad quotabacking. Too bad they didn't have a guy on the bench with some experience, like in a playoff run or leading teams to big comebacks, but the Jets never sign that kind of guy.
If you take a look at the last five games for Smiff and for Terreblle Pryor, it's morbidly humorous. Both of these guys are denying a qualified white man a shot at the position.
All the DWFs have been saying how Gabbert and Weeden are two of the worst quarterbacks in the league. I have yet to hear that kind of criticism about Geno Smiff who is probably the the worst QB I have seen play. This is a guy who last year all the experts pegged as being the first overall pick in the draft - he stinks, its plain and simple. His treatment is all one should need to take note of when acknowledging the existence of the caste system.
I have heard a few commentators inexplicably say Pryor is "better" than McGlown. How does Jimmy Clausen's rookie season stack up against the immortal Smiff? Somehow I think he'll get just a bit more of an opportunity to prove himself than Clausen.

Tebow at his worst put up better passing stats than Pryor and Smiff. The black quarterback crusade is the most obvious part of all the corruption in this league.
I have heard a few commentators inexplicably say Pryor is "better" than McGlown. How does Jimmy Clausen's rookie season stack up against the immortal Smiff? Somehow I think he'll get just a bit more of an opportunity to prove himself than Clausen.

Tebow at his worst put up better passing stats than Pryor and Smiff. The black quarterback crusade is the most obvious part of all the corruption in this league.

They are a disgrace to their line of work. Mcgloin has given oakland a chance to win games he has started whereas pryor is so predictable when he passes he is practically a running back.
If you take a look at the last five games for Smiff and for Terreblle Pryor, it's morbidly humorous. Both of these guys are denying a qualified white man a shot at the position.

"Terrebblle Pryor", hilarious! I will use that one! I don't know why some people don't like CF's nicknames for the universes greatest athletes, they are spot on accurate.
With 8 of 32 starting quarterbacks being black quarterbacks at the beginning of the season, and some weeks seeing as many as 10 black quarterbacks, the good news is that last week 26 of the 32 quarterbacks were white. Of the 6 black quarterbacks, three of them - Geno Smiff, Robert Griffin, and E.J. Manuel - are the three worst in the league and have no business being in the NFL. Cam Newton would rank below average - maybe not bottom 10, but definitely below average. The Panthers are being carried by their defense. Kaepernick is middle of the pack. Russell Wilson is the only black quarterback that can honestly be described as good. It's also interesting that the two best "black" quarterbacks are actually mulattoes. The Great Black QB Hope has turned out, as we predicted, to be a flop, an empty shell, and a DWF fantasy.

Smiff, Griffin, and Manuel would certainly lose their jobs if they were white. No question.
Currently there are 6 black starters out of 32 teams in the NFL. That means that 19% of NFL quarterbacks are black.

Blacks are 12% of the general population. That means that blacks are overrepresented as NFL starters.

The anti-whites claim that blacks are being discriminated against at the quarterback position. This is a lie. Black quarterbacks are given preferential treatment in the NFL.

The overrepresentation of black quarterbacks in the NFL is an example of black privilege.
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Currently there are 6 black starters out of 32 teams in the NFL. That means that 23% of NFL quarterbacks are black.

Blacks are 12% of the general population. That means that blacks are overrepresented as NFL starters.

The anti-whites claim that blacks are being discriminated against at the quarterback position. This is a lie. Black quarterbacks are given preferential treatment in the NFL.

The overrepresentation of black quarterbacks in the NFL is an example of black privilege.

That would be 18 percent, Extrapoint. Still overrepresented though.
That would be 18 percent, Extrapoint. Still overrepresented though.

Oops. You're right.

I incorrectly calculated 6 out of 26 when I should have calculated 6 out of 32, which comes to 18.75%.

They're still overrepresented, as whiteathlete said.
18% isn't such an egregious number if that 18% earned their positions and played consistently well. Only Wilson has played at a high level for the entire season whereas Kaepernick and Newton have only played well off and on. On any given week, you have, at most, 3 black quarterbacks who look like they belong on the field.
Also, out of the approximately 30 Super Bowl winning quarterbacks, 1 was black. They have a long way to go to achieve over-representation in that category.
It's the old 'anonymous NFL executive' meme to give Smiff a boost:

And the familiar line:

"Geno is struggling, but he still has the higher ceiling and starting potential."

I wonder what would happen if anyone dared speak the truth, as in Smiff does not belong in an NFL roster. They would be accused of racism and fired from their job.
Geno Smiff makes Wilson's success all the more palatable. I wouldn't mind a half way decent black qb once in a while if you also have the hysterically bad Smiff to make up for it. I haven't enjoyed watching the Jets this much in a long time.
18% isn't such an egregious number if that 18% earned their positions and played consistently well. Only Wilson has played at a high level for the entire season whereas Kaepernick and Newton have only played well off and on. On any given week, you have, at most, 3 black quarterbacks who look like they belong on the field.

Agree 100%.

-Geno Smith shouldn't even be in the league. Period.
-The whole Pryor thing was a joke in Oakland.
-Griffin, by and large, looks like back-up material at best.
-EJ Manuel certainly hasn't given any reason to be excited about the future in Buffalo.
-Jason Campbell is much better than any of the dopes listed above, but still only backup quality.
-Vick could possibly still start, but would be average to poor, at best.
-Kaepernick benefits from being on a great team, yet still very inconsistent.
-Carolina's recent success has more to do with great defense, and less to do with Cam Newton. I mean, kudos I guess to Cam for not screwing things up, but yeah, its the defense.
-Russell Wilson is a legit starting quarterback, but only about 12th-13th best in the league. certainly not elite/MVP, which he is being hyped.
Ive watched some Carolina footage recently, it looks like they sat Cam down to watch how most black quarterbacks have managed to look decent at times, must have had a lot of David Garrard footage. Where as in the past 2 years he would take more shots down the field (resulting in a bunch of turnovers), he is now just dinking and dunking. It might be a 3 or 4 yard gain by the back, a 6 yard pass to Tolbert or a tight end and then a Cam run up the gut for a yard or two. It keeps the defense fresh, but I don't think they can make it through the playoffs.

hes only cracked 250+ passing yards twice this year, with one game over 300 yards and he threw 0 tds and 3 interceptions in that game, so far this season, 19 tds and 11 interceptions. Way to go Cam? This is "revolutionizing" the position.

when he does go deep its usually Steve Smith making a ridiculous catch to bail him out (guy played with no heart while Clausen started), an interception, or have it fall through the hands of Ginn 1 out of 3 times.
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Agree 100%.

-Geno Smith shouldn't even be in the league. Period.
-The whole Pryor thing was a joke in Oakland.
-Griffin, by and large, looks like back-up material at best.
-EJ Manuel certainly hasn't given any reason to be excited about the future in Buffalo.
-Jason Campbell is much better than any of the dopes listed above, but still only backup quality.
-Vick could possibly still start, but would be average to poor, at best.
-Kaepernick benefits from being on a great team, yet still very inconsistent.
-Carolina's recent success has more to do with great defense, and less to do with Cam Newton. I mean, kudos I guess to Cam for not screwing things up, but yeah, its the defense.
-Russell Wilson is a legit starting quarterback, but only about 12th-13th best in the league. certainly not elite/MVP, which he is being hyped.

Really, only Wilson, $cam, and maybe Kaepernick are legit starters. Campbell is a legit backup, as is Griffin, and the rest are jokes. Vick is a possible backup, but is going downhill fast. Smith, Manuel, Pryor, and Freeman are affirmative action personified. Since we've been fed this crap for 30 years, where are the black QBs in their early 30s? Guys who have lived their whole lives with the NFL and the media spewing this garbage. Where is the black ... Eli Manning or Ben Roethlisberger or Carson Palmer even Jay Cutler?
Ive watched some Carolina footage recently, it looks like they sat Cam down to watch how most black quarterbacks have managed to look decent at times, must have had a lot of David Garrard footage. Where as in the past 2 years he would take more shots down the field (resulting in a bunch of turnovers), he is now just dinking and dunking. It might be a 3 or 4 yard gain by the back, a 6 yard pass to Tolbert or a tight end and then a Cam run up the gut for a yard or two. It keeps the defense fresh, but I don't think they can make it through the playoffs.

hes only cracked 250+ passing yards twice this year, with one game over 300 yards and he threw 0 tds and 3 interceptions in that game, so far this season, 19 tds and 11 interceptions. Way to go Cam? This is "revolutionizing" the position.

when he does go deep its usually Steve Smith making a ridiculous catch to bail him out (guy played with no heart while Clausen started), an interception, or have it fall through the hands of Ginn 1 out of 3 times.

dwid, Cam Newton is also one of the luckiest QB's ever. I've watched Carolina some in the last 3 years and I've never seen so many dropped interceptions of balls thrown by a QB. During the Patriot/Panther game, Cam threw at least 2 balls maybe 3, that could have been intercepted. If just one had been intercepted, I think New England wins.

I know mistakes are a part of the game, but he seems to get a lot breaks that go his way. I guess it could be good news for him if it continues.
[QUOTEquarterback na Speed;291679]dwid, Cam Newton is also one of the luckiest QB's ever. I've watched Carolina some in the last 3 years and I've never seen so many dropped interceptions of balls thrown by a QB. During the Patriot/Panther game, Cam threw at least 2 balls maybe 3, that could have been intercepted. If just one had been intercepted, I think New England wins.

I know mistakes are a part of the game, but he seems to get a lot breaks that go his way. I guess it could be good news for him if it continues.[/QUOTE]

Every quarterback benefits from drops now days. Cam may be luckier than most and I don't doubt it, but DB's simply can't catch these days. In the Houston Jacksonville debacle there could have been at least a couple more int's.
dwid, Cam Newton is also one of the luckiest QB's ever. I've watched Carolina some in the last 3 years and I've never seen so many dropped interceptions of balls thrown by a QB. During the Patriot/Panther game, Cam threw at least 2 balls maybe 3, that could have been intercepted. If just one had been intercepted, I think New England wins.

I know mistakes are a part of the game, but he seems to get a lot breaks that go his way. I guess it could be good news for him if it continues.

thats where that rocket arm comes in so handy, dbs who aren't known for good hands in the first place have bad throws bounce off their hands because it hurts. Haha, i think thats what might contribute to the myth of blacks having rocket arms, they tend to put no touch on short to intermediate routes, slinging as hard as they can, I remember this being a problem all the way back to Aaron Brooks.
Haha, i think thats what might contribute to the myth of blacks having rocket arms, they tend to put no touch on short to intermediate routes, slinging as hard as they can, I remember this being a problem all the way back to Aaron Brooks.

I too remember brooks throwing Joe Horn, and them some bullets from just 6 or 7 yards away. That guy was one of the longest failed experiments in NFL history.
Aaron Brooks - that guy was a joke - I despised those Haslett led Saints teams of the early 00s. Geno Smiff has the upside to be even worse than Brooks though which is saying something.
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